Avatar of VirgoDrago


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5 days ago
Current "Life is all about resolve. Outcome is secondary. It is resolve that determines the value of your life." - Waka {Okami.}


18+ | CDT-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1 - Openish?

Howdy, The name is VirgoDrago or V.D. to my close internet friends around a few platform like SpaceBattle or Discord. I've been role playing for almost five years since the COVID Pandemic around the year of 2020, since then. I've made a ton of valuable memories and friends throughout those five years while creating some of the most proudest moment within my roleplaying career yet I'd like to refine my skills as a roleplayer to ensure the best high-quality content to my friends in the other platforms.

So I had decided to join the Roleplayer Gulid thanks to a suggestion from a good friend of mines in Discord. This place seems the perfect place for me to truly refine my rping skills and Grammar as best as I can.

There is a few things about me that you may wanna know!

Things to Know about V.D.
  • I'm someone who can be really invested in a good story, if there may be a chance that I can reach the best possible ending for my oc and the characters that I've come to love and enjoy, I'll read and use every ounce of information from your posts to locate any hidden secret or lore to decide the best course of actions.
  • I really do enjoy a good-ending, whatever it's earned or whatnot. Still love it regardless, this is due to me being really tired of dark or edgy fictional media with explicit violence in recent times. Something that I don't really like much when I was growing up around the early 2010s, this is why I probably loved fictional stories like Okami, Zach Bell, Trigun, Bleach or Jujutsu Kaisen. Both of them balances their company with heart-felt moments that made you wanna cry and roots for these characters as they're going through the toughest challenge in their life, it's incredible and wonderful to see.
  • I really enjoy some positivity in fictional media through I can easily understand why some fictional story has to depart with some harsh-messaging to its reader, it's to help encourage them to be better or don't repeat the mistakes of the Past. I can easily respect that but as someone who does value some positivity and optimism in the world, I do appreciate some good positive or deep-meaning messages from time to time.

But yeah. I am sorta an emotional goofball who can easily get attached to some lovable characters in fictional media while still appreciating the positivity and messages of their story and creators. Even through I'll become a college freshman by next year, I wanna take the time that I currently have with my Gap-Year to improve myself.

So I'd normally replied around the weekend or somewhere around the weekday when I ain't distracted with IRL's stuff or other roleplaying site. But that's all about me, thanks for reading my bio.

Just remember this... Memory is the Key.

Most Recent Posts

In Howdy! 16 days ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hey, The Name is VirgoDrago or V.D for short. I've been role playing for more then four years now through the uses of Discord and very recently Spacebattle, I wanted to continue refining my skills as an roleplayer so I had decided to join this lovingly site to continue striving to further enhance my skills as a writer and a roleplayer too.

Just know that I am a lot more active in Discord and Spacebattle so if I haven't pop up from time to time, its either mean that I am distracted in life considering that I am in a young period right now or focusing on other stuffs like my writing group and more. That's all I had to say really, If you have any questions or something along the lines, tell me. I'll wait.
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