Avatar of Visyn


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10 mos ago
Current Ahh depression while finding out you're being ghosted. <3 the best
10 mos ago
That feel when you’re craving a super specific RP..
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12 mos ago
I wish there was a search bar to search for things I 've previously said in the PMs; so I can reference things in the RP for the RP.. Just me? Got it.
12 mos ago
If I'm slow to reply, it's cause I'm working on my IRL store things I need to do to get it up and running. <3
12 mos ago
Happy birthday to me! 3/20!


Heyo! Lovely Azure Dragon here!

I've been roleplaying for 15+ years, and haven't stopped. Absolutely love it!

I'm pretty adaptable, except I struggle with super duper long posts.
3rd person is my go to, as to me, it gives more freedom of description.
I've roleplayed most genres, but my favorites involve romance with supernatural conflicts, as well as fantasy!

No interests yet, but should be soon! Hit me up if you're interested! I love plot discussing!

My downtime is usually between 1am-9am EST. My UTC is UTC -5. If I’m offline any other time, I’ve gone into town.


Most Recent Posts

In The Seven 10 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Ooooh. I liiike that. Yes yes! Okie! I'll write my character sheet out, can't guarantee it'll be out otnight though. XD That's a lot of info!
In The Seven 10 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Mmm. mmm. Hmm. This is hard! Hahaha, I'm usually pretty good at making new characters.

I'm know I kind of play a better.. harsher, flirty, crazy person.. so.. hmm.
In The Seven 10 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Seee, this is why I asked first instead of just making a character. I very much had just.. an oblivious character in mind.. like "pure" being a straightforward word ahhahahaha.
In The Seven 10 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*hesitantly raises hand* Uhm.. I like the idea of playing a pure character.. aka Chastity? But I've only done one other Group RP. xD

Roxas looked up to everyone huddling around before still applying the pressure to stop the bleeding. "He's still bleeding. I have pretty much no mana, so if we encounter anyone else heavily wounded.. I can only apply medical knowledge. We haven't stopped to recover since the last fight. I wouldn't even be able to produce the basic healing if I wanted."

She looked up to Gray. "I'm open to suggestions, but I cant leave him and that means I can't go with you to look for others. So.." She left the option to the group, looking back to the bleeding.

Roxas grabbed Vesemir's hand, making him drop his cane and had him put pressure on the wound that was seeping blood from the man's chest. She took a deep breath before shaking her hands of access blood and then rummaging in her side pouch. She pulled out a couple items and then reached over and ripped at Dimitri's shirt. "I'll repair it if you live." She mumbled to herself.

She leaned over him, and moved her hand to feel around on his chest. The blood made it slick, but from the books she read, this should be easy. She grabbed a small knife from her pouch and cut into him. She then moved the piece she grabbed earlier and slid it into the slice a little forcefully. She waited for a moment, til the heard the hissing of the air leaving.

A relief of breath sounded and then she was going back to the wound on his chest, knowing the air would be fine for a moment. She moved Vesemir's hands to slid her fingers into the wound to see if she can feel if there was any punctures she needed to close.
bumping <3

Roxas looked over as she had been healing, seeing the now spider monstrosity. Her attention was grabbed as Vesemir came over. She nodded, her healing mostly done anyway. She stood, and promptly pulled Dimitri over her shoulders, much like you would if carrying someone out of a burning building.

She moved after Vesemir when she nodded him to continue. She could carry one more just fine. She needed to clear any obstacles for the others to be able to use their full strength. Once out of the way, she yelled back; "CLEAR!" Letting them know they were out of crossfire.

She set the man down then, and pulled out a small carving from her belted pouch. She clipped it onto Dimitri quickly, then held out her hands to the ground. She took a deep breath and then, from her feet a circle stretched out and out til it stopped. She knelt down then and went to further asses Dimitri's wounds, and if needed, applied bandages.

Her circle wouldn't falter for three minutes, so if anything came close that didn't have her carvings, would get some serious gashes.

Roxas stumbled after them as they moved to follow the trail. She looked up, brows furrowed as she watched a few crowd over a man. Her brows lifted as she promptly watched the man get up and stumble away.

“What the..” She swiftly moved forward, pushing throw Grey and Vesemir before running over to the man. She grabbed her short sword and smacked the poor man’s head with the butt of it. She watched him crumple to the ground, then glared at the group for a moment. She moved back over and laid her hand on his chest and started healing the man. “Be hopeful no one else is this wounded..”

She was letting them know she didn’t have a ton of mana left.

At the sound of screaming, Roxas moved over to the man and leaned over. She held her hand out and hovered it before setting it on his hand and glowing. Maybe her magic will help ease him, even a little. If not, he may need to be out to sleep, which she could do, but.. it’d be a little more violent than she would want. “It’s okay.”

She glanced up as the leader started to wander off. Shoot! Should she stay here and secure everything or go with the group.
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