@Inuyasha Basically the party has gotten through training and were shipped out to the coast of Romania to prepare the ground for a larger Byzantine force. So far that's not going great, since there is a very large enemy forward force in the area. Right now the party is regrouping, so what I'll probably do is have you lead one of the patrols the Captain is rerouting in the area and go from there. If you're feeling particularly eager to start, you can make a post describing how you joined/went through training/arrived or something and I'll go off that, but its no big deal.
"Our Liege, the Duke of Brittony, has charged us with a grand Quest to rival the tales of old!" —Ser Giles de Cerneau, Knight of the Duke's Household
The Dukedom of Brittony is only a small peninsula, jutting out the side of the much larger landmass that makes up the powerful Kingdom of Gaulle, but it is one of the most influential demesnes on the continent. Its industry is nearly equal to that of Gaulle, its banks and merchant guilds some of the largest and most powerful in the land, and its noble court famous from war-torn Hispania to the Imperial lands in Thraecia.
The Duke of Brittony and the King of Gaulle have long been at odds with one another. The latter views Brittony as nothing more but a rightful extension of his realm, his avarice only multipled by the great wealth of the Dukedom. On the other hand, the Dukes of Brittony have fiercely protected their independence for generations, all the way back to the times when the Old Empire held dominion over most of Gaulle.
Their latest feud concerns the Duke of Brittony's betrothal to the daughter of the Count of Savoy, a rich and powerful lord to the south of Gaulle, near Italia. The King of Gaulle has held ambitions of marrying his son to the Savoyard Princess, and had made several very expensive diplomatic overtures to that end. Thus her betrothal to a different lord, and none other than the Duke of Brittony, represents an intolerable insult to the Gaullish King and his dynasty.
Now word has reached the Duke's court that his would-be bride has been intercepted on her way to Brest, the capital of Brittony, by agents of the King of Gaulle, and is now being held in the royal Gaullic court of Lutecia. Rumour has it that the King plans on forcibly marrying the Princess and his son as soon as the latter is of age.
This is where your tale begins. As a prestigious, well-respected member of the Duke's court, you have been charged by his Grace, along with several other of his courtiers, to rescue his bride and see her safely to Brest. Your unique skills will make you indispensable to this small party; perhaps you are an arcane mage, a learned priest, a famous knight or trusted guardsman, an influential aristocrat, or even a wealthy merchant.
Whatever your background, you and your party face a daunting task ahead of you, but one fit for the tales of old. You will face down any number of challenges and obstacles, travel across Gaulle and perhaps beyond, and meet all manner of man and beast. Fame, glory, riches, and the goodwill of one of the most powerful lords in medieval Europe will be awarded to you upon your success; for this is the Duke's Quest.
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Welcome to the interest check. Basically what I'm going for here is a small-party quest-style roleplay inspired by 14th century Europe, with a few historical tweaks for flavor (i.e. Harald Hardrada conquered England, etc). I'm a huge history nerd, so I'll be making a more detailed setting later for those with similar leanings, but if you couldn't care less about history please don't feel like you can't join this RP!
Anyway, gameplay will focus on our small party as they travel across Europe, defeating & outsmarting adversaries and overcoming obstacles in their quest to save the Princess of Savoy and return her to Brittony. I have a tentative plot in place, but I'm open to divergence from it depending on what everyone feels.
As for characters, I'm looking to have a small but diverse set of no more than six. I don't foresee it being a problem, but if this RP for whatever reason gets a ton of interest I will be accepting with that in mind. When creating your character, feel free to be as liberal with the setting as you like, within reason of course. By that I mean you can whip up any kind of background within the setting, just don't go creating new kingdoms or super advanced technologies or whatever. If your character fits in a fantasy 14th century Europe, you should be good to go! A few quick notes: magic is real but rare, and members of the clergy can, through great effort, heal with faith.
Name: Sex: Culture: I.E. Gaullish, Brittonian, Italian, Danish, etc Age: Physical Description: At least a paragraph, but you can include a picture Occupation/Skillset: Why are you in the Duke's Court? Are you a famed scholar, mighty mage, loyal knight, etc? Include your education/skills/expertise Personality: At least a paragraph Backstory: At least two paragraphs
Name: Master Mortirmir Age: 26 Height: 5'11 Weight: 145 lbs Appearance: A young-looking, rail-thin man with bookish features and heavy spectacles.
Class: Mage/Scholar Race: Human Weapons & Equipment:
a muted brown scholar's robes
a half-satchel with his current grimoire attached by strap and buckle to his belt
various writing utensils, including those used for runework
an impressive assortment of magical scrolls and tomes
a small eating knife
a rather light purse of gold
occasionally a sturdy walking stick he brandishes as a staff
Skills and Abilities: Ward Abjuration Mortirmir is a master of creating magical wards and barriers, though his skillset is ill-suited to the creation of such powerful mana-draining spells. He manages to get around this limit by casting small, light barriers at the precise time of impact, and then rapidly extinguishing the spell before it drains too much of his power. Elemental Evocation The most recognizable form of magic, elemental evocation focuses on so-called "battle magic": flashy and destructive spells such as bolts of lightning and balls of fire. Though he laments this type of magic becoming the stereotypical face of all that is arcane, Mortirmir secretly finds immense satisfaction in using this school. And he is quite good at it, too. Polymorphic Transmutation More commonly known as "runework" or "enchanting", polymorphic transmutation creates such well-known effects such as ever-sharp swords, magically-hardened armor, and other wonders. Mortirmir is an able practitioner, though this is far from his specialty. A Scholarly Education Mortirmir is first and foremost a scholar. He is an accomplished historian and mathematician, and dabbles a bit in physics and astronomy, too. He speaks several languages fluently, and is capable of writing and reading in three. A Quick Study Mortirmir prides himself on his intellect, and for good reason; he is able to pick up most subjects rather quickly, and his memory is second-to-none.
Personality: Mortirmir can be at times insufferably arrogant; he is often prone to speaking cryptically and lathering his words with heavy condescension. This relates back to his sometimes crippling insecurities - although he possesses a remarkable intellect and astonishing grasp of the hermetic arts, his direct magical power is sorely lacking. He is forced to rely on various crutches in order to compensate, and this fact galls him. Besides these obvious character flaws, Mortirmir is a genuine, even chivalrous person at heart. He is driven by an unquenchable and rapacious thirst for knowledge, as well as a curious wanderlust. Bio: The son of a wealthy merchant, Mortirmir's upbringing was one of comfort and occasional luxury. He spent most of his youth in Alvion and Ispar, travelling between the major commercial centers of the region on his parent's caravan. Thus, he had ample opportunity to pursue his fascination with a wide variety of academic subjects, becoming a staggeringly well-read individual. Mortirmir found his true calling, however, in the hermetic arts - that is to say, magic. He impressed his tutors with his natural aptitude to the arcane, and soon found himself looking abroad for further study.
And so Mortirmir, at the tender age of sixteen, found himself travelling far, far away from his home to study at the illustrious Imperial University, the premier academy in Naveroth for the hermetical and arcane. There, his studious intellect and natural talent propelled him to the coveted rank of professor a mere five years later. Though his raw magical strength was severely lacking, the fineness and precision of his control was without rival anywhere. After another five years of rigorous study and occasional lecturing, Mortirmir departed the University to seek the sort of practical knowledge that cannot be obtained from ancient libraries and dusty tomes.
Not sure what magic system you have in mind so I threw together something I've used in the past. Let me know if it needs changing. Completely open to any modifications you may require, so don't feel hesitant.
Character Sheet
Name: Master Mortirmir Age: 26 Height: 5'11 Weight: 145 lbs Appearance: A young-looking, rail-thin man with bookish features and heavy spectacles.
Class: Mage/Scholar Race: Human Weapons & Equipment:
a muted brown scholar's robes
a half-satchel with his current grimoire attached by strap and buckle to his belt
various writing utensils, including those used for runework
an impressive assortment of magical scrolls and tomes
a small eating knife
a rather light purse of gold
occasionally a sturdy walking stick he brandishes as a staff
Skills and Abilities: Ward Abjuration Mortirmir is a master of creating magical wards and barriers, though his skillset is ill-suited to the creation of such powerful mana-draining spells. He manages to get around this limit by casting small, light barriers at the precise time of impact, and then rapidly extinguishing the spell before it drains too much of his power. Elemental Evocation The most recognizable form of magic, elemental evocation focuses on so-called "battle magic": flashy and destructive spells such as bolts of lightning and balls of fire. Though he laments this type of magic becoming the stereotypical face of all that is arcane, Mortirmir secretly finds immense satisfaction in using this school. And he is quite good at it, too. Polymorphic Transmutation More commonly known as "runework" or "enchanting", polymorphic transmutation creates such well-known effects such as ever-sharp swords, magically-hardened armor, and other wonders. Mortirmir is an able practitioner, though this is far from his specialty. A Scholarly Education Mortirmir is first and foremost a scholar. He is an accomplished historian and mathematician, and dabbles a bit in physics and astronomy, too. He speaks several languages fluently, and is capable of writing and reading in three. A Quick Study Mortirmir prides himself on his intellect, and for good reason; he is able to pick up most subjects rather quickly, and his memory is second-to-none.
Personality: Mortirmir can be at times insufferably arrogant; he is often prone to speaking cryptically and lathering his words with heavy condescension. This relates back to his sometimes crippling insecurities - although he possesses a remarkable intellect and astonishing grasp of the hermetic arts, his direct magical power is sorely lacking. He is forced to rely on various crutches in order to compensate, and this fact galls him. Besides these obvious character flaws, Mortirmir is a genuine, even chivalrous person at heart. He is driven by an unquenchable and rapacious thirst for knowledge, as well as a curious wanderlust. Bio: The son of a wealthy merchant, Mortirmir's upbringing was one of comfort and occasional luxury. He spent most of his youth in Alvion and Ispar, travelling between the major commercial centers of the region on his parent's caravan. Thus, he had ample opportunity to pursue his fascination with a wide variety of academic subjects, becoming a staggeringly well-read individual. Mortirmir found his true calling, however, in the hermetic arts - that is to say, magic. He impressed his tutors with his natural aptitude to the arcane, and soon found himself looking abroad for further study.
And so Mortirmir, at the tender age of sixteen, found himself travelling far, far away from his home to study at the illustrious Imperial University, the premier academy in Naveroth for the hermetical and arcane. There, his studious intellect and natural talent propelled him to the coveted rank of professor a mere five years later. Though his raw magical strength was severely lacking, the fineness and precision of his control was without rival anywhere. After another five years of rigorous study and occasional lecturing, Mortirmir departed the University to seek the sort of practical knowledge that cannot be obtained from ancient libraries and dusty tomes.