Avatar of VoiD
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    1. VoiD 11 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Check out my flintlock fantasy RP, we're accepting again!
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7 yrs ago
so it turns out walking into a bus lane hurts. a lot. sorry everyone, but I'm back now!
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7 yrs ago
Starting an alternate-history RP set in the Napoleonic era, check it out!
7 yrs ago
Anyone else a fan of Miles Cameron's Traitor Son Cycle? Just finished the last book.
8 yrs ago
Back for another crack at roleplayin'


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Expect the OOC tomorrow and the IC later this week.
@Dynamo Frokane I just like playing characters with flaws, and I didn't feel like playing the stereotypical warrior/swordfighter character.
Sorry its a bit short, I wrote more as a character introduction but ended up saving it for the next post or two.
"Oh, this will not do," Mortirmir said, standing over Rhiannon. "This will not do at all."

He carefully looks around him, and notices the tell-tale movements that skulking creatures make when they believe they are hidden. He pauses, and takes a small breath to calm himself before opening his eyes to the aethereal.


He makes a small gesture half-unconsciously, and a great round gout of flame bursts forth from his outstretched palm, roaring as it comes into being. Mortirmir briefly glances at the wounded woman at his feet, before pushing with his will, and the flame launches from his hand.

The ball of fire splits into nearly a dozen smaller versions of itself, covering half a league in land. The balls land in brush and stick onto trees, igniting instantly with a deafening roar and a blinding light. Mortirmir shields his eyes, and when he looks again the land in front of him is a swirling inferno, a wall of fire nearly ten feet high. Mortirmir frowns.

"Perhaps a bit too much," he admits, then staggers to the side in sudden fatigue. He holds a hand to his head. "Yes. Too much indeed. Hmm."

He returns his attention to the wounded woman, and tends to her quickly. He heals the minor wounds and stabilizes the others, careful not to deplete his remaining potentia, which he must guard jealously. Then, with a grimace, he picks up the woman, groans, and looks around for an escape route.
Alright, I'll start working on an IC then!
Working on a post right now.
@Fading Memory@Lauder@Bazmund Well that's about half the people we need. If we get one more person I'll start drawing up a IC. In the mean time, feel free to start on your characters.

You smash right through the surprised soldier's guard, your saber cutting deep into his neck. Hot blood spurts onto your face, and you have time to glance at your troops as they shout "Nobiscum Deus!" and charge at a small group of infantrymen. The enemy manages to get off a panicked volley, which drops a few of your men from their saddles, before your Dragoons crash into them. The infantrymen not sent flying by charging horses are quickly dismembered by flashing sabers.

Your comrades on the bridge cheer and fire off a volley of their own, before mounting up themselves and charging the left flank of the enemy position.

The coalition forces are on the backfoot now, half of them in a state of near-panic. Still, they outnumber you and your allies two-to-one. If they get a chance to regroup, it could be disastrous. Keeping them disorganized and confused will be vital if you hope to run them off. How will you move forwards?


Per the Captain's orders, you have been temporarily reassigned to Cornet Abd-al-Hakim's command, an African from the eastern provinces of the Empire. Unfortunately for you, the Cornet is currently on patrol, leaving you to go find him. Alone. After your encounter yesterday, you would consider this nearly suicidal, but the Captain has assured you there have been no reports of enemy presence in the area, as Cornet Abd-al-Hakim's route is more towards the coastline, halfway to Istrus.

Thankfully you have a map and you know the Cornet's patrol route, so theoretically it should be a fairly simple matter to find your new comrades. To your knowledge, they are roughly four hours away by horseback.


You remain vigilant along your route, despite the eerie quiet you encounter. The heightened level of awareness takes a toll on your men, and they are clearly uneasy, many of them keeping their carbines cocked and loaded in case of enemy attack. Some even rest their carbines in their laps, unwilling to risk the half-second it would take to remove the weapon from the leather holster resting above their mount's right shoulder.

Regardless, you see nothing and encounter nothing besides birds and insects, the latter of which seem to find nothing more delightful than ramming themselves into your eyes and nose, or incessantly biting your neck. Your horse is constantly snorting and flicking its tail at the abominable creatures, so at least you know you aren't alone in your misery.

It has been some time since you departed Tomis when you hear the faint but unmistakable sounds of musketfire and fighting. You are perhaps a mile or two from the bridge now, and your men and horses are tired but fit. You have no idea what the composition of the enemy is, and for all you know your comrades could be surrounded -- thus it may be prudent to advance cautiously. On the other hand, if you dally too much your comrades could be overrun by the time you arrive.


The flat, forested plains of northern Thrace and Dacia are quite different than the rolling deserts of your homeland. It is a stark contrast in color, in climate, and most of all in wildlife. There is vegetation everywhere, birdsong fills the air, and insects of all sorts seem determined to attack you constantly.

You are perhaps half a mile from the black sea, patrolling along the coastline between Tomis and Istrus. You and your command were sent out two days ago, and at your last checkpoint you were informed that you would be scouting the route to Istrus in order to prepare for a subjugation force being sent to the area in order to check enemy presence reported there.

If the enemy were to anticipate such an action -- and it is plausible that they will -- they may attempt to set up an ambush, or some sort of picket forces along the way. Thus it is important that you search trail for areas that seem a likely point of ambush. To your knowledge, there are three such areas along your route: one is at the crossroads near the end of your route, another is a bridge crossing near Tomis, and the final one is a small valley in the middle of your route.
Working on the posts now.
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