Nantambu is overwhelming. The night stars are still visible in the slowly brightening blue of dawn, but the city already bustles around the initiates in a dizzying choreography. The floral scents of the Indigo Hall give way to a peaty mildew wafting from the nearby Gonbossa canal. From deeper in the city, the sweet scent of flatbreads being prepared fills the air. As the heroes begin to leave the Magaambya grounds and step out into the greater city, they hear another student call out to them.
A grinning dwarf clad in full plate runs out from the Indigo Hall, waving.
“I overheard where you’re headed. Want to race to Alandri’s stall? I’m headed in that same direction to help with Sharrowsmith. I helped Alandri a lot during my Perquisite, and I know the quickest way to get there!”The dwarf offers a handshake to Jenk,
"Name's Haibram." He explains his route to reach the stall, and before the group can fully process his directions, he’s off to the races, running ahead. Haibram yells for the heroes to follow him,
"You’ll reach the stall in no time if you can keep up." For a dwarf with short legs and clad in full plate to boot, that Haibram can run. If you're going to keep up with him, you ought to leave now... Ahead, you all see that though the dawn is coming, the streets of this bustling city have already begun to fill with folk on their way to their daily tasks. Haibram appears to be headed right for a throng of passersby.
End Scene
Storyteller's Aside
You all remember Teacher Ot's admonition regarding your first task to meet Alandri: "Do not be late."Jenk: You may not know which way is northwest, but with your dark vision you have no trouble picking out the direction Haibram is running...
Fluer: How comfortable are those boots she's wearing?
Alwin: Tracking, now that's something you're familiar with. But what about in a large city?
Magaambya is awakening for the day, and Haibram knows the way. What do you do?
OOC: Let me know if you'd like me to prompt the group with some things you could all do that apply to the situation at hand!