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Recent Statuses

2 days ago
Current belle is one of my favorite Disney female.
10 days ago
half-way to my first walking goal of march. if vertigo would leave me alone. I would most likely be past my goal today. But yesterday vertigo was bad. I may work on it here in lil bit
18 days ago
last month complete one walking goal. this month completed two proud of my self.
21 days ago
60 laps away from my 2nd walking goal. tired of someone ugly words. I am her oldest yet she talks to me like I am dirty under her feet. good thing is I don't have any addictions like she does.
23 days ago
now I have walk 300 laps so far this month.


I love roleplaying and have been doing it for several years. it helps me let my creativeness out and lets me play out story ideas. I like to write stories.

i am in a wheelchair i am very unique and i am tired of guys acting all friendly and then a few months later or a while later the truth comes out. i am tired of being use. i am a good girl yes i have problems name someone who dont. but at least i do not let my problems control me.

love in movies books and music. i just want love i am not asking for a lot i am just asking for what everyone wants to be accept for who they are. dont pity me i do not need your pity

Most Recent Posts

I have had my fair share of wackos and run-ins with them. I am in a wheelchair and well lets just say it ain't always pretty and aint always nice. Either I am dealing with them or my mom or my dad is dealing with them. It just this crazy world. The only real people I do not like deal with is drunks. I can kind of handle high just depends on how high the person is and what they are high on
Banned for banning someone for not having a signature when you do not have a signature either. either do you
banned for not having a signature.
I never do the new year new me b.s. but I certain one goal and work hard to get to that one goal. grant the goal has taken a little longer to complete then I would like but I am still working on it
there are crazy people everywhere. some have mental issues others have drug issues and other will have both. but what causing one or the other not really sure. But I agree with you should have a sign that at least say at this time we stop making pizza or food of any kind. plus it might be a good idea to like lock the door. Like I know where I live a gas station as a mcdonalds. they have one door for gas station and one for mcdonalds. mcdonalds one close their inside door at a certain and lock the door to clean and whatever. Plus you are right you never know what they are carrying if they are carrying anything. I am sorry bad night at work.
I am a terrible cook. Kitchen appliances are allergic to me, no matter how I sweet talk them. If Gordon Ramsey himself made a dish in the same room as me, it would turn rancid for the fact I am within its presence.

So, my New Year’s resolution is to (hopefully) cure this ailment of mine through sheer will. And if not? Guess I’ll starve.

I am not that great of a cook either. I have try to learn but my two tutors or helper to show me what to do. kind of give up and would end up drinking afterward lol
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