Avatar of wheels


Recent Statuses

1 day ago
Current belle is one of my favorite Disney female.
9 days ago
half-way to my first walking goal of march. if vertigo would leave me alone. I would most likely be past my goal today. But yesterday vertigo was bad. I may work on it here in lil bit
18 days ago
last month complete one walking goal. this month completed two proud of my self.
21 days ago
60 laps away from my 2nd walking goal. tired of someone ugly words. I am her oldest yet she talks to me like I am dirty under her feet. good thing is I don't have any addictions like she does.
23 days ago
now I have walk 300 laps so far this month.


I love roleplaying and have been doing it for several years. it helps me let my creativeness out and lets me play out story ideas. I like to write stories.

i am in a wheelchair i am very unique and i am tired of guys acting all friendly and then a few months later or a while later the truth comes out. i am tired of being use. i am a good girl yes i have problems name someone who dont. but at least i do not let my problems control me.

love in movies books and music. i just want love i am not asking for a lot i am just asking for what everyone wants to be accept for who they are. dont pity me i do not need your pity

Most Recent Posts

I have only worn make up two times in my life. I am not a fan of it.
HI. I think I may should have edit this before I post this. since the pandemic is still a thing but not how it once was. but I still hardly ever get to leave the house beside for doctors and concerts. I did have a friend I got to hang out with once a month. But his roommate became a control herfer. Its the only nice way I can put it.
banned for having a gif that blowing a kiss
I like rp playing out things and it is like I get more ideas for stories. I am just bad at sometimes spelling and I can't think of titles for stories. but I like rp acting out that fuels my creative stuff if that makes sense
<Snipped quote by wheels>

They are not on there because both of those sites only host fan-created material, not the official manga that LadyAnnaLee asked for.

Of course they're free, because it's illegal to monetize fanfiction (Reason: Copyright Law) unless you have prior permission from the original creator of those mangas.

sorry I did not know that. I just know about the sites because I use to post stories on one and I am going to post stories on the other one. When I can think of a title. I was just trying to help again my bad sorry.
i been here for several years. i love roleplaying it sometimes helps me with my story writing. i am fan fiction kind of writing and real life kind of writer.

the screen name wheels. it comes from my high school days. I am in a wheelchair and used a walker at the time working on getting back to the walker. so all my friends just call me wheels or minion because I am short.

I don't let my disablity label me. because one a year maybe two years ago maybe three. we found out I am only female in usa with this disorder. one of only 20 people in the world with it.

I like talking to different people and making friends. I sometimes get to leave my house but not alot lately because of the stupid pandemic grant right now the cases where I live are not as high as they were a few months ago.

I like roleplaying-

wwe and aew.
one tree hill i loved the show.
i like doing fan and singer falling for each other
fan and actor
bodyguard and person he is protecting
and a bunch of other different things.

I live in central part of usa. which basically means south country lol.
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