Misty coughed dramatically again as her captor blew smoke in the van, giving him the most pissed off look she could muster. She rather resembled a snake at the moment, which she would have wished she was one to be able to slither out of her restraints. She just scoffed when he called her fat, rolling her eyes. This man was completely pathetic. She had no worries though. If Hark would just get off their lazy asses…
The door was opened and a phone call made, her ears twitching with annoyance as he asked for a million dollars. Fool. She was worth a lot more than a million. Not to mention, they would never get paid. She sneered when the Asian got back in the van, scooting as far from him as she could, an obvious sign of hate, while the others piled in the front. Music began blaring, and she rolled her eyes, gritting her teeth.
”Disgusting, stupid, filthy, trashy, sorry excuse for music,” she mumbled, wondering how long she had been captured so far. She didn’t have to mull over her own thoughts for long before the van stopped, the man manhandling her rather roughly. ”You’re not getting a dime. Just a swift kick in the back when Hark finally shows up,” she growled.