Avatar of WhiteAngel25


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4 mos ago
Sorry partners! I’ve been exhausted lately. I will try to have posts out soon. :)
4 mos ago
Sorry for slow responses, this holiday weekend has been crazy busy for me. I will for sure be getting replies out tonight if not for sure tomorrow! :)
4 mos ago
I will be offline until tomorrow that’s when I will also get back to replies! :) Happy 4th to all my fellow Americans!
4 mos ago
Apologies to my RP partners, I was away from my computer most of the day and I'm exhausted. Replies will resume tomorrow. :)
4 mos ago
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?


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@CaptainManbeardI just have to remember to not post anything right after I wake up in the morning when my ADHD is at its finest. Lol! 😆

You wouldn’t believe how many times I reread the intro post to make sure that the characters were in hero costumes. I think you having more detail will help.

Also, I will be editing my post. I noticed several mistakes and will fix them here shortly.
@CaptainManbeard I like both. Personally, as the GM I feel like you should have a little bit more detail to let the rest of know what is going and where the RP is going. I try to match in detail and my normal post length is usually four paragraphs, seven or more if I’m really into it.

Also, heads up this is one the first group RPs I’ve done in like seven years so please let me know if I do things out of order or do something wrong. ☺️
The smells of freshly baked goods and the merriment of voices were what drew Amaris' attention away from her journal. She looked up from the sketch of an Alkanet root and put her charcoal stick and journal back into her pack. She slid the thick leather braids of the blue velvet-lined leather pack over her shoulders. Amaris adjusted her red hooded cloak to smooth out the wrinkles that her pack's straps caused. Her cloak helped her hide her immediate features as she wove in between people, following the warm scent of freshly baked cinnamon bread.

Not that Mari was hiding from anyone in particular, no, she was avoiding the curious gazes of her fair skin, bright blue eyes, and snow-white hair that clearly labeled her as a Snowden descendant. The only oddity was her slightly pointed ears that gave away that she was half an elf. Amaris didn't need her stepmother to be informed of her presence in Elysium. No doubt the shrewd woman would send people out to finish the job that was failed years before. Mari had traveled around a bit as a mercenary after she ran from her father's household. She found herself collectively held up in her birth mother's apothecary once she learned of its location. The lost soul learned everything she could about herbs and their various uses from her mother's journals.

Amaris rounded a corner of the street and smiled as she saw the food stall that was selling the spiced bread for the festival. Her mouth began to water at the thought of the sweet baked dough hitting her tastebuds. She began to make her way towards the baker when her gaze caught the sight of Tabaxi woman that was looking at her...almost knowingly. It unsettled Mari and distracted her enough to run into someone tall.

"Oof!" came from her mouth as she gazed up and gulped softly. She looked up at the white-hair, gray-eyed Drow man. "I am sorry, please excuse my clumsiness," Amaris apologized as she gave a slight bow, hoping the stranger would forgive her.
It wasn't long before Cassandra entered The Hall of Justice with Diana, Wonder Woman herself. She was excited to experience an event like this on a such grand scale. Cassie had been to the small galas that her mother's employers held to promote the museum. After training with Diana this morning, Cassie was excused from her teachings with Artemis and Athena to attend the Anniversary Celebration. Her mid-length blonde locks twisted and curled into an elegant French twist instead of her normal ponytail or headband. She wore her typical Wonder Girl uniform: dark red leggings, gold sneakers, and a black tank top with the gold W across the chest. Cassie wore her Bracelets of Submission, similar to Diana's, on her wrists and her Lighting Lasso was attached to her gold belt.

Cassie wasn't paying much attention when Diana abruptly stop right in front of her. The quick action caused her to quickly sidestep and look at her mentor. Diana was dressed in her uniform for the presentations tonight. Although it was a bit more dressed up with a full-length ball gown skirt instead of being cut off at her thighs. The skirt could be ripped away if Diana needed to fight. She informed Cassie that she was going to go check on a few things before leaving Cassie to her own devices.

Cassie looked around and spotted a few familiar faces. Nightwing, Kid Flash, Super Boy, and Scarlet Beacon, all were sidekicks like her. This night was going to be an interesting one to remember. She was close enough to hear Kid Flash talking about getting someone's number and she couldn't help but laugh a little at Nightwing's response.

"Not only that but we're supposed to be working this event, not giving goo-goo eyes to the attendants," Cassie said as she approached the two with a smile and half wave.

I was thinking of combining Cassie with Storm from X-men, especially with her being the daughter of Zeus and having the Lasso of Lighting, I feel like electricity powers make sense.
I’ve decided that I’m going to using Skylar Samuels for Cassie.
I would like to play Cassie Sandsmark!

Although, I'm not a fan of how obsessed she is with Connor, so I'm going to tone that way down.
@Ignorancebliss cool beans! And thank you! I’ll post it in the character section soon. :)
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