Avatar of WhiteAngel25


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2 mos ago
Sorry partners! I’ve been exhausted lately. I will try to have posts out soon. :)
2 mos ago
Sorry for slow responses, this holiday weekend has been crazy busy for me. I will for sure be getting replies out tonight if not for sure tomorrow! :)
3 mos ago
I will be offline until tomorrow that’s when I will also get back to replies! :) Happy 4th to all my fellow Americans!
3 mos ago
Apologies to my RP partners, I was away from my computer most of the day and I'm exhausted. Replies will resume tomorrow. :)
3 mos ago
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?


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Bumpers cause I can! :)
Bump for funnies.
@Days You didn’t! It’s okay! Life happens and we can’t control it.
@EstylwenThat is doable, I just hope that she’s okay. It’s not like her to be gone this long.
@PandolinSounds great, can't wait to read it! :)

Meanwhile with Pebble and the Owl...

The snowy feathered creature was unaffected by Pebble's glares and frustrated figure as she made up her mind. Of course, the owl already knew the half-dwarven woman would follow. It was clear in the bird's eyes that there was more than just an avian brain in its cranium. So, once Pebble's stride was determined to Somerset, the owl flew beside her, guiding her through the woods even as night descended upon them.


After a nap outside of town, the white owl led Pebble to an old miner's cart that appeared abandoned due to the broken wheel axle and vegetation growing around it. If the half-dwarven woman would peer into the cart, a crate with a familiar symbol would be waiting for her. The owl perched itself on the rotten edge of the cart, Somerset's southern gates within sight as the morning sun peeked over the horizon.

In Lock & Key Tavern's Back Room...

Faline rolled her emerald orbs at the radiant request of Gus, but a hint of a smile could be seen at the teasing of Maltar. She was appreciative of Maltar's agreeance and Torsten's knowledge of the supplies list. The tall paladin was correct, the food supplies wouldn't last them more than a couple of weeks if they were lucky. Foraging and hunting would most likely be a part of the equation, Faline was glad that she wasn't alone in the knowledge of such skills.

The half-Elvian woman did find it interesting that Maltar warned of disappearance in the morning. She was curious as to what such a vague statement could mean. With her uncle's journal in hand, Faline began to slowly fall asleep reading.


Faline blinked her eyes open, finding her uncle's notebook in her hand, and realized that what happened yesterday wasn't a dream. Seven individuals who seemed opposite of one another were recruited into a secret guild by their predecessors. Fal with her mass of fiery locks quietly sat up and sighed. She softly rubbed the back of her neck then walked over to the fireplace that seemed to have been burning all night. The fire's light flickered against the eight chests on the hearth's edges. She knelt in front of the chest with the symbol that was on her token. She gently ran her fingers over the engraving before she opened the trunk to see what her uncle had left her.

The two dark green sheths first took Faline's attention. She carefully opened the sheths to find two obsidian steel double-ended daggers with a rich brown leather handle connected the blades into one double-edged weapon. There was also a beautiful bow that Faline had remembered seeing somewhere but couldn't quite place where exactly. The bow was made of oak and was light but sturdy. The quiver with arrows matched the leather of the daggers. She ran her fingers along the stitching of the quiver and stopped when she reached the engraving on the bottom seam. Faline's jaw dropped open as she couldn't believe her uncle was even giving this to her.

Faline reached in to find a more well-made traveling bag that appeared to fit everything she would need. She switched out her old pack for her new one as silently as possible to avoid waking her new comrades. Soon, the sound of Cook burst through the door with her kitchen cart, it had startled Faline, causing her to curse in Elvish with surprise.

"Ya all needin' to get a move on. The mornin' light is breakin' the horizon," Cook said as she placed some breakfast buns on the table. Dough balls about the size of a man's fist stuffed full of eggs, cheese, rice, and mutton. The old dwarven woman also placed a large bowl of various fruits on the table before heading out.

Faline finished packing her bag and adjusting her attire before she grabbed a breakfast bun, an apple, and a pear. She remembered a bit from last night and grabbed another apple and pear. For some reason, Faline felt as if they were still missing someone. Once she was finished getting ready, Faline looked at the others.

"Are you all ready to head out?" Faline asked with a smile.

@EstylwenYour post was phenomenal as always! Enjoyed every bit of it! I about cried when the coffins surfaced.
@Aqutanama I have sent you a PM. There are some things in your post that needs editing.
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