Avatar of WhiteStar19
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    1. WhiteStar19 10 yrs ago


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@Gate Keeper
Are Shaw and your noble together?
@Gate Keeper
I have an extra knight to spare if you don't want to pair yours together. xD
That's who I had in mind to begin with. xD

In Closed 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@SouffleGirl123@Necromancy@Apokalipse@Wicked Axel@BreakingMe@KahleenCuthald@HushedWhispers@smarty0114

I was thinking about doing a back to school party in one of the dorms since everyone is college age. xD What do you guys think?
In Closed 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

The Headmistress was the only one to be seen on stage, standing behind a small podium. Her legs did not shake, nor did she sit down. She was quite the intimidating figure, unless you knew her well, which her husband, the Headmaster, did. He approached the stage carefully, maneuvering a chair out from behind the curtain to sit down at the edge of the stage, watching his wife. Unseen by anyone but him, her eyes flickered back and forth nervously, as if she was memorizing and recognizing any of the students that were beginning to sit before her. She turned her head in the slightest toward the Headmaster and he smiled reassuringly at her. A soft smile came up on her face before she tapped the microphone.

"Students, if you would please listen up." Her voice rang out over the large theater. Almost all of the seats were full. She could see the differences in the way people were sitting, as the older students sat more together and the younger students sat more to the front and patterns such as that. "I would first off like to start by welcoming you all back to Midnight Private Academy for the 2016 Spring semester." She cleared her throat and said, "Let me start with the basic rules. No one is allowed into the forest without any adult supervision. High school students, you are not adults, you do not count." Groans rang through the air and she held up her hand. "Classes start tomorrow at eight a.m. for the younglings. The rest of you start when you have signed up. No boys in girls dorms after midnight and no girls in boys after midnight either. We will be having a homecoming ball a week from now, so please prepare accordingly." Excited chatter filled the air and she held up her hand again. "Please be careful and safe in the snow. You may head back to your dorms or do as you wish. The cafeteria opens up at six for dinner. Thank you."

The Headmistress turned away from the podium as the students began talking again and heading out the door. She turned her eyes and they rested on a few of the college students that were laughing and talking. She raised and eyebrow and turned to look at the Headmaster. He saw the familiar look in her eyes and he shook his head. "Not yet... You will know when they are ready and they are not. Be patient." She took a deep breath and nodded before heading out the door after everyone had left.

Here he is. If you have an ideas or improvements/flaws I could add, I would like to hear them. :)


And here's my other dude.
He is the only child of a dying family line... which means that his family is running out of successors (in my mind at least). He never wanted to be a Knight in the first place and wanted to become an engineer originally, but he is too afraid of disappointing his dad to actually tell him he didn't want to be a Knight and follow in his footsteps. His mother is dead and his father is really his only family.
I have temper issues and bottled up emotions so far... you have any ideas for me?
And Irrational. xD
I'll make a knight for you! At least, you can look over the two I'm going to make and see if you like either of them.

I was going to have one of my knights be in the number 1 rank if it was okay with you...
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