Sebastian felt like the summer holidays at home were hell. His parent's unstable divorce just seemed to be getting worse and worse. His sister was freaking out over their custody battle for the pair of them; scared that their father would win the battle. Charlotte didn't exactly want to live with her father. Neither did her brother for that matter.
It's not like he could leave her to deal with it all in her lonesome. He probably should have stayed at Edgebaston to try and catch up on his studies since he failed last year and had to repeat his Senior year. But he'd much rather be there for his little sister at home. Even if Charlotte had been in the comfort of their mother Amelia and grand-mother Rose. Seb knew how much Charlotte relied on him to be there in the tough times. Just because his studies were messed up, didn't mean he'd fail at being a big brother when she needed him the most. His teachers gave him extra projects and essays to complete over the summer; whilst he was at home.
Sebastian tried to get through as much of the extra school work over the summer as he could. It was at times like these that he missed having Noah around. His ex stayed behind at Edgebaston to escape from her over-bearing father and he was miles and miles away, so he couldn't pick her brain for help. Though he stayed regularly in touch with her and his buddies from the Academy; Erik and Lucas in particular. It didn't mean that he wanted to burden his friends and ex with family troubles; he resisted venting at them over the phone and text. He knew Noah had enough to deal with herself; so he didn't want to put more on her shoulders; even if she knew about his parents divorce. Besides his sister; his friends made the summer away from the Academy bearable.
Whilst Sebastian longed to be back at the Academy, his sister couldn't wait to start her first year at Edgebaston. Both siblings longed to get away from New York.
Charlotte herself was trying to keep herself distracted that summer. She was getting ready for her junior year at Edgebaston. She spent hours researching the town to see what was close by to the Academy so she could secure herself a little job over her time at the Academy. Unlike her big brother, she wasn't under the impression that 'money grew on trees'. Even if her parents gave her an allowance, Charlotte always tried to make money herself with jobs. Her brother always had a different approach to it. If you could call his zero job tolerance an approach. And a job lined up for her she had; a small bookstore close to the Academy. Charlotte had went for a set of interviews over the holidays and they were happy to have her start not long after the start of her Academic year.
Of course their father wanted to see them before they'd head of to North Carolina for the rest of the year. It'd be the last opportunity to see them, especially Charlotte as her birthday was coming up. Her family agreeing to celebrate earlier because they wouldn't be in New York on the actual date. As much she wanted to avoid her father; she knew she couldn't exactly. The man helped raise her for fucks's sake. She hoped that it wouldn't be a disaster; but she had partially been wrong. Her father had lost his cool the moment when he learned that Charlotte had been allowed to get a tattoo as one of her early birthday presents. He hated the fact that Sebastian was covered in them, and now his daughter had to get one too? Not to mention, he had to drop a bombshell on everyone; that he was getting married to the woman he had been caught cheating with. The divorce hadn't even been finalised yet; but he had the audacity to do that. Much less invite his children to the big day.
It was safe to say; it took Charlotte and Sebastian a while to recover from the news. In fact, they were still trying to recover few days before they were set to travel to North Carolina, to Edgebaston. Sebastian was still rather salty...enraged even; that their father chose his sister's early birthday celebration to drop such an insensitive bombshell on them. Not even a proper present. Oh no wait, he had given his sister 4000 dollars spending money. As if he buying her love and affection, would make things better. At least the others had given her more meaningful gifts. Aside from allowing her to get a tattoo, Amelia Ackelhurst had given Charlotte a new diary for her personal use. Granny Rose, had given her grand-daughter a silver charm bracelet; Charlotte had a variety of assorted charms over the years to use for the bracelet; including few Zelda themed ones. Whilst Sebastian himself got his little sister a leather jacket that he knew caught her eye few weeks ago, accompanied with boots to match. Of course, the shoes were picked out with the help of his mother. Seb was never the best at female fashion.

The Acklehurst siblings had been on the road to the Academy; their mother driving them to Edgebaston. They had stopped over-night, with it being a bit of a long drive. And she didn't want neither of her children to be late on their first day of the Academic year. His mother of course made her famous chocolate chip cookies for the road; they kept fresh for a few days even after first being baked. Sebastian was sitting at the back of the car; allowing himself to stretch out slightly on the back-seats. Looking out of the window; lost in thought. He could hear his sister and mother conversing about something or another over the sound of the
music that was playing. Not minding much attention to the song either.
Sebastian's thoughts flicking through his mind, till they settled on thoughts about Noah. He couldn't help but remember the first day they had met at the Gym. He had been breaking a sweat working out; when he spotted her trying to do push-up's in a very poor form. It was hard to look at. He could see how easily she got tired out, just from the poor form. So of course he being himself had called her out on it;
'You're doing it all wrong beautiful. You're flaring your elbows too much; no wonder you're getting tired so easily.' His remark of course came with his signature grin and wink. What at the time he didn't expect was her blunt snappy remark. But something had him hooked from day 1. He liked her attitude. It was refreshing. But from that day, he took it upon himself to correct Noah when it came to working out at the gym. Sometimes he got the feeling, that she did it on purpose just to have him hovering above her and correcting her motions.
"Seb...Seb...Seb." His sister's words snapped him out of his day-dream.
"Have you even been listening to what I been saying the last few minutes?" she huffed at him, when she noticed his distracted look.
Snapping out of his day-dream; he turned his attention to the front of the car where his sister was sitting.
"Yeah of course I was." He chuckled, pretending that he indeed was listening.
Of course he couldn't fool his sister. She knew better.
"Than what did I just ask you?" Her eyebrow remained raised at her big brother; waiting for him to prove her wrong. When no answer came, she shook her head. Eyes rolling.
"Of course you weren't paying attention, you were day-dreaming."With a slight chuckle, he shook his head.
"I wasn't day-dreaming. I was just...umm...you know." struggling to find the right words.
"Day-dreaming and drooling." Charlotte teased her brother. Who knows what he was thinking about.
Sebastian had to wipe his mouth slightly at his sister's remark.
"I wasn't drooling. You were drooling...shut up." A classic Sebastian remark; when his sister caught him out like that.
Of course their mother was shaking her head. "You two kids always pick the most inconvenient of times to bicker." Focusing on the road, they were coming to familiar surroundings. At least to Sebastian they were familiar. "You two might want to look out of the window. We're almost there." Knowing that Charlotte might want to take in the views more so than Sebastian, since it was her first year here. Glancing out of the window; Charlotte couldn't help but marvel at the sights in front of her. The Academy and it's grounds looked more beautiful than how her brother described them. It was like something out of a movie. Becoming absorbed in taking in the sights, that she didn't even focus on the sheer amount of people arriving. As it probably would have made her a nervous wreck.
As the car finally stopped; the family clambered out. Sebastian flexing his muscles upon getting out of the car, before he grabbed his jacket from the car seat. Tossing it casually over his shoulder. He was wearing his favourite shirt and jeans that seemed to show off his muscles; along with his fingerless gloves. It always added to his bad boy look. Sebastian had easily packed on more muscle over the summer, from his constant vigorous work-outs between study sessions. His
sister on the other hand was wearing a new tank top, with dark jeggings accompanied with the new boots and leather jacket that she had gotten from him.
Helping his mom grab his and Charlotte's bags from the trunk of the car. It wasn't long before both of their siblings had their luggage and the left over cookies in their grip. Saying goodbye to their mother. She embraced both of her children lovingly. "Right, have a wonderful year you two. And try not to get into trouble." The last was more so aimed at Sebastian than Charlotte. She was the golden child, in comparison.
Sebastian let out a slight groan.
"Mom, please stop babying me." Sebastian couldn't help but roll his eyes slightly. It's not like he wanted to get into trouble last year for falling behind.
"We'll both be fine. I'll look out for Charlotte, you know I always do." He promised. Kissing his mother's cheek; he said goodbye to the woman that raised him and taught him to be better than he was at times. The varying tones of their British accents despite having lived in the States for a while now; caught people's attention. With their mother climbing into the car after saying goodbye. Sebastian heard a familiar voice. One that he wasn't ready to hear so soon.
"Awwh come on, now there's two of you?!" Alistair LeRue. Everyone's worst nightmare. Turning around, Sebastian came face to face with the annoying twin, with Al trying to be up in his face. Seb rose a slight eyebrow, as he watched Alistair trying to size him up and his lame attempt to stare him down.
"One more year Ackelhurst, one more year!" To most, it probably would have looked intimidating. But to Seb, nada. Especially since Sebastian was the taller out of the duo; even if by a few mere inches.
"Is that supposed to be threatening?" Seb asked; not even batting an eyelid. His voice full of amusement and mockery.
"You might want to gain some more height and proper bad boy attitude, if you want to be intimidating! Out my way LeRue before you burst a wind pipe trying to embarrass yourself further." Easily pushing his way past Alistair. All the while, shielding his sister from the Twin in the process. Not wanting his sister to get tangled up in dealing with Alistair.
Charlotte couldn't help but gulp a little bit; partially at the comment coming from the somewhat cute yet arrogantly rude blonde boy. Than came the sheer vast amount of people that were arriving. Sticking close to her brother; her suitcase in her grip as she followed his lead. On the way through the gates; the duo had passed Marabeth. A friend of Sebastian's. Seb gave the red head a soft smile greeting her. He already made a mental note of later introducing Charlotte to Mara. Charlotte just gave the red head a nervous wave, with a small smile.
With Sebastian leading Charlotte to Cavendish Hall; he kept his eyes peeled out for someone in particular that he was itching to see. Students were in and out of the hall to get their dorm keys. Mainly New Students to get information from the teachers. As Sebastian got his keys to his own dorm room, he glanced down at Charlotte.
"Are you going to be okay? I want to check in one someone, but if you need me; just text me. I'll find you before the Assembly." He didn't want to overburden his sister; knowing she was in good hands with the teachers. Whilst he always protected her; he was trying to let her be independent. Knowing she'd be on his ass if he babied her on her first day here.
"I'll manage." She promised her brother. She just secretly hoped she wouldn't get lost. How hard could it be not to get lost? As her brother excused himself to take his luggage to his room quickly. Charlotte was receiving the essentials from the teachers; dorm key, uniform, map ect.
In the meanwhile; Sebastian quickly dropped off his luggage at his Dorm Room over at LeRue Place. Setting the suitcase near his desk. He would unpack later. He didn't exactly want to deal with unpacking right now. Or running into Persephone if she was lingering around the area. Sebastian was still contemplating about asking the teachers if he could be moved to Edgebaston hall; if it was up to him. He would have stayed there. But his father had picked out his accommodation when he paid for most of his tuition money. Seb was well aware that it'd be a slap to his father's face if he moved elsewhere. Stepping out of his spacious dorm-room; he locked the door behind him. Before playing with the keys; tossing them playfully in his hand. In the other, he still had the box of cookies.
As he wondered around; his eyes peeled out for familiar face. Smiling to himself when he spotted her. Jogging, till he caught up with her.
"Boo!" he smirked.
"Missed me?" Coming face to face with Noah again; he instantly noticed the stressed look on her face. Seems like he caught her just at the right time, to try and cheer her up. Holding out the box of cookies towards her.
"Here, try these. My mom baked them 2 days ago, still fresh and tasty." Not thinking anything of it, that he saved the last of the cookies for Noah. If it had been any of his other friends; he would have offered it to them too. But it seemed like she could use them more.