Avatar of Xaltwind


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Final day of vacation... It's gone by way too quick. It always does.
2 mos ago
Wish someone would tell me to just hut up and take THEIR money... Y'know, instead of them telling me to shut up and taking MY money...
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2 mos ago
Feeling lazy today, so I'll just have some cup noodles for dinner I think
2 mos ago
Remember that food I bought a while back? WHY IS ALMOST ALL GONE ALREADY!? What am I, a black hole?
2 mos ago
Welp, done everything I need to for today, now what?
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  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

Think I'm gonna rework Neuf's personality a bit. It got a little more obnoxious than I'd originally intended. It's still gonna love bacon though.

As for names for her magic form, I came up with a few while lying in bed last night. Lemme know if any of ya good folks like any of 'em in particular;

- Prism Nova/Nova Prism
- Star Prism/Prism Star
- Iris Jewel/Jewel Iris (Iris being a greek name that means 'rainbow')
- Diamond Heart
- Azure Sparkle (On account of light blue hair when transformed and that gems... sparkle... Yes, I know her hair isn't actually azure-colored but "Powder Blue" doesn't have the same ring)
- Fluorspar
- Crystal Song
- Lapis Lazuli (Suggested name)

... No, I'm not good at coming up with names. Kthx.
Oh hey, nice, tall boing mommy to my midget flat shorty.

Hey, hey! The other ladies so far haven't exactly been slouches in the torso-department either y'know! :<

I was actually considering that idea, in lack of anything better. Another idea I had was something like a gigantic, absolutely massive diamond sword or something, that just crashes down from heaven and pierces the earth, then shattering into a gazillion diamond shards that go ERTRYWHERE... But that seemed a bit too... Uhm... Unwieldy. xD
I'm almost done with my CS. The only things left are some minor touch-ups in the Other Details, as well as deciding on her ULTIMATE SIGNATURE ATTACK, and if I want a magic weapon/tool or not. Oh, and I guess her transformed name as well.
Anyway, here's what I've got so far:

Oh dear.... Ms. Covington and my character aren't going to be very good friends, I can tell you that much. xD
Loved the CS by the by.

Eheh, uwu~
<Snipped quote by Xaltwind>

Their CS is pretty much done since an hour ago tho?


You know, it might help if I also check the Character Tab part of the thread, rather than just the OOC.

I keep flipping back to page 2 and stare at @shagranoz's CS, waiting for that delicious, delicious magical-section reveal... :E
I'm making my character's mascot just the worst. Its a stay-at-home, home-body, couch-potato who'd rather watch TV than actually hang out with and keep my character company. Also it's pig-themed. And its favorite food is bacon.

On a different ntoe though, I'd like to ask what, if any, 'generic' powers we get as magical girls? Like, can we all fly right out of the gate? Or do we need to set that as one of our powers, or have a weapon/tool that allows us to do that?

Do we get increased strength/speed/durability? One girl was gunned down, supposedly by mundane firearms(?), so I'm guessing that even if our characters do become more sturdy, its not enough to make any real difference if we take an attack from something that'd be lethal to a regular person?

Just a few things I thought about and figured I'd check on.
Still making my character, and trying to settle on a consistent powerset.

'Electricity' is a broad term. It can venture into 'lightning' and thus weather-adjacent. It can venture into Infamous-style 'store and release' stuff. Then there's my first idea about it being able to power tech like a visor. But not all three. That'd be too unfocused.

But he's always drunk! What if he changes his mind!? D:
... Or, y'know, his wife gets really fed up with him not cashing in all the sweet, sweet touhou merch he could be merching.

I think I'm gonna hold off on searching for a magical appearance until I see some more CS'es though. Want to get a feel for what the rest of you are going for. :V
You want ZUN to come all the way over here and kick my ass for copyright-infringment!? No thanks. :<

Besides, all of her gem-thingies already spin around her whenever she uses or prepares them... Just like that one move... orrery-something... With the gatling lasers and beams... Except without the gatling or beams... *cough*
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