Avatar of Xaltwind


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Final day of vacation... It's gone by way too quick. It always does.
2 mos ago
Wish someone would tell me to just hut up and take THEIR money... Y'know, instead of them telling me to shut up and taking MY money...
1 like
2 mos ago
Feeling lazy today, so I'll just have some cup noodles for dinner I think
2 mos ago
Remember that food I bought a while back? WHY IS ALMOST ALL GONE ALREADY!? What am I, a black hole?
2 mos ago
Welp, done everything I need to for today, now what?
1 like


  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

´Currently amusing myself by trying to guesss which characters will end up in which Knight Squads. All while waiting for moar posts. 'Cuz I really wanna post... But I know I shouldn't... So I won't... Even though I wanna...
Is that weird? My friends scared and beat me up all the time back in school, and took my lunch money, and threw into lockers. But it was all just a joke, right? They never meant anything bad, right?

... Right?

Is it really a good idea to train with fire while iinside a carriage!? That... That doesn't seem like something OSHA'd be okay with. o_o;

I did like how Sol thinks this is a tournament you can win, rather than an eaxm though. Made me churtle. :P

By the way, @Zeroth, should the player characters have any insight or knowledge of the Magic Knight Orders and their current reputation/standing in the kingdom? Or are we going with everyone being an Asta, and having absolutely no idea about anything regarding the Knights? ^^
I don't remember the exact contents of the Magic Knight Exam myself, due to it being so long ago since I watched Black Clover. But I do remember somethings, but Zeroth's gonna have to fill you in the details and specifics.

But, basically, as far as I recall, the Exam is a public event with spectators showing up to cheer on or watch the applicants take the trial, as well as seeing which Magic Knight Oder they end up in. So, yes, there are a lot more people watching the actual exam than people who're actually taking the exam.

As for the exam itself, it consists of several different parts, including a Broom-flying/control test, a Sparring/Combat test (applicant vs. applicant) and... That's about as far as I recall, but I'm sure there were a few more bits invovled in it.
I can totally see where you're coming form on this. Seeing a lot of posts in the IC before you've even got a chance to post, or have only posted once and haven't really "gotten anywhere" can be quite intimidating.

However, as long as the main plot isn't advanced or moved forward, and people aren't "left behind", I don't see a real reason to hold back on posting. After all, this is a roleplay and one of the main draws of this hobby is to interact and see how different peoples' characters act and react to one another. No matter how much, for example, Kohra and Hikari talks and interacts, that won't really change anything for any other players, so long as Zeroth doesn't make a post that actually drives the narrative or time of day or plot forward in any way.

This is also why I include a TL;DR section in my post, so taht people who're not able to post as frequently, or aren't interested in what my character does, can just take a quick glance and now roughly what they're up to.

Those're my feelings on the matter, at least. ^^
Oh God it wasn't this bad in my mind! What have you done?! What have you done to my pristine childhood memories?!

Want me to fetch the original Mighty Morphing Power Rangers OP too? xD
The Official OP for the RP!

Not to worry, there's been no actual plot-progression or story-advancement. Just some silly interactions and funny shennanigans/hijinks. And a bit of drama.
Time for some sleeps. A little past midnight here now, so should probably get some rest while I can.

Camilla Internal Monologue:
You piece of ####, ruining my fun. I hope you die in a wagon-crash you overgrown monkey-pig.

Hikari Internal Monologue:
She glared at me... What a fascinating woman! >:3
So it did, @Kero.
Fix'd now though.
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