Avatar of Xiro Zean


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3 yrs ago
Current Have you heard of the MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial, you can play through A Realm Reborn and Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.
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5 yrs ago
You know that feeling when you feel like you should be doing something, recognize that you're not doing anything, but then proceed to continue to do nothing? That's me. Everyday.
8 yrs ago






...I got nothing. *shrugs*

Most Recent Posts

It's a good name
I once played with a chick who had - completely without knowing what it meant - named her character Gaisho (it can mean hooker/prostitute), 'cause they wanted it to sound like geisha, but not actually be Geisha.

I honestly wouldn't know if we'd "met" before. I've been RPing for ... jeesh, I guess it'll be 14 years soon.
I've played with so many people that I can't remember by far the most of them. Also, I suck at names and people change their avatars all the time, so I get confused

Kek. Actually ridiculous. I mean, they at least did what they set out to do: a geisha that isn't actually a geisha.

I'm pretty sure we haven't, cause I'm sure I'd remember the name "The Mad Hatter" if we ever did. But yeah, lots of peeps on RP forums and lots of changing and switching. Anyways, nice to meet you!
I noticed and chuckled at it, but also clearly saw that you definitely did it on purpose. We've got a dude called "Excited State", too. I assume that's completely intentional as well ;)

I actually talked with Sloth about his name, and it wasn't the type of excited he meant for it to be, but kept it nonetheless XD

Btw, don't think we've ever met on the forum before. I hope we have a smashing time in this RP :D
I'm bored, so... I did things. I'm really trying to be helpful and not a pain in the butt. I'm not trying to be a smart-ass or anything. Just wanna make that very clear!

Yo, you got no problems. Correcting Japanese names isn't going to cause anyone to label you as a smart-ass XD

Though I'm not one to say anything because I literally just named my character "Bang Bang of a Thousand Guns"
Yeet. Placeholder buckos.
Terhikki and Marina are already such a fun duo to read about. I never knew I wanted to see a pygmy flirtatious violet and a wild and wet adventurer duo until today XD
>Was totally prepared to finish up a CS
>Realized he had finals the next week, and a bunch of shit to turn in before then
>Crammed for the next few days
>Woke up this Sunday evening and realized that he hadn't turned in a sheet for Gaea before judgement day

Ffffffffffffff- The tea is ready.

That being said, hope you guys have a fun trip through this. Hopefully I can hop in at a later date or something XD
Oh yay, open OOC. Gonna get to typing out dat CS
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