Avatar of Xiro Zean


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3 yrs ago
Current Have you heard of the MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial, you can play through A Realm Reborn and Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.
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5 yrs ago
You know that feeling when you feel like you should be doing something, recognize that you're not doing anything, but then proceed to continue to do nothing? That's me. Everyday.
8 yrs ago






...I got nothing. *shrugs*

Most Recent Posts

Location: The Classroom of Hatake Toshiro, Konohagakure Academy

Matsuoka Sarutobi was in a bad mood.

This wasn’t a massive revelation in the slightest, as the woman infamously nicknamed the “Gorilla Princess” was usually in an unfriendly and hostile state of mind. In this case, however, it was much more than the front it usually was, to the point that she was contemplating the idea of dropping her assignment entirely and willingly taking the unavoidable demotion that would come with it.

She wasn’t thrilled in the slightest about her fellow sensei. Shinatobe Uchiha was someone with a similar temperament as herself, and though some might have said that would’ve made them capable of creating a bond on some level, Matsuoka didn’t think it was possible with this woman in particular.

The Uchiha have always held a stick up their asses, and she wasn’t going to go through the trouble of pulling it out to make the bitch any less annoying to deal with. The fact that her jab apparently didn’t even deign a response was somewhat disappointing as well.

On top of that, nearly every student in the classroom lacked what was necessary to be taught under her. When she asked Toshiro Hatake-san if the room she walked into was the wrong class, she had a slight hope that it was. None of them had any sense of presence, and while that was fine and dandy for a ninja, it was a likely signal that she was going to have to teach whichever kids she was assigned from the ground up.

The only bright spot in the class was a spunky redhead who immediately stood up for her classmates and attempted a retaliation. A flimsy wooden kunai thrown in her direction that she caught with a single hand, but it was enough to alleviate a bit of the cloud that brewed within her. Matsuoka wasn’t quite sure who that girl was, but she liked her. Hopefully, the kid would be one of the students assigned to her.

A wide, shit-eating grin spread across her face, but before she could ‘helpfully’ remind the student of the consequences of insubordination, the door to the classroom creaked open. When she turned to see who exactly was the poor bastard that would take up the mantle as the third sensei, her smile dropped.

A million thoughts rushed through her head at that moment, fists clenched and unclenched with a dry mouth and sweaty palms, eyes widened as various emotions racked her core. All of that within a single second, but the woman quickly regained control of herself and turned back to the class, nonchalant with a slightly disgusted expression on the surface even as a mini-version of herself began to cheer and rain confetti within her mind.

Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.

Eventually, Hatake-san called the class to order, and began to rattle off the names of students under their respective sensei. To the Sarutobi’s dismay, the redhead who was apparently named Tsume Yakushi wasn’t placed under her tutelage, but instead was sent to learn with the scruffy pansy that happened to walk into the classroom. She’ll make sure to catch the man with a few choice words after all these introductions were over. Only to rag on him for getting the student she wanted, of course.

For the moment, however, she got saddled with what was possibly the least enviable team available. A Yamanaka, who Matsuoka noticed had been failing at stealthily leering at herself and the other female sensei ever since they walked in through the doors, a Uchiha, who wasn’t doing herself any favors by mouthing off like a pre-school child in front of her potential sensei, and a Senju, who the woman couldn’t tell what was up with him, but she was certain that the fact that she didn’t see anything on the surface meant he was probably useless.

Before the black-haired member of her possible future team could embarrass the brunette any further, a heavy hand fell atop the young girl’s head, harder than rock as the fingers dug into her scalp and turned the Uchiha away from the blonde she was harassing to face the narrowed eyes of her sensei. “Hey, brat. Why don’t you close your mouth for a while and shut the fuck up, okay? Good girl.”

Intentionally making her voice as condescending as possible, Matsuoka let go of the girl’s head and pat her like one would a dog that didn’t understand simple instructions before turning her attention to the three students in front of her as a whole. “Training Ground 13. Fifteen minutes. Don’t be late, maggots.”

“Hatake-san, if that’s it, I’m out of here.” Not waiting for a response, the soured mood that tinged her voice was apparent in the Sarutobi’s expression as she flashed through the hand signs for Body Flicker, holding the second-to-last sign for a moment to convey her disappointment to the former teacher of her three brats before disappearing in a puff of smoke.
It Begins.

Location: The Classroom of Hatake Toshiro, Konohagakure Academy

Students are usually expected to listen to their sensei, especially during what is essentially a farewell speech in which said sensei finally allows his students their first step into the world of shinobi. Had it been any other day, Kimura just might have, but on the day of her gradation the Inuzuka girl was seen focused on her notebook with not a single apparent notion that she was listening to a single steel grey word Toshiro-sensei was saying.

Her face nearly covered entirely by her little logbook, furious scribbling could be heard from behind the pages while her signature partner, Guremaru, released a lazy, chocolate brown yawn from his rightful place atop her head.

The reason for her frantic pace? The one who was called to stand, Tensai-kun, her friend who started sporting a new look since an unknown time before the Academy opened its doors that morning, his eyes covered by the locks of his hair which he usually kept out of the way.

At first, the conspiracist almost immediately jumped to the conclusion that someone had used the Transformation Jutsu to take his place, but her usual early morning tackle as a greeting shot that idea down when the disguise didn't break upon impact.

The speed of which he pulled away from her afterward however, which was noticeably quicker than usual, drew Kimura to the theory that he maybe he was rigged with an explosive seal by a foreign nin and he didn't want anyone getting hurt. A quick sniff with a chakra enhanced nose crossed that notion as well, along with the other speculation that a foreign nin was using practical effects for a disguise rather than a jutsu.

His crisp autumn maple voice cemented the thought that whatever was different wasn't because of any identity switcheroo, yet none of the other theories that began to crowd her head matched up either. Despite only a few hours passing between her seeing Tensai that morning and the current state of affairs, the pages of Kimura's notebook were covered with so many scribbles, flowcharts, and crossed connections that it started to look more like an investigation pin-board than a study notebook.

She thanked the kami for keeping everyone else relatively the same, aside from their usual ongoing problems that she had to check on like Ria-chan keeping up her facade as an "academy student" and Inokikue-kun's ever escalating attempts of shirking the duties of a shinobi in his strange, backwards manner. Had anyone else gained any notable changes, she might not have had enough of an attention span to give everyone the usual greetings she used as a surface level identity check.

The bothered girl's musings were cut short as the door to the classroom opened, drawing her eyes from the paper and ink to survey the two figures that entered.

The first to step forward carried herself with a great deal of confidence, the flak jacket she wore indicating she was at least chunin rank as chestnut brown eyes swept across Kimura's classmates with visible disappointment. Long brown locks spilled down the adult's back, divided by a staff longer than she was tall, and the signature Konoha ninja headband sat snuggly around her right forearm. The woman's scarlet tone echoed the emotions that seemed to play across her face as the ninja pinned Toshiro-sensei with a less-than-enthusiastic stare.

"Really? This is the gaggle of brats we're dealing with? Hatake-san, please tell me you're pulling my fucking tail and that this is just some first year class you took over for shits and giggles."

A hand was exasperatedly gestured to the direction of the class as the woman's pure red words were a direct insult to all the academy students as a collective waste of time. While she wasn't one to raise her voice in anger, Kimura's cheeks puffed with indignation at the blanket statement. Her friends and everyone else always tried their best to succeed in class, so to hear someone who hadn't even introduced herself just wave off their efforts within ten seconds of entering the room was more than a little frustrating to her.

"And with this fucking Uchiha as one of my fellow sensei to boot? Dear kami, I can only imagine how much of a dumbass mistake the last sucker must be thinking this job is. They didn't even try to show their face to this shit show!" The brunette then turned her attention away from the class to the woman who walked in with her, arms crossed and obviously unhappy with her current company.

Beneath the desk, Kimura crossed her fingers. She hoped that this person out of whoever was available wasn't assigned to be her new sensei. The Inuzuka could already imagine what sort of things she could unearth gathering info on a person with such a personality, and she didn't want anything to do with someone as unfriendly as another person she actively disliked.
Ya yeet.

Posted CS, courtesy of best boy @Grey

Hattori Himōri

• Present Day, Quirk Demonstrations •

Students stepped forward, and Quirks were displayed. Some Quirks were eye-catching, others were subtle. There were those who were confident, those who were timid, and all displayable emotions in-between.

No matter what, however, Himōri watched each and every demonstration with a wide, awe-filled gaze.

She understood the concept behind Quirks, that there were as many as there were stars under the sky, and that each person that had one was likely to have a Quirk different from others. She had come here understanding that, admiring it even, but she hadn't understood how varied the Quirks could be.

Within the span of a few minutes of each other, she's seen pyrotechnics, energy blasts, hydrokinesis, body-related manipulations, and mutant physiques. All different in their own ways, even though a few overlapped in some aspects. And with each one, the brunette couldn't help but feel a bit inferior in a sense, her hands balled into fists as they clutched the sleeves of her sweater. Everyone at the demonstration was there to become more than a freak, to make something of the curses and gifts they've been given, to become heroes.

How was she going to be able to compete with them?

It wasn't a competition, at least not in a conventional sense, but Himōri couldn't help but compare herself to them. If one were to go by looks alone, she was clearly the least qualified to become a hero. Even those who're mostly human on the surface held themselves in ways that she found herself lacking. Many of the quirks that had come before were powerful, and those of a less flashy variety were useful in their own rights.

Yet despite her inner woes, the bundled up girl moved to present her quirk next after the young shrimp girl who seemed to have a flair for theatrics. She slapped her cheeks with a loud "smack" in a vain attempt to settle herself, and as she turned around to look out towards her potential classmates, it was obvious to any keen-eyed observer that she was trying her very best to keep herself calm.

"H-Hello." Himōri quickly cleared her throat when she caught herself stuttering, placing her hands to her chest to still her heart before continuing her introduction.

"I'm Hattori Himōri, and my Quirk is named 'Silk Weave', a transformative Quirk that makes my body turn into silk that I can control at will."

Her head turned to look at the woman everyone seemed to be asking to help them with their Quirk demonstrations, though she seemed to struggle for a bit with indecision before she called out to the Quirk Development Specialist. "Mori-sensei, could I ask you to stand next to me? I... can't really show what my Quirk can do very well without something or someone to manipulate"

”Oh? I’d love to help you demonstrate, Himōri-kun!” Mori-sensei swiftly and eagerly returned to the platform to stand next to her as instructed. With her arms on her hips she faced her body toward the audience, eyes locked onto Himōri to witness the Quirk demo, participant or not.

With the strangely excitable teacher by her side, Himōri closed her eyes and began to breathe in and out in a even manner, calming herself as each breath became longer and longer. After a few breaths, the skin on her cheeks seemed to peel away, tiny tendrils of what was once human flesh morphing into beige silk as the rest of her body followed suit. Within moments, there was only thousands of silk strands in a shape that was once Himōri before it surged out of her clothing like a deluge, leaving her heavy coverings behind.

The silk strands moved together in unison as it wove itself into a shape before the class' very eyes, no longer individual lengths of silk, morphed into a singular, long strip of cloth save for a small, circular bundle near one end. Anyone well-versed with textiles would notice how finely knit the silk was woven, so close together it was almost like it was never apart in the first place. The cloth that Himōri had transformed into quickly moved to wrap around Mori-sensei and lock her tightly, slithering up and around the woman's body in a similar manner as a boa constrictor until only her shoulders and head were visible, the spiral shape created by the binding seamlessly weaving together into a single, air-tight piece.

Mori-sensei’s smile grew ever wider as Himōri’s transformation occurred. The brunette’s Quirk was a very interesting one, and she was particularly interested in seeing it in action. Being up close and personal was an added treat for her, so much so that she remained calm and respectful during the demonstration, even as she was enveloped and wound tightly by the silk mass that was once her new student. As soon as the capture was complete, she made an effort to struggle and writhe within the silk’s embrace, finding it impossible to work out of with strength alone.

”My my, you’re so strong in this form! You’re like a super blanket!”

The cloth seemed to wave a bit in response to Mori-sensei’s remark before it unraveled to allow the teacher to move around a bit, only to configure herself into a different shape, binding the woman's wrists and ankles and pulling them back. A few pieces of cloth extended from the main bit to ease her fall to the ground on her chest, but by the time she touched the arena's floor the teacher was lightly hogtied, the bindings tightened and loosened experimentally with Mori-sensei's reactions as to not hurt the woman in the uncomfortable position. The rest of the cloth had extended to wrap around one of the pillars standing in the arena to demonstrate just how much cloth she had at her disposal. Throughout the demonstration, Mori-sensei didn’t look at all displeased with being handled like so, despite being tied up and face down on the arena.

Suddenly, as if the cloth that was once a student realized about what placing a teacher in such a situation would look like, the cloth unbound Mori-sensei and surged back into the clothing left behind, filling in all the space between as Himōri reconstructed herself. First her feet, her legs, then her hips, torso, neck, and finally her head, flushed with embarrassment.

"I-I'm sorry, Mori-sensei," Himōri quickly apologized to the fallen teacher as she hastily moved to the woman's side, helping her up while simultaneously bowing repeatedly as if it could wipe away what she'd just done.

"I wasn't thinking. I only meant to show how strong I could bind my silk together. Please forgive me!"

Mori-sensei grabbed hold of one of Himōri’s hands with both of her own and stood up with the offered assistance, but didn’t allow the student to withdraw her hand. Instead, the teacher shook her hand up and down as if to congratulate the brunette and assure her that she wasn’t upset.

”No no no, it’s okay! Your Quirk is super cool! I had a lot of fun! Besides, do you know what my Quirk is? I’ve put people into similar sticky situations, so it was fun to see what it’s like on the other end of a capture Quirk! I can’t wait to work with you!”

Immediately, Himōri’s cheeks flushed red, though if it was from embarrassment caused by the praise or pride in the fact that a teacher recognized her Quirk, one couldn’t say for sure. Not even herself. "Th-Thank you, Mori-sensei. I look forward to working with you too!”

The young woman bowed at the waist toward her future teacher before she moved to step down from the arena, her hands clutched firmly in the middle of her chest as she breathed heavily to keep her excitement from exploding for everyone to see. For a teacher to actually acknowledge her as someone they’d want to teach was more than she hoped for.

Despite the fears and unease that clouded her future, Himōri couldn’t wait to start her year at UA. If things kept going as well as they have, maybe things would be better in this school than the last.
@Moyai I figured that was what happened. Just wanted to bring it up without being all "Yo, you messed up!".

Hattori Himōri

• Present Day, Hattori Household •

It was just like any other day.

That was the lie that Himōri told herself as she stared back at the place she’d lived in, her home in a city without her father. It was probably the last time she’d see it for a while, her hands clenching around the singular strap of her over-the-shoulder bag as the building loomed over her. For the next few years, there would be no work, no more hiding, no more wondering.

No more Mom.

As if the thought of her summoned her presence, the woman in question slowly crept open the entrance of the household, clutching the frame with half of her face hidden from view. Her untidy, brunette locked spilled down her shoulders and framed her tear-stricken face, while her only visible hand displayed chipped, hastily bitten fingernails that still retain a few splotches of day-old nail polish. Remnants of the night before, when Himōri had broken the news of her acceptance into UA.

Despite her disheveled appearance, there was a fire behind her eyes that spoke of an authority only mothers could wield, staring down her daughter with a hopeless yet anticipatory gaze while the latter glared with faltered determination in response.

“Is there nothing I can do to change your mind, Mori-chan?”


A long silence. One that Himōri couldn’t help but hate as the flames that fueled her mother’s stare sputtered out to a dwindle.
This was a decision she made, herself. One that she thought she’d stick by no matter what. For once in her life, she felt like she had a chance to make a difference, to rewrite the wrongs that were written in the past.

So why did it feel like her heart is being ripped out of her chest?

“…Are you certain? We can always pull you out of this program, forget all of this ever happened. All you have to do is say ‘no’.”


Himōri stood silently, but her eyes said it all, her determination unwavering despite the escape offered to her.

For a moment, her mother seemed to harden, breathing in deep as her mouth curled with anger, opening to rebuke her child’s actions. Himōri snapped her eyes shut, expecting it, but it never came. Instead, a slow, drawn-out sigh released itself from the mother’s mouth as the tailor regretfully revealed herself entirely from behind the door, still wearing the clothes from the night before as she approached her daughter with a slip in hand. Every step caused Himōri to tense, sweat collecting at her temple to slide down her cheek like a teardrop.

When the tension came to a peak, the potential student couldn’t help but instinctively take a step back at a sudden movement, the slip thrust out towards her with her mother never breaking her gaze. As Himōri’s eyes focused on the paper, however, the girl of sixteen years couldn’t hold in her gasp when she realized what it was.

A ticket. A train ticket headed for Musutafu, to be exact.

“If you’re going to pay for your own tuition… You will need every yen you can save, right?”

Pain filled the mother’s voice, yet a weight in Himōri’s stomach was lifted, the mother allowing her begrudging acceptance of the matter to reveal itself through her actions. The daughter glanced between the ticket and the one holding it with wetted eyes, and she couldn’t help but unleash her tears as she allowed a dam on her emotions to be broken, clutching her mother tightly as she felt her shoulder become drenched in return.

• Present Day, UA Entrance •

Himōri’s eyes were still suspiciously red by the time the school came into view, a cute, frilly handkerchief with a happy little bear in the corner brushing at the leftovers of her melancholy while the owner of both stared out at UA’s buildings. This was her chance, her moment to change everything. If she could excel at this school, then everything she’d done up to now wouldn’t have been for nothing.

It scared her, really, to enroll at a new school for the second time in a row. Her last, while not a hellscape as it could’ve been, certainly wasn’t kind to her. What few friends she could’ve made were driven away when it was revealed that she had a quirk, and the others didn’t even give her a chance because of how she looked.

Not that she could help either of those issues. The pasty shop in that area was almost worth all the name-calling.

The faint murmurs and the large crowd she saw collecting at the front gate didn’t help her worries at all, and the presence of the police was more of a point of anxiety rather than a symbol of protection. She was only able to keep calm because she remembered the contents of the acceptance letter, that hero class students should take the side entrance.

Closing her brown coat over her pink sweater and holding it tight with her hands, Himōri kept her head low as she began to briskly make her way towards the designated entrance, eyes glancing about to look out for anyone that may attempt to accost her. Her gaze happened to catch sight of what appeared to be a gyaru student conversing with a government official, but she kept her head down, thinking that they must be talking about the security of the school or something.

Thankfully, no one seemed to have noticed her, too preoccupied with other matters as she scurried around to the side entrance for the hero class. A sigh of relief released itself as she passed through the gate and approached the small crowd of students, already sighting a few that appear to have been mutated by their quirks. Unlike what most would expect, their unnatural forms caused her to relax rather than mortify her, solidifying in her mind that this is the correct place to be. No one with such visible quirks would be in the normal classes… At least, she didn’t think they'd be at a school like this.

Though she had reached her destination, the brunette hadn’t had a clue as to what she should be doing now that she had arrived. Not wishing to draw attention to herself, she didn’t attempt to move further towards the group’s center. Instead, she tarried at the far edge where she had arrived from, clutching her ID tightly to her chest as she allowed herself a moment of excitement.

This was it! The start of her journey as a hero class student!
>There are posts in the IC
>I was not notified of this

Monday cannot come any sooner. The moment I finish my test, I'm running back to my computer to make a post damn it.

And for my other RPs too but hey

IIRC we're currently full. If you ain't in the discord, I don't think you'll be getting in.
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