Avatar of Yankee


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21 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
1 like
1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts


Masato sucked in a deep breath, breathing heavily and purposefully once the monster was dead. It was definitely dead; it wasn't moving, its throat was torn open, and it had bled enough to drench three middle schoolers. We fucking did it, he thought to himself, still somewhat in disbelief. He didn't feel like saying anything out loud in case it jinxed them and brought something even more terrible down upon the class. He glanced at Inaba on his left, Kogen on his right. Masato lifted a hand as through he were going to pat the other boy on the shoulder...

...but then he finally heaved, crawling away from both students to empty the contents of his stomach. It had been bothering him since the bus crash, and the monster's blood absolutely stunk. Once through purging Masato stood up slowly, wiping his mouth. He was tired, sore, and in pain - but he knew he looked much worse than he felt. His appearance was ghastly, soaked in red and black with torn clothes and a haunted look in his eye.

Still, he was alive. And now that things were a little less dire, he was kind of pissed off. Why did this have to happen to them? Sucked into a Portal, put through a bus crash, and then attacked by monsters. They'd all almost lost a lot more than phones and school notes. Their lives had been in jeopardy - they still were, for as long as they were still in the Otherside. Across the field, Masato could see that the other kids were no longer under attack, but some were laid out on the ground with voices of concern speaking over them. A lot of them had almost died.

Masato sucked in another breath, then drove his foot into the wolfbear's corpse. It was his third year at Kuroshio Junior High and he was so close to keeping his head down and getting one of those scholarships out of that shitty little town. Why the hell did this have to happen? He kicked the beast again, again, once more until the last of his energy started to trickle out of his body. Actually, it felt more like it was evaporating - leaving his limbs cold and his core dense and hot.

"Fuck," he sighed to himself. Alright, it was out of his system now. Time to get things back on track.

He turned away from Inaba and Kogen and approached the girl on the ground nearby. "Suzuki?" he asked, relieved when the girl lifted a hand to give the student council president a thumbs up. She was banged up but otherwise okay. It would be a real pain to carry her with his back like this, so someone else would have to help. They, the entire class of Kuroshio students, had to regroup and figure out what the hell to do from here.

Word Count: 927 (+2 exp)
Level: 9 - Total EXP: 199/90
Location: Edinburgh MagicaPolis

With the morning came debriefing the night's events - and, of course, breakfast. The Ace Cadet would never skip a meal if he could help it, which included today despite the heavy atmosphere in the Seekers' corner of the restaurant. In between plates he filled the others in on what he'd found last night, which hadn't been anything but random ambling bones. It turned out that no one had found a clue towards Linkle's whereabouts, even when she'd been right under their noses. The Noumenon? Why would she show up there? He thought, eyebrows pinched together. That she showed up at such a conspicuous place and tangled with a Consul...

"Do you think she's looking for us?" the hunter questioned, a hopeful note to his voice. Sinking further into the Skullgirl curse couldn't be something that Linkle wanted, so even if she'd abandoned Frisk and Albedo after saving them she must have realized that it was too much to handle on her own. "She could've heard about what happened earlier, and the police are probably passing around our descriptions, so... maybe she wanted to find us as much as we want to find her."

They'd know for sure once they actually reunited with the heroine. Albedo was right, they had to find her as soon as possible. The Cadet gave a resolute nod. No matter what came at them, they'd help her through whatever she was going through.

The news did not end there, as Big Band pointed out. When the detective showed them the cover page, the Cadet grew puzzled.

"War? On the Alcamoth?" Technically the Seekers and everyone at Smash City Alcamoth did want to "overthrow world leadership and destroy the world," but it was for the good of everyone. The entire world populace, save a handful, didn't even know what was really going on! "So they didn't just know where we were, they know where our base is too! Well let's give them a heads up that trouble is coming their way. Moogle?"

Yesterday when the Ace Cadet had stayed outside of the bank to summon one of those furry friends, it popped right up in front of him from thin air. It had hardly even taken a second to appear, but now nothing came. He tried again, and there was still nothing. The Alcamoth was full of strong, capable people, but...

"...I have a bad feeling about this." They had no way to contact the city, nor a way to get back there. The only thing they could do was continue their mission up here in the frozen north. Whether the newspaper announcement really was a trap to draw the Seekers out or not they had to get some idea of what was going on, so the Cadet seconded the plan of visiting the Aether Paradise. "Yeah, let's go."

When they arrived it was indeed to a crowd. People pressed up against each other and the railings lining the lake that encircled the Aether Paradise. Within such a large amount of people, the Seekers would hopefully be invisible to those that sought to do them harm. They waited there - and waited, and waited. "She'd have her hands full if she actually went. She might not even come back," the Cadet whispered to the rest of his group. One Consul down, courtesy of the Alcamoth Mercenaries. There was still no response from a Moogle though, so he waited with the rest of the curious citizens of Edinburgh.

Consul L did eventually arrive, later than scheduled and hiding some injuries that a well trained eye could see through, but alive and allegedly triumphant. The Cadet clenched his jaw, fingers curling into fists. What did she mean Alcamoth was no more? She could have been lying, feigning victory after running with her tail between her legs. But if something had actually happened, what then? What would become of all the people there, and how would they let Nadia, Princess Peach, and all the others know it wasn't safe to go back after they were done with their own missions?

The hunter turned to Big Band and the rest of his group, prepared to tell them he thought they ought to pay Consul L a visit and find out what really happened before they took care of her themselves, but more news about Alcamoth came in an unexpected form. Suddenly there was a Pokémon right in front of him, whose distinct look and psychic communication was vaguely familiar to him. It was the person who'd helped run the war room during the Seekers' last meeting in Smash City and showed he and Sakura how to use the training rooms, and if he remembered correctly its name was—


The Cadet felt his stomach tighten as the words Mewtwo "spoke" actually sunk in. So something had happened, something awful. He caught the Pokémon as it drooped, with enough foresight to shed his coat and cover Mewtwo in it. He had no clue what had really happened, but Mewtwo stuck out more than most in a crowd, and who knew if one of the ship's crew might recognize him from Alcamoth even from all the way over there. This time when the Cadet looked to his companions, there was a whole host of emotions showing on his face.

"This is- He's one of us from Alcamoth," he tried to hurriedly explain. "I don't know how he got here but something really must have went down. I... let's take him back to Grammeowster's, it looks like he's really hurt!"

Word Count: 1320 (+3 exp)
Level: 3 - Total EXP: 129/30
Location: Dystopiascape - Valley of Ruin

It completely confused Pit when Susie's suggestion of taking down a few robo-animals seemed to spark some unpleasant conversation with the rest of the group. In his mind looking for signs of the machine attack and taking some parts back to Midgar both fell under the same scope of why they were out here in the first place: helping people. Giovanna seemed to be the serious agent type so her reaction, focused purely on the mission at hand, was understandable. Their new friend Partitio seemed to really take exception to the idea of scrap collecting, which confused the angel even more. Perhaps the misunderstanding on Pit's part was his assumption that Susie's plan was altruistic, while the other Seekers found it the opposite.

Well no matter what the cause was, Pit plainly stated his confusion, starting with of course, "Uh, I'm confused," and went from there.

"We're helping the people in the slums, right? And we stole their trucks they use to come get these robot pieces, so wouldn't it be nice to at least bring something back to them once we stop the machines?"

Bringing one or two of those boxes attached to the Shellwalkers back would surely be appreciated. After all, leave it to a robot to pick the best robot pieces. Plus, Roxas had the right idea that they could do both. Did it really matter if they got the scrap now or later? At this point the group began to split up, with Giovanna, Roxas and Partitio headed for the construction site and Susie revving up to take on the wild robots in the ruins. Looking back and forth between both options with his bow already drawn, Pit ultimately decided to go with Susie as he originally intended.

"We'll grab some souvenirs for the Midgardians and meet you guys over there!" he said to the backs of Giovanna and those headed with her before skipping on toward the ruins. I can definitely beat up a crab and a crocodile, and probably a hippo!

Susie started things off with a bang, tearing away from Pit in her mecha to try bulldoze her way through everything straight to her objective. At first, Pit assumed that taking these particular machines on would be a piece of cake - however once Susie started her attack, the animals began to frenzy. It wasn't clear to Pit if they were actually protecting the Shellwalkers or if they were just retaliating against the danger Susie imposed on them, but what was clear to him was that the battle wouldn't go as easily as he'd thought it would.

Might be a little late to help clearing out that neighborhood, he thought, dashing forward to help Susie out. Above and around the flooded ruin the metallic calls of the primate-like robots sounded off as they moved to surround Susie, but once they noticed her angelic reinforcement they swung down to separate the two Seekers.

A quick deploy of the Orbitar shield protected Pit from the first Clamberjaw bodily throwing itself at him. It's claws scrabbled on the hard-light, and it flipped over the shield to land behind him with four of the ape-bots still in front. Since he could go no further without breaking through the machine group, Pit twirled his bow in hand and took a fighting stance.

"Any chance you'll let me pass if I find some bananas for you?"

The answer was a resounding "no." The Clamberjaws circled, and those that didn't pounce at Pit waited their turn, putting constant pressure on the angel as he blocked, parried, and dodged. They weren't just quick, they were strong too - and their claws were long enough to nick and cut even if he avoided the brunt of their slashes.

But Pit was a battle master in his own right, and he could turn his defense into offense at a moment's notice. He blocked one swipe and spun his blade, gouging the circuitry of the attacking robot's arms. Another came at him with intent to bite, only catching one half sword in its powerful jaws. Whoa, if this was a normal weapon it'd be crushed! With the other sword free Pit jammed it into the monkey's chest plate, making it screech and back off. He pursued, eager to start taking the robots down both so that they didn't have such a numbers advantage, and so he could make sure Susie was doing alright.

With aggressive swordplay and well-timed shields to protect his back while he attacked, the first Clamberjaw went down.

"Who's next?" Pit said, eyeing the rest of the troop. They hung back, so Pit switched tactics and began to target the, with his arrows. The light arrows smashed against their metal hides until the Clamberjaws started dashing around again. They were far too agile to hit every time, even with the arrows' ability to curve. Worse still, the monkeys had some ranged attacks of their own - the battlefield in Pit's area became a hailstorm of metal and stone debris as the machines scooped up whatever they had available with their tails and pelted Pit, some projectiles even lit on fire despite the rain. Light arrows sailed through the air in response. "Cut it out!"

After a certain point even the Clamberjaws realized they couldn't actually beat Pit in a ranged battle like this. Whatever managed to hit him the angel only shrugged off, and his arrows were more accurate than their fireballs. He'd started targeting the sparkers on their shoulders once a lucky shot smashed into one and caused an electric discharge that shocked the robot it was attached to. The most daring of their number jumped high into the air and came down towards Pit with it's claws balled into fists. He leapt up and out of the way as the machine struck the ground, completely crushing the rock beneath it. Having landed on the top of a ruined wall nearby, Pit pushed off from his spot to get back into melee combat just as the previously unseen sacs on either side of the Clamberjaw's face swelled up. It let out an ear-rending screech, sending Pit careening to the ground with his ears ringing.

What the heck...? He winced as soon as he stood, his head pounding, and not a moment later the robot slammed him back into the wall. It would take more than that to make Pit go down for the count though. Pit jammed his bow blade into the robo-ape's shoulder and sprang over it, reversing their positions. The Upperdash Arm made an appearance to smash straight into the machine, sending it crashing into the same wall Pit had been thrown into. Unable to withstand all the abuse the ruin wall collapsed, crushing the Clamberjaw underneath.

"Right back at ya, heh- huh?" Large metal claws closed around Pit, squishing his arms and wings to his sides. He didn't even have time to try and struggle free before the Clamberjaw hurled him into the air. Maybe it expected the angel to be easy pickings once airborne, but even without the power of flight Pit was still a winged creature.

"As if I'd lose in an Air Battle!" he said, righting himself with a push of his wings against the sky. Without Palutena's power it was less an air battle and more protecting himself as he fell back down to earth. The three remaining Clamberjaws stood up to all spit burning debris at their target, and Pit matched them with his bow reconnected and as many light arrows as he could shoot. Out of nine fireballs only two avoided being blasted apart in midair, one cuffing Pit's firing arm and the other sure to leave a bruise where it struck his chest. Once he landed back on the ground Pit patted the embers off of him. Owww. Okay, this is definitely gonna take longer than I thought... The fight was still on.
Maybe try making a topic in the Test Forum as well, since you can make topics in the introductions section see if that works and its just RP topics that have the issue. Good luck.
It's been a while since I've been a new user but could it be you need to upload an avatar/icon to make a thread? ...Or was that only to edit the profile bio...? umm...

@LegendBegins Heeeeeelp

South Blue

When Suiten left Ponson Island, she cut through the water in a straight line going north, the direction Silva had mentioned his grandfather spotted the 'Sea Lamp.' Before meeting Silva and Lide, she'd been taking a route that would eventually see her back to the edges of the Red Line, going diagonal across the South Blue from where the mountain spit her out. With no way to scour the entire sea floor, she'd just been kind of hoping she'd find something while exploring. The problem was, she wasn't an explorer, just a fish out of water.

But not literally, 'cause that'd be stupid!

Would it be possible to try and measure where the sun shone brightest in this part of the ocean? Where were the warmest parts of this sea? To identify areas that a tree like the one that fed Fishman Island sunlight were more likely to grow? Sure, but she didn't have that kind of time. She was just one girl - beautiful and brilliant, yes, but still.

As she'd told the fishermen, theirs was the first hint she'd had since leaving the Grand Line. The excitement of finally having something to go off of spurred Suiten onwards, swimming swiftly towards her goal. If it would a few days by boat, it would take her about half the time if she really pushed it... but it was better to pace herself. Still, her speed was much faster than the lazy flicks of her tail from earlier.

I wonder what exactly this lamp could be? She wondered, considering the nature of the Sea Lamp as she swam. Silva said it was deep underwater, so that area's sea floor must be lower than around here. Then again, the area around that island was basically epipelagic... If the lamp is something fed by the sun it might not be deep enough. And if it's not... Piezoluminescence due to the water pressure? Then it would be something that dropped into the sea. Maybe... some mineral deposit that sits on an under sea vent that's re-emitting energy as light whenever the gas escapes and heats it up?

There could be any number of explanations. It could even be a literal lamp, reflected off the ocean's surface and appearing as an undersea mirage to tired sailors. If it was even real, whether it was a natural phenomenon or not would be meaningless if that light was not in someway connected to the sun. After a certain depth the sun's rays couldn't penetrate the water, so nothing could grow on the sea floor... except in that one miracle spot in the waters straddling Paradise and Devil's Seas, fed by the Sunlight Tree Eve.

But if she allowed herself to be optimistic, maybe the South Blue could be the home of Fishman Island 2. Name pending. Maybe Merfolk Island this time! Eh, no... Suiten Island, ehe~

It was a day later that she reached the first landmark. The reef the old fisherman mentioned was hard to miss, given all the sharks. Bull sharks with elegant horns sprouting from their heads and rings through their nostrils, tiger sharks with bold stripes and cute whiskers, shark-sharks that looked all... sharky... I'm tired of describing sharks! Suiten blasted right through the waters surrounding the reef after shouting at the toothy fishes to stay out of her way. They hurried out of her path as she swam through, looking at each other in confusion.

Half a day after that, Suiten broke the surface of the water and peered around. This should be the area marked on her map. She hadn't seen anything underwater, and also didn't see anything while looking down. Similarly she hadn't seen much while making her way here except for fish. No lights around save for the blazing orb in the sky. If she had to wait around until night to investigate the area, then it would have to be in a slightly more interesting area than the open ocean. Actually, she did see something now that her gaze wasn't focused on or in the water. It looked like a bunch of trees. "Wait a minute... No... did I overshoot?!"

A couple dozen meters away was what could only have been the "Palm Forest." Hundreds of palm trees were sticking out of the water with no island in sight. Suiten swam over, finding their trunks just extended a ridiculous length down into the sea shelf below, giving the appearance of trees growing on the water.

"Aaaah... do I have to go back now? But I thought this was the place..." She pulled her map out to make sure, but she was no more a navigator than she was an explorer. She must have been pretty close to the area at least. Close enough, hopefully. She managed her frustration by jumping out of the water to snag a coconut and then bashing it against the tree until it cracked open. She took her snack with her as she slowly, almost stubbornly dragged herself back the way she'd come - though she didn't get very far.

She swam at the surface to make sure she didn't end up somewhere she shouldn't, spotting a shark fin coming from the other direction. One of those sharks she'd seen earlier, maybe? Regardless, she called out to it. <I'm not in the mood, so go some place else!> The shark did not seem to hear her, so she tried again. <I said mooooove, okay?> It didn't deviate it's course at all.

"What the..." <Hey, listen to me! Hey!!> At this point Suiten had slowed her movement, her eyes narrowed in confusion. There was no way the waves of her voice didn't reach it, so she was completely puzzled as to why it wasn't following her instruction. Unless...?

Curious, Suiten propelled herself forward. Finally she seemed to have been noticed by the shark thanks to the heavy splash as her tail hit the water before she dove. From this distance the figure was silhouetted, but it clearly had the fins and nose of a shark. When it spotted Suiten coming for it, it startled and zipped away. Though it was fast, faster than Suiten had thought at first, unfortunately it couldn't out-swim the mermaid.

"Aha!" Suiten exclaimed as she caught the fish by its tail. There was a curious sound, like cloth being torn just before the shark whirled around so that Suiten could see its face properly. Shocked, Suiten released her grasp on it. "You're...?!"
Welcome~! If you have any questions feel free to ask!
Hey there! Welcome to RPG! Plenty share your interests here so hopefully you find something you like!

Word Count: 620 (+1 exp)
Level: 3 - Total EXP: 126/30
Location: Dystopiascape - Valley of Ruin

After the trucks finally came to a halt, Pit hopped out to stretch his wings and legs. He flitted right over to the crashed plane, some tightness in his chest loosening when he found no injured people or signs of casualties. Of course there could still have been some, taken care of by the salvage teams previously, but he chose to remain on the optimistic side. The plane itself was barely more than a skeleton at this point, but there was some colorful bags stuffed under seats that had gone unnoticed. Some were already wrenched open with their contents disheveled, and it were these that Pit curiously peeked into. He'd feel bad about taking someone else's money though, so he mostly left the suitcases alone. Mostly. He couldn't resist pocketing a few candy bars simply labeled "ALMONDS." Better to eat them before they went bad, right?

Once Tora was finished rewiring the vehicles (or whatever he was actually doing), the Seekers were free to go wherever they pleased. They piled back into the trucks and were off, splitting up to find any clues about where and when the machine force would be attacking. This time the drive was much shorter, so there was little time for conversation before they got there. Even so, Pit grinned at their new merchant pal.

"Yep. Saving the world and all that!" With Partitio still under Galeem's thrall for now, he only added, "You might learn about it eventually."

After that they arrived at a second location, one that was beginning to resemble a jungle more than a city. Especially with the animal-shaped robots that dotted the landscape. It was fortunate that Zenkichi cautioned against such machines, because otherwise Pit wouldn't have hesitated to go right up to one.

"Aw, but they look so cool!" He'd never seen these kinds of machines before, surprisingly life-like ones in the way they mimicked the animals they looked like. The closest that Pit could think of was Galleom, but even that was more like a cyborg than a full buts and bolts robot like these. As cool as they were, they probably weren't related to the impending machine attack. They didn't seem like anything but synthetic animals. So... did the machines have their own ecosystem out here? Interesting, but too much to think about.

Nearby the flooded city ruins was an abandoned construction site, with a crane standing tall. It was there that the former Turk suggested the Seekers go for their recon mission. As far as good scouting places, it was definitely the best option from what Pit could tell.

"Sounds good to me," he said. Squinting at the crane and what he could see of the half-built neighborhood, the angel noted the robots milling about as well as those ape-like ones swarming the crane itself. "Hmm, maybe a good shake will make all the monkeys fall off their tree. Probably be easier to fight them that way if we want to climb that crane." And Pit did. He wanted to climb that crane very much.

Of course, at least one among them had other things on their mind. Susie was still thinking about gathering scrap for the people back in the slums, a noble train of thought. She indicated the robots with the large boxes on their back. "Those crab looking ones?"

She was already on the move. Since he'd already volunteered to protect her, Pit would go with her. His bow appeared in his hands. "I guess we can do this first so we have something to bring back!" Or they could take care of it quick and regroup with the Seekers that chose to move on ahead, either way it shouldn't take too long.
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