Avatar of Yankee


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1 mo ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
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1 mo ago
12 mos ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

@Yankee So I've given Jada wind and water, I imagine watching Boro's mage hand like abilities might have inspired some practice with wind. And water I could see her trying her own attempts at the pond, but feel free to swap them if you prefer earth or fire. Here's a first pass on her skills, what sort of hobbies does Jada have?

Liminal Resist I
Research: Magic Study
Sense Needs
Jack of Trades, Odd Jobs
Ignoble Magic - Wind, lesser
Ignoble Magic - Water, Lesser
Identify Scroll, Lesser
Inspect Artefact, Lesser
Inspect Rune, Lesser

That works, thank you. Can I ask what "Sense Needs" would entail? I don't want to make any wrong assumptions!
As for hobbies, reading of course. I think fishing would be fun, doubles as time to meditate too. I see her having a love of games, both table games like card or board games and simple sports like kick ball or soccer. Though as the guild grows I think her time will be more taken up by that kind of work.
@Yankee her personality is so adorable. And the egg is really exciting. She probably knows Boro if she likes studying. She definitely needs extra thought to her skills and where she starts at - do you want her to have any active magic at the beginning of the RP?

Thank you! I think she'll be fun to bounce off of others. Yes I agree she'd probably spend a good amount of time in his library, and be more well acquainted to the characters that do their business with the Guild. If anyone reading wants to hash out more in-depth connections, let me know.

As far as magic, I would like her to start with some basic magic but to be honest I didn't have a concrete idea of what kind so I'd be open to suggestions.

And by the way, map looks great! No notes from me.

Word Count: 1663 (+3 exp)
Level: 3 - Total EXP: 133/30
Location: Dystopiascape - Valley of Ruin

After meeting up with the others in their group, Pit was informed that they'd found the intel they needed about the machine attack - and that it was happening a lot sooner than they'd expected. They needed to hustle if they wanted any chance at intercepting it. Considering the timetable for their main mission just got pushed up, Pit wasn't too bummed about losing out on the material boxes in the flooded ruins. Of course there was the question on how they'd all get to where they needed to be, since apparently the other truck had been destroyed. It was a question that was quickly answered by Tora.

"Ooh, me!" he told the Nopon, scrambling to join him and Poppi on the tall machine they'd brought over.

The group moved, back toward the ruined city they'd seemed to come through earlier. There they quickly found their targets: a veritable army of robots, with sandy colored metal bodies and beady, bright red eyes. Way more than Pit could count, but Poppi had that covered. A thousand, huh?

There were quite a lot of robots, that was for sure. But nothing a handful of heroes couldn't handle, right? Pit hopped in place a few times and stretched out his wings, preparing for battle with the rest of the group.

"I'm used to taking down tons of enemies," he said, manifesting the Palutena Bow in his hands. "Heh, I'll even take two hundred!"

Big words, but ones that Pit could back up... well, if he'd been at full strength. He wasn't entirely sure when or how he'd regain all his capabilities in the World of Light, but what he had should still be enough to take on a hundred or so robots. Whether he could or not didn't matter - he would, so that the machines wouldn't reach the city and hurt anyone.

The Seekers charged, Pit along with them. As he entered the fray, his opener was much the same as every: a volley of light arrows. The arrows swerved around the faster Seekers to strike their targets, only staggering the larger robots. The weaker, smaller robots had their vitals blown apart with one or two well placed shots. Perhaps if they'd been up against physical arrowheads their metal chassis might have fared better, but the pure condensed light fired from the Palutena Bow was just made of different stuff.

He'd managed to take out a number this way while the Seekers were still relatively close together. Biped medium and large with limbs broken off so that they couldn't move, chest cavities dented in and damaging core mechanisms inside, or head pieces completely broken for instant downs. Fliers of all sizes crashed down from overhead, destroyed while in the air or smashing to pieces once they hit the ground. "Twenty!" Pit called his tally aloud before a mass of robots finally made their way to him, converging together.

Though he was more proficient in long range, melee suited the angel just fine as well. A goliath reached out to swat Pit but he hopped up and onto its arm, running up the length until its small head was in sight. He slammed the bowblade into the space between its eyes, carving a slice through its head that sparked and gradually shut the machine down. It fell to its knees, toppling over and squashing two bipeds under its weight. Pit dashed off, spinning the bow in his hand as he cut through a group of bipeds that scrambled toward him. The small area around him was a cyclone of blue, gold, and flying metal chunks. When he came out the other side, he left behind several scrap heaps. "Thirty!"

Now that he was in the thick of it, there didn't seem to be any end to the robotic hoard. When he put one machine down, another came at him. They climbed over the fallen bodies of their fellow machines with singular focus. A legpower goliath came stomping through, but it only suffered the same fate as the previous goliath. When it kicked at the angel, Pit jumped up high. A flap of his wings brought him out of range of the follow up kick, and he came down on the robot's head with a downward strike that punctured its cranium. This time the bipeds around it scattered so as not to be crushed, leaving a couple open for Pit to sweep in and skewer.

It was clear that the more simplistic, humanoid bots were not going to be a match for Pit. However, there were more than just those kinds of machines in the army they were facing. Four quadrupeds galloped toward him, pushing the other robots out of the way and charging directly at him. These didn't need to fumble around and try to strike him with a weapon, their bodies were sharpened enough that a simple tackle had the potential to do a lot of damage. He parried the first and very nearly dodged the second. He was a little too late, and when he turned out of the way the quadruped clipped his wing. It was a relatively minor wound, but also the worst place he could have been hit, and in his haste to protect his wings he turned back into danger's way. The third slammed into him, its front legs caught by the bow but slicing into his arms and bracers. Refusing to be bowled over, Pit dug his heels in and grit his teeth. He was being pushed back, so he rolled with it - throwing the quadruped behind him with a kick where it slashed apart a biped.

The fourth quadruped had missed when Pit had rolled backward, but it had already turned and was running in for its second charge when he stood back up. He leapt up and kicked the machine over, following up with a windmill slash to take it apart before it could regain its footing. There was a repreive of about one second when Pit swapped equipment before the robots swarmed in once more.

Faster than their two-legged counterparts, the quadrupeds made to tackle Pit first. This time they were easily deflected by the dual Orbitars that floated around him. They turned the robots away as though they were simple charging animals, and a spray of rapid fire shots took out a squadron of medium and large bipeds that followed behind. The orbitars then swept around, turning their fire on the four-legged machines. Individually each shot was weak, but enough clustered together on joins or weak spots was enough to destroy what amounted to robo-fodder. Two of the quadrupeds crumpled, and the last threw itself at Pit only to be pummeled into defeat by the swirling shields.

Whew! How many is that now? It was getting a little hard to keep track. Gunfire showered over the area from some fliers that arrived, and a pair of reverse-legged goliaths that stepped up to the plate next. The Orbitars slammed together to block the bullets, focusing on defense and only taking pot shots at the fliers. Some crashed down to the earth, and once there was a enough of a gap in the firing the orbitars came apart again, returning fire with gusto at the enemies overhead. The orbitars' shots were more than enough for the fliers, and Pit took them down while the reverse-legs advanced. Bullets zinged by, and the angel didn't escape completely unscathed as he closed the distance between himself and the robots. He slipped behind a goliath, scrambling up its back while the other peppered it with its arm mounted guns. Pit peeked out from behind the goliath's head, ducking when the gunfire moved up and obliterated his ride. Kicking off of its falling body Pit landed on top of the other reverse-leg, letting the orbitars do their thing. One shield softened its rusty-looking dome by slamming into it, the other firing to finish it off.

"Uh, fifty! I think." He tried to keep an ear and eye out for his comrades in case they needed any help, but at the moment the battle actually seemed to be going alright. There was the stray yelp of pain and startled shout, but none of the Seekers were in dire straits. That was great, they could definitely get through this if they kept the pace up! The group's stamina reserves might not be able to catch up with their intent, but so far so good. Pit himself could definitely keep it going for a while yet.

With the orbitars still equipped he focused on keeping his distance and focusing fire on a few enemies before moving on to the next, looking for the perfect moment to use his charged shot. Robots rushed in and were put down two or three at a time until the group was getting too big and too close to continue this strategy. Metal fists and slapdash weapons were beginning to reach him. No worries though, it was time!

"That all you got?" Pit said, grinning despite himself and hopping backwards out of the crowd.

He gave himself a whole lot of space by unleashing the Guardian Orbitars' charge shot. The shimmering energy shield flew forward, mowing down a whole host of bipeds, quadrupeds, and even fliers that had swooped down too low. Any enemies it didn't destroy outright where damaged and pushed out of the way, perfect for Pit to dash in and finish off. One legpower goliath had lost a foot, making the weak spot on its head easy pickings. Another goliath had raised its bulky arms up in defense, leaving the head on its undercarriage vulnerable. The smaller robots were no issue just yet.

After carving out a chunk of the robots, the rest that were trying to target him had to spend some time crawling over the wreckage. He took the moment afforded to him for a quick breather, then jumped right back in to battle to meet them.

Tally: 95
Small Flier x20, Medium flier x12, Medium Biped x31, Large Biped x17, Quadruped x9, Goliath x2, Legpower x2, Reverse-Leg x2
Depending on what the posting timeframe expectations will look like, I have two ideas... will wait a bit and see how the gender ratio of character is before I decide on one. Thinking either an innkeeper or someone that works with the guild in deciphering ancient runes/text that get brought back. I could see both having a lot of potential for interacting with other characters.

South Blue


Now that Suiten was face to face with it, she could see that this was not a shark at all, nor a fish of any kind. It had a literal face that stared back at her through the water with wide eyes. It was the face of a human.

What the heck is this? Some kind of costume?

It was a smallish person, definitely smaller than herself or Lide or Silva. They wore some kind of dark get-up that mimicked the look of a shark: a snout shape as a hood over their head with beady black buttons sewn on for eyes, trailing down to a pair of dorsal fins that stood stiffly on their back with even a stuff tail attached. Wide sleeves hung off of the outfit tappered into a point like fins, and when Suiten reached out again she took hold of one. It's soft, but firm. It might actually help them swim— She was pulled from her thoughts when the person yanked themselves from her grasp.

"Blurubrilblurggg!" They tried shouted something, releasing a whole lot of bubbles and not much else. Voices didn't travel that well through the water, even newborn merfolk knew that... but this wasn't a merfolk. They didn't seem to be a fishman either, since they took their hands out of the fin-like sleeves and slapped them over their mouth a moment later. There was an expression of surprise and panic on their face, like they'd completely forgot that they weren't actually a fish and they couldn't breathe while underwater.

"Are you some kind of idiot playing pretend?" Suiten questioned, jabbing a finger at the stranger. Unsurprisingly they couldn't answer, just pinching their nose closed with one hand and waving the other through the water. Suiten rolled her eyes and took hold of the mysterious little human, bringing them both to the ocean's surface.

"Bwaaaah!" The human (a girl now that Suiten got better look at them) took a huge breath as soon as her head was above water, shoving the hood off. Short strands of dark brown hair clung to her face even after she shook her head to clear the salt water from it. She coughed a few times, and then turned her attention back to Suiten.

"You scared me!" The girl said, "I - I thought you were a big fish at first and I was gonna catch you, then I thought you were a monster!"

Is daydreaming about eating big fish all humans do around here? Suiten thought. She pushed her budding annoyance to the side, raising an eyebrow at the girl.

"Does this really look like the face of a monster to you?" she said, putting the palm of her hand softly under her chin and striking a pose. It seemed to calm the girl down a little more, since she smiled.

"I guess not. You're just like me!"

"Hm? How?"

"Your tail!" The girl pointed to Suiten's tail of shimmery reds and golds, and then pointed to the false shark tail that she wore. Her legs were tucked into it, giving the overall illusion that she was a shark - at a distance, at least. Suiten stared at the costume, but she failed to see the similarities. She pursed her lips in thought, looking at the strange girl for an explanation.

"You're wearing a tail too...?" She said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "But yours looks a lot more real..."

After a moment of silence Suiten burst out laughing, and then quickly quieted herself by raising a sleeve to cover her mouth. "Ehehe! What are you saying? Of course its real."


"Its a real tail. Really my tail." Suiten raised it up, neatly folding herself almost in half to hit the waves with her tail fin, splashing the girl. The stranger looked confused for a few seconds, like the gears in her head were heaving trouble turning. Eventually Suiten saw a shift in her expression as something must have clicked for her. Her gaze traveled slowly up from Suiten's tail to her face.

Suiten grinned, a little impishly if she were being honest. It had the opposite effect that she'd intended.

The girl bolted, pushing away from Suiten and propelling herself through the water with that fake tail. The wake of her escape threw water into Suiten's face, but the mermaid just ducked under the waves.

"What's your issue?!" Suiten called after the girl, crossing her arms and huffing. "What a weirdo... dressing up like that. It does make a pretty good costume though," she said to herself, watching the wannabe shark get farther and farther away.

Oh well, there was no time to dwell on some random mystery - she had a much more important mystery to look into! The Sea Lamp!

Since she'd somehow overshot the area it was allegedly in, after swimming back and finding that girl she should be closer to where she ought to be. Suiten peered down below, towards sea shelves and darkness. She could see craggy rocks, a few crustaceans, but nothing promising. Plant life was a major clue on how far the sun's light could reach, or if there was something similar under the waves that could sustain such life. She saw no signs pointing to anything like that. It made sense, this was the open ocean - hardly anything really lived out here. The closest she'd found were those palms, but it seemed less like they were naturally occurring and more like the island they'd originally been on kept sinking, forcing the tree tops to extend upward more and more.

...actually, why was there a human all the way out here in the first place? They'd certainly die from exhaustion if they were swimming out here with no land in sight for days. But it was impossible that they lived out here, right...? Lived where hardly anything else could?

It couldn't be a coincidence that there was a human in the middle of the sea! They had to be living somewhere close by. Could it be possible there was a large air bubble around here, one with enough light to see and live by?! Could Suiten have stumbled into the Sea Lamp's whereabouts just like that?

"...hey, wait! Do you know anything about a Sea Lamp??" Suiten yelled, swimming in the direction she'd seen the shark-girl go.
I'm sure this has been suggested already but, I'd like if clicking a thread or pm link in notifications took you to the most recent message (the message that caused the notification) rather than the very beginning of the thread/pm.

It does work this way for me already. Not sure if it's something you or browser specific, but I am on Firefox if that helps anything.

Word Count: 672 (+1 exp)
Level: 3 - Total EXP: 130/30
Location: Dystopiascape - Valley of Ruin

It was only a matter of time until Pit dismantled the last of the Clamberjaws blocking his path, but time was not a luxury he really had. Susie was still in trouble. The angel wasted no time in re-engaging the monkey-bots, and at that point he was smart enough to focus on the weak points he'd found. His light arrows sailed through the air and struck their shockers, momentarily stunning them and giving Pit just enough time to move in and put his blade to their bodies. When they recovered, the Clamberjaws continued their agile attacks - jumping around the ruins and lashing out with the knives they had for claws.

Pit felled one and made to dash away, figuring their numbers were thin enough that he could make it through their blockade. A Clamberjaw leaped at him and swatted him to the ground. Pit rolled a few times then popped back up, changing his bow out for an Arm. Discs flew out from the weapon, slamming into the Clamberjaw. With its metal frame smashed in, it sparked and fell over. One left - Pit charged the Arm as it ran over, then sped forward into a dash attack. The machine nimbly dodged out of the way and retaliated by barreling into Pit and sending them both sprawling.

"Enough with the monkey business!" The angel complained, shaking the dust off as he stood up and resumed his fighting stance. It was then that an ally joined the fray, first lending aid to Susie and then moving closer to Pit with a restorative spell.


Had the other Seekers changed their minds and decided to help out, or were they already done scoping out the construction site? Either way, Roxas was a sight for sore eyes. He gave the other boy a grateful grin.

Looking over the other side of the battlefield, Pit could see Susie shaking off the grasping claws of the robotos she was facing in order to escape entirely. "Susie! Are you okay?" he called over to her as she zoomed out of the horde. As for the remaining Clamberjaw, it would be no issue at all for Pit now that he was back in top shape - let alone against he and Roxas together.

Once they finished it off, he asked, "Should we get out of here?" Zenkichi had been right, the animals were super dangerous. It was a bit disappointing to retreat without getting at least one material box for their trouble, but it seemed like the others had come to pick them up in a hurry.


'You five seem to have become more capable than the rest of us.' What the hell was that supposed to mean, really? Masato massaged the sides of his head as he mentally picked through everything that had happened, was happening, and what Maeda said while he tagged along with the water-fetching team.

It was true that something weird was happening. A lot of the students, including Hoshino and Kondo, claimed that Stewart had been disemboweled - and yet he hadn't been by the time Masato had rejoined the group. Plus his own wounds seemed to be healing much, much faster than they normally would. The skin of his back and legs felt tight as it knitted itself together, and they had already stopped bleeding. Was it the nature of the Otherside making this happen? If so, why did it only have effect on some of the students and not all of them? Had he been infected with something? Bacteria from the monsters claws, maybe?

This really sucks, was all he could think on the matter at the moment.

The water-fetching team consisted of himself, Takehara, one of the Ito brothers (The younger one... I think?) and Kanamori. It was possible that they would venture the farthest away from the others in their search, so for the greatest protection there were two of those "more capable" on this team. For Masato, it was the most useful thing he could think to do. Plus he was eager to wash himself off. This was one of the reasons he disagreed with Takehara's ground water plan, though he didn't say it aloud.

"If we were in a safer location, digging for water would be a good idea. But we're all tired and it'll take too long to get enough for everyone." Well, probably. He'd never dug a well before. But if they found a body of water that wasn't too far away, maybe they could move the entire group there. It went against his initial thoughts about staying put in case of emergency, but desperate times.

His personal reason of preferring searching for a river had to be better than Kanamori's though. Masato shot the girl an incredulous look when she said she was more concerned with which option was more fun. She mused out loud about what weird things she thought they might see while Ito Kunio started his way up a tree to listen for water, but when she mentioned finding more monsters.

"Stop," he snapped at her. "There are five people really hurt because of those things and you want to find more? Kanamori, take this seriously."

It was incredible how nonchalant she seemed about the whole situation, but Masato did not share in her whimsy whatsoever. He breathed in and let the air out in one aggressive puff through his nostrils.

"Come on, help me carry all the water bottles we can," he told her, borrowing one of the backpacks that was still intact so that once Ito or Takehara pointed them in a direction they'd be all set to get going.

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