Avatar of Yankee


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1 mo ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
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1 mo ago
12 mos ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

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The student council president did not linger around the injured for long. He was neither nurse, doctor, nor supernatural abilities expert. Once Sasuke seemed to be doing better, there wasn't any more that he could do. Stewart and Asahi worked together (sort of), eventually moving on to Endo while Kanamori fretted over the both of them. Todokawa had moved off to the side to give them room at some point, and Masato followed suite - only much farther.

He walked past the onlookers and the cooking station to somewhere between those still constructing shelters and the rest of the class. He took up a post as sentinel while he collected himself, supporting himself against a random tree. Today had been a lot. And it wasn't even over!

For now Masato was glad to have the other students play hero for saving two lives (while unbeknownst to him another played a budding villain). Once that was over with they could all just rest and prepare for the coming night. Now that everyone was gathered, for better or worse, maybe he should go and talk to Sato...? Make sure she was alright. Or maybe it was too soon after the reveal of her childhood friend's death?

Masato rubbed the back of his neck, unsure. Speaking of people he needed to hash things out with, there was also Kogen... who didn't actually seem to be around. Masato narrowed his eyes, scanning the lakeside again.

"Are you kidding me?" he said under his breath, annoyed. Was Kogen that pissed that he decided to leave? Maybe he was just hiding somewhere nearby? Masato pushed himself off of the tree with intent to find the other boy - but if he really didn't want to be found, then... well, they'd deal with that.
Welcome to RPG!

Level: 8 - Total EXP: 221/80 ------ Level: 7 - Total EXP: 103/70
𝙱𝙿 ●●●● ---------------------------- 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●
Word Count: 2532 (+3 exp)
Location: The Under

Ft. @Lugubrious as Tingyun

'Through the Crypt and Hollow Bough' were the instructions the Organization member gave them in order to obtain the item they'd need to defeat this region's Guardian. It seemed the Crypt was their first destination, as they came upon it soon after walking over a hill of headstones. So far in the Under, the undead had been just as much innocent civilians as they had been mindless monsters - the Travelers wondered which type they'd find beyond the mausoleum's doors. Well, beyond the doors that were beyond those doors.

"End user..." "...license agreement?"

It was the first time Primrose and Therion had heard the term, though of course they knew what a contract was. From the way the Snatcher hastily described it, it was clear even to the ignorant that there was something fishy with the document. But when wasn't that the case lately? Suspicion and danger were every day occurrences now. For some, it had been for a long time.

The two of them both signed either own contracts using only their first names, though unbeknownst to them it wouldn't make a difference. Most of the others went ahead and signed themselves, giving them easy access to the Crypt. It was only after everyone had either signed or refused that the Snatcher revealed one of the deadly conditions of the document, taking all the signers' souls right from their body. It was a strange, unpleasant feeling. Primrose blinked, placing a hand on her chest while Therion frowned. This might as well happen, he thought to himself with a sigh.

"The pizza guy was normal to you?" he said to Ms. Fortune before the group at large moved deeper into the area.

Before the Snatcher disappeared, he gave them the name of the Crypt and it's keeper. The NecroDancer. The title intrigued Primrose. They found the inside of the Crypt to be lively, with music and colorful lights. There were dancers aplenty as well, with all kinds of different styles, and while some seemed like they were having a decent time others looked... desperate. This place did seem to be some kind of dance themed dungeon, so if the key to escaping really was a dance battle as Bowser claimed, then Primrose wasn't worried at all. She'd even had some practice the day before last, and she mentioned as much to Sectonia. She agreed about the potential for a mask fragment as well.

"You may be right. If this anything like the Royal Canopy Club, then we'll be able to handle it."

Primrose turned to the Koopa King and Prince after the former's wild story, her mouth pulled into a smile. "Oh~? So I'm not the only dancer the group has? You should have told me. We could practice together." Her words were mostly teasing, but she was very curious to see her comrade's dancing.

As Bowser and Kamek wandered off to get a rundown of how things worked here, Primrose and Therion loitered around the rest of the group. Lunch did sound good, now that Nadia mentioned it. She also mentioned not knowing what to do, but Therion thought that was pretty clear: find the person in charge, get their souls back, and get out. The specifics could be figured out as they went. He indulged in some of their food reserves, handing a random slice to Primrose and then offering one to Nadia.

In no time at all the two Koopas returned with information. They confirmed that there were indeed dance battles involved in escaping. Unsurprising and less than thrilled, Therion pushed himself off the spot on against the wall he'd taken up.

"Well, I'll get a head start on finding the Amicassador," he said, wiping his hands on his pants. "I was gonna look around the place anyway."

Hopefully he or someone else could find a way out of this mess without forcing everyone to dance. Maybe they could pool points or something, even if it meant relying on their professional Primrose and whoever else was bold enough to give it a shot. He sure wasn't, unless the circumstances absolutely demanded it.

He walked off without extending any invitations to join him. Primrose watched him go until he disappeared around a corner, and then turned her attention to the others.

"I think I'll speak with some of the instructors there," she told them, nodding her head toward the collection of dancers showing their moves off. She was interested in nearly all of them (the break dancers less so, given it would be hard to keep what remained of her modesty intact with her current outfit), and it couldn't hurt to expand her repertoire. As confident as she was though, if all of the Seekers that had their souls taken would have to participate in dancing competitions, it would behoove them to come along with her and learn.

"Would anyone like to join me?" she asked, extending a hand for anyone to take. And although none of their group seemed even the slightest bit shy, she made another offer. "I could be talked into giving a few lessons myself, if practicing in front of strangers was a concern."

Personally she intended to go first to the fox person with the fan, interested to see the difference in their styles.

Meanwhile, Therion wandered the Crypt. He kept his cat ears low against his head, trying to block out the worst of the loud music. It was impossible to escape, but he could at least deal with it. As he'd told the others before he left, he was planning to look for the Amicassador, but it would be remiss of him not to look for some goodies too. Assuming this was a regular crypt at least one point in time, there might be some valuables somewhere around. Am I above grave robbing? No.

Unfortunately, every single room he happened into was a dance hall. They featured different decor and different styles of music like the few they passed through on the way toward the central part of the Crypt, but there were no treasure rooms. The people dancing didn't seem to have anything worthwhile on them at first glance either. They were sad, tired, or currently shaking it to whatever beat was playing.

It didn't take much more wandering for Therion to set aside his disappointment and focus on finding this Tingyun figure instead. Fan dancer. Big, fluffy brown fox tail. Those were the clues that had been passed onto the Koopas, and from them unto the Seekers. Even so, looking through each and everyone room for one person would take a while. He questioned a few people that seemed to be taking a break, shouting over the music. They all told him the same thing.

"DISCO ROOM!" The latest one said, some kind of spirit that was fed up with repeating itself.

And once again Therion responded with, "I don't know what a disco is!"

After a couple more attempts someone pointed him in the right direction, namely just pointed out a passing zombie and just told him to follow it. It's shuffling was slow but purposeful, but it did eventually lead him to the right place.

As usual the room pulsed with music, and like the other rooms he wasn't familiar with said music, but people of a more modern era would recognize it as a discotheque. Therion lingered just inside the entryway off to the side, scanning the room until he caught sight of it: a big brown tail. The person he assumed was the Amicassador was behind the bar on the far side, so without wasting anymore time the thief made his way over while sticking to the walls. The center of the room had people surrounding a short, multi-colored stage and the competitors that danced on top of it - which he didn't want any part of.

Therion leaned against the counter, waving the bartender over when she looked over his way. The other patrons paid him little mind. They seemed like they'd had the life drained out of them, or at least their will. He didn't concern himself with them though, only the foxy woman.

"Hey. You take Geo here?"

It might be a little early for a drink (but who knew, maybe it was actually later than they assumed, being underground and all), but he'd also just had his soul taken from his body, so.

"Welcome, customer!" her high, bright voice sang out in reply. The owner of the said fluffy tail turned around, her brilliant jade-green eyes -tinted by Galeem's red- narrowed by a friendly smile as they sized Therion up. This 'Amicassador' turned out to be quite the looker, clad in an earthy brown sleeveless dress and fine red silks short enough to left her long legs on proud display. Her silky chocolate-brown hair was done up in a businesslike ponytail, and tall fox ears rose from her head. In her hands she held a silver cocktail mixer she'd been shaking, which the foxian beauty began to gently pour for another customer. "Or perhaps I should say 'contractor'? You certainly have that look about you. Regardless, we certainly do take geo! Is there anything I can get for you?"

Therion was a bit surprised that she could tell he'd signed that thing with just a look. Then he thought, actually, makes sense. Who else would end up here?

He looked at rows of bottles behind her, then shrugged and said, "Cheap ale, if you have it. Or whatever you have on tap."

His gaze flickered from her tail up to her ears. "You're right though. About me being a... 'contractor.' I was told the 'Amicassador' could tell me how things really work around here?"

"If that's so, then you've come to the right place twice over, because that just so happens to be me! I have the honor of serving as the Crypt's humble Amicassador. I'm in charge of welcoming visitors, showing them the ropes, and generally doing whatever I can to help put the 'rave' in 'grave', heehee." The foxian giggled as she finally selected the right brew for the job, a tasteful but pragmatic blend between affordability and quality. Hopefully it would help ease the new contractor feel a little more at home. Taking a glass mug, she poured it out to to twenty percent foam exactly, then placed it on the counter for Therion to take. "There you go, please enjoy. While you do, shall I launch into my usual spiel?"

"Thanks." He took the mug and settled in to listen. He didn't even cringe at the pun, immunity built up by being around Ms. Fortune. Taking a sip of the drink he was pleasantly surprised, and gestured for the woman to go on with her explanation. After she picked up on her signal, the Amicassador proceeded.

"Well, if you're here at our eternal dance party, chances are it's for one just reason: to get your soul back from the illustrious NecroDancer. According to the very same contract through which you signed it away, however, there's only one way: to win it fair and square by besting the NecroDancer himself on the dance floor. He won't accept a challenge from just anyone though, and whether or not you earn the right depends on your score." She placed her hands on the counter and leaned forward somewhat. "When you compete in a dance, you'll receive a rating based on how well you do, given by the countless spirits that dwell within these hallowed halls. Naturally, so will your opposition. The winner will earn points equal to the loser's score, and the loser will lose points equal to the winner's. Everyone starts with one hundred, and in order to challenge the NecroDancer, you'll need to gather ten thousand." For a moment she went serious, pronouncing the number with extra gravitas, but the next second she gave a sympathetic smile.

"I know it sounds like a lot, but the NecroDancer's Floorbosses give that much apiece, and other contractors can be worth a lot, too! Please be careful though, benefactor. If you drop below zero points, you'll turn undead. At that point you can only lose one hundred points per loss, but the dead are terrible dancers, so try to avoid it if you can! On the bright side, since the dead here are generally desperate enough for a jackpot that they'll accept any challenge, they're essentially free points! If I were you, I'd start with them."

She stood up and crossed her arms, her head tilted while looking upward as if for any lost details. "I think that just about covers it. My name is Tingyun, and if you need anything at all, please come let me know! Who knows, you may even see me out on the dance floor. Good luck winning your soul back!" she added with slightly disingenuous cheeriness.

That dance battles were required was the last thing that Therion wanted to hear, but he was ready for it so it didn't phase him. The point total needed was a different story, and he very nearly choked on his drink when she said it. He set the glass down and coughed, covering his mouth with the back of his hand as Tingyun finished up. Though she mentioned some bosses could award that many points in one go, it also meant losing to them was instant undeath.

"...so no other way to get out of this? Bribes, or..." He didn't want to make a threat or anything, and since she was working for the guy Tingyun was unlikely to actually tell him an alternate path out, but he had to ask on principal.

Tingyun stroked her tail as she contemplated this. "You're hardly the first to ask, dear benefactor. But if you break your contract, the NecroDancer has the right to devour your soul." She raised an eyebrow at Therion, her other squinted doubtfully. "Well... I don't suppose you're under eighteen years of age? Any contracts signed by minors are not legally binding."

"Unfortunately not." No point in lying, he was sure there was some weird way to check his soul's age or something. It was good news for the little turtle and his friend though. After a few moments spent ruminating in silence Therion downed the rest of his drink in one go and fished the payment from his coin purse. As he was about to leave, another question came to mind.

"How do you keep track of the points you have, anyway?"

The foxian lady slid another mug she'd just filled to a miserable-looking zombie down the bar. "Oh, like this!" She snapped her fingers, and a little ghostly wisp manifested above her hand, forming into a series of digits. 8900. After a brief moment Tingyun waved her hand through the number, dispersing it like candle smoke.

An instant approximation of a dancer's skill. It seemed the points system ran on some kind of magic of supernatural phenomenon, so it was unlikely he'd be able to cheat that. Just great. He should really know better by now than to mess around with favors and contracts.

With nothing else coming to mind, Therion made to depart. "Appreciate it," he told the Amicassador, then he was off to find his way back to the central nexus.
I also used to be found on Gaia's RP forum section. Welcome to RPG!


If there was one good thing about the situation currently unfolding, it was that it proved Masato was not actually going crazy from being stuck in the Otherside after only two nights. The same could not be said for the rest of the students. He'd have to ask Maeda later what the statistics were on how many people succumbed to insanity and cannibalism in scenarios like this, and how quickly. It couldn't be this quickly.

The council president extracted himself from the group huddled around Sasuke the moment Kanamori and Todokawa crowded in. The cooked fish the latter had thrown his way was completely forgotten on the ground as the Awakened all started tasting whatever it was that was coming out of Stewart's stomach.

"What the hell are you all doing?!" he said, nearly shouting in disbelief. Worse yet the source of the golden blood decided that whatever it was he was secreting, it would help Sasuke. He and Asahi poured it down the martial artist's throat.

Were they just so panic stricken that they would try anything? To Masato's shock it actually looked like the blood-like substance was helping, for a few seconds. Then it was too much. Panic began anew.

Masato didn't get any closer, just watching the events with wide eyes. At this point he felt that there might not be anything they could do for Sasuke. Maybe they could learn from this and save Endo yet, but Sasuke... the discoloration of his skin, the vomit, the blood, the heat... it almost looks like he's overdosing and running a fever too. What a horrible combination, Masato thought.

"Don't hold him down, Asahi," he told the other boy, following up once Kanamori attempted to step in with, "or hold him up. Best to lay him on his side.

"Is he breathing?" It was hard to tell from there, he could see Sasuke gasping but wasn't sure if it was from lack of oxygen or just something crazy about the shit they made him swallow. He rattled off a couple of suggestions while Asahi worked, like rubbing over the boy's heart. He brought up CPR, unsure, but if no one else knew how then Masato could at least try that.

He kept speaking, failing to keep his tone neutral and probably coming off more demanding than intended. He focused his attention on Sasuke, willing whatever bad they'd done to him, to be undone.
Welcome, hope you have fun!
Welcome! If you have any questions feel free to ask, most people will be happy to help.
Pained noises.

Well, welcome to RPG! Depending on what you're looking to write, you'll probably find it here. From a HH main, have fun!

Level: 8 - Total EXP: 218/80 ------ Level: 7 - Total EXP: 100/70
𝙱𝙿 ●●●● ---------------------------- 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●
Word Count: 879 (+2 exp)
Location: The Under

After a little while the entire group was all settled with their changes and item claims. True to form Therion took the leftovers from the queen's stash seeing as no one else seemed to want them, the Hiveblood Charm and the sword Yato. He was a little disappointed that Nadia's map didn't update like he'd thought, but then again it would be a pretty poor business model for the map maker if it did. Talking with the locations didn't give much information beyond this area being a dead end. Random direction it is, he thought as the Seekers made their way back through the hive and out of the tunnels they'd come from.

There were no enemy wasps to be seen on the way, having deserted the place with the fall of their leader. The only obstacles were the red vines, but now that the way they worked was no longer a mystery they were a lot less dangerous. Plus going up through the tunnel revealed the place the vines grew from in the first place. After having experienced the pain inflicted by the vines firsthand, it felt good for Primrose and Therion to stab at their cores and destroy them.

Climbing back into the arboretum, they were met with the Water Lily Siren - and a present.

"Oh?" Primrose eyed the gift as the Siren explained what it was. That was an intriguing ability. "Thank you," the dancer said, smiling up at the giant plant woman as she accepted the charm. She moved to tuck it into her bag, then thought better of it. She affixed it to her glove like a corsage. The next time they came to a stop she might have to ask Queen Sectonia for the smelter. Every rose needed its thorns, after all.

She exchanged another goodbye with the siren and then moved to catch up with the others who'd continued on into Holograd.

The same question remained unanswered: where to go from here. The Seekers looked around, wondering. They could go deeper in, where it seemed from the air that more danger lurked. Back tracking anymore meant going back up, which would be possible but very slow. It also meant going back through the tower and into the city, and who knew if the citizens were still compelled to kill them? Despite Ms. Fortune's cartoonish summoning of him, Cornifer didn't appear to sell them a new section of map either. However, someone else did show up - and in flamboyant style.

Organization... XIII, was it? Primrose mused as people gathered around the small hooded girl. The stranger wasted no time telling them what they needed to hear. Information on the Guardian, where it "really" was and what they needed to do to access it beyond gathering the mask fragments. She even revealed a path forward.

All the while Therion stood at the edge of the group, arms crossed and the fingers of one hand drumming across his bicep. Having the answers basically handed to them on a platter was good, since it saved them a lot of trouble. But the fact that this group was out there that already had all of this information and was basically just pointing the Seekers in the direction they wanted them to go was irksome. He'd had very limited dealings with this Organization before, so he had no real opinion of them, but being manipulated for the greater good was still being manipulated. He wanted to snap at the girl and ask how she even knew all of this to begin with, but once the clouds formed some people started climbing while others lingered for questioning. He made himself part of the former while Primrose stayed behind for a conversation.

After climbing up onto a nearby roof and then jumping onto a cloud, Therion bounced up onto the next, and then the next. It wasn't as simple as it looked at first, he had to steady himself so as not to go flying off, and she still had to use his muscles to actually jump. Turning out bouncing on the trampoline like surfaces was tiring. He paused, hopping off onto a floating island as he let others bypass him. One of the pros of bringing up the rear was that those ahead of him could clear out anything that got in the way. Judging from the roar of the dragon turtle above, there were probably bugs or some other poor saps that had done just that.

Unsurprisingly he transformed for the remainder of his climb. He'd seen cats jump before, they had better control over their falls and they always landed on their feet too. It would make things a little easier going up. At this point he didn't even waste time hoping this would be the last climb or descent, seeing as the entire region was cliffs, pits, and chasms.

After finishing up with the Organization member, Primrose followed after the front runners. Her scarf made the climb simple for her, as she could propel herself up by bouncing from a cloud and them float up to a higher one, then repeat. She'd kept the areas the girl had mentioned in mind as she met with everyone at the top ready to head to their next destination.
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