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Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
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It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
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"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
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Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


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21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

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Level: 10 - Total EXP: 177/100 ------ Level: 7 - Total EXP: 228/70
𝙱𝙿 ●●●● ---------------------------- 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●
Word Count: 1196 (+6 exp)
Location: The Under

At this point, F's taunting felt very empty - and because he was unwilling to confront the Seekers himself, the way to the area's Guardian was now completely unobstructed. Seeing as she'd be needing it soon, Primrose didn't stow her weapon. She stabbed the butt of the shaft into the ground below and took a deep breath, composing herself as the others decided how to deal with the spirits of former allies. So long as she kept thinking of them as the Masters of Masters had described, how she had with her own spirit last night, the thought of using them didn't seem as bad - no where near fighting the people themselves. Even so, she had no interest in taking any for herself.

Therion felt the same, just sighing when it was all over. He had a deep wrinkle in his brow that wouldn't disappear anytime soon. He turned to look at Kamek and Junior while Primrose chuckled at Nadia's taunting of the absent Consul.

"Think about it from his point of view. He probably thinks he could beat us, but he's seen what we've accomplished - if he slips up, there's a chance he dies. He's interested in self preservation, so with all of us together? Trying is too dangerous." F was a prick, but he was playing this smart. While trying to do his job (which they all assumed was to protect the Guardian) he'd thrown deadly problems at them, and when that didn't work he tried something that could have broken the spirits of a weaker team. And it had all been without putting himself in harm's way.

In Therion's opinion, the consequence of F failing must not be dire enough for the Consul to really risk his life. F had to know there was a chance the Seekers destroyed the Under's Guardian even if he assumed they'd fail, but since he wasn't here fighting them himself, protecting his own life came to first above any duty. At least Therion could relate to that for the most part. Whatever the Consul's reasoning, the fact was he wasn't there to stop them anymore.

The Temple of the Black Egg had been imposing before, and was even more so now. When the hard won masks were fit into place and the door burst apart, letting a terrible cry from whatever was sealed within echo toward them, Primrose glanced at the other Seekers. Naturally, she found not a one hesitating to step forward.

At the end of the glowing path they found what they'd come here for. One of Galeem's Guardians, and the source of the Under's infection. It was bound, just as the Sandswept Sky's Guardian had been, but it was wholly different from the Red Eye that Primrose and Therion had fought before. Though on the surface it seemed a much more straight forward problem to deal with both Travelers knew wouldn't be any easier than its akrid counterpart.

Primrose tightened her grip on her lance. Nearby, Therion drew his stinging dagger and prepared for battle. This is it.

The fight came at them fast; almost as soon as their target hit the ground it lunged for Bowser. Without missing a beat, the Travelers got down to business themselves.

Primrose opened as she usually did when there were so many allies around - with a dance. She started off with the dance of seduction on herself, then quickly transitioned into the Mole Dance while the Koopa Troop were holding the Hollow Knight down. With buff from their dancer in place, a debuff from one of their thieves was soon to follow. Since Primrose had increased the party's defense, Therion went in to perform the opposite on the vessel. He darted close to tag it with Armor Corrosive, dodging a wide, wild slash as he got back out again.

It was when things were really getting going that Kamek shouted out his findings.

Underground, behind a sealed door, inside of a monster... how many layers of locks are there? Primrose thought, hoping that with the Dreamcatcher as the key this would be the last one. But to weaken the vessel without destroying it?

"Much easier said than done," she said. It was difficult to keep deadly, dangerous things alive without serious risk - much more difficult than simply killing them. They just had to hope that the Dreamcatcher would force the creature into slumber, like Robin's magic had to them.

She cast Fire Orb to draw its attention, and while the spell burst into flames against its body Therion circled around into what he thought was a blind spot. He dashed in with his blade at the ready - but it snapped its masked face toward Therion and shifted its stance inhumanly fast. Its nail was held high in one hand, but pointed toward the ground. It was unlike any parry stance Therion had seen, so he didn't realize what was happening until it was already over. His dagger struck the nail, causing a bright flash just before the Hollow Knight followed through with its riposte and sent Therion flying with a gash drawn through his torso. He hit the ground some distance away, managing to pick himself up after a couple rolls. He clutched at the wound, hoping it wasn't as bad as it felt. Thankfully the vessel hadn't chased after him, as it was currently engaged in battle with Primrose.

She had lashed out with her lance after the Hollow Knight's parry, stabbing it and setting the cold flames to it as many times as she could. Her approach was different from Sectonia's - they couldn't afford to go easy on this thing even if they weren't trying to kill it.

Primrose summoned the dark lance in her Rites of Termination, hoping to pin the creature down if even for a few seconds. The magic lance materialized midair and struck, just missing the vessel as it pulled back from Primrose in order to better line up its next attack. The waves of dark energy that rolled off of the construct didn't seem to phase the Hollow Knight; it slashed at Primrose three times in quick succession. Tearing through her guard, it advanced with her even as she retreated. Thinking quickly to stop its onslaught, Primrose took her lance in one hand and cast Warmth with the other. The Baldur Shell protected her from the Hollow Knight's next slash, giving her the chance to heal herself and retaliate. She got one good stab in before the knight too changed tactics.

The vessel let out another cry and leapt high into the air. It seemed to swell, its body glowing brighter as it let loose more globules of infection. The infection rained down over the entire area, threatening everyone present.

Therion had made his way back to the front line, but pivoted to take cover behind one of Sectonia's gold antlers when the rain of infection began. He fetched some crystal darts from beneath his shawl, preparing to pop out and throw once the vessel came back to ground. Primrose conjured a boulder with her stone gauntlet as a makeshift shelter, launching it at their foe when its attack was over.
Hello and welcome! You're in good company. Depending on the kind RP you want to do you may want to jump into browsing interest checks, and if you have any questions feel free to ask!
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Welcome to RPG!
Debridement - Rubick, Ichiban, & the Adventurer

Primrose and Therion’s @Yankee, Sectonia’s @Archmage MC
Word Count: 1486 (+3 exp)

It was pure naivety on the Seekers' part that they never considered the allies that had abandoned the cause as no longer in danger. After all, if they no longer pursued Galeem's defeat then what reason did the Consul's have to target them? It was a foolish notion.

Neither Primrose nor Therion could say that they'd gotten to know the people opposing them very well, but it was still a nasty surprise to see them here now, like this. That he'd even taken a child like Omori after the boy had given up the fight was beyond reprehensible. But this was not a hostage situation - it was a cruel show of power with only one possible outcome. The Seekers had to put aside their feelings and do what needed to be done.

"Be careful of the infection," Primrose said. With her voice hard and as dispassionate as she could make it, she relayed the little she'd learned about it. "It takes hold quickly on contact. As you can see, the end result is... not pretty."

"Got it." Therion pulled out a sleeve of knives, ready to engage at range or get in and out fast with melee strikes. A flicker of fire formed around one of his hands, as he didn't discount the possibility of burning away the disease.

”I wouldn’t touch such a disgusting thing even without your warning.” Sectonia said, making it clear she’d be using her magic instead of her weapons due to how gross these former allies looked. Unlike some of the others, she didn’t have as many reservations about defeating their former allies. In fact she was sort of offended they were taken over so easily, but they also left her service for one reason or another, and thus her protection.

As soon as the bodies of a few of their former allies lurched in their direction, Therion darted forward to counter. He avoided a swing of Ichiban’s bat, sinking a few throwing knives into the man before pivoting toward the wayward Adventurer.

At the same time, Primrose stayed back a few steps to perform the Peacock Strut, empowering Queen Sectonia’s magical ability.

Sectonia used that buff almost straight away, summoning her Antlers before using her own magic to toss her massive rings of light. Rubick, being the ‘grand magus’ as it were, even though he was mindless due to the infection coursing through his body, stole her spell on reflex and summoned his own version of Sectonia’s Antlers. While they didn’t have the buff from BFF that Sectonia’s had, his unique staff upgraded them in a different way. Instead of summoning the 2 red, 2 green, and 2 blue Sectonia did, he summoned 3 GOLD antlers, who were actually bigger than Sectonia herself even without her fusion. These Antlers were far more bulky than any of Sectonia’s current Antlers, and they not only had massive shields, but also large maces they swung around if anyone got near. And if they were attacking at range, they’d shoot whoever was nearby with slow moving orbs of magic. They were even slower than Bowser or Ganondorf though, so anyone could easily outrun them.

These Antlers would act as walls for the enemy team, as they could take Sectonia’s boosted rings with their buky shields. She could zap them, and Rubick behind them with her dark lightning though, although Rubick would steal this and use it against Sectonia, which would hurt a fair amount even through her high magic resistance due to her electric elemental weakness. Even so, Sectonia’s lightning was stronger just due to sheer power and buffs.

While the proud spellcasters duked it out, Primrose and Therion made to handle the other two. The Adventurer fired on Therion with his crossbow bolts coated in viscous orange that looked suspiciously like the Infection. Therion didn't want to test if these zombies could spread the plague that way; he picked up speed to get in closer, making aiming at him harder while he dodged the bolts. During the next bolt reload, Therion was close enough to return fire with his daggers and crystal darts - unfortunately he found that his opponent had a similar knack for speed. The Adventurer rolled out of the way, beginning a deadly game of ranged tag between the two of them.

If the Adventurer had been alone, Therion would easily have the upper hand. His aim was good, the knife glyph he had meant he could cast and throw at the same time, and the horned headband he still wore duplicated his projectiles to fly at different angles just so often to be dangerous but not predictable. The Adventurer was taking damage and would eventually succumb, if one of Rubick's summoned antlers didn't move to protect the man.

Bad timing, Therion thought, backing away from the massive antler's swinging mace.

Then a blast of moonlight erupted onto the antler, and the white ghost of a Vengeful Spirit passed burning through it. Primrose alighted on the antler's head.

"I've got it," she said. She tipped her head to indicate the enemy she was trading Therion for, then cast her wide range Night Ode to catch the nimble Adventurer.

Against Primrose, Ichiban had no chance. Throughout the journey through the World of Light, the dancer had become quite formidable. Without magic resistance her spells could rip through a normal man - she had no need to even use her lance. Still, whether it was Ichiban's born tenacity or the infection puppeting his body, he refused to stay down. He had been ravaged by darkness, flames, and a combination of the two, yet still he persisted.

It was only then, watching the infected body doggedly rush toward him with spiked bat held high, that Therion really felt any pang of guilt. Ichiban had seemed like a really good guy. He'd had a heroic streak in him, that was for sure. Now he was reduced to this.

Therion clenched his jaw tightly and moved on instinct. He swung his arm like he had a sword in hand, and very suddenly the Wraith Blade appeared. The spectral sword pierced the weakened Ichiban's heart, letting the man rest for good. In one last act of kindness the ex-Yakuza fell backwards, away from the thief where the splatter of orange infection didn't reach him when his body hit the ground.

On the antler's other side, the Adventurer was meeting a similar fate. He had no armor or magical protection, but also lacked Ichiban's stubborn spirit, so Primrose's spells made very short work of him. When they first destroyed his body it reappeared a short distance away - it didn't phase Primrose, who figured he had some ability like her own Encore that triggered automatically, even without the body's consciousness. The second destruction kept, erasing much of the zombie's infection with it. She hopped onto the ground to avoid the antler's own magic orb, subsequently destroying the summon with her defense-bypassing magic.

All that was left now was two golden antlers and Rubick, the most troublesome of the bunch. Perhaps sensing this, Rubick cast his Fade Bolt. It struck the queen and then jumped to her two companions, blasting through Primrose and Therion and knocking them off of their feet.

At least thanks to Sectonia’s Pipe of Insight, her allies weren’t hurt as badly as they could’ve been by Rubick’s Fade Bolt. With the other two down, it was up to her to finish the last one of them. As Rubick used his telekenisis to hold up one of her red antlers for his gold antlers to finish off, Sectonia remembered how Rubick’s magic steal worked, and decided to just blast him with a Reality shatter hiding behind her Antlers as Rubick’s abilities were all on cooldown. She didn’t even have to charge it all the way, just enough to hurt Rubick and make him reflexively steal her spell.

And being the instinctive infected creature he was now, Rubick did just that and began to charge his own reality shatter, which Sectonia capitalized on by teleporting next to him and used her large axe to carve through Rubick with some quick swipes, taking him out and with him being taken out, the last two Golden Antlers also vanished.

”If these three had stayed under my governance like you two, this wouldn’t have happened.” Sectonia said, shaking her head at the infected corpses that lay before the group. ”Even more of a shame since I aided this ‘grand magus’ out of curiosity. I suppose he got that title from stealing it, like he did all of his magic. A shame.”

The Travelers came to stand by Sectonia after getting to their feet. "A shame indeed," Primrose said, neither of the two of them refuting the queen's comment about governance. The dancer turned her dark eyes upon the Consul then, drawing her lance in preparation for a fight.
Hello and welcome! Try not to feel bad about past writing, we've all been there lol. If you have any questions feel free to ask, otherwise have fun!


It the midst of playful hollering, splashes of water, and private conversations, the shape emerging from the wood went nearly unnoticed until it was practically in the class' camp. It was a large, hunched silhouette in chalk white. Its footsteps were heavy with what it carried, and a musty, earthen smell preceded it as it walked. It was Masato, and he had returned alone.

He didn't call out to let the others know he was back. Sticking mostly to the area's edge, he made is way over to the fire. He could smell fish cooking and his empty stomach drew him towards it.

He plodded to the small group gathered around the cooking section of camp. Though it might not have been obvious what he was carrying at first, it became apparent the closer he got. It was an animal, more specifically a monster - six limbed and scaled. He hefted the tortoise off of his shoulders, setting it down in a clear area with a heavy thud. The corpse was easily the size of a couple students put together, and though most of was intact there were signs of some sort of struggle on both the turtle and the student council president. Of course, the outcome of that struggle was plain to see. Masato sported a few nasty look welts courtesy of hooked stingers, and was splattered with little bits of blood and bug guts. Meanwhile the turtle's head was bloody and all but mutilated - carved apart with the broken off spearhead. Now, that claw was back to being an awkward knife. The creature's shell, almost like one big blocky termite mound pocked by holes, was partly caved in. It seemed as though a massive press had collapsed a section of the shell and its rear left leg, exposing the inside as being filled with hex shaped hollows. Gooey larvae filled some of the cells, others had been yanked out for a quick meal.

After Todokawa had run (and to be honest, he couldn't blame her), Masato was left to deal with both the chalk turtle and the dragon wasps. It had either been that or flee himself, and he hadn't wanted to return empty handed. It wasn't a miracle that he'd made it out of the swarm - it was the Otherside's magic. And after finally wielding it himself, he was left insatiably hungry. The larvae had sated him enough to trek back to camp with his prize.

Ah, Todokawa. When Masato had taken care of everything and gotten his energy back, at least a little, he'd poked his head over the top of the ravine that she'd jumped into. In her panic she must have kept on running, since he hadn't seen any sign of her.

He really didn't want to jump right into explaining her absence. The scent of the fish wouldn't have let him him try anyway - it had such a vice grip on his stomach that as soon as Masato had dropped the turtle carcass, he went right for the food that had already been cooked.

If allowed, he'd eat through all of Hoshino's hard work; although the group would be hard pressed to stop him, given his newfound strength and the ravenous look on his face. What he'd brought back should make up for it though, he figured. At some point he thought he'd heard Norifuku calling out for Stewart, but he dismissed it as anything important.

Eventually the sustenance helped his brain catch back up to his body. He blinked at the diving tower as his eating slowed down. Looks fun, he thought offhandedly. He probably wouldn't indulge. It did remind him he'd need to clean off again though. With many kids in the lake it was hard to get an accurate headcount, so instead Masato swallowed what was in his mouth and turned to his fellow student council members.

"Everything good?" he asked Kondo and Hoshino, breaking the silence he'd maintained since he'd been separated from Todokawa.

Then he pulled out the claw-knife, setting it on the nearest makeshift surface they had. He didn't even know where to start breaking down a turtle, besides ripping it from its shell. If he and a few of the Awakened teamed up they should be able to do it, and they wouldn't need the knife for that.

"If this thing isn't safe to eat I'm gonna be pissed," he said next, mostly to himself. He'd have to find Ryuugasaki or something else that might know where to start with it. All things considered though, it wouldn't be an entire waste of the day... thanks to this turtle and its murderous hive he'd unlocked a power like all the other Awakened, if nothing else. But he would very much prefer it if he also had food to show for it.

The day had been great, so Eli had high hopes for the night as well. First was the mini road trip, hitting up a beach a little farther away from home than usual - what was the point in a camping trip if you were still in your own backyard after all? Eli had always liked being in the car, it always felt intimate in the enclosed space. With friends it was close, cozy, and casual and comforting way. All there was to do was talk to each other, sing along with the music, and feel the road go by under the wheels... and it was awesome. Naturally Eli had called shotgun, and when he wasn't dozing against the warm window with a dopey little smile on his face he was twisting around to chat with everyone in the back seats.

Second was the actual beach. Eli wasn't a connoisseur of beaches like Conner, so he couldn't say if this one was better or worse than any other. What mattered was there was plenty of sun and sand, and hardly any of those little shells that cut one's foot while they walked. Eli had parked himself on a towel, threw a second one over himself, and had been content to bake low and slow at 87 degrees; until being all but pulled into the water.

Third, and most importantly, was the company. The five guys he was with were probably Eli's best friends in the world. He'd gotten to know them all at different times and in different ways, and it was practically a miracle that they all meshed together they way they did, but it worked and it worked well. Eli was ecstatic that even Ciel had agreed to come along, so the entire crew was together!

Eli might have been the only one among them that didn't angst over what the future held for them all at that moment. He was simply basking in a fun day with friends, and the anticipation of a fun night.

"Dang, prepared as usual Gray," he said, grinning at the other boy. "I thought we'd have to salvage driftwood and skin a palm tree! Lemme know if you need a hand?"

Though it probably wasn't wise to let Eli set up a safe fire pit, he could at least help out. He did know his way around a tent though, so he made short work of setting their shelters up by chipping in with Noah and Conner. After that he gladly took Noah up on his suggestion, finding his way over the boy's bag to help himself to the stash. It was hardly his first time drinking, and it wasn't the only rule he usually broke. He cracked open the can, but ended up laughing aloud at Conner's reaction and subsequent outburst.

"Hell yeah dude," he laughed, raising his beer in a toast. From what he'd heard of Conner's family, his parents sounded like real hardasses. Eli's own mother probably wouldn't care much - honestly she probably expected it when he told her about the camping trip. She was one of those "as long as you're safe when you do it" kind of moms.

When he actually brought the can to his lips, Eli glanced up at the darkening sky. It was the middle of summer, so it was about the right time for shooting stars as Conner had said. What were they called again? Per... something? Something about Perseus.

"Oh yeah, so the meteor shower," he began, waving a hand to draw everyone's attention. Then he pointed up at the sunset colored canvas above them. "Pretty sure you're supposed to look at that constellation with the three bright stars in a line. Y'know, the belt one? That's the best place to look to see the most of them."
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