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1 mo ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
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1 mo ago
12 mos ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
♀ 21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed ♀


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

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Welcome back!

Word Count: 1360 (+3 exp)
Level: 5 - Total EXP: 231/50
Location: Dystopiascape

Pit was idly shifting his weight from one foot to the other while everyone talked and deliberated about whether to join up with the Lost Numbers or not. For him it was a no brainer, but it couldn't be the case with everyone. The decision ultimately didn't take long to come to (and wound up being an agreement), but while he waited Pit glanced up at the sky. Many of the things being casually explained were going over his head, and he wished Lady Palutena was around to make it make more sense. He didn't fret though - he figured he got the general idea, and anything super important he'd figure out sooner or later. Plus with a flying ship like this... reaching Skyworld would be a piece of cake! Palutena would get a kick out of seeing Cloud's kids, on top of getting the lowdown on everything else.

Once it was decided that the Lost Numbers were officially allies, a wide grin split Pit's face. He was always eager to make potential new friends, and the thought of exploring such a cool ship was exciting. And they were apparently headed to a carnival now too? That sounded like an awesome way to celebrate taking out a Guardian! Of course Pit still wanted to visit Skyworld, but since he believed Palutena to be fine (she just had to be!), they could make that stop number two.

Once they were properly on board the ship, Dawn was enthusiastic about getting everyone feeling comfortable and showing them around. She took them to one of many maps of the Avenger's interior, one which Pit squinted at. He took in all the little pictures of the rooms, looking for anything interesting.

"Which one's the engine room? And where are we in here?" he asked. Once both were pointed out to him, he could pretty much figure out the layout. If they were in the back of the ship now, and the off limits engine room was in the front then it would be easy to avoid. The ship's bridge must be toward the top, so he should be able to find that - and he definitely wanted to check it out. Between here and there he'd just explore naturally. "Got it, thanks!"

The angel ran off once everyone started splitting up. Everybody had different interests in mind, but Pit himself didn't have anything in mind. He just wanted to check out the ship itself. So he moved from the bay deeper into its interior, curiously peeking into any and all rooms he passed by.

It didn't take Pit long at all to find something that looked cool--not to mention ominous. One of the first rooms he poked his head into turned out to be a rather foreboding arrangement of terminals, screens, instruments, and apparatuses arranged around a central chamber almost like obelisks in a dark rite. The eerie purple light that cast dark shadows around the place didn't exactly help this first impression, either. The most curious machine of all, a bizarre mishmash of occult artifact and rather old-fashioned technology, seemed to be attached to that eerie central cell, but offline and inoperable. It looked like a component might be missing from its central port, but it would take a more technical -or perhaps arcane- mind than Pit's to make heads or tails of such a contraption.

What did immediately catch Pit's attention, though, was the room's other occupant, for the angel was not alone. In a corner of the room converted into some manner of mystical market stall with the aid of tapestries and cushions lounged a demon of impressive stature, with huge horns, vestigial wings bound in bandages, fine baubles, and a noseless, skull-like face full of enormous teeth and poison-green eyes. "Oh, someone new, is it?" He spoke like a smug snake might, in a venom-dripping drawl. His eyes settled on Pit's wings. "Oho, and an angel, to boot? Isn't that something." He tented his claws. "Well, welcome, welcome! I am but a humble merchant. Vulgrim is my name, and this is my shop. I have a deal with the Lost Numbers, you see. They offer me spirits, and I sell them all manner of trinkets and baubles in return. And some rather juicy details, too. But this little sales pitch is all you'll get for free." Vulgrim wiggled his claws greedily. "Feed my hunger, and I'll feed your curiosity."

Pit's nose wrinkled. He pretty much immediately got what this guy was saying; he ate souls. Or spirits, whatever. Actually he probably ate regular souls too. It wasn't like soul eaters were unnatural or anything, but it still weirded Pit out. He found it distasteful, pun fully intended. If he were completely alone, he might have even been a little nervous (not that he'd admit that), but seeing as the ship was full of allies and he was fresh from battle the angel stepped fully into the room. The juxtaposition was pretty neat - the whole place looked both high and low tech. Magitechnical or something. He peered at the monitors, recognizing some numbers displayed but nothing else he could make out. With no clue how the machines worked or what they even did, it made the demonic shopkeeper the most interesting thing in there by default.

"Details about what?" Pit asked, basically disregarding what Vulgrim had said about only the pitch being free. As he spoke he curiously prodded at the panel beside the central device.

Vulgrim snickered. "Secrets, of course. I'm not locked up here like a certain someone, you know. Thanks to the Serpent Holes, I come and go as I please. This world is full of rumors and curiosities, but it's such a jumbled mess that it takes quite a thresher to separate the wheat from the chaff, and I'm privy to all sorts of interesting things." Idly he inspected the golden claws worn across his right hand. "So if you or your friends want a taste, you know where to bring your extra spirits, hmm?"

He's a glorified hint system! Personally, Pit was the type that preferred finding that kind of stuff himself... or else being directly fed the information by the Goddess of Light. But knowing that the demon was technically the helpful sort made him sort of less creepy. Only sort of, because what the heck was a "serpent hole"? And it wasn't the only weird thing he'd casually mentioned. Did the Lost Numbers have some kind of captive?

"Okay, sure," Pit agreed. Then quickly followed up with, "but what was that about someone being locked up?"

If Vulgrim had an eyebrow to raise, he might have directed it at Pit right then. "If your wallet's a little light, you'll just have to find out for yourself."

"That counts as a secret? Come on!" Pit complained. Vulgrim was not the charitable type, and any further prodding was met with the unwavering refusal of a seasoned merchant. Pit almost never thought to take spirits along with him after battle, so suffice to say wouldn't be able to pay the demon even if he really wanted to. But he was pretty sure most of the other Seekers were different, and some even meticulous in their spirit collecting. He'd definitely seen Princess Midna put a bunch of spirits and other stuff in her portals before. They'd be the ones to benefit most from Vulgrim's weird little 'shop,' so he would actually pass the message along to them.

Since he wasn't really a customer, Pit wore out his welcome sooner rather than later. He at least had the dignity to usher himself out of the room, continuing down the hall soon after.

I guess I should look for the brig next? he thought. If this group was on the run, wasn't it strange to keep a prisoner? ...maybe it was some kind of mutiny situation. But if that was the case, why would that unaffiliated demon even mention it? It was all pretty mysterious, though not nefarious in Pit's opinion. He would just ask about later after he got to the brig, or the bridge, wherever he made it to first.

Level: 10 - Total EXP: 209/100 ------ Level: 7 - Total EXP: 251/70
𝙱𝙿 ●●●●● ---------------------------- 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●●
Word Count: 1069 (+2 exp)
Location: Gerudo Town ➜ Carnival Town, Sandswept Sky

There was really nothing better than a relaxing soak. The weariness of the morning, of the last few days, of the entire world just fell right off your shoulders. Primrose intended to let her time in the bathhouse last a little longer even after Ms. Fortune got out. That had been her plan anyway.

She watched Nadia leave. Then her eyes flickered to Eliza before finally she turned to Sectonia.

"...we'd better get going as well," she said, gracefully pulling herself out of the water and wringing her hair out. It was clear Ms. Fortune had been put off by the interaction to say the least. And who could blame her? It had taken a while to really get used to the all the blood spilled and regained from the feral herself - someone eating it was just too far. Primrose put on her own smile as she gathered her own things. Once Sectonia was ready they could head out.

While the strange bath owner's appearance had put a bit of a damper on the end of the spa experience, the day itself was still far from over. Redressed and relaxed, they met Ms. Fortune briefly outside of the Bath of Tefnut. Primrose intended to come along to Carnival Town, and she'd meet everyone at the station, but first she had to make a quick stop. The palace wasn't very far from the station, and she had told Ganondorf that she'd bring him a linkpearl for Lady Riju.

Their meeting was unceremonious. Trusting that the king of evil had heard Ms. Fortune's message through his own pearl, Primrose didn't make mention of it besides to say she'd be heading back toward the metro entrance. If Ganondorf planned to head there as well, they probably would end up going together anyway.

As for the other Orsterran, just as he'd expected the voice in his ear from the linkpearl had woken him up. The weird follow up from Kamek kept him up. Therion's nap hadn't been anything more than light dozing anyway, but it served its purpose. He stretched himself out on the sand, satisfied by the quick pop of joint bones before he stood up and dusted himself off. No one had tried messing with him or his things, so it took no time at all to set back out from Kara Kara Bazaar towards the public train station.

He greeted those already gathered with a short raise of his hand. Therion had always looked sort of disheveled even at the best of times, but the warm desert wind and lingering sand didn't do him any favors. However, he didn't really care.

Once Primrose and everyone else that wanted to come with assembled, the group was on its way. Since Carnival Town was on the same line, no one needed to bother with buying another metro pass. They just boarded, disembarked, then immediately reboarded another yellow bound train. The rides themselves were short enough that it felt hardly any time had passed at all. When they arrived, they found even the area's train station to be lively. There was music playing inside, attempting to drown out the sounds from outside while keeping passengers - and racers apparently - entertained.

Yes, the subway they'd arrived to was energetic. But it was nothing compared to the city itself. As soon as they stepped out into town proper, they were greeted with an infectious party environment. If anything, Ms. Fortune had undersold it. There were colorful flags and string lights hung absolutely everywhere, music and the aroma of food was inescapable, and there were people in the streets dancing, singing, and overall just having a good time.

"Doesn't look like any carnival I've seen," Therion observed, drawing the wrong conclusion from the town's name. Though truth be told, he hadn't exactly seen many. And though she was in a similar boat in regards to carnival visits, Primrose agreed.

What an atmosphere, she thought. There was so much going on already that it was hard to know where to look first. She could see what looked like a queue nearby, with people of all kinds lining up to get their fortunes told. And while racing appeared to be a huge pastime in this town, it wasn't the only popular entertainment on offer. Beside the race leader boards was an equally huge billboard that featured a 'Star of the Stage' clad in beautiful and showy attire, the name Dolcinaea written neatly just above the address of the avenue where she performed. Yet another large sign showed a flamboyantly dressed man advertising something called The Masked Carnivale, open to both participants and spectators.

It was a lot to take in at once. Surprisingly, Therion didn't seem to be put off by the place. Tostarena Town was subdued compared to this, but the vibe was a little similar - and besides, he actually didn't mind lively places. When people were focused on themselves and having a good time, it was a lot easier to blend into a crowd and go unnoticed. It was a pickpocket's paradise (though Therion hadn't been a mere pickpocket for a long time). Plus, there were all kinds of interesting pieces of information that people let slip when their inhibitions were loosed. That was part of the reason why the thief liked to hang around in taverns so much too.

Speaking of interesting information, apparently the Koopa King and Prince were familiar with some of the racers listed on the boards overhead. The story that the former launched into after that went from 'interesting' to 'unbelievable' fairly quickly, so it was the first part about people they knew that most focused on.

"...'koopalings'?" If they were what they sounded like, young koopas, then it wouldn't be hard to recognize them. The Captain they spoke of would need a description though. If they were the people Bowser and Jr. knew in the first place, that is. Primrose doubted it was some trick like in the prison underground, but it could always be a case of mistaken identity. Even so, "We can keep an eye out for them."

"At least we'll know where to look," Therion pointed out, indicating the leader boards. If they were competitors, they'd likely be at the next race.

Then again, they'd have to find out both when and where that would be - and there were plenty of other distractions in town to check out.

Eli waited just long enough to see that the bear wasn't going to stand back up anytime soon, then he hooked an arm around Noah's shoulders and let out a celebratory whoop. The bird on his head squeezed its talons a little tighter to avoid being thrown off by the sudden movement. Now that the action was over, the little pinpricks of pain from her claws was the final confirmation Eli needed to really, really realize this wasn't some shared dreamscape or alien illusion. Well, it still could be alien, but it wasn't an illusion.

"You guys did it!" He was glad everyone was alright. And if any of them was acting a little weird, it could be chalked up to the completely crazy experience, right? Eli felt Chesi's annoyed glare on him, which only compounded the slight guilt he felt at being unable to really help. But what could he have really done? Pushing a small grin to his face, Eli said, "I've got the next one. Miss... uh, Fenghuang will help me out."

In response to that Fenghuang huffed. Her feathers poofed out a little but she didn't argue. A little respect showed to her was a good first step to getting her charge ready for the power of fire. Although truthfully, Eli hoped there wouldn't be a next one... at least anytime soon.

He dislodged himself from Noah as soon as he heard the telltale signs of retching. Poor Gray, that was never fun. That had almost been Eli earlier, though he'd managed to keep it down. It might still be if Gray started a chain reaction. Even so he crossed the distance toward Gray and put a hand on the other boy's back, a gesture that had always made himself feel better when he was sick. As soon as he recovered, Gray went on to summarize the situation for everyone - which was great because Eli had understood about half of what was explained so far.

Sensing his apprehension, Fenghuang sighed and shook her head. If she was going to be stuck with this one, she might as well help out a little. Especially if he was going to make an effort as well. She leaned froward, spreading out one of her wings to cover the faces of herself and her charge. "I'll answer any questions you have later on," she whispered. "Do as I say and you'll be fine."

She didn't mention his friends. The other mages could handle their own boys. It was unfortunate she ended up with this boy, but it was lucky for him that he'd ended up with her - the best option, surely. Fenghuang hopped into the air, gliding down to the ground and preparing to head into the city with the everyone else.

Eli blinked. He didn't know what to make of Fenghuang and the other animals, but if they had called everyone here to save their world they were probably trying to help, in a weird way. There wasn't really any reason not to trust them. Eli looked at his friends with a shrug and a small smile. Might as well follow them, right? his expression said. Although his smile started to slip when Milo finally spoke up.

It always sucked when Milo got into this state, though for none more than the the boy himself of course. Honestly it was surprising that more of them weren't freaking out. Eli was just letting everything wash over him, letting what was happening filter into his brain then right back out of it like he usually did to stay calm. Pushing stuff off and thinking about it later was kind of his specialty. So at least he was good to try and calm Milo and anyone else down. Thank god they had the whole crew though, since there were much better people among them for this kind of thing.

"Go on ahead," Eli said to the former sorcerers. The animals might be mad (they didn't all seem like the most patient bunch), but the boys could follow at a distance for something.
Welcome! You may also want to check out the tabletop section if you're used to TTRPGs with a group. It's still play by post for the most part, just with dice and stat systems, etc.

Word Count: 822 (+2 exp)
Level: 5 - Total EXP: 228/50
Location: Dystopiascape

As the battle continued, the Seekers were making too little progress. It seemed almost inevitable that the Victory would go down, but even so that hardly stopped them from trying to prevent that. Pit relied on the support of their healers and the shields provided by Goldlewis as he kept up his ranged assault. The main problem was in reaching the Consul. I'd show him a thing or two if I had the Lightning Chariot back! Pit privately huffed. The group got a little bit of a break when they broke through the storm clouds, but it was much too short. Z was still sticking to them, and when he prepared to throw a ridiculously large lightning bolt Pit sprinted to the same side of the ship. This was exactly the kind of thing he'd been saving his orbitars for. He swapped out his weaponry and stood ready to block the force of nature with the orbitars' charge shot, but Z... hesitated? "Huh?"

Out of everything that could have happened, another ship showing up was surprising. And one so much bigger than the Virgin Victory! Perhaps even more surprising was that ship's occupants though. A handful of familiar faces exited it, jumping right in to finish driving off the Consul. Their battle was brief, but flashy enough that when Z fell, Pit cheered right along with some of the other Seekers.

"They did it!" The angel didn't dismiss his orbitars just yet on the off chance the Consul popped up again, but he didn't think the man would. He crossed the Victory's deck yet again, watching the much larger ship move off. That had been Nero! So some of Alcamoth's inhabitants were fine after all! And not only that, but fighting fit!

Pit remained up top while the Victory followed after, eager to find out just what was going on. Almost as soon as they'd landed he hopped over the side and grouped up with everyone else in order to meet their re-found allies. Said allies didn't make them wait long.

"Nero!" Pit greeted. They'd only been on the one reconnaissance mission together, but even so Pit considered pretty much anyone he fought or traveled together with a friend. The others were more or less familiar to him, but the pair who exited immediately after caught the most attention from him.

"Tora! And Poppi?!"

When the nopon came up to give him a hug, Pit happily returned it. He squeezed the furball between his arms, pulling Poppi in too. Everyone's sudden appearances (including Z's) were bringing some serious emotional whiplash. When Pit released Tora and Poppi, he had a huge grin on his face.

"I'm so happy to see you guys!" Pit had truly believed that Poppi would be alright, but it was extra nice to have her back so quickly. Did the Seekers taking out Midgar's computers mess with the virus she had, or something? Roxas beat him to asking, and as it turned out Poppi hadn't exactly made it out in one piece despite being with them now.

They got her spirit back? Data? Pit tilted his head, pretty clearly confused. He would end up being confused about a lot of things that were being said. The explanation about who the 'Lost Numbers' were, how they'd found Alcamoth, this 'Markarth,' and the Victory afterward, the whole being born in this world thing and what would happen to them afterward, something about a 'source code'... not a lot of it made sense to Pit.

"Do humans really grow up that fast?" he asked instead to no one in particular. He didn't think so, but maybe things were different now? After all, to him it still seemed like the first confrontation with Galeem was only a little while ago. Definitely not enough time for a stork to even deliver a baby. He squinted at Dawn and Cirrus. "And that's why you look kinda familiar? We know your mom and dad?"

There was something more important than figuring out the identity of the newcomers' parents though, something gigantic that was able to fly and turn invisible that they were standing right next to. Pit shook his head.

"More importantly!" he said and pointed at the ship. "A flying invisible fortress! With a cool name! The Avenger." His voice deepened a little as he said its name just to sound extra cool. He glanced back at the team that had taken on Midgar. "This is awesome! Right? If they're gonna help us we definitely have to go with them!"

So it was that Pit's lot was cast with the Lost Numbers and Alcamoth survivors, though he expected most everyone's would be. Today was turning out to be pretty lucky, all things considered. Not even the more awkward parts of the conversation put a damper on the angel's enthusiasm, though he did quiet down at least a little when Geralt inquired about her wife's whereabouts.

Level: 10 - Total EXP: 207/100 ------ Level: 7 - Total EXP: 249/70
𝙱𝙿 ●●●●● ---------------------------- 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●●
Word Count: 1654 (+3 exp)
Location: Gerudo Town, Sandswept Sky

Normally Primrose might question the need of a suit for bathing, but Ms. Fortune had run off before she'd gotten the chance. She waved lightly at the feral's retreating back, then continued on her way.

She heard Ganondorf's voice in her ear soon afterward, noting his findings. Then she heard her family name come through the connection and she blinked in surprise. She didn't recall ever saying it aloud... only Therion was privy to it, or so she thought. She quickly recalled her friend's comment about using her full name to check into the hotel in the Home of Tears. Of course, Ganondorf had been there and checked in himself. He probably saw it there on the guest list.

The initial surprise meant that Primrose didn't respond to him right away. Now that it had passed a different, more pleasant surprise at the courteous way the King of Evil spoke settled in her instead. She chuckled to herself before replying through the pearl. "That seems wise. I'll find you at the palace later."

She continued on, passing through the area's main thoroughfare. The largest street in town was busy as expected, maybe even busier since the locals and travelers alike had something to gossip about now. Speaking of... Osvald was hard to miss in an environment like this. He seemed to be a little lost though, perhaps the heat had gotten to him. Only a little earlier, Therion had called in and mentioned the man would be heading to town. It seemed like he intended to stick with the group for a little longer at least. Primrose approached until Osvald caught sight of her too, then motioned him over to a more shaded area of the street.

"Here," she said, presenting him with a pale pink linkpearl of his own. "This is a magic earring that lets us communicate with each other more easily. If you've the mind to join up with us for the long term, you should have one."

She didn't expect it would take long for a scholar of magic to figure out how it worked. Once that was settled she excused herself, departing without much fanfare.

She made a beeline for the bathhouse, and once there she found that she was second to arrive. Thankfully, Queen Sectonia had such a unique silhouette that spotting her was easy, even in such a large space. She showed off her new outfit to the alien queen seeing as she was an appreciator of all things beautiful before going to get undressed. Making use of one of the bathhouse's many complimentary towels Primrose returned, slipped into the water, and hummed her approval. It felt heavenly, as she thought it would. Healing magic could only do so much, especially for fatigue, so this was just what she needed to rest and relax. When Nadia appeared Primrose greeted her warmly, and during the time she had changed into her two piece Primrose had let her hair down from its ponytail.

The dancer would have been content to just soak quietly in her companions' company. She had already slipped further into the bath, eyes closed and body relaxed with only her head above the water. Of course, she didn't mind a little chatting either, and when Sectonia started to gossip Primrose tipped her head to hide a small grin beneath the water. She found this part of the 'villainous, alien dictator' to be endearing.

"Who wouldn't be?" she said in reply to the comment about Ganondorf being soft for his tribe, pulling herself to sit up a little. The second comment she didn't reply to, as it was something she didn't even want to think about at the moment. The displacement, death and continuous revival, and everything else they'd heard from Asgore... which Primrose realized they hadn't exactly shared with the rest of the group. That said, the dancer herself wasn't about to do it now when they should be winding down from all that.

The next topic was more casual, though for the queen much more important it seemed.

"Hmmm..." Primrose hadn't put much if any thought about how anyone but herself looked. Aesthetically, anyway, especially given how fusion was likely to change one's wardrobe just as much as their physical looks. But now that it was brought up, it might be fun to think about.

Ganondorf already sported a suit of dark armor that suited him. The plumage of his helmet was a little archaic though. Rika was all but covered up in her light Agastya armor and helmet, at least giving her a cohesive look from the neck down. When her helmet was off she had shaggy short white hair and a pair of mismatched horns on her head. Out of the family of four, she was the easiest to think about as far as fashion went. Primrose hadn't a clue where to start for the three reptilians.

"I'm not sure," she said. But she didn't want to give Sectonia no opinion at all. After another moment of thought she said, "perhaps Ganondorf could be convinced to wear a shoulder capelet, something... classy. And a nice hat or hood, or even a ribbon might look good on Rika when she isn't wearing her helmet."

It was quite amazing what simple accessories could do to tie a look altogether, so that was what Primrose suggested. She communicated her lack of ideas about the actual Koopas though. Maybe getting rid of those shoulder tentacle things Bowser wore, and getting Kamek a nicer robe? If Sectonia went through with giving the boys a makeover, Primrose definitely wanted to see the outcome. She was sure the queen would have a field day with Osvald especially. As for the last subject on the list, the thought of Therion agreeing to any of this seemed unlikely, but it also deeply amused Primrose.

"I'm curious what your plans for Therion are. As long as I've known him, he's always had that... well, that messy mop that covered his eye. Now that his hair is parted, it looks strange. I'm sure whatever you're thinking will be an improvement."

And it was the privilege of close friends to be able to laugh at each other's mild misfortune, so she didn't feel bad at all when she gave the queen some advice about him. "...but seeing as I doubt he'll agree at first, just let him know its important to you when you ask again."

Sincere and earnest people were his weak point, given he had always been used to dealing with the opposite. Like herself, Therion was usually good about seeing through people, but considering that her allies looking good actually was important to Sectonia, the queen could probably get him to begrudgingly agree.

Still under the shade of a tree on the bank of the oasis, Therion sneezed. Since he wasn't allergic to anything (that he knew of) and there was hardly even a breeze, the superstitious thief figured someone must be talking about him. He sniffed, rolled his eyes, and got back to lounging.

It was really nice to finally have some peace and quiet. Since everyone else had gone into town, Therion was alone at the Kara Kara Bazaar. When the Seekers' business in Gerudo Town was settled, he'd just meet them at the metro entrance. Until then, the only thing he was getting up to was some relaxation himself. Well, technically some light thievery had already taken place, but he'd already eaten the evidence.

Therion yawned, stretching his arms out before refolding them beneath his poncho. In the back of his mind he knew the area wasn't completely safe, especially since Ganondorf had just called in to tell everyone he found a flame clock nearby. Whatever Consuls operated in the desert could return here at any time, or even a random monster could appear and attack, anything could happen really. Even so, after suffering through the Under the last couple of days on top of the harrowing morning they'd all had, complete with a not so restful sleep the night before, Therion felt like taking a nap. He considered taking his beast form for a truly comfortable sleep in the warm sand. Ultimately, he probably looked a lot less dangerous like this - a short guy in a shawl huddled under a tree - rather than as a big tiger.

Next town we stop in I'll see if I can sell some of these left over stones, He thought, at least trying not to nod off. Don't feel like taking my chances in this one. Wait... Fortune said something about a carnival, right? Town after that one, then. And I'll have to figure out what to do with the rest of this stuff too.

It was starting to get to the point where Therion felt he was getting close to his carrying capacity. Some things that he wore or otherwise carried around he could use that melding pot for, just to lessen the load a little. Other things, like the weapons he was starting to amass (his own short sword and dagger, the other nicer dagger he'd found, the pair of sickles Ganondorf had given him, his stock of throwing knives and crystal darts, and the valuable looking Yato) he needed another solution for. And that wasn't including the small shield he had and his new best friend: giant umbrella.

All the inventory thought reminded him of Tressa, and he idly wondered where she might be. Probably at a bazaar just like this one, if he had to guess. It also happened that the inventory thought wasn't actually helping him stay awake. Therion stifled another yawn and tucked into himself a little more. Fuck it, nap time it was. He was a light sleeper, so if something happened or someone spoke through the pearl again, he'd wake up. For now, might as well get a little more rest while he could.

Word Count: 787 (+2 exp)
Level: 5 - Total EXP: 226/50
Location: Dystopiascape - Port Meridian

So the ship wasn't fast enough to outpace the storm - and it looked like it would be way too dangerous to try and break through it my climbing in altitude in order to get above. The static in the air tingled. Eyes combed the clouds looking for their assailant until Sandalphone called him out. As the form of Z and his vehicle came into view, Pit flew to the edge of the Victory's deck. He was leaning so far over the rail that he was in danger of falling off, but he had to get a closer look - because Z's ride looked way too similar to the Lightning Chariot!

"Hey! What gives?!" he yelled. Unless it ended up somewhere else when the world got all messed up, Viridi and Pittoo should have possession of the Chariot. He worried over their safety, though when Z zipped across the sky overhead his fears were dispelled. Those unicorns were not Phos and Lux, and the chariot the Consul drove was of a different make.

The proximity also told Pit something else, which he should have picked up on already from the energy the storm was giving off. "Z" was more than just really powerful, and his differentiating himself from the "mortals" was for a reason.

"Those Consuls even have gods working for them!" Pit exclaimed, honestly surprised at that revelation. It wasn't the nature of any deities he knew to stoop to teaming up with a big group, instead he would expect any random god out in this world to strike out on their own to try and amass power. It also didn't occur to Pit that this god, Z, and the god that Angel Land's master charioteer served could just have coincidentally similar design senses, so he also hollered into the storm, "Gods that totally rip off other people's chariots!"

Cue thunderbolt, as the battle had just begun at that point.

As one of the Seekers with ranged options, Pit didn't hesitate to return fire at Z. His light arrows may not be as fast as lightning bolts, but so long as the Conul wasn't zipping around he could strike the man and his steeds even from afar - especially because the more distance there was between the arrows and their target, the faster the arrows would move. Of course at the same time, he had and the rest of the group had to deal with the lightning itself and the Zeustrikes conjured.

The latter wouldn't have been as much of a problem if they weren't accompanied by Z's divine wrath. They were not only fast and aggressive, but tending to keep their distance and go for long ranged attacks. On the flip side though, they were easily dispatched. At least it seemed that way to Pit, who briefly swapped from firing on Z to pelting the nearest couple of Zeustrikes to stop their Thunder Blasts from going off. But when combined with the dangerous rocking of the ship and the near constant electric barrages either from actual lightning bolts or just the static electricity building up too much and discharging, it gave the Zeustrikes much freer reign of the small battlefield.

Thankfully some of the Seekers dedicated themselves to handling the minions, on top of the area of effect abilities helping to thin the herd as they were summoned in. Trusting that to them, Pit kept his focus on the Consul. They had to at least try and knock him out of the sky! And for that the angel gave up trying to mitigate the lightning entirely, since he had no real way to counter it. If he swapped to his defensive orbitars it would sacrifice his offensive, and if he tried bouncing the lightning back he had no clue if it would even hurt the little thunder cloud guys, let alone Z himself. Besides, even just getting grazed by a bolt seemed to electrify him, making his hair and feathers poof up.

The defensive barrier Goldlewis had given everyone helped, and he could dodge to the best of his ability, but it was the chain lightning that was Pit's biggest problem. Whenever it jumped around the Seekers, which was often, he found it near impossible to avoid - leading to frequent Charges being applied to him, and of course smaller, faster bolts striking him when the Jolted went off.

Gaah! I feel like a living lightning rod! The angel separated as best he could from the others to spare them the splash damage of the detonations. He poured his own energy into more powerful and more frequent dash and charge shots which he fired at Z, aiming to stop his pursuit before he and anyone else ended up fried.
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