Avatar of Yatagarasu


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Mahz showing up for a short while and disappearing, while distressing, is also almost objectively hilarious. Can't wait til he comes back in... *checks watch* 18 years.
1 yr ago
Anyone else feel like they've lost IQ points steadily since their teenage years? No? Just me? Cool.
2 yrs ago
"It's so hard to believe I'm on a planet full of primates. You're all so fucking wise!"
2 yrs ago
The only thing I want destroyed is myself.


Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

Can you give me a percent niceness to try for?

Fifteen percent?
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

On which part?

The lack of advantages and the inconvenience.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

There aren't any real advantages to Shion splitting up like that, and any that might be there are way overshadowed by the inconvenience.

Elaborate, please.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

You should've had normal kids.

I disagree, but alright. Any thoughts on the situation other than that?
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

Sure. What do you want to know?

Everything about what you think happened and what's going on.
*Looks up from a data pad after observing Shion and Xion*
Alright, I think I have an idea of what's been going on. But I want to hear your ideas, if that's alright, Stella.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

*Into the device, after walking around the area and looking at various things in it*
It looks like the checkpoint is safe. I'll continue keeping watch until I receive your signal.

Thanks, Erra. Once we're all set, and we go through with this, everything's going to go to shit. We'll have to get through that before things will calm down enough to start gathering allies. But we have a decent chance of making it to that point.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

Alright. I'll be going dark on you until things shake out. Good luck.

We just might need it. Thanks.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

*Via phone*
Is everything okay? How's the setup going?

It sounds like it. Not near enough to check it myself.
<Snipped quote by Spiritblitz>

*Just before you three leave the voice speaks again*
I am unsure how to proceed with such a request.

<Snipped quote by Meta>

*Is silent after you disappear, before the sky forms into my mask and I appear wearing it in the area you were in*
*Takes off my mask and pulls out a small device*
Location secured, no hostilities encountered.

*On a barren planet, speaking into a similar device*
Excellent. Remain there until we're prepared. It's a great checkpoint.
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