Avatar of Yatagarasu


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1 yr ago
Mahz showing up for a short while and disappearing, while distressing, is also almost objectively hilarious. Can't wait til he comes back in... *checks watch* 18 years.
1 yr ago
Anyone else feel like they've lost IQ points steadily since their teenage years? No? Just me? Cool.
2 yrs ago
"It's so hard to believe I'm on a planet full of primates. You're all so fucking wise!"
2 yrs ago
The only thing I want destroyed is myself.


Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

Is this what happened that day? To Dawn?

It might be. Overwhelming your eyes, too much stimuli... It's entirely possible that it's similar.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

*Barely cracks my right eye open to look at the glass*

What are you thinking?
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

*Holds it in my hand flipping it over*
I'm... using this soon. Just a new step.

<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

*Reaches for my belt, feeling for my magnifying glass*

*Sees what you're doing and guides your hand to it*
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

*Wipes away a drop of blood rolling down my face*
Don't let her... find out.

Ah... I can't promise that. She deserves to know, but I'll wait until you're back to full health before telling her, okay?
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

*Takes a deep, shaky breath*
Mom's going... kill you...

I know. So we'd better make sure you learn a lot before that.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

*Clenches my eyes shut, balling your shirt up in my good and and holding myself close to you*
I won't lay down though.

<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

I can't lose my eyes. I can't lose them. I can't lose them. I can't lose them.
*Digs my fingers into my eyelids, holding them open in shaky grasp with all my might*
I have to see. Have to learn.

Be careful then. You don't want to accidentally rip them out. Besides, there are other ways to see. Maybe I can teach you some while you rest them.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

*Breathes heavily*
What if I end up like Dawn... like Shion?

If you do, then we'll all find a way to help you, just like we're doing for them. That's why you put yourself through this, to help them. I know they'd do the same for you. Shion already has, in a sense. And I'll be with you no matter what happens, doing everything I can to help you.
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>

I can't—I won't—I'm not like them. I have to. I have to see.

You can, I just think you should recover first. There's no shame in taking a break.
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