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Still looking for someone to do this one. :-)
Still looking for someone for this one. :-)
Would love to find someone for this idea. :-)
Anyone up for this idea?

This is a variation of another idea of mine where a group of friends go on a road trip. This time I want a group of friends to explore the Caribbean islands. The story would be a mix of exploring the Caribbean, story and adult scenes, so you will have to be at least eighteen years old for this one. I want us to work out the details together, creating a setting together instead of it just being my vision, but I have some initial thoughts. They shouldn't be super-rich, so no huge sailboats or cruisers. I would place them age-wise around twenty years old. And it will be a group, and I would like us both to write several characters each (as well as people they meet while travelling) of both sexes.

If spending some time on a sailboat in the Caribbean surrounded by friends in minimal clothing sounds like fun to you, then send me a message and we'll talk.
Bump. :-)
Bump. :-)
Still looking for someone for this one. :-)
Always looking for people wanting to do this one. :-)
This idea is inspired by the Norwegian student comedy musical "Gullstrupen." The basic plot is a young student who has to choose what of her two talents she will make into a career, singing or blowjobs. There was a lot of talk and promise of sexual acts in the play, leading to a lot of coverage in the media, before the end result wasn't all that shocking after all.

So, over to my idea. I want to write a story where a script like Gullstrupen is being written and then performed, basically go through the all the stages from having the script for the play to actually setting the play up at a theatre. The location will be a liberal-minded American college, but such a production would naturally stir up some controversy. Starting with the student writer(s) having written a play (maybe it started out as a writing experiment or a joke, and it just turned into a good play) they want to produce. They have to find funding, actors and actresses, some faculty member to sponsor them and whatever else goes into a production like this. There will be auditions and rehearsing, but also normal student life with parties and going to classes. The production will be playing at campus, and the actors and actresses will have to deal with life after the play if we choose to continue the story afterwards.

This is the basic outline, kept basic for a reason. I want to carve this out further with a partner, as I find the plotting and building a world together with a partner a lot more fun than doing it all on my own and trying to find someone to play in my little creation.

So, what do I need from a partner?

1. Be willing to write multiple main characters of both sexes. Different kinds of sexualities are not a must, but easily incorporated into the story. These characters will be the core, the ones that are around a lot.

2. Be willing to write characters that are recurring (some more often than others) or are just there to be in one scene. These might be considered NPCs, but I would like to divide these among us as proper characters that just doesn't get that much screen time.

3. Be willing to plot and talk OOC. For such a story I feel it is important we keep an open communication going.

4. Be above eighteen years of age. This is not open to anyone who is not eighteen years.

5. Most importantly, be willing to have FUN. :-)

If this sounds at all interesting to you shoot me a PM and we'll take it from there.
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