Evelyn Chambers - Tulpa
As they stopped, Evelyn used the time to catch her breath as while she was fit and in pretty good shape, she still needed a brief breather. Sonar started talking and as she knew she should, she listened and did so attentively. Eyes locked on Sonar, she began to realize why the younger cape led them and not one of the others.
He really knew his stuff. Smiling a bit at the thought that they had a capable leader, she marveled once more at the fact that she was even here. It was pretty unreal, but she couldn't let it get the best of her...for now. Thus she instead focused on her own role and closed her eyes, still listening while she began to frame what she wanted of her projection. She again went over the list of traits she'd gained, not including powers. First she needed to decide its physical make up.
Flesh, energy absorption/redirection, metal(hardness, conductivity), concrete(hardness, porous), air(water vapor, ethereal, gas, freedom, light), water(fluidity, conductivity), and illumination.
Then, having run over what traits were available to her, she decided to frame what sort of thing she wanted her projection to be.
'It needs to be as non-lethal as possible, maneuverable enough to fight in close quarters in a small space, but durable enough not to be destroyed or damaged easily. Can count off making it too big, maybe eight feet max, but spindly...' as the thoughts went through her head the projection's shape began to adjust below the ground, forming into a seven foot tall humanoid figure, before forming four distinct limbs. It would be largely quadrupedal. 'It needs to have long reach either physically or in its power set, maybe lots of long limbs? Or maybe i should give it a weaker form of Messiah's power?' She shook her head, 'No, too dangerous, I don't know how it works well enough to use that to the best of my ability. Wait!' A smile spread over her face and as it did she started deciding on specific traits for the projection.
Durability(hardness+fluidity), illumination, light weight.
The projection's silver light, though out of sight, became more distinct and edges began to form, distinguishing where the projection ended and began.
With the traits in mind and more or less set in stone, she started sifting through the powers she'd picked up in her short time in the room with the protectorate and her teammates. However, rather than list them off as her power would, she ran through a mental list of the powers she knew about--focusing on those which she considered useful--before cross referencing those with what her power had told her earlier. 'Confidence manipulation; Sound manipulation and echolocation; Enhanced agility/changed state: damage resistance; Clone summoning(?); Energy absorption and manipulation; Unknown Tinker power.'
With them considered she began implanting certain aspects her power had told her into her projection, the process feeling as if her power had somehow created not a duplicate but a weird sort of resonance with the powers, which it mimicked in the projection. It didn't make much sense to her...or at least she couldn't explain it to anyone else. Nonetheless, her projection took on what she decided to give it.
Permanent changed state: Damage resistance+agility and flexibility. Sound manip' derivative: frequency(minor). Senses, standard+echolocation(minor).
With that the projection's form began to expand somewhat, growing a host of still insubstantial tendrils that ringed its body, spreading out to roughly 4 or so feet per extremity. However, beyond that she wasn't entirely sure how it would turn out once it manifested--though she had a general sense of it.
With all that done she opened her eyes, only several moments had passed, maybe eight seconds or so. It was a bit jarring really, but she managed to acclimate and look to her teammates, and then Sonar. "Ready," she proclaimed, her eyes shining with glee, she was excited. It was always interesting to formulate her projection, but it would be even better to see how everyone responded...and how effective it would be.
She hoped her practice would pay off. She'd soon find out....
Ah yes, precious, the response to his power was always amusing, though despite Everest's surprisingly actions that followed, Chatterbox's smile remained, the only change in expression being a raised brow as the spikes of ice entirely missed the Broker, and the man promptly closed the distance. "Interesting," he began, even as the Broker's demeanor shifted wildly, another thing that interested him greatly. Rising from his seat, a smile still on his lips, amusement writ across his features, the eminent Chatterbox approached.
He gestured at Headhunter in an almost dismissive fashion, though the gesture looked reminiscent of a gun. Entirely without worry that he might be hit, by bullet, cape, or the clearly deranged Broker, Chatterbox passed behind their boss to refill his cup, this time with water. He knew he shouldn't partake of so much coffee in such a short time. After all, too much of a good thing was never wise. He turned and leaned on the counter once more, observing the charade. He had a sneaking suspicion that Everest's entrance might have been a test as well as a chance for the Broker to showcase his power and instill in them a sense of how fruitless it would be to turn on him.
'Perhaps a redirection power?' he thought with a question, smile dimming ever so slightly as he looked on with interest and what would have been a thoughtful expression if they could've seen his eyes. He took another sip.
'Unlikely,' he decided, as Everest's reaction implied something far more sinister, and interesting. 'Perhaps a trump. Though a bizarre one I must say. Trump/Stranger perhaps, it would explain why he missed, but also why the power didn't work on the Broker.' He nodded to himself slightly. He remained silent throughout, he'd served as a slight distraction so Headhunter could aim, though he supposed he may have triggered the man towards action by mentioning their host. Oh well, it was incidental and likely inevitable. If the Broker hadn't wished to be noticed, than he would have left the room.
Chatterbox was certain there was more at play.