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Evelyn Chambers - Tulpa

As they stopped, Evelyn used the time to catch her breath as while she was fit and in pretty good shape, she still needed a brief breather. Sonar started talking and as she knew she should, she listened and did so attentively. Eyes locked on Sonar, she began to realize why the younger cape led them and not one of the others.

He really knew his stuff. Smiling a bit at the thought that they had a capable leader, she marveled once more at the fact that she was even here. It was pretty unreal, but she couldn't let it get the best of her...for now. Thus she instead focused on her own role and closed her eyes, still listening while she began to frame what she wanted of her projection. She again went over the list of traits she'd gained, not including powers. First she needed to decide its physical make up.

Flesh, energy absorption/redirection, metal(hardness, conductivity), concrete(hardness, porous), air(water vapor, ethereal, gas, freedom, light), water(fluidity, conductivity), and illumination.

Then, having run over what traits were available to her, she decided to frame what sort of thing she wanted her projection to be.

'It needs to be as non-lethal as possible, maneuverable enough to fight in close quarters in a small space, but durable enough not to be destroyed or damaged easily. Can count off making it too big, maybe eight feet max, but spindly...' as the thoughts went through her head the projection's shape began to adjust below the ground, forming into a seven foot tall humanoid figure, before forming four distinct limbs. It would be largely quadrupedal. 'It needs to have long reach either physically or in its power set, maybe lots of long limbs? Or maybe i should give it a weaker form of Messiah's power?' She shook her head, 'No, too dangerous, I don't know how it works well enough to use that to the best of my ability. Wait!' A smile spread over her face and as it did she started deciding on specific traits for the projection.

Durability(hardness+fluidity), illumination, light weight.

The projection's silver light, though out of sight, became more distinct and edges began to form, distinguishing where the projection ended and began.

With the traits in mind and more or less set in stone, she started sifting through the powers she'd picked up in her short time in the room with the protectorate and her teammates. However, rather than list them off as her power would, she ran through a mental list of the powers she knew about--focusing on those which she considered useful--before cross referencing those with what her power had told her earlier. 'Confidence manipulation; Sound manipulation and echolocation; Enhanced agility/changed state: damage resistance; Clone summoning(?); Energy absorption and manipulation; Unknown Tinker power.'

With them considered she began implanting certain aspects her power had told her into her projection, the process feeling as if her power had somehow created not a duplicate but a weird sort of resonance with the powers, which it mimicked in the projection. It didn't make much sense to her...or at least she couldn't explain it to anyone else. Nonetheless, her projection took on what she decided to give it.

Permanent changed state: Damage resistance+agility and flexibility. Sound manip' derivative: frequency(minor). Senses, standard+echolocation(minor).

With that the projection's form began to expand somewhat, growing a host of still insubstantial tendrils that ringed its body, spreading out to roughly 4 or so feet per extremity. However, beyond that she wasn't entirely sure how it would turn out once it manifested--though she had a general sense of it.

With all that done she opened her eyes, only several moments had passed, maybe eight seconds or so. It was a bit jarring really, but she managed to acclimate and look to her teammates, and then Sonar. "Ready," she proclaimed, her eyes shining with glee, she was excited. It was always interesting to formulate her projection, but it would be even better to see how everyone responded...and how effective it would be.

She hoped her practice would pay off. She'd soon find out....

Ah yes, precious, the response to his power was always amusing, though despite Everest's surprisingly actions that followed, Chatterbox's smile remained, the only change in expression being a raised brow as the spikes of ice entirely missed the Broker, and the man promptly closed the distance. "Interesting," he began, even as the Broker's demeanor shifted wildly, another thing that interested him greatly. Rising from his seat, a smile still on his lips, amusement writ across his features, the eminent Chatterbox approached.

He gestured at Headhunter in an almost dismissive fashion, though the gesture looked reminiscent of a gun. Entirely without worry that he might be hit, by bullet, cape, or the clearly deranged Broker, Chatterbox passed behind their boss to refill his cup, this time with water. He knew he shouldn't partake of so much coffee in such a short time. After all, too much of a good thing was never wise. He turned and leaned on the counter once more, observing the charade. He had a sneaking suspicion that Everest's entrance might have been a test as well as a chance for the Broker to showcase his power and instill in them a sense of how fruitless it would be to turn on him.

'Perhaps a redirection power?' he thought with a question, smile dimming ever so slightly as he looked on with interest and what would have been a thoughtful expression if they could've seen his eyes. He took another sip.

'Unlikely,' he decided, as Everest's reaction implied something far more sinister, and interesting. 'Perhaps a trump. Though a bizarre one I must say. Trump/Stranger perhaps, it would explain why he missed, but also why the power didn't work on the Broker.' He nodded to himself slightly. He remained silent throughout, he'd served as a slight distraction so Headhunter could aim, though he supposed he may have triggered the man towards action by mentioning their host. Oh well, it was incidental and likely inevitable. If the Broker hadn't wished to be noticed, than he would have left the room.

Chatterbox was certain there was more at play.
I posted seconds after you. Now I'm editing.

Alright ^^;
@Lugubrious Do you want to edit your post, or would you rather I repost beneath your post?
Well sorry for the wait guys, but mah post is finally up!
Evelyn Chambers - Tulpa

Yet, despite her hopes and fears, it appeared everyone was too much in their own little world--likely with her included--to truly say anything regarding her actions. She wasn't sure if she ought to feel relieved or disappointed, but then she heard Sonar, causing her to glance his way, only to see his lips moving, but no sound coming out.

His words were somewhat comforting as it meant that at least he had some handle on how her power worked, or at least what to expect...still, that was only one person out of five, not including herself of course. Her fingers drumming lightly on the handrail of the elevator, she waited for the door to open while once more marveling at Margrave's strangeness as he stood near the head of the group, in some weird stance. Then the room started becoming brighter and she glanced towards its source only to squint her eyes. It appeared that Ale--no, Messiah now, was using her power to hide her face.

Evelyn's eyes lit up a bit, though not even slightly as literally as Messiah's were, and she almost squealed with glee. Man was this awesome, she thought, marveling at the fact that she was among a group of heroes. Then the door opened and Sonar took the lead, with Messiah just behind as second in command, Margrave following right after. Epsilon hung back before Messiah moved to her side. She decided to take up a position between Margrave and Epsilon, putting her at the middle of the group.

Then came the cheers and the cameras and the questions. Her heart leaped in her chest and a smile spread over her face, though no one could see it. Her eyes were alight with shock and joy both as it really started to hit home that she wasn't just among a group of heroes, but that she was part of that group. However, she was pulled from the moment by Sonar's voice informing them of their adversary.

That and the fact that it was twenty others was valuable information. Swallowing hard she decided to take some initiative. "I can scout," she said before realizing just how vague that was. It made it sound like she would be personally breaking from the group, so she quickly added "...with my ability that is." It was awkward, but it got the job done, she supposed.

With that in mind she took in deep calming breath after deep calming breath. She let her body go partially on autopilot as she, for the first time, let her projection's silvery light be seen. It spread up from the ground and moved outwards like a shimmering mist of hazy light. Then before it could be fully registered or processed by anyone present it phased through the ground and out of sight.

She guided it, her sense of what materials it was moving through informing her of when to stop. When it met with the material of the large flood drain she made it stop within the ceiling and spread out thread thin tendrils. The rest of it spread out like a flat film just beneath the surface of the large drainage line, making it impossible to locate unless Eyeblight's power included something like a Thinker ability. once it had encircled the whole of the flood drain in a cylinder she had it extend the thing tendrils into the small amount of water, making them harder to see. They spread out and sifted over and through the floor. She did this until she located the precise location of each of the twenty individuals.

The most notable moment was when her power started feeding her information regarding Eyeblight's power. She had some trouble figuring it out, mostly due to the other information her power was feeding her.

Altered form. Weight phased. Force/strength: Static. Damage Threshold: High.

She managed to get before intentionally shifting most of her focus back to her body, where she took in an even deeper breath to regain her composure before diving in a bit more. The tendrils moved through clothes, hidden by them in the process. They were imperceptible so long as they remained within a substance, something she found very useful in the moment. It allowed her to try to figure out what sorts of weapons the thugs were carrying.

"Most of the thugs are armed," she said aloud, focusing on both projection and her body at once. She was more or less just following Sonar at this point, not paying much attention to other stuff aside from not tripping and falling on her face. Diving back in, Evelyn focused and spread her power just a little bit more. It appeared the thugs mostly had melee weapons, if not all of them, though she might be missing something. Then something else stuck out to her, people...and rope, the latter around the former.

Her eyes narrowed and she spoke, "Weapons are melee in nature. Also, they have hostages, roughly half a dozen. They're tied up with rope, if I'm getting this right." While she was fairly certain, her power was sometimes difficult to translate into normal terms like "rope," and "people," and "weapons," but she had been practicing a good amount just for moments like this so it was getting easier. With her information gotten she withdrew from her projection's senses somewhat and had many of its 'tendrils' move back into its mass so it could reconvene under ground.

She made a mental list of saved traits as they headed for their destination.

Flesh, energy absorption/redirection, form alteration(static traits, altered make-up), metal(hardness, conductivity), concrete(hardness, porous), air(water vapor, ethereal), water(fluidity, conductivity) as well as a slew of other things. She activated her communicator and spoke, "Sonar, Messiah, choose a time and give a signal and I'll provided a distraction so they can't rush us as soon as they see us." With that said, she focused on following their leader, things were probably gonna get pretty hairy, but if she had anything to say about it that wouldn't last too long.

Interesting, he thought, noting everyone's reactions, though his smile remained. Even when the Broker applauded, his tone dry as bone, there was only the slightest of twitches at the corner of his mouth. Still, there were only two likely possibilities, the first being true boredom, and the second being his using boredom to hide the truth. If it were the former than the man clearly had terrible taste, and if it were the latter than he was right. However, in the moment there was no time to truly ascertain which, especially if the man truly was so good an actor as to not reveal his true face even when met with truly vexing circumstances. When the man asked if he was in, he bowed low and gracefully, before rising again, with a smile and a nod of his head. "Certainly," he responded with ease, his own slight annoyance buried deep beneath the surface. How ironic it was that he had ended up annoyed as a result of his attempt to annoy.

His eyes glanced in Headhunter's direction, not that his gaze could be ascertained due to his goggles concealing his eyes. A small smirk formed before he returned his focus to the Broker, then shifted it to the new comer. Then, with a thought coming to him, he poured another cup of coffee, walked to the table, set it down, then walked back to his prior location. Once he was done, the Broker would have finished his explanation and so entered the man. In that moment, he closed his eyes and for just a second focused. He felt his voice change as mental gears shifted. A hum began as he made a merry little tune to himself, a sound that would be nothing more to everyone else, but strangely magnetic to the newcomer. He watched the proceedings, watching the others to action, waiting his turn.

It turned out that Lovecraft acted first, draping itself around the man who called himself Everest, even offering a false description of its power. He smiled as Headhunter made his quip, one that the newcomer would not appreciate. He chuckled to himself and walked towards Everest, extending a hand despite the ominous crystals of ice floating through the air around him. "It's a pleasure to meet you," he said, and his words flowed like spirits, intoxicating if too much was partaken. "I'm Chatterbox and I must say it's wonderful to finally meet you especially. The others are so interesting, you see, but your power intrigues me," he gestured at the spikes of ice on the man's costume and then made a wider gesture at the particles of frost coming off him, "The Broker mentioned it was ice related," he lied, "...but I am curious as to just how far that goes."

He paused momentarily, hand withdrawn if it had been shaken or not. Not once did he look dejected if the gesture was refused, but instead he would withdraw gracefully as if nothing had happened. He took a step back, sipping his coffee and looking the man over, before walking halfway around him and heading for his chair, making sure not to obstruct Headhunter's line of sight for more than a moment. When he reached the chair he spun it on one foot so its back faced Everest, before he sat down with his legs on either side of the back. He smiled at the man...and waited.
Still around. Gonna respond tonight or tomorrow.
Evelyn Chambers - Tulpa

With the situation swiftly being taken care of, with Decoy supposedly wrapping it all up, Evelyn had turned her full attention to the team, particularly Epsilon, who stood before her. At the girl's response she smiled beneath her mask, but before they could speak any further she heard Margrave's rather obnoxious words, followed by Sonar's apology. However, she was more struck by his use of the phrase 'Oh snapple,' which elicited a quiet giggle from the girl, before she cleared her throat and followed after her teammates--everyone seeming almost used to it. She supposed the life of a hero was more fast paced than that of a civilian...admittedly she kind of liked it. As she followed, it began to strike her that she'd be having her confrontation with real villains today, on the same day she'd joined the team.

It made her stomach fill with butterflies, but it also made her frown beneath her mask. They hadn't had a chance to learn each other's powers so it was likely going to be a bit...haphazard a confrontation. Or...well, none of them knew her power, she supposed. With this in mind her projection continued its stealthy movements, guided by her thoughts, and grazed the others lightly, always at their feet and out of sight. It made no sound and was only a faint silver light.

She loved how inconspicuous it was. Although, its nature and her use of it also meant that she might seriously startle her fellow wards--squee!--when she did reveal it in its...glory? She wasn't sure how to classify her projection in that regard. Was it frightening? Was it glorious? She frowned slightly, having entered the elevator after Ira already. She made a point to stand by the girl, and as far away from Margrave as possible. Although, she supposed she could make him uncomfortable and more awkward by standing closer to him.... She shuddered slightly at the thought, the idea at least a little crude and repulsing to her.

She didn't like him. He had not made a good first impression, nor second really. As her thoughts turned to him, she glanced his way and smirked to herself, glad that he couldn't see the look. It would be fun finding ways to put him in his place, but she would need to be careful that she didn't start falling low enough to bullying. That wouldn't do, no not at all.

Realizing she'd gone on a tangent, she pulled herself out of those thoughts and considered the powers of her teammates...except Dean, she didn't like how his power felt, so she avoided him...for now.

Epsilon was a tinker of some sort. The projection was giving her impressions relating to other powers as it touched her other teammates. Maybe she pulled inspiration from other powers? She wasn't sure, but she decided to shelf that information for later. Maybe she could just ask he--the thought began, before suddenly stopping as she turned to see Epsilon remove her mask. She was adorable, even if she was perspiring and breathing rather heavily, she was adorable. She wanted to say something, but it probably wasn't appropriate given the circumstances. Maybe later?

She bit her lip, frustrated with her inability to express, or entirely understand if she was being honest, her feelings. I mean, she just wanted to give her a compliment. A positive comment, build a bit of rapport with her team, give the girl a boost in esteem. Show her own good side.

Her thoughts were tumbling over themselves before she forced her gaze away, though it had only lasted a second or two. She watched the numbers light up on the elevator as they traveled, counting down the floors.

It was a little cramped with six people in the space. Just a little though. She returned to her former train of thought, though she was a bit more distracted now. She had her projection overlap with Margrave's foot, and she almost chuckled aloud as the information flooded in.

Contact based transfiguration. Object alteration.

Was the initial read, then more came, revealing the nature of that alteration to some degree. The impression her projection gave her was, well, pretty underwhelming though she could admit it might be useful in some scenarios. Still, how could he be so stuck up and full of himself with a power like his. It would remain the only truly mysterious thing about him, she thought with a mental chuckle.

She moved her projection again, avoiding everyone except for Alessa. She closed her eyes before making contact, after all, with a cape name like 'Messiah,' she likely had something considerably less underwhelming than Margrave.

Focusing and breathing quietly and steadily, she moved the projection's shadow to contact Alessa and then the information struck, as if a dam had broken and her mind had been directly in the path of the great deluge.

Protective absorption. Focus, energetic. Physical limiter. Control appropriation. Non-adaptive control method. Upwards limit, irrelevant. Dimensional access. Energetic storage method: Dimensional. Access threshold: Neural interfacing. Ranged application.

All in just a split second before her eyes shot open and she stumbled forwards, hand moving to the metal railing on the edges of the enclosed elevator to steady herself. "Woah," she gasped under her breath. What she'd gotten was a lot more than even she'd thought she would. Her gaze now aimed at the ground she noticed the hazy silver glow of her projection and noticed that she had reflexively had it shift out of contact with Alessa. She moved it entirely out of sight, figuring that some of the wards, and probably Sonar who would have heard her gasp as if it was right in his ear, might take notice and comment.

She probably looked like an idiot...and a strange one too. Though, she supposed none of them were exactly normal. It was weird how that comforted her, she thought, as it seemed to make others so much more comfortable.

Regaining her composure she lifted her head and took in a deep breath, ready to face any questions head on. If they asked what had happened maybe it would give her a good chance to explain her power before it scared the crap out of them out on the field.... Maybe.

Listening to the boss list off the abilities of the actors was rather amusing. In essence they had a shapeshifter, an assassin, an invulnerable girl, and, well, little old Chatterbox. He smirked to himself at the thought, wondering what the others thought about his power. Of course, it's not like the Broker knew, or had explained, his power en full. It amused him that either the man had chosen not to release the information, or simply did not know--and given how careful he'd been in concealing the secondary uses of his power...well, it was more than unlikely that the Broker did not know.

Eyes turning as Headhunter spoke, Chatterbox's head shifted slightly, its alignment diagonal. 'Amusing,' he thought, glancing back at Broker briefly, before he noted the man's response. This was all looking very...rehearsed. Broker, it appeared, had truly thought through everything carefully. 'So we all have a role to play, do we?' he thought, an eyebrow raising slightly. However, there was something else he had noticed during his observations: Hesitation.

While the Broker appeared to be a flawless public speaker he had, twice now, seen slight hesitations in the man at moments in the conversation. This in mind, he pushed his hand against the wall and teetered the chair forwards by shifting his weight, doing it all swift enough that the chair's legs made a harsh and attention getting --smack-- against the floor. His legs uncrossed, he leaned forwards, smile remaining on his lips while he aimed his gaze at Broker. Even with his goggles on, the man ought to know that his attention was aimed towards him, their boss.

Then, with the attention of everyone present, he spoke, "This is all very rehearsed, Mr. Broker. It's curious really. Even the rules. Oddly specific, makes me wonder what you've got in mind for your end game." The palms of his hands met his knees and he pushed himself onto his feet, tilting his chin up to look down at Broker, before lowering it and walking across the room, his shoes striking the floor just loud enough to be attention getting, but not quite loud enough to get overly obnoxious unless drawn out. "I have to admit, you're a mysterious man. Never heard of you till you contacted me. I figure it's probably the same for the rest of you, yeah?" He glanced back at the round table where the others had sat before taking a long drink of his coffee, finishing it. It was harsh going down, but hot and a sense of energy and life filled him as it settled in his stomach.

He reached the table where sat the coffee pot and began operating it, starting another brew. He kept an eye on its progress, letting the faint, but noticeable sound of pouring liquid emanate before he turned to the others again, leaning against the counter.

"Of course, we've all just met, so I doubt you'd dish on what your plans are. You'd much rather string us along I think. Or are you more gracious than that?" His smile spread ever so slightly and as it did the coffee pot reached the fullness that would be required to refill just his cup. He glanced at it lazily, glanced back at Broker, making eye contact, and then retained it while the pot filled further.

After roughly five seconds he turned his attention to the pot, stopped its brewing, and poured himself a cup, leaving too little in the pot to make another full cup, while he filled his completely before taking a sip. He remained there, leaning on the counter, crossing one foot over the other.

After another sip of coffee he lightly set the cup down, his act largely finished, that was, except another small point, "Of course, don't let my words fool you, I'm glad to be here, it's a sort of recognition you see. I'd imagine it is for each of us. It's sort of like being pulled into the big leagues, even though no one knows us yet, this gives us a chance to truly be known, to be infamous, rather than to be brief flashes of light that soon die out with the blink of an eye." He shrugged slightly, "Oh and do excuse me, Broker, I'd just much rather be upfront than act the willing pawn until annoyance brews only to turn to hostility. I'm sure you understand." With that he gave one last smile, before falling to silence whilst sipping his coffee from time to time, his smile much less prominent now--though still there.

It seemed almost never to falter, but that was merely because of the crowd. After all, the curtains had been drawn, so he ought to put on a show.
Evelyn Chambers - Tulpa

Well, everyone had been more or less welcoming...at least that's what she had thought until the one Dean had referred to as 'Mar--something or other' approached her, took some ludicrous pose, and started spouting out nonsense. She raised an eyebrow beneath her mask initially, but as he kept talking, her face--though they couldn't see it--became a clear deadpan. Her posture shifted and her eyes narrowed slightly before she decided to let them open fully, brimming with false cheer as she reached out, suddenly, and quickly, and patted him on the shoulder. "Good to meet you too, Marrie. Oh and thanks for the introduction, now I don't have to spend any time figuring out which ward has a stick up their rear," she said, the same false happiness in her voice before she moved her hand off of him, wiping it off on her clothes--she'd have to wash those twice later--and turning her attention to...mmm, Messiah.

Her eyes softened at the shorter girl's words before she spoke, acting as if she'd not said anything even remotely rude to Margrave, "Oh don't worry, he did me a favor," she said with a wink. At the thought her projection's shadow touched Margrave and information flowed in steadily. If he ever said anything along those lines to her again, which he surely would given how everyone was treating him--not to mention his introduction--then she would simply throw the guy's power in his face, because man was it silly. Actually, that was probably giving it too much credit, she might even call it useless, but she wasn't that mean. She wouldn't say it to his face, though she would be knocking him down a few pegs, maybe give him a reality check or two--hopefully that'd be enough. "if you'd like to give me a nickname, Alessa...um," she raised her hand, tapping her chin lightly in thought, "Lyn would be alright I suppose." She laughed a little, the sound having just the slightest amount of nervousness near the end...before she fell silent again.

Meanwhile, during it all, she felt someone get up and walk out of the room, her eyes briefly moving after the one member of the wards who hadn't come up to greet her. Evelyn's head tilted slightly and she smiled sympathetically under her mask, maybe she's nervous...or insecure? That costume looked kind of uncomfortable, I wonder if I could help her with that... she thought before Sonar...no, Collin's voice interrupted her thoughts, pulling her out of her brief reverie. It seemed that the very ward who had left was in some kind of trouble.

The team headed out and her heart leaped in her chest, a small smile forming on her hidden lips even as she swallowed hard--her stomach full of anxiousness, worry, and excitement all at once.

Before they'd arrived she sent her projection ahead of them, stretching it out after it was out of sight so as to cover as much space as possible. Eventually she located a parahuman that gave off the right information in body shape, outfit materials...tinker pow--tinker powers!?! They had a tinker???

Evelyn missed a step, but caught herself swiftly, swallowing hard again to retain her focus...and composure, in this case. She hoped her teammate was okay, she thought before realizing. It was really nice to be able to say that, if still a little weird. The weirdness reminded her of what Dean had said 'Sorry you got stuck with us,' which elicited a frown. She hadn't had the proper time to respond to his follow up statement due to Sonar. She'd have to remember to correct his impression later, she didn't want him thinking that she disliked them just because they were all so different. If anything...that made her more comfortable, not less.

Her thoughts changing gears as Sonar--Collin!--kicked the doors into the shooting range, Evelyn decided she ought to do something especially since Dean got involved and the other ward--the one she hadn't really met yet--raised a gun to the small drone. However as she stepped forwards to truly act the girl lowered her gun and turned towards her, closing the distance. Evelyn thought she'd just walk passed her and so focused on her projection, causing its shadow to overlap with the drone. She spoke, "He's telling the truth, it's got no weapons. Just a camera, some stuff to help it move, and a speaker or two." She didn't supply how she knew any of that before her projection's shadow, using the shadow of the drone, slipped inside the solid wall, moving down through it before spreading out over the floor of the room.

She turned her attention to the last ward to introduce herself, her own duty done...even if it was a minor one. She extended her hand to Epsilon as she spoke, "Hi Epsilon, I'm glad to meet you. By the way..." she began, trailing off and leaning in close to the girl's ear, "...when we get a free moment, would you like me to help you with your costume?" After she said it, so only Epsilon, and surely Sonar, could hear, she pulled away and glanced at those assembled, wondering how all this would play out. Evidently they had it under control, but still...the poor guy controlling the drone seemed pretty harmless--though he could be lying, she supposed.

Oh well, they'd just have to find out.
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