Avatar of yoshua171


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4 yrs ago
Current Just...drifting along.
6 yrs ago
The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
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6 yrs ago
Does anyone know where I can figure out how to unfabricate memories? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
Check out our new and improved thread. Just an interest check for now, but oh boy is there so much more to come! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 yrs ago
Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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Most Recent Posts

@ChickenTeriyaki Alright sounds good, tell me when you're done making the character, I'll take a look, and then I'll make our battleground. Yeah a post a week or so sounds totally fine with me :)

I'll be starting up work again a bit after August 7th and completing a big move anyways so that works out ^_^

Name: Elande Slums
Creator: @Sikako J
Size: Large tower(s) and surrounding area.
Player Capacity: 2 to 6.
Description: An ancient city of slums that has been build and rebuilt over centuries. The houses stacked together so high that you can barely see the sky. Made of scrap metal, half rotten wood, and poor quality mortar and bricks this arena is actually quite destructible. However much is destroyed will simply be "repaired" in time by the countless slum dwellers. Many wires connect the multileveled buildings like zip lines, but it is anyone's guess as to if they will hold.

Few slum dwellers are in the arena scattered throughout the towers and area. They are a race of human like bipeds with little ability to speak. It is unlikely they will interfere in the fight, but might attack feebly if confronted.
Sounds great, looking forwards to it!
Well if laziness is the problem I can go first, but I'd rather you do so since I made the thread. That way I'm not double posting or whatnot haha.
Posting Rules

1.) One post per person, starting from the time of the most recent post, every week. Failing to follow this standard perhaps counts for one minor hit--nothing game changing.

2.) No attacking action can be taken in the first post from either combatant.

3.) In regards to Raelis. Opponent has allowed that the modifier title/trait "Rhay's Chosen/Rhay's Chosen Vessel," be applied. All noted buffs are thus applied to the aforementioned character. Noted traits are doubled. Blade of Rhay's capabilities are tripled.

4.) We only have Rilla as judge just in case we can't resolve anything on our own. If we request a ruling we shall tag him, otherwise leave us to our own devices.

5.) Peanut Gallery, you may comment, but do not weigh in--at least in this thread or any of its tabs--on any arguments or debates that the contestants have, that's why we have a judge, thank you.

Raelis VaerkturianChampion of Rhay

Character Summaries

Tharraleos Polemistis

The Great Beast, once of a dark sorceror's army now freed by the mage's flight from the light, he is warrior, monster, and genius all. Possessed of a tremendously potent form, Tharraleos is an eight limbed creature with two 'segments' to its body, the major portion which possesses four limbs, two with bird feet and in the back--its haunches those of a great cat--and two in the front with the paws and claws of a lion. Its form is covered with shaggy tan fur and red, black, and yellow plumage and at its rear is are two tails, one of feathers and one of fur. Its hide is as iron and where a head might rest instead extends the a humanoid form, as of a centaur, but instead covered in well groomed fur and pristine plumage. This form, topped with a crown of feathers interspersed with fur, is peaked, with piercing avian eyes and is outfitted with four limbs. These limbs take the form of four arms, two of which sprout from its ribs to form huge wings that fold over the back of its major body, while the other two limbs are the clawed pads of a lion. This creature is one of great size and weight and is all muscle, predatory grace, and deadly intelligence. Truly, Tharr is a being to be feared what with his mastery of combat, strategy, tactics, and himself most of all. Thus, beware should you meet him.

Raelis Vaerkturian
Rhay's Chosen

An avian warrior, cut from the cloth of the victorious, Raelis is a humanoid alien with avian properties possessing retractable talons on both his hands and feet, and great wings, all of which--body included--are garbed in armor. He is wreathed in the light and heat of his planet's star and god, Rhay. His prowess in combat is great, and his ability with the magics of his kind, the Light of the Devene, is indeed prodigious. So it is that he is the avatar--in his times of need--and the champion of Rhay. So it is that his mantle is that of his people and of the divinity that watches over him. Thus, err on the side of caution, lest you be burned by the divine light of Rhay itself!
@Griffintaur & @yoshua171.
Victory Conditions:
First Turn goes to Griffontaur.
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