Geared up, he'd tested the weight of every piece of armor, every bit of weaponry--even though the weapons were his own, bought back. A strange place, this Champion's town, this arena. He cast his gaze across the largely empty expanse of buildings, his perch atop a building allowing him quite the view. Far off, but not out of reach, lay the arena that he craved to enter. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he cast his gaze elsewhere and found it falling upon two souls by the message boards, a man and a woman. He tilted his head.
They didn't look like the town's inhabitants, there was a different sort of presence about them. They were armed as well. Champions perhaps, travelers arrived in this place, thrill seekers perhaps? Though maybe...just maybe, they may have been true warriors. His gaze flicked down and across his immediate surroundings before it went to them once more. Casually he hopped from the rooftop, sailing down through the air. He caught the edge of a lower roof and swung, slowing his descent and adding forwards momentum all at once. Still too fast he let his wings spread his voluminous cloak open and gently caress the wind.
His feet lit upon the ground silently, barely a puff of dust being stirred by his arrival.
Remembering the path he folded his wings, wrapping them back around his person, before he walked calmly towards the small square where he'd seen the pair and the message board.
A brief time later he rounded a corner and came in sight of his destination. Wonderful, they were still here. Approaching slowly he observed the two, gaze roving curiously over their forms and armaments.
As the man exchanged words with the lady Mikeil passed them both by with a silent stride and pushed his awareness of them to the side. There was a new announcement on the board, words of the current champion. A warrior of draconic ancestry--at the very least--had come out on top.
Mikeil decided that he could not allow the man to remain there.
Of course, it wasn't personal.
He turned to the other two champions, ignoring the words of the male,
"Will you two be competing as well?" There was a quiet curiosity weaved through his words, its like accompanied by a subtle amusement apparent only in the gentle amber light of his faintly glowing eyes.