Bleed me? A hack?! The world can bleed me to the last drop but to call me a hack for not giving into your petty desires!? No, Tku was not a hack. He was neither a pacifist. He simply wanted to live to tell another story another day.
He stared back at her, accepting that he was going be crushed. It happened to all of the peasants who spoke up to the powerful. But another story would be added to the pile of corpses. And one day, one day, it will be too heavy for the elite to ignore.
Then he was shoved. Away from his would be killer.
What was this about? Is it too gruesome for her? Tku questioned, expecting a fireball. But no. He was told to leave.
A trick? Sudden bout of conscience?
Why!? He could barely contain his anger. He couldn't comprehend her but how he wanted to know.
How can I reach you? He was left unsatisfied. Terribly empty from the experience, Tku recalled his brush and banana.
They clattered weakly towards him and Tku was left questioning whether had he regressed to neophyte levels in telekinesis from lack of practice. No, something was weakening him: fear, nerves, Juulet, or an outside force. The cause was held in mystery.
Could this be the judgement Cal spoke about at the soiree? Tku gulped at his realization. He hurried his departure from the scene. Once he turned the corner, he tested his magic again and again.
"I need to see this." There was a drive to watch whatever judgment the other Yasoi might bring to her.
Near immediately after, a pair of cloaked figures turned a corner and stalked towards Juulet. That weakness: she knew it. It was not unlike the pulse of a scagbiist, but it was something different. She knew it too. The figures grew larger, in both perception as the approached and in the danger that they represented. Rapidly, Juulet's attachment to the Gift was evaporating. In mere moments, she'd have nothing.
"Judgement time," one of them snarled in a female voice.
“Oh fuck no.”Immediately she tried to draw as much as she could. She wanted to just obliterated the shadows at the corner of her eye, but it wasn't enough. The gift was fleeting and fading away almost instantly. Her heart raced and sweat quickly accumulated on her forehead. This was panic - something she hadn't felt in a while.
Then the ticking stop just as a pulse of temporal energy reverberated out of her being, what was supposed to be a getaway spell turned into ... Well, a dud from what they could see.
“Spax fuck cock wiiz cunt!” the Mad Avatar clenched her malfunctioning pocket watch, realizing just how bad her predicament was.
“Judgement?” Juulet let out a maddened snicker filled with contempt.
“ME?! I don't need big lights and explosion to fuck you all up.” she pushed forward with her crutches, but already she felt the weight of having no magic. Her movements were clumsy and her balance mediocre. It was already a challenge for this skinny, one-legged Yasoi to close in without her metaphysical crutches too. Still, she was a tenacious one and readied one of her aids to smack away an assailant.
The female assailant leapt back nimbly.
"Be careful!" she warned with mock concern.
"You might trip and fall like that!" Her male counterpart swept Juulet's leg out from beneath her and she hit the ground hard.
"See?" She shook her head.
"Silly goose." Her partner took up the thread, though.
"Shouldn't have gone walking alone out at night," he concluded, shaking his head.
"I've heard people have been getting... robbed." A line of wickedly grinning white teeth split the lower half of his shadowed face.
The female figure stalked forward to deliver a vicious kick into the yasoi's ribs before she could rise.
“Kiss my a-” down went the Avatar in a loud thud. She hit her bony cheek and pointed ear against the gravel too. Missing a crutch that flung a big father than the other, she tried to push herself up with her idle hand, only to receive a kick to keep her back down. Juulet coughed and rolled to lie on her stomach.
“F-fuck ...” she slammed her fist to the ground, envisioning eruptions of magma and plasma to just swallow these insects. And yet, all she got was a very sore fist and wrist.
The Yasoi twisted, barely supported by her elbows, to regard the female.
“What's this, hmm? You want my shit? I got loads of shit. In my ass. Dig deep and you'll get it all.” she taunted and laughed maniacally with pained breaths coming and going.
She ate another vicious kick for it.
"Wrong answer, cunt." The female figure stepped about her lightly, emanating dark glee.
"Oh, don't get me wrong. We'll take your shit too." A grin near-identical to the male's split her face.
"But we're here for something altogether nobler." She glanced her partner's way.
"I would say 'run, little goddess, run'.." His smirk was oh, so punchable.
"but I might have to change that to 'hop, runt, hop." What an annoying laughter would come from him.
"To think you thought yourself to be a goddess. Isn't being shamed like this, oh so painful for you?" He hoped Tku wouldn't interfere too much.
"Sorry, little Reshta... you won't hop out of this one.""You see, Juulet'oily'musty'zan, we're different from you." the female shook her head.
"It doesn't matter how much you beg or fight back or anything else. You'll have the exact same chance you gave my brother. In..." she pulled out a pocketwatch and glanced at it.
"four minutes and ten seconds, " She darted forward to grab Juulet by the neck.
"You'll be dead. Full stop."Juulet's head rang after the kick. She barely heard the miserable words from the male figure. Nothing other than his voice being far too familiar.
“You're ...” she sniffled the blood leaking out of her crooked nose.
“the little fucko I taught a lesson to.” she raised her pointer finger toward Fiske.
“Need a woman to do the work for you, don'tcha?” more taunting laughs before she heeded the words of Marceline.
And heeded them she most certainly did in spite of her head still spinning.
“Brother, eh? You're saying I killed a Yanii?” she pivoted slightly to try and rest on her one knee and support her weight with her stump.
“Probably was a fucker 'cause I don't remember some lowlife boy-huusoi being crushed. Must've been a sorry excuse of a mage.” she licked the blood that spilled onto her lips.
Suddenly, she leapt for Fiske with all the strength in her leg and arms. It wasn't much, but she tried with all her vicious and magicless might.
Fiske jumped back ever so gracefully.
"You did teach me a lesson." His grin turned rather sour.
"You have taught me that people like you shouldn't exist. The strong should elevate the weak, not beat them up for looking at them the wrong way." The boy did not find any true amusement with this. This thing needs to be gone.. forever.
"I hope you've prayed to 'yourself', Miss goddess."The moment that Juulet failed, she ended up on the ground. Marceline leapt atop her in a full wrestler's mount and hammered her face with a punch. She winced as a knuckle gave way.
"His name was Manfred Hohenfelter and he was a good person," she declared coldly.
"Not a perfect one, but good. He loved and was loved and he did nothing to you. You ambushed him in Mandelein. remember? While you were at it, you killed killed Qasem Laghmani and one of your own." Marci's eyes lit up darkly.
"Ismet'ych'lahiin'dichora. What would your new suunei Tyrel'yrash'dichora think of that, I wonder?" She continued to hold the yasoi down and she pulled out her watch again.
"Tick, tick, tick," she mocked, and she seemed to be enjoying this more than her partner.
"Really, that box lasts for fifteen minutes, but keeping a piece of shit like you around for any longer than... She took a moment to check.
"Three minutes - twenty seems a crime." She tucked it into her cloak and batted another hand aimed for her face away.
"Why did you do it?" she demanded.
"Why kill him? Why was it any of your fucking business?"Juulet unleashed a wheezing cough after the bodyslam she took, although it was short lived with the punch that followed. Once again, she was left dazed and barely hearing the start. But she heard what mattered. First came chuckles mixed with groans of pain that bordered agony. She spat some blood to the side, as she wasn't strong enough to spit up to Marceline at this point.
“I gotta-” again, the Avatar coughed.
“underline the irony of wanting answers after focusing down my head. I speak from experience-” she shifted about to find some degree of comfort in her innately uncomfortable situation.
“that's the worst way to go about it.” a shit eating grin and stare were right right at her tormentor.
But before more punishment could befall her, she raised a shaking hand before speaking.
“Mandelein, I remember that however.” she mused for a moment, with bloody coughs coming in more frequently intervals.
“A town full of rabid dogs. A bad idea. Handled by bad elements. And made worse by ...” then, it hit her. Mouth agape, she took her sweet time to cut to the chase.
“Was he that handsome Yanii boy with the moustache?” she wagged her finger almost provocatively.
“Yeaaaaahhhh. He definitely caused quite the stirring! Hoho! Got a good many poor Huusoi peasants killed in the process. Heh.”"Well, I don't need you to last long anyway," Marci replied to the yasoi's first bit of mockery, but then she kept speaking.
"Well then, if you've got nothing more of worth to say, I guess we don't need our remaining..." She twisted to regard her partner quickly.
"How much time we got?" She flipped her cloak open and, all at once, stepped back, withdrawing a pair of pistols.
Fiske grabbed the small watch out of his pocket
"About 2 minutes, so whatever you want to say make it quick." He wanted to see this person get what they deserve.
Juulet spat out a couple of teeth that had gotten loose and eventually fell.
“You people give up so fast, like that limpdick I just let go.” she groaned, looking exasperated. Although her rapidly beating heart betrayed the cool facade she tried to erect.
“You wanna know why? Why'd he died?” Juulet let her head fall onto the pavement.
“Well, if you really gotta know, I've no clue.”The Mad Avatar closed her eye and took a deep but pained breath.
“The problem was gonna solve itself on that night. That Yani-” she opened her eyes to look Marci in the eyes. Her purple gaze was softer, and she seemed to genuinely consider something.
“Your brother. I did not kill him. In fact, I didn't kill shit - not even one of the dogs - at that time.” her eyes darted to the ticking mechanisms nearby.
“Leave it to Yaniis to pin their own petty crimes on Yasoi. It ain't enough you fucks ruined us to the core, eh? You gotta just -” she clenched her teeth and regarded Marci with pure hate. But that moment was fleeting and faded away into the same, challenging stare she had been keeping this whole time.
“Not just any Yanii too, a chick.” she snorted.
“Typical.”Marceline scowled.
"Bullshit," she replied, swallowing her own momentary alarm, her momentary doubts.
"You're just a bitter, nasty cunt to the very end, pulling the yasoi card on top of it." Her eyes narrowed.
"The only girl there was my sister in law, Manfred's betrothed. Try again." "Minute-five" her partner quietly warned her. Of course, they had three times that amount, in truth, but they would leave nothing to chance.
“Wait.” Juulet flailed her arms.
“Wait wait wait wait wait. You're a complete fuckwad if you stop here.” she warned, her eyes focused and solemn.
“I'm not fucking you here. That chick -”And then, in this dire moment as she felt the pain of the rose over her ear dig into her flesh some more that she connected the dots. Juulet began to laugh. Laugh in total hysterics.
“HAHAHAHA! Right under our fucking noses, too. We're both fucking idiots, aren't we?” droplets of blood sprayed all over as she spoke obnoxiously loud and laughed.
“That fucking crown. Oh how she was willing to DIE for it.” the laughs died down, turning into something of pure contempt mixed with desperation.
“All that power, I kinda get it, though.”A light sigh of relief escaped the Mad Avatar.
“That wicked whore and her wicked crown killed all three of them. One way or another, she killed them. And we all let it continue. Spreading even to that feedblemind in a desperate attempt to kill me in the finals.” she coughed, a lot.
“Fuck, it feels good to finally figure that shit out. Cathartic, even.”Marceline stepped back. There was
conviction in those words, and madness. Juulet had... thirty-five seconds to live. Her soon-to-be killer checked her pistols and readied them, but her mind was racing. Was this just some attempt at a parting shot? Leaving some poison behind after she was gone or was there another play here?
Marci's pulse began to quicken as well. She checked her guns again. She swallowed. She'd suspected Dory, herself, at first, before Jocasta had corroborated the presence of a Mad Avatar. She'd... then Marci noticed a bit hole in Juulet's accusation.
"If she was so attached to it, why lend it out?" she demanded.
"Huh?" Then, however, Fiske shook his head. They needed to adhere to their five minute timer.
"Actually, don't answer that. Just apologize to Fiske for what you did before. Go out with a shred of decency." She cocked the guns. Their synchronized watches ticked down: 10... 9... 8...
“Woah woah, wait ...” Juulet raised her hands in surrender, and then to cover her face and chest from an imminent bullet. She looked scared.
"Not an ounce of sincerity for a life where you brought nothing but darkness to everything you touched."2…
"See you in hell," she snorted,
“Please don't ...”ZERO
“PLEASE DON'T!”Would she really be sorry or is this just a 'I want to live even though a grand demon would blush from my wrongdoings?' kind of deal. He should feel satisfied. He should feel accomplished, feel good... Then why did it feel so horrid. Like they were putting down a child for acting up.
The world will be better without these kinds of tyrants... But he needed one more answer from her, but seemed he was too late.
"Wait!-" His words might have fallen onto deaf ears.
Marceline was about to fire. She was already starting to squeeze the triggers. She twisted momentarily and shot Fiske an incredulous look.
Our schedule... she thought.
Our ironclad plan! She stopped herself just on time. The guns didn't fire, even though five minutes had passed. Her heart hammered and she waited for him to speak. There stood Juulet, at their mercy, given a sudden reprieve.
Juulet, awaiting death with her hands over her head, remained frozen and silent. Only the canal's waters and the faint hum of the magic disruptor could be heard.
"Twenty seconds. What do you know about that crown?" He held the box tightly.
"Tell me everything you know about it within that time and I will show mercy." He nodded towards Marceline.
"Keep them aimed at her, just in case."Juulet sniffled, clearly shaken. She mumbled something, but it was far too quiet.
Marceline eyes widened. This was
not part of the plan. This and...
mercy!? He wouldn't be so stupid, she knew. It was likely the mercy of a quick death. Still, they were off-script. They could find out about the stupid crown later. She hesitated, not wanting to make them appear out of sync, not wanting to give Juulet any little victory as she left the world for good.
"Fiske..." Then, Juulet mumbled something. She mumbled and there was silence, but for the sound of the waters, rushing with great speed to wherever those waters went.
Fiske listened closers ...
“I'm not gonna tell you any more, jexoff.” there wasn't as much fear or desperation in Juulet's tone.
Fiske sighed.
"And here I was going to be merciful." He shrugged.
"Marci, do it."Marceline nodded grimly, leveling her pistols and pulling the triggers…
Click ClickShe pulled them again.
Click ClickHer eyes widened in fear.
Juulet lowered her hands. She wasn't smiling, but instead frowning in great disappointment.
“You tried to kill me.” remarked Juulet matter-of-factly.
“You tried to kill me.”Suddenly she was standing on her one leg. Eyes were still on Marci, and then they rolled diagonally upwards toward Fiske's direction.
The next click they heard was of her pocketwatch.
Marceline threw the guns away. Xiuyang had loaded them. Marceline had been there.
"Fiske, run!" she screamed, but then Juulet was there.
"It's me you want!" Marceline shouted. She drew and prepared to unleash a spell of her own.
"Fiske, get out of here. Trust me, please!"The spear, conjured from molten stone, sliced right through Fiske's flank.
“Shoulda held still, it'd hurt less.” growled the beaten up Avatar, now standing on Fiske's right just barely a meter away from him.
She then regarded Marci.
“You'll get yours. Fucko.”The combined efforts of the two assailants was for naught as their desperate attack was syphoned by the spear-turned-ash.
“You should have run.” Juulet canted her head toward Fiske with maddened eyes trained his way.
The pin shattered.
Fiske was compelled to vomit out an obscene amount of blood.
He collapsed to the ground and his eyes rolled back into his head.
"Fuck!" Marceline shouted, whirling on the spot.
Shunedammit, Fiske! she shouted in her head,
why didn't you run!? Why didn't you just trust me on this one!? He convulsed on the ground in a pool of his own blood and, soon, he began coughing up not only blood, but meaty
She ran to him, already gathering her energies as a binder. She drew as much as she could, preparing to convert it.
“AH AH AH!” Juulet wagged her finger.
“Don't you help that little cocksucker.” she warned.
“Or I'll rip him to shreds the moment he stands.”Marci stopped in her tracks, still brimming with energy.
"Fuck you," she spat.
"I don't care about him anyway. He's just an accomplice. This was all me, bruja, and -" The words almost hurt coming out, but she was the spare. She was disposable. She'd 'wake up' tomorrow as her original self. Fiske was
not disposable.
"I'm still gonna kick your crippled ass." She flipped up what everyone had taken to be a hood earlier upon quick glance. It wasn't. It was the Souleater's Sombre Sombrero, and it was
"Gimme your power," she growled,
"all that Dark shit."“Tsk tsk.” Juulet smirked.
“I saw how you looked at him. You won't fool me, fucko.” heat began to build up around Juulet as well, bracing herself for what was to come.
“But YEAH! COME AND GET IT, SHITHEAD!” she opened her arms in a welcoming manner, and definitely over-the-top.
“Give it your best shot.”With that, the great grim hat reached out with its hungry shadow. This climbed up Juulet, consuming the ill-begotten power she'd taken from the VOID. It began to leak from her and flow into Marci.
"His loss is... unfortunate," the younger girl allowed, inwardly begging Fiske to forgive her for the callous-sounding words,
"But did you really think I wouldn't have a backup plan?"Eyes of defiance met the shadows. Her power was stolen, and yet the Avatar remained unfazed.
“Nice trick.” she rested her hand on her nape and stretched, prompting a crack.
“Thanks for showing it to me.” Then, a similar time-flow manipulation could be felt. But it wasn't restricted by any device this time.
“See you in five.”Marci stopped in her tracks, still brimming with energy.
"Fuck you," she spat.
"I don't care about him anyway. He's just an accomplice. This was all me, bruja, and -" The words almost hurt coming out, but she was the spare. She was disposable. She'd 'wake up' tomorrow as her original self. Fiske was
not disposable. She began to reach for her hat: the trump card she'd kept hidden, just in case.
Just long enough: until help can arrive, she counseled herself, trying not to look at Fiske, at what had
happened to him.
Just long enough. Her hand trembled as she reached. This
had to work. It
would work.
“Well, five in reverse!” said the past Juulet with no context. And with a new target in her sights, she did not stike immediate at Marceline, but at the item she was going for. That hat, giant and unsightly, was impossible to miss.
Marceline tilted her head at the strange comment, not quite understanding. Then... it dawned on her… Marceline still had the energy drawn for a heal. She dived for Fiske and attempted to do it.
Juulet interfered immediately and she found herself able to do precious little. It was all that she could do to stop the horrible vomiting, at least. However, she had left herself wide open.
The Golem had one command from Tku: Heal the downed people. Its chest opened its chest and a it formed its hands into a heart. A pink beam blasts Fiske to heal him of some of his wounds.
The beam leapt out of nowhere and, for a moment, Marci believed that deliverance had arrived. Instead, it was only Tku's little golem, but never had she been so glad to see it. It meant that, so long as
she could occupy the Mad Avatar, Fiske would live.
Juulet's own blood magic sabotaged any attempt to properly restore Fiske. The vomiting stopped, but his shape was still deplorable.
“Ah, so that's what it does.” the Avatar remarked on the golem's abilities, but her attention returned quickly to Marci.
“Anyway. It's time I give you what you deserve, little rat.”Marceline stood and drew once more.
Just another minute or two she thought, pulling as hard as she could, reaching out for Jocasta, Yalen... the tethered,
Once again, she activated her pocket watch. And suddenly she was in front of Marci with a fiery punch directed straight to her gut.
The Tethered had the air literally punched out of her and her abdomen burnt to the third degree. But the Avatar purposefully did not go for a kill shot.
No. An assassination attempt this brazen required something more than a vulgar execution.
She leaned forward, her thin lips right by Marci's ear.
“I'm going to kill your fruity little boyfriend. That can't be stopped. But you ...” Then, silence.
“Give it a second.” and soon, almost as if it was a cue, energies very close to Juulet began to stir. Energies all too similar to those felt all over the city in Bloody Victendes. Or during the Melon Derby. Or even during the quarter finals of Mano e Mano.
“You really shouldn't insult cripples like you did. Have a bit of empathy.” she grinned maliciously.
Marceline blacked out momentarily on impact but, mercilessly, she came back moments later. The pain in her midsection was... unfathomable and also... less than it should've been. Vaguely, in the lucid parts of her mind, she recognized it as the utter numbness of dead nerves: something she remembered well from her feet and, briefly, ankles, before she'd started treating herself with aberrations.
Juulet spoke and the pain spiked. Marci understood little, but she gritted her teeth and tried to bite back the pain. It radiated up and down from the site of the wound: a burning in her midsection and legs.
Just a bit longer, she willed herself.
Just a bit. She could die here, because she wouldn't really die. Fiske, however - she needed to stall so that he could be saved: Fiske who should've trusted her, who should've run, who
"You... wanna know... a secret?" Marci managed to rasp, barely audible.
“Sure.” Juulet chirped. Marceline was seized and ragdolled with Telekinesis, made to approach the source of the energy that consolidated itself in what was undeniably an aberration. And a big one at that.
Very sight of it caused Juulet to twitch. Her fingers wiggled and stiffened but her grip via the gift remained firm.
“Ever seen a tweeker from Hyparii take just a little too much?” she was no longer smiling like a sadist.
“Never a pretty sight. But one thing I do know is this: It's a godawful existence from there. I would know.” Marci inched ever closer to the black mass. It beckoned, wanting to be drawn to give her to power she so craved.
Marci managed a smile. She was slipping. She could feel it.
Just a bit longer. She resisted drawing.
She'll think I'm dead and she'll be gone by tomorrow. "You're still -" she coughed.
"Still." She coughed some more, weakly. Juulet would have to come in closer.
A miserable cunt who'll die alone by her twenty-fifth birthday, unloved and unmourned. she thought, but she couldn't actually say it.
The worst person I've ever met. She couldn't decide which to say anyhow and, then...
“Too slow.” Juulet tossed the ragged Marceline right into the aberration.
“Word of advice - try to wear gloves so you don't rip your skin and hair as easily.”Marceline did not have the wherewithal to expel the energy she'd drawn. It had been for a last spell, a last trick, to take the bitch out with her but, once again, Juulet had proven herself better. Marci sailed towards the void and the last thing that she saw was darkness growing, filling her vision.
Then, it was nothing - nothing next to the aberration - and, for a moment, it was sweetness: utter bliss and joy. It filled her like midnight honey, invigorating, healing, empowering! For some brief period - the young tethered had no sense of time - she felt as if she could come back this very moment and
obliterate Juulet.
But then it began to grow heavy. It became thick, as if she were trying to suck up porridge through a straw. Yet, still, it flowed. It flowed ever faster and there was too much of it. Every tiny bit was a strain and it kept coming: through every orifice, through every pore, and there was
more - ever
more! Marceline ground her teeth until they cracked. She arched her back and shredded her throat screaming. She curled her fingers and toes until they felt as if they would snap.
That was the last she ever felt of the latter. Her head pounded, her body bloated and cried out in agony as if something was inflating her past bursting point from inside. Her eyes hung heavy as if they might just drop out of their sockets from the sheer weight and
pain of them. She was beyond thought at this point and a thing of pure animal terror. Her toes, then her feet, and then on past her ankles and up her shins: that evil line of burning pins and heated needles. She could feel her manas dying. As a tethered, she could feel, in great detail, every single one explode. One by one, her nerves winked out. At first, it was a numbness that she knew, but then it reached her knees and she was in new and terrifying territory.
The darkness kept filling her. She was beyond pain and into mere sensation at this point. Her head was a dull, stupid brick. Her fingers could not uncurl. Up her thighs came the line, past her loins and hips, up her waist. All below became nothing and, paradoxically, she was grateful for the pain she could not feel. Up, still, the line crept, as she crumpled there in pain and darkness: up through her midsection, up to her chest. Then, it leapt to her fingers. It traveled up her arms and she screamed weakly, whimpering.
"No more!" she cried weakly, not wholly aware of how she was doing it.
"Eshi please no more!" she screamed and sobbed.
"I'm sorry! Make it stop! I'm sorry! You can kill him!" -
No you can't. -
"It wasn't you! You didn't do it! I know nothing!" Then, there was the brightest flash of light just as the burning reached her shoulders. There was the brightest flash and that was the last she knew.
Elsewhere, phenomenally out of breath, Tku reached the apartments of Vaughn Marbrand out in Mudville. He hammered on the door.