Jason Connor
As he walked, Jason let out a low whistle at all the scholarly types walking around the area and stopped to look around a moment. Starbor seemed to have everything, but somehow it wasn't the capitol of the region. Well, that actually makes sense on second thought. Where would they put the Professor's lab for starters? First he set to exploring a little bit, seeing if there were any Pokemon that made their home down here amongst the learned before setting to asking, or at least trying to ask, various professors if they could point him to the person who was looking into the legend of the shrine. As he approached the first of the professors he could see, Jason was sure of two things; one, that there were good odds that he would get laughed at at least a few times for chasing a legend and two, that he'd be confused for a student, even though he had Slayer resting on his shoulder to help try and ensure that didn't happen.
However, he didn't get to ask the first professor he saw anything as a sudden throng of students exiting their classes separated him and the educator from each other and the person managed to disappear into the mass of bodies, leaving Jason to find someone else to ask. If none of the professors could direct him to the researcher hunting for the shrine, he would head to the library and see if the librarians knew anything, but hopefully it wouldn't come to that.