Avatar of Zarkun


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2 yrs ago
Current Sometimes you spend so long looking for peace in someone else, you loose sight of that peace you can give yourself. Don't forget that guys.
3 yrs ago
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But today? Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." -Master Oogway
6 yrs ago
So many writing ideas, so little time to write. Being an adult sucks...
6 yrs ago
It's the most fattening time of the year!
7 yrs ago
There is a madness to my method. Or is there a method to my madness?
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Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Urgent Delivery-Rendezvous
@hatakekuro@Sanguine Rose

The sergeant listened to both Nolan and Ria before speaking, making sure that the four she had chosen, three of whom were laughing and one of whom was eyeballing the two mages suspiciously before he saw the Sergeant look over, he then found other things to do, weren't in earshot before speaking. "The Corporal in charge of my men has express orders to ask you for help, not order. He's known to be outspoken against the guild, but the truth is we all need to work together. Just...watch him. Normally I wouldn't send someone so likely to butt heads with you on a mission like this, but he's the only one we can spare to lead our part of this escort. It is a partnership, but don't let him think for even a second that he has any command over you." She then resumes here louder voice. "With that out of the way, the caravan should be ready to head out in about five minutes, best of luck. Corporal Tanner, you have your orders, I pray you follow them." The man who'd been eyeballing the mages before jumped when his name is spoken and then quickly salutes.

"Yes Sergeant!"

Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Rising Starborn Guild Hall

Jenna was wrapping up the concert, unable to convince Damian, who was trying to get Amelia to go do a job, to put on a show with her, when Ky caught her eye and called for her attention. Having the band wrap up without her as Trent took over vocals while she approached the gathered trio. Smiling, she bowed to the two newer arrivals. "Name's Jenna Wolfsbane, guild master of the Rising Starborn mage guild and unofficial liason to the town's government. What can I do for you?"
Jason Connor

Even as Jason took his shower and moved through his morning routines, the dream stuck with him, something about the way the voice was reaching out wouldn't leave him alone. At least until he stepped out of the Pokecenter and into the sun that made it through the boughs of Starbor. No point worrying about it, just a dream anyways. And with that, he dismissed it from his mind for the time being, instead heading to the Pokemart, where he bought eight Pokeballs, two Antidotes and two more potions before heading back out to make a trip to try and find Helga and see if she could help him get to where he was looking for in the deep woods.
Jason Connor

Each downed wild Pokemon made his team stronger and better equipped to push deeper into the forest's depths, however, as Slayer took a mean hit, getting poisoned for the effort as well before downing the Spinarak, the lack of any natural light from the sun made the aspiring champion pause to consider. He wasn't entirely sure where in the woods Helga even was, though he was sure she'd find him first if she knew the deep woods as well as was implied, but he also didn't want to push his luck in the darkness anymore than he already had, especially knowing that there was the pitfalls in these woods that he knew there was. After some consideration, he decided to head back to the Pokemon Center in Starbor, using a piece of rope to mark where he left off by tying it around a low hanging and readily visual branch before heading back.

Once he was safely back in town and had gotten his Pokemon into the Pokemon Center to heal, he went to a nearby vendor and got something to snack on, quietly humming to himself as he did his best to plan the rest of his excursion into the Deep Woods when the sun was higher in the sky, though it only made the shadows lighter that deep into the woods. Wonder if any of the other champion candidates are in the area yet... Noting he only had two Pokeballs to spare as well, he made a mental note to also stop by a Pokeshop in the morning as well.
Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Urgent Delivery-Rendezvous
@hatakekuro@Sanguine Rose

As the pair approached the Town Guard's command center, they would see that there were two or three transport vehicles that had arrived sometime before with the drivers taking stock of the contents and a pair of mechanics making sure that the engines weren't damaged. However, the number of Town Guard members who were actually capable of doing their duties was greatly decreased compared to the number normally running around. Ria had spent enough time running around that she had seen the number of guards who normally accompanied the supply caravan and...there was not enough to go with them this time. Spotting the mages, a sergeant waved them over. "Oi, you two! Come here!" When they approached and showed her the signed and seal job posting, she nodded. "Good, we're gonna need you. I'm sending four lads with the caravan anyways, and I've already sent word ahead to your Guild Master that we'll need some mages to cover their duties. Garrison commander approved it, don't worry. Now, there is word of a pack of Vulcans on the road, but the four I'm sending are more than capable of handling those. You're going to be there in the event that damned lightning beast attacks. There's also been some rumors of a pack of Asterins about, but without any real confirmation, all I can recommend is to keep on your toes. Any questions?"
Jason Connor

Shaking his head at the way the researcher proceeded to pass right the fuck out, Jason faced the Librarian, excitement churning in his belly. "Do you happen to know the area she's referring to? I was in the Deep Woods earlier, but...I gotta be honest, the number of webs and Ariados in there was impressive, even with the Scyther returning to the area. Or maybe an old map of the paths before Cipher messed things up?" Jason knew where he could go in with relative safety, though he was fully aware that he would want to remain vigilant for more Scyther looking to take him off the census when he got there. In fact, might not hurt to train up the team some, make them ready to throw down with whatever is waiting in the Deep Woods...

After getting an answer, and maybe a map, Jason would go out to train his team up before heading out to the Deep Woods to find the shrine that the professor had said was there. He would start with Slayer and just work through the team from there.

(Auto-train the whole team. Have Occisor wear down a Beedrill with Quick Attack and try to catch it when it looks weak.)
Jason Connor

"I'd be happy to help in any capacity I can, miss. Any particular suggestions on what to look for?" Jason was eager to get started, hoping to maybe add helping to solve one of the great mysteries of the region as well as becoming the region's champion when the time came.
Jason Connor

Still stunned by his inability to really understand, he nodded to the librarian and spoke to the woman again, this time getting to his point quickly. "Miss Jacqulyn, I'm here because I understand that you're looking into the stories about the shrine here in the forest and I was hoping to offer my assistance in some capacity. I just...was wanting to know what it was you already knew."
As the music, after several sets, began to wind down, Jenna would smile and bowed to the applauding guild members and the small amount of townsfolk who were also enjoying themselves. Karma, the bartender, was handing out drinks when the three who normally kept to themselves, or chased others off in Adelyn's case, began to cause trouble and she fixed them with a "don't you start a fight now" glare before moving to the next person. Jenna, of course, was giving a speech of sorts, though really she was explaining the plan going forward for the rest of the week. "We've invited an old friend here for a special event, but for now, let's talk about what we have going on. As you all know, there are a lot of jobs coming in, so, Rising Starborn, you know the drill by now; get a job, get it done, and come home safe and sound. The guard is asking for help in a couple of these jobs, what with the recent attack by that powerful bastard no one can find since, so don't turn them down if they approach you. Got more of the usual, deliveries and the like, so just do what you do and stay safe everyone!"
Jason Connor

Following the librarian through the building, Jason watched the various students as work as they passed them each, chuckling at one who he watched struggle to stay awake and finish whatever it was he was doing, his eyes drooping and his head drifting forward before he would jolt back awake and rapidly resume typing before quickly fading again. In the time the aspiring champion could see him, this happened three times and each time drew a chuckle from him. He could remember his own late nights researching different types of Pokemon, their various strengths and locations, how close he was to see some of his favorites. Made him realize that without really meaning to, he'd set himself on the path to challenge a Pokemon League a long time ago, though his interest in it came naturally either way.

Upon seeing the desk Jaqulyn was sitting at with everything on it, he began to understand why the librarian said she had a habit of neglecting his basic needs and why he had been asked to tell her to sleep. And, judging from how tall a couple of the stacks were, telling her to eat real food might not be a bad idea either, but one thing at a time. After standing there a moment, he would clear his throat and speak. "Excuse me, are you Miss Jaqulyn?"
Jason Connor

"I'll...well, guess I should go see her then. I was told by the professor who said she was here to tell her to get some sleep. Does whatever you're talking about have to do with that?" Seems this girl was well known for...well, at least not sleeping thanks to her research. What else was there to do but go through with all of this.
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