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im 24 now
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Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
2 yrs ago
back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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Dareen Kahina

outskirts of the village

Dareen felt a little awkward in the coach. She felt like she didn't quite belong, like there was something unresolved. Was it the room she wasn't supposed to see? The fact that up until a year ago she was an enemy sworn to kill the very people she had now allied herself with? Or was it just because she was just a weird person in general who didn't know how to get along with anyone except her mercenary corp? Perhaps it was the fact that the couch she was sitting in cost enough to make the penny pinching Pruul vomit. Enough to make the ride feel like a gift. Dareen always hated gifts. They made her uncomfortable. Debts and IOU's were the way of her old crew, so having someone to something for you for free was a rarity. Though Faeril was certainly among the higher class, Dareen doubted she had bottomless coffers. Especially under these dire circumstances. On the run, forced from her home...the nomadic mercenary couldn't imagine what that would feel like. It didn't help that having sympathy for other people was a skill she lacked practice in. A part of her brain that not long ago everyone around her told her was a weakness. Maybe this awkwardness was just a symptom of no longer feeling confident in her purpose or her surroundings.

Whatever the reason, the coach was preposterously expensive and Dareen made extra care not to spill or damage it in anyway. While she had wished to draw, she didn't want anyone to see her sketching. It was kind of private, so she kept the journal tucked safely away in it's little pocket dimension. For the most part she spent the trip staring gloomily out the window, resting her cheek on the heel of her hand.

When they arrived in the village, it was a familiar sight. War made most places look the same. One pile of rubble was difficult to differenciate from another. Abandoned. This place has no one to repair it, no one to take care of it. Time had taken it's toll, aswell as if not more than the blood soaked toil of warriors.

"Yeah, I agree. We should stop and see what there is to see." She said in agreement with the Black Widow Healer. Not to mention it would be nice to have a little rest from all the travelling and camping they had been doing over the last few days.
Jamie Teale

Jamie laughed to herself, relieved to see those assholes over at Cowboy squadron had shown up for reinforcements. This battle was in the bag. If Jackson could see them now, eh? Damn. Scott and Felix were doing great, and Lancer was off doing something on his own. Did he just call Felix...a white knighter? Truly, Angel squad was the best of the best. Shaking her head and smiling, she turned on her comms to defend the honor of Angel squad by insulting the cowboys.

Teale: Angel-2 to Cowboy squad, good to see you guys managed to fend off the tumbleweeds invadin' the cabbage patch you call an airbase, over."

She joked, though her heart hurt when they mentioned Jackson. Couldn't they tell he wasn't around? They'd find out soon enough, she supposed. Unlike her brothers in arms, Jamie never talked over the radio to the imperialist swine that crossed their borders. Waste of breathe, waste of words. She let her bullets do the talking. One by one she watched as Angel squad swatted the Vlhakian swines out of the sky. It all happened too fast. Did they really think this would be enough? No wonder those bootlickers empire was nothing more than stagnating pond scum to the south of the rest of the world. The retribution for this day would be swift. Already Jamie saw herself flying above the enemy's capitol. That would be a moment to remember...she was looking forward to it. It would come. If she's lucky she'll be alive to see it happen.

Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Lancer engage in a duel with the enemy flight captain. When two highly skilled pilots engaged like that, they became a whirlwind that was dangerous to enter or attempt to disrupt. Any interference could easily be turned against whoever decided to interfere. Plus, it looked like this was personal. But at the same time...maybe she could just blast that fucker out of the air right now.

For a moment, she was distracted, however. Who are these asshole? She thought to herself. Some invisible dickheads watching everything go down? What did they want? Scott was already chasing them off, though. To be honest, she could give a rats ass about whatever those guys were doing in the bleachers. Not like Jamie minded an audience.

Devil-2 turned to leave. Felix was right on his tail and looking to engage. That left Jamie kind of in the middle of everything. For a moment she turned her nose in the air to think of what to do. Felix was far away, and Lancer was in a duel. Cowboy squad had blown the last bomber out of the sky. That left Scott. He asked for help, and even those the voyeurs as he called them hadn't done anything yet, the last thing they needed was to get Scott shot out of the air when he was by himself.

Teale: "Copy that, Gravestone. Okay, Angel-4, I'm on my way. Who are these pricks, and what are they doin' on my lawn? ...Uh, over."

Annabelle Lafeyette

Annie smiled down a little curiously at the boy. Maybe she didn't think he would be so keen on conversation, but she was happy to oblige him for now. It was only polite, after all. She had only a few hours left until she had to go back to school but it's not like she had anything better to do than talk to this kid. What else was there? Go and watch some oh so riveting TV? It was a nice day out, and talking to people was always interesting.

"They're good, thanks for asking. Still working days, just like they used too. How are yours? Are you taking care of yourself now? Being alone and stuff? That's must kind of exciting, huh?" She thought, remembering the first few times her parents trusted her to be in the house alone. Darn, what was this kids name again? She might just have to straight up ask him. One of the things she learned she hated was talking to someone without knowing what to call them. Always added a bit of awkwardness to classmate conversations.
Bright Eyes

Reika had closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, screwing up her face into an apprehensive ball as they passed through portal. Instinctively she reached out and held onto Sae's right arm. However, the moment passed, and nothing bad happened. Releasing a breathe she hadn't realised she'd been holding, her arms fell to her side and her shoulders sagged. The relief then turned into confusion and awe and she took a few baffled steps towards the viewport at the utterly bizarre scene taking place around the planet.

"What the heck...?" She managed. What this some kind of timeless world? Those were old ships. Perhaps time had been distorted. Perhaps they had been sent into the past. There were no stars in the black abyss. Strange. Inconcievable. This hadn't been what she was expecting at all. The portal wasn't just to another galaxy- from the looks of things it was another universe entirely. She was worried now, for her home.

But the Captain began to speak and Reika snapped to attention. The brave woman mentioned a need of a ground recon team, and she was open to volunteer. Immediately, Reika threw up her hand.

"Scout Sniper Reika, reporting in! I volunteer, Captain!"
She offered loudly, standing tall, straight, and proud. Soon she would need to make her way to her quarters to get fully equipped and gather her arsenal.
awesome, i'm getting a post up today. i was waiting for someone else, but i'll just go first i guess, it doesnt really matter
Clara Cabello and Alejandra Jonas

September 7th

Getting the loan took a day, but they got there eventually. Five grand. 5000 bucks to make something happen. Now, how do two girls on the street turn 5k into 25k (plus interest) in a few months? Answer: Make use of their natural talent. A decent chunk of that money went into perfecting AJ's RFID scanner.

"Get that small hole as close to the wallet as possible," she explained handing the small black rectangle towards Clara, "then hold it there for a few seconds. Finally, take it back here to this merchant device." She indicated something that looked like a credit card scanner laying on the ground of their tent. "Easier than pick pocketing, but we can only make about 50 bucks per credit card. But hit ten people, that's five hundred bucks. The thing will pay for itself in no time. Something easy to help supplement the big stuff."

Clara nodded, holding the thing in her hands and observing it. "I dunno how you do this stuff AJ. This is actually real?"

AJ shrugged. "It's pretty new tech. Before, the scanner couldn't penetrate the pocket, wallet, or purse. But now it can. Once we get more money, I could reproduce this tech and start selling it on the black market. Far as I know, this is the best of it's kind."

Clara laughed. "Man. Lucky me, huh?" She put her hand on AJ's shoulder and shook it, grinning down at the thing. AJ compressed her lips and looked down on the ground. "Yeah, lucky you." She commented. After a moment, Clara furrowed her brow and squeezed AJ's shoulder, looking her in the eye.

"For real. Thanks, AJ. I'm, uh...you know. We make a good team." Clara managed, trying her best to sound sincere. AJ smirked. "Yeah, we do. No problem, Clara."

Clara moved to take her hand off of AJ's shoulder, only for the shirt to come with it. The two women furrowed their brow and glanced silently at the curious event. After a moment, the shirt fell back onto AJ's shoulder. Clara sneered derisively at the palm of her hand. "Damn. I really do be needin' to wash my hands more."

"I guess so..." AJ said. Something about that didn't sit right, but what was there to do? Nothing but push the incident from her mind. "Anyway, what's next? We can't pay back all the money with the scanner."

"Well, I dunno. Depends on how far along your shooter thingies are going." Clara pointed at AJ wisely, as if she had brought up some important piece of information.

"Shooter thingies?"

"Yeah. The thingies that go on my wrist and shoot bullets, or bean bags, or glue."

"Those are kind of a joke, Clara. Even if I could fit a projectile launcher into something arm mounted, they'd be too clumsy for you to use efficiently. Plus, there's not enough room for bullets or bean bags. And glue is...well, I'm not sure how that'd be useful." She rattled off every single reason why the shooter thingies are impractical, gunning her own ideas down despite the fact she was the one who came up with them in the first place.

"Yeah, but, it'd be like having a James Bond car on my arm."

"James Bond isn't real, Clara. I can't just make stuff up fantasy stuff."

"Well, this little thingy," She pointedly held up the scanner, "Isn't real either. Once we get you some money you'll see. You're a genius, AJ."

Alejandra shook her head. "Only in comparison to you."

Clara smirked."You'll see. You're gonna go full mad scientist one day. I'm gonna make sure of it. But until the shooter thingies are online, I'm sticking to pick pocketing. But I'm prolly gonna have to start mugging people too to get to the good stuff. Maybe steal some cars and sell them for scrap. Been a while since I did a break in, too. Ever since that dog."

Alejandra swallowed, her throat suddenly dry. "That sounds like a lot, Clara. Maybe you shouldn't overexert yourself. What if you get caught?"

Immediately, Clara shut down this train of thought. "I won't get caught. I just been takin' it slow all these years cause I ain't had the motivation. Now, I do." She spoke with a supreme, infectious confidence. It wasn't an act. Clara knew these things to be true, or else she wasn't thinking about the consequences of her actions thoroughly. Perhaps that is what gave her the will to commit dangerous acts of thievery for financial gain.

"Alright. The day is young. I'm headin' out. Be back by dinner." Clara stood to her feet and unzipped the entrance of the tent, crouching out into the daylight.

"Back by dinner, Clara." AJ echoed, glancing back down at her laptop. AJ would always wait for Clara to get back before she ate, so dinner was whenever Clara managed to return home.

The thief had a busy day ahead of her. First things first was to try out the new gizmo. A warm up before moving onto the bigger stuff. Clara was wearing a shirt that was a little too short, and skinny jeans that tucked into worn out sneakers. Over the bridge of her nose she placed a pair of orange-tinted sunglasses that concealed her eyes. Dexterously, she tied her red hair into a ponytail. Not standing out was a matter of confidence, not a matter of clothing. Things like hair color, height, build, weight, are hard to notice in the moment and easily forgotten when under stress. There was probably an accurate description of the thief out there somewhere, but Clara was removed from the system and in the concrete jungle of Manhattan she could slip back into obscurity. As long as she didn't get caught red handed.

Clara couldn't know if the scanner got someone successfully. There was no beep, of course. She just had to scan as many people as she could and hope the signal being emitted by the chip in every single credit card would get picked up and stored inside the rectangular device she held in her palm. That went on for an hour or two. Eventually she got the hang of it. Nice and warmed up. Now, it was back to the risky, if more familiar, tactic. Flat out pick pocketing. She hadn't pick pocketed anyone since...since that girl at the university. Wonder what happened to her? Clara had pushed the memory from her mind, and the details were foggy, but there was that particularly strong image of the girl knocked out on the ground at the stairwell.

Well, Clara thought, that whole thing was bullshit. Unless those assholes commit a gas attack again, everything should be fine. She would have gotten away from that mark no problem. No, it's not really Clara's fault anyway. It was back to business as usual. The traumatic events of the last few days needed to be forgotten worked through with good old fashioned elbow grease. AJ and Clara were adaptable people. Clara had never let anything keep her down for long, and AJ had gotten used to being dragged right back up to her feet. Thus, onwards and upwards. They had money to make.

Effortlessly, a particularly fat wallet, bulging from the back pocket of some dad, probably, was removed and tucked into Clara's arm. In a movement practiced a thousand times, the credit card and money was removed. The pictures of children were unnecessary and only served to hinder her search. In the blink of an eye the wallet, emptied of almost all valuables save those of sentimental nature, was discarded into a trash can. What a rush! The goods were slipped into her back pocket (always buy jeans with pockets in them!) and there was still plenty of room for more. Today, Clara felt, was going to be a productive day.

Annabelle Lafeyette

Annie smiled, and the grey schnauzer she was talking was a pretty chill dog. Doug was always content to be pet. He kind of stood there while the kid pet him, and Annie took a step closer. She recognized the kid, he'd been over to their house a few times to be babysat. Unfortunately, she couldn't quite think of his name, but on the other hand she doubted he did either. Right now, the cute dog was the focus of this interaction. And why wouldn't he? Doug was, after all, the world's best boy.

"He doesn't bite. That's why he's a terrible guard dog." She remarked casually, allowing the kid to pet him for a little bit. Hopefully she wouldn't have to tell him to stop petting him so they could continue on their walk. That might be a little awkward. Annie wondered where the kid's parents were, and glanced around for them. She supposed it wouldn't be a big deal if he was allowed to wander around by himself, right? That's how they used to do it. Just let kids wander around. Clearly, most of them were not kidnapped. Still, today most parents are too worried to allow that kind of thing to happen, so Annie took a moment to see if any adults were watching to make sure their son wasn't going to fall down a hole, get hit by a car, or kidnapped by a killer clown.

Jamie Teale

Satisfyingly, a sharp crack of an explosion rippled through the crisp morning air as her missile made impact. Jamie hissed out a 'yes' of victory. The pilot on the inside parachuted out. Even if she had the time too, shredding them to pieces with machinegun fire would be cruel, inhumane, and accomplish nothing. Still, there was something particularly pompous about attacking an airbase unannounced, blowing up people who had done nothing to them, and then gently floating down to the ground because they were owed an existance on this planet. Well, whatever. That's the first prisoner of war. One down, a billion to go. Either way, the jet itself, the important part, being a flaming wreck that would crash into the ground somewhere out of view.

Teale: "Got the bastard. Let's sweep up the rest. Over."

Her instruments and her eyes caught side of Killjoy-1, still on her tail. Felix was honing in to take Killjoy off of her, but there simply was no time for Felix to fire before Killjoy-1 got another round of missiles off. Fortunately, these missiles were no less shoddily fired than the last ones. Maybe a little better. A few more tries, and he might even come close! Feeling her heart sink into her gut, Jamie shot downwards and the missiles targeting systems couldn't keep up, and they began their collision course with a nearby empty field. Sorry, gophers.

Gravestone came through the comms reporting some kind of strange light phenomenon. To be honest, he didn't sound sure about it so Teale didn't really care. If it became an issue, they would deal with it. Until then she wouldn't waste energy looking at sunspots. Angel-5 was taking fire, but Felix requested help from Lancer. Lancer could probably take out the guy on Felix's tail, and Felix could probably take out the guy on Teale's tail. So, Jamie was left with only one objective. Continue focusing the objective. Blast the bomber out of the sky. Currently, it was being escorted, but their escorts didn't exactly do a great job of protecting the other bombers. Sure, they were a bit more focused now. It was only a matter of time before all of them could finally focus on the bomber and it's escorts. Until then, Jamie would try to shoot it out of the sky now and send the rest of them packing.

Teale: "Goin' for the last bomber. Thanks for watchin' my six. Over."

It was missiles away. After temporarily avoiding Killjoy 1, Jamie redirected her plane towards the oncoming bomber. Her eyes flicked from one remaining escort to the other. It was like there were two rays of death infront of them at all times, two spotlights Jamie had to weave between to get the final bomber. Otherwise, her shot would go wide. Leaning forward, clenching her jaw, Jamie got as close as she could and let loose a barrage of missiles against the final bomber, hoping to blow it out of the sky early.
@EnterTheHero no worries at all, champion
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