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im 24 now
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Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
2 yrs ago
back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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heck yeah Atlantis freakin' rocks dude
Chloe Bridgette Cakebread-Yonaka

Chloe swallowed dryly as she maneuvered Ritz to avoid the strikes. Every near miss of glancing blow could be felt on her own body, and The Reaper's advance was unstoppable. Ritz's record scratched to a stop as the recording was crushed to pieces by the encroaching Nazi and his evil Stand. Ritz would have to take out the record and put it back in again to start it up after it had been broken. Such a movement would only take a second or two, but every moment counted in this fight.

Sweat dripped down her brow and loose strands of black hair not tied into the rest of her ponytail hung down and clung to her face. Her wide eyes and gritted, bared teeth gave an accurate impression of a woman literally staring the grim reaper in the face. The civilians and their safety was still in the back of her mind but there was only so many things Yonaka could remember or focus on a time, and right now it was whatever Reaper was about to do next. Even Through the Barricade was at the edges of her periphery. Her offensive gestures had turned into nervously clenched fists.

The crackling coat came through the air towards Ritz and Chloe, and it gave off incredibly bad vibes. The british woman doubted very much this was some kind of ploy or trick. That arm was bad news. She flinched, reacting mostly on instinct. She and her Stand both ducked underneath the swing, though Chloe ended up stumbling backwards a few steps and fell into a sitting position, eyes wide. She barked out a fearful laugh.

Ritz however stood up for Chloe's composure by ducking under the coat. Puttin' on the Ritz put her hands on the ground and span around with her duck, sending a sweeping leg towards the Reaper. "Tshah!" The Stand exclaimed wordlessly. Disengaging she rose to her feet, keeping her hands up in a boxing position and walking backwards as Chloe scooted away from the Reaper.

Taras shouted an order to move back, and she obeyed, beginning to move against the wall. An authoritative voice was exactly what a soldier needed in the midsts of a hectic battle. Though Chloe was amongst the people she was trying to protect, she was keeping her Stand infront as to maintain it's priority target status for the Reaper.

Chloe used a nearby table to pull herself to her feet. The anxious smile had returned- or perhaps never left- and the young woman picked up bottle and chucked it at the Reaper's user. "Shithead!"

Yonaka, with her crude demeanor, crop top, and torn leather jacket and jeans contrasted greatly with the refinement of Ritz. Meanwhile, the finely dressed pianist was a debonaire opposite of his savage, furious Reaper. It almost looked like they should switch places. Sometimes Chloe wondered why Ritz looked the way that she did...but she would rather have it look like a porcelain doll then some sort of horrific monster. What did it say about a person when their Stand looked so hideous and evil? Does that Nazi sometimes think his personality doesn't match his Stand, just as Chloe did? With a blink, Chloe wiped her mouth with her forearm and focused back on the matters at hand.

Chloe was closer to the wall now as instructed, keeping her Stand infront of her ready to counter and fight the Reaper or any more of those dolls Through the Barricade was controlling. (Maybe? Chloe wasn't exactly sure what was going on with that pompous ballerina bitch onstage. Again, too focused on the murder monster.)
Kasugano Sakura

Level 1: 4/10
Location: Lumbridge --> Ryu Under the Tree
Word Count: 1,098
Points Gained: 2
New EXP Balance--- Level 1: 6/10

The river was beautiful- this place was gorgeous. It really was something out of a Western storybook. The quaint little town where humble heroes are born. But this town was lucky, because it had been visited by one of the greatest heroes of all- Ryu! There he was!

After all this time, there he is! Just chilling like a badass underneath a tree! So cool! Does he know how cool he looks just, all the time? I bet not, it just comes naturally to him, like breathing.\

Sakura immediately went to leap off the roof and meet him again, but at the last moment she turned upside town and caught the apex of the triangle roof, flipping herself head over heels to stop her momentum. She paused there for a moment, a grimace on her face. The roof was warm against her back and easy to stick on with the heels of her sneakers.

"Shimatta!" She lightly cursed aloud, realising she had left her student bag inside the Great Pon Tu Inn. Bouncing off the roof from her lying down position like it was a trampoline she scrambled her way back into the Inn and snatched up the bag full of homework and supplies she had brought with her all this way. Waving once again to the innkeep Sakura slammed the door open and sped down the streets to that little hill. Over the bridge, and to the tree.

The dust settled in her wake as Sakura literally skidded to a stop, leaning backwards and digging her heels into the dirt. After a considerable distance of this she finally came to a stand still. Her approach was incredibly obvious. With an exhale she watched him stand and speak to her, like he was happy to see her. Or even expecting her. Sakura was certainly happy to see him. It felt like a million years since she had last spoken with him. Relaxing her right shoulder she let her student bag glide down her arm and over her fingertips to the ground. She knew that he wasn't going to take her on as a student- she had come to terms with that fact recently. Ryu was simply too humble for that kind of thing. He was probably going to never take on students until he was an old man with a big white beard, like his own master.

"Y-well, yes! Yes, please! I-" Stammering, Sakura was at a loss of words because trying to put her thoughts into a few well-spoken sentences was impossible. Everything she could say was obvious in the context of her arrival. Her speed alluded to her eagerness to finally fight him. The great distances he knew she had travelled indicated her persistence in this effort. The smile on her face described accurately how good it felt to finally meet him again. Most importantly, Sakura took a few steps forward away from her dropped back, slapped the sides of her head to hype herself up, smacked her fist into her palm, and bowed forward.

"Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!" She requested a fight and thanked Ryu at the same time. He would know she did this before every street fight of hers. It was a formal greeting, polite request, and an expression of humble gratitude. The idea was hard to compress in as many words into English, so Sakura always stuck with Japanese and let her body language and tone do the talking for anyone who didn't speak her native tongue. In her experience, combat was the best way to get to know each other anyway. A true conversation, the universal language. There was nothing she could say in any language that would adequately express herself more then a good old fashioned exchange of blows.

With a hard stomp on the grass, she took a fighting stance, hands up, body parallel to Ryu's. Her stance was bouncy and light on her feet, ready to move in any direction at a moment's notice, or ground herself for a powerful strike or bound. A flowing white headband trailed in the wind to the right side of her head, and her loose clothing swayed with the trees. The smile was still on her face, but it was subdued in deep a state of deep concentration as Sakura's big brown eyes scanned Ryu over to see what position her would take. Her heart rate, previously elevated from excitement, slowed dramatically. Sakura never went easy on anyone, and Ryu would have learned early on that she hated it when people went easy on her.

"Ready?" She asked, the anticipation apparent in her voice.

Whenever Ryu was ready to full engage in a fight, Sakura would waste no time in taking the initiative.

"Hadoken!" She shouted out, moving her hands away from a defensive position and towards her chest, briefly gathering up a burst of Ki energy and launching it towards Ryu in a fast moving, hard hitting projectile. Immediately afterwards she followed behind it, dashing forward. Her plan was to lure Ryu into raising her arms to block the Hadoken. When he did, she would reach out and punish his block with a throw, using his raised arms to pull herself inward. Planting a hand on his shoulder she jump high in the air while keeping the hand locked on his shoulder until she was entirely upside down. Twisting, she brought her legs down and curled up until her shoes were digging into his back. Converting her hard fall into a smooth throw until he was sailing through the air to land face first on the ground. "Ikinasai!" She exclaimed as she did so, commanding her esteemed opponent to go! The spectacular move would transpire in the time of a single second.

A hadoken into a forward throw, aiming to toss him toward the hard ground infront of the tree. That was her plan, anyway, and it was a step up from what Ryu had seen from her in the past. Back in the old days she would just run right up to him and start punching as fast and as hard as she could. She had developed a lot since then, but if there was one thing Ryu could always count on, it was that Sakura always, always, always tried to be the first one to attack. No matter what approach or strategy she took or who she was facing, Sakura never waited to see what they would do first. The young woman exploded into battle with the best of them.

Winton, downstairs in the Inn

Dareen chuckled at Denvar's comment and sank further down into her chair as she began to realise that he was nervous about something too. Gennar and Faeril were beginning to clash blades, and they immediately switched into their native tongues to do so. Still, if Dareen had to guess, she would guess it had something to do with the little boy that had tagged along with their little group of terrorists and ne'er-do-wells. The mercenary herself was completely neutral to the idea, and even if she did have an opinion she imagined it wasn't her place in the group to voice it. Right now she was just tagging along and trying to make herself useful.

Either way, as Gennar and Faeril began to argue, Dareen was extremely uncomfortable. This kind of discord was very uncommon among her mercenary group. Nothing that couldn't be settled with a fist fight or more tactful speaking. From their tones of voices, this was more than just a strategical debate- it was personal. Very awkward. It didn't help that if she wanted to talk with Faeril soon she would have to speak with the Black Widow after she just had an argument.

Someone- Gennar, apparently- said somethign they shouldn't have, and Faeril looked like she had been slapped in the face by someone she couldn't slap back. Normally if someone slapped Faeril in the face, they would get what was coming to them, Dareen imagined, but in this case the only recourse provided to the Black Widow was to exit the conversation entirely.

Eugh. Ugh. This is the worst, Dareen thought. This feels worse then that fight to the death I had back at Faeril's house. Or that time I thought I was going to die for sure at Faeril's hands. I'm ashamed to say it doesn't feel quite as bad as when I had to wear that dress. I think maybe my priorities are out of whack.

Mikhail followed behind, and Fatima returned to be the conversation looking like a house of cards that explode on impact.

What were they talking about? This was heavy stuff, apparently.

She imagined Denvar wasn't going to be paying much attention to the game now, so Dareen tried to become as socially invisible as possible and remained completely still. It was probably best that she got up and left, like Mikhail, but where would she go? What if someone looked at her or told her to sit back down? Her back was literally against the wall, like she always liked it, but in this case she felt trapped between a rock and three to four very tense people. If she got up, she would have to awkwardly scoot past the standing Fatima. If she accidentally brushed up against Fatima, Dareen knew for a fact that she would freeze to death and become an iceblock. Not gonna happen.

@Kal That's good to hear! Well, either way, it was a good idea to put it on this forum. I probably would have picked several other roles before doing werewolf, but now I've left my comfort zone and am going to write about something new, and I'm more excited to try to get the role then I would have been, otherwise. Plus, it makes every character feel special and important.

...Just so I'm clear, there is only one person per archetype? As in, only one werewolf, only one hunter, only one vampire? It would be pretty embarassing if I misunderstood that but it's better I clarify now, lol. I mainly ask because there are 6 spots claimed, but there are 10 total players.

I guess I should hop on the discord server for faster communication
Hello! I'm not familiar with the tabletop game but I suppose I would like to place a reserve on the Werewolf archetype. I really like the idea of one person per archetype. That's a very cool idea.
Hello! This RP sounds fun, and an essential role list sounds like a cool concept. I'm kind of interested in playing the role of the Ship's AI...sounds pretty cool. I love robot and AI characters in general in fiction.
Kasugano Sakura

Level 1: 3/10
Location: Lumbridge, Great Pon Tu Inn, interacting with Joker ---> Searching for Ryu in Lumbridge
Word Count: 659
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 1: 4/10

Sakura blinked once, apparently in shock that she had just discovered a new clue as to the whereabouts of this person. A big smile came across her face and she clapped her now bare hands together in rapid succession. "Arigato! Domo arigato!" Sakura exclaimed. Having thanked Joker she began to do a sort of jog-walk out the door. Only at the last second to turn around and retrieve the fighting gloves she had left at the bar. Her turn around was unusually quick and dextrous. All of her forward momentum was cancelled immediately and she did a 180 turn back to the counter top with the big red gloves.

As she did, she took the opportunity to expound on the directional advice she had given. Though Joker was right in that there wasn't much left for her to say that woud be particularly useful."And, and, if you see a big scary city, go arooound it? I didn't go in. I went on the mountains to the- east? Then you just keep going it's- up there- I'm sure there's signs, someone probably knows more okaythankyouverymuchI'mgonna---" She frantically was reattatching the gloves and hesitating between leaving and staying to offer her not particularly useful advice. Eventually this conflict ended with the young woman cutting herself off as she sped out the door. They already seemed to be formulating a plan to find their friend anyway. "Good luck!" She shouted behind her, vanishing with the outdoors light of the heavy wooden door that closed shut with a light thunk.

Sakura thought to herself: I can't believe it! After all this time I found another clue! He could be in this very town! He could be over there, or over there? Man that was such a long walk. I don't even know what I'm gonna do when I find him. Fight him and...then what? Will I win this time? Maybe! Who knows!? Only one way to find out. It's been too long since I had a good old fashioned Street Fight. The tournaments in the Forbidden Kingdom are great and all, but after a while they get a bit stale. They're very sanitized and organized. Maybe that's why Ryu left? Was he ever there? So many questions. Gotta find him, first!

Meditating under a tree across the river. That's him, alright. Gotta be! Now I just gotta find him. Lumbridge can't be that big, right?
The young woman turned a corner.

Sakura was running through the streets at this point, her dull-red sneakers clacking on cobblestone, dirt and wood. Where was the river? River, river, river. She saw a river from outside of town but now that she was inside of town she would need to gain her perspective again. Sakura spotted a nearby wooden wall with an overhanging roof. Turning her momentum toward it, she ran up against the wall and scampered a few feet up it before pushing off with a poof of dust. Jumping backwards she reached up to grab the roof and effortlessly pulled herself upward and bounced onto the rooftop. Once she was there she excitedly looked for a river, or if she couldn't see the river, a taller building to get an even greater perspective on the town of Lumbridge. All in the effort of spotting the tree Joker told him he often sat under. If Ryu was there now, great, if he wasn't, then she planned on going there and waiting for him. If this was a dead end, she would keep asking around town to find out where he went. Finding him was her only goal and only direction right now.

I'll figure out what to do after I find him...after I find him. I guess I don't really have a gameplan right now besides finding Ryu. The only thing I know for sure is that I need to get a bicycle again. Now, where are you?

Winton, downstairs in the Inn

Dareen chuckled quietly and thought about the boy, and the brothers relationship with Faeril. It was certainly an interesting dynamic. Nothing like Dareen had ever seen before in her apparently limited world experience. Meanwhile, Fatima and Jandar had given her answers about being nobles and having servants. She didn't know what she expected. Basically they just got to have people do whatever they wanted no problem. Saying that aloud would probably offend them and Dareen didn't really feel comfortable pressing either of the about it. Genuine offense would probably occur, which wasn't what she intended. They probably weren't at place where teasing and ribbing were appropriate. Plus, it would be a cheap shot as they didn't really know much about her and she had just asked them to open up about something. Was she overthinking this? Maybe.

"Right, right." She said absentmindedly, responding to them and the brothers ponderings about the boy and just kind of establishing that she was very vaguely 'present' at the table.

Either way, this round of poker had heated up.

"Guess it's just you and me now, Denvar." She commented, raising an eyebrow. He had a killer poker face. If he really was that good at poker, he could probably guess that Dareen's cards were average at best, supbar, even. Really, Dareen was just raising and calling because folding was boring and gambling was fun. Dareen blinked as Faeril gave her a respectful nod. Or maybe that was just a respectful nod towards the table in general? Or just Denvar? Maybe there was somebody more respectable behind Dareen that she somehow hadn't noticed? Dareen quickly raised her hand and then let it fall in an awkward return of the nod. Underneath her face wrapping she smiled nervously. She would have to talk with that woman soon. They had an unfinished conversation and she hadn't had a moment alone with the Black Widow since- literally ever.

Dareen would find one and confront her about some things very soon. Definitely. She would definitely, definitely, do it. She was just waiting for the right time. Once the opportunity presented itself, it would for sure happen. Definitely. One hundred percent, for sure, definite- Gah! She was not looking for to that conversation at all.

Dareen sunk into her shoulders a bit and tried to focus on the game. "I, uh, I raise again. Two of these...these thingies. Chips. In the pot, there we go." The word for chips in common very briefly escaped her and the slightly flustered woman sat back in her seat and glanced around at the others at the table.

Kasugano Sakura

Level 1: 2/10
Location: Lumbridge, Great Pon Tu Inn, interacting with Joker
Word Count: 630
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 1: 3/10

Sakura liked the innkeep.

He's big, bearded, and friendly. Kinda like Zangief! Only nicer, probably, and this guy has never thrown me across the room before. And, I have zenny! I'm glad we figured out an exchange rate that's fair.

Sakura had organized a place for herself to stay. Already she felt a bit safer. Travelling was her thing, but unlike Ryu she needed somewhere to go back too every once in a while to regroup and compose herself. This place would do! As she gathered up the new currency into her school bag, a very likeable person asked for her attention. He looked like some kind of suave super thief that steals from the rich and gives to the poor. It was very good looking. She had seen some flamboyantly dressed people in her time as a Street Fighter, and usually they made her feel kind of tasteless. Really she was just dressed as a school girl because she was a school girl. Represent? Maybe?

I have a bandana? That's cool, right? And gloves? I should probably take the gloves off now that I'm somewhere safe. She thought to herself, holding the student bag infront of her with both arms. Either way, she spent a little bit too long taking in Joker's outfit before she blinked and looked him in the eyes with a welcoming smile. This person was easy to read and kind to strangers, so Joker had found the right person to ask if he wanted trustworthy information.

As Sakura answered Joker's question, she began to pull the fighting gloves from her hands. "Sure, no problem! I came from this place called the Forbidden Kingdom." Sakura explained, setting the gloves on the table. Her tapped the counter. "Now, uh, don't let the name fool you. Everyone's pretty nice there, and there's lots of friendly fights, with tournaments and TV. Lots of familiar faces from the World Warriors league back home." Turning to the side, Sakura mimed a few punches at the open air as she explained the part about fighting.

"And, it has cell phone service! But, it's a pretty long walk. About...that way. Way, way that way. " Sakura concluded, waving her arm in the general direction she had entered Lumbridge from. Yup. Almost everyone she knew was there...except the one she really wanted to see. Ryu, the eternal nomad, always seeking truth in battle. Maybe he got bored of the staged fights and left for greater challenge?

She quirked her to the side, looking a little disappointed about something. She perked up though and quickly asked a question. "But, ē to...have you seen a japanese guy named Ryu? He's about this tall, he wears a karetegi with the arms torn off that show his really big muscles, he's got short black hair, and he's got a headband like this one but it's red instead of white?" She flattened her hand a little under a foot above her own head, pointed at her own biceps, tussled her own hair and then tapped her headband in quick succession as she rapidly described Ryu. Clearly this was a person she cared about a lot, like a friend of hers. Her left index finger was frozen over her headband as she waited for Joker's answer. Her back was straight and her other hand was by her side, suddenly it looked like she was doing some kind of bizarre salute. In reality, she was in total anticipation of whatever Joker's answer was going to be in regards to the whereabouts of Ryu. She had come in here expecting to take it slow and explore a little bit, but she couldn't help herself that an opportunity for information had presented itself in the form of a friendly interaction with a stranger.

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