Avatar of Zoey Boey


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im 24 now
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Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
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back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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Level 5: 26/50
Location: Shippy --> Weird Big Tower Thing
Word Count: 794
Points Gained: 2
New EXP Balance--- Level 5 : 28/50

"Wh- uh." Sakura said as Cadet and Link voiced their concerns. She was pretty quickly bamboozled, trying to think of something to say to counter them. She didn't expect push back on her thoughts. A monster's just a monster? What was that supposed to mean? How could he possibly know that?

Link in particular was in a grumpy mood. Even Nadia joined in. As many people seemed to be coming to the conclusion that monstrous things will stay monstrous, Sakura couldn't help but feel a little angry herself. Instinctively, her eyes fell upon Bella and Rika. Poor Bella. What was it like to be in her shoes? She could hardly imagine.

Fortunately, Miss Fortunate and Peach smoothed things over. In a way that made Sakura blush. Pure heart, precious heart. People said that to her and about her a lot, even before going into Galeem's world. Stuff like that put a lot of pressure on her, y'know!

"Y-yeah. Bella. You've saved our butts twice already. But even if you were no good at fighting, or chose not to fight anymore, that doesn't mean you don't deserve to be a- a person." Sakura said. "You and Rika are also just fun to hang around with. So. I'm not sold on this 'monsters are monsters' thing. Not one bit." She was sitting on the ground, knees drawn up against her, staring out across the deck and to the horizon.

Mister Geralt put it better than she ever could. She pointed up at him and his tall stature. "Yeah! See! I'm being- cognizant." She mouthed the word out, not exactly knowing what it meant. But it sounded smart.

"The nicest, most friendliest guy I know is a big, hairy green jungle man who screams a lot. He's one of my best friends. He loves his mother! Some people think he looks scary- I mean, he's actually pretty adorable if you ask me- but- th-the point is. The point is! Never judge a book by its cover. There." She crossed her legs and her arms, closing her eyes and throwing up her chin indignantly.

"But...yeah. We should be more careful. I don't regret jumping out the first time, though. That's for sure." She opened her eyes and scratched her head, running her fingers through the bow in her hair and her bandana. "By the way. That green guy has big orange hair, and people call him Blanka. But his real name is Mister Jimmy. If we see him, you guys better be nice. He's not a monster. He's the king of the jungle." Sakura said earnestly, a pout in her voice. She gave a pointed look at Link and Ace Cadet. Even if it didn't work out this time, that didn't mean they should just give up.

The rest of the trip got very, very rocky. Fortunately, Sakura had a lot of experience on boats, strengthening her stomach, and...spinning. Lots and lots of spinning. Her inner ear was practicaly immune after a lifetime of Twirling Gale Kicks. When they arrived at their destination Sakura couldn't help but gape. Mouth falling open she stared up at the odd structure, almost tripping over her shoes in the process.

Nadia cleared their entrance, a couple of lousy guards in the way. Probably not even guards. They just looked like random guys. Wacky alien guys, yeah, but they didn't look like they were in uniforms or anything like. She had beaten up a lot of S.I.N's goons and they all had the same uniform on. That was probably a constant throughout the universe. Maybe they could ask them for directions, later. Bowser was doing a very good job of chastising them, in a way that would probably upset the sneaky cat girl, Miss Fortune.

"Yeah. You guys better watch out." Sakura added cheekily, backing up the big man.

At this point Sakura didn't mind the rain- her default state at this point was soaked in water. Her cat ears twitched involuntarily against the rain, her tail curling up against her back.

Once inside, Sakura looked down the massive hole and to the map. "Echo!" She shouted, cupping the sides of her mouth. She stuck her tongue into her cheek, satisfied at the tunnels reception to her call.

The others seemed wary, but Sakura was excited. "This is a lucky break, you guys! We can just walk the rest of the way. No more monsters, or drowning! It'll be like a visit to the aquarium." She said. "The storms only gonna get worse the closer we get to the Guardian." She added. "That Master of Masters lady was super wrong. There's a zillion ways to get across the Bottomless Sea!"

Hands high in the air, Sakura deflated when she realised she had gotten overexcited. Kamek brought up a good point Sakura had forgotten about. Rika and Bella would probably have to be left behind. "Well- um. I mean-" She slapped the sides of her head. "Look at this place! There's gotta be some kind of...train...thingy...that we could use. Right? It's at least worth checking out." She looked over the edge. "This is a lift shaft, right? Where's the lift?" Sakura hopped over to the hologram and began looking for buttons. Maybe one labelled 'lift'. Or 'elevator', if they were American.

Level 1: 8/10
Word Count: 653
Location: Museum
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 1: 9/10

"Great." Faden said simply as Joker accepted the 'deal.' It was a win win for both parties. As long as Jesse had enough money to get food and shelter, she was happy. Wouldn't be the first time she had roughed it. Jesse wasn't one for flair or theatrics. She accepted the fancily handed over Tool Gun and began her ritual. Much to her pleasure, the Object of Power was receptive to her. Exactly as she wanted.

The Tool Gun fell into her palm and she took in the options, her eyes alight with the possibilities. This thing was a utilitarian wonder. There were so many situations it could come in useful. Much more imaginative things that just stealing some random art. Not all of it was available to her yet. But it felt good in her hand. Unlike the other Object of Powers she had bonded with, this one stuck around. Probably because it was an actual tool, not just an object with its own paranatural agenda. Interesting. Maybe that would change as she grew more familiar with it and its functions.

As she read over the readout, for a moment it seemed like she forget where she was. "Hmm?" She said, looking up at Joker asking her if she could do it.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, I can." She replied. To test it out, she pointed the Tool Gun at the ground. With a satisfiyng 'ping', a black balloon appeared on the ground, tethered by a rope. "Kick ass." Jesse said. For the first time since this whole mess started, Jesse felt like she had just gotten a major victory. Hard fought? Maybe not. But certainly welcome.

The redhead nodded. "Panther, Joker, Skull, Mona, and..." She looked to the space ship person. "Alibaba." Jesse said with a small smile.

Jesse fiddled with the options and looked down at the furry thief, pinned by the weight of his own enlarged head. It took her a moment to calibrate.

Faden levelled the Tool Gun at Mona's head and pulled the trigger. His head shrunk back down to a useable size! It shrunk...way too far. Jesse, in her unfamiliarity with the anatomy of the cartoon cat, had shrunk his head down to a proportionally correct size. It fit right between his shoulders, now.

It didn't take long for Jesse to realise the problem. "My mistake." With a moment's thought she fired again, restoring Mona's head to its original size.

"There we go. All better." Jesse opened her jacket and put the Tool Gun safely inside for further use.

Faden rubbed her chin, looking at the Phantom Thieves. If she wasn't careful, this would be the time where they departed. But she still had that itching feeling in the back of her skull. Polaris egged her on. The Director cleared her throat. How was she going to broach this topic? She wasn't even sure what exactly it was she was looking for. There was an inconsistency in the world that she needed solved. It was part of the reason so he come all this way.

"So. Joker." Faden began. "This is going to seem like a stupid question. But have you noticed anything strange going on? Obviously this entire situation is bizarre. But more than just that." She rolled her shoulder.

"Imagine the sound of an air conditioner. You get so used to it, it becomes your new standard for quiet. So when it turns off, you're surprised by what true silence is like." Jesse said, her eyes focused on the middle distance. This was different from the poster on the wall. Bigger. There was nothing to tear down- it was all just noise.

"Sorry. But it's bugging me. Maybe I'm just getting crazier. What are you all planning to do next, if you don't mind me asking?" She made eye contact, her hazel gaze, reddened by Galeem, searching his for an answer to her problem.

@Shu Yeah I'm going to Resistance. Probably pretty all in on Resistance. But someone who was born in and loves Skyrim and Nordic culture, Talos and all that. Still wants the Imperials out of Skyrim, too.

I have an idea, don't worry.
hmmm...on second thought...i'll probably not be playing a stormcloak after all. i'm still cooking up a character but I'm changing her around a bit. i can't think of a character that is fun and interesting to play and is also a violent nationalist. i'll probably just be doing a proud nord instead
Nuri nodded at Diane. "Yes, ma'am, the Almaril job. Should be good to go: said unscrupulous types should know not to mess with the Dual Church. They'll back off once we make our presence known." Nuri turned around and was suddenly positively beset by an array of competent gold-seekers such as herself. A busy day, indeed! It didn't take long for adventurers of varying levels of eagerness and confidence to approach her. Nuri appraised each of them in turn, putting on a show of looking very discerning and critical at first. Then she dropped the facade.

"Five of swords, big, tall. Exactly what the doctor ordered. A perfect fit!" Nuri said to the Ingvarr that approached.

Room for more? a Hundi asked. "Always! You and Corinne should be good to go. Just make sure the rookie doesn't get into too much trouble." She said with a wink towards the white-haired girl.

The (self) acclaimed Seven of Coins, Trina, made her desire to join the party very clear. Nuri smiled broadly at her antics. "With someone as skilled as you on our team, nothing can stop us. If we ever need any locks picked, you can just fly through the keyhole and unlock it from the other side." She teased lightly.

A person she was very interested in showed up next. Clearly a Mayonite. "Brother!" Nuri exclaimed. She went in for a friendly one-armed hug, shaking him jovially back and forth. "Could always use a Cup, especially one of your background. Don't worry about the tallness, it's fine! The Ingvarr has that covered for all of us. Besides, you're plenty tall enough to swing around one of those awesome warhammers."

Nuri cast a look over to the fairy who introduced herself as Neffy. Her smile became kinder and less bold. "Well. We'll be happy to have you, Neffy." She covered one side of her mouth and leaned into whisper. She indicted Trina with her thumb. "We're gonna need someone a little quieter to keep us balanced, anyway."

Nuri cleared her throat, leaning back on the counter. "Allow me to introduce myself! For those of you who haven't heard of me, my name is Nuri Tajra. I'm a Paladin of Reonite. I'm ranked as a Six, of Swords." She bowed. "From the looks of it, me and the Ingvarr will be making up the frontline of our party, should we run into trouble."

Nuri peered around the room as Diane asked her question. "Any more than this, and we'd just become overencumbered. An adventuring party needs to remain small and light on its feet to remain effective. There's seven members of our party, Diane. We'll be striking out soon." She smacked the table, excited.

"But, I don't think I caught all your names. I've got Corinne," She pointed at the Wand, "Neffy," she pointed at the quiet fairy. "And..." She looked at Trina quizically. She snapped her fingers a few times as if she was trying to remember.

"Ooh...what was it? Dina? Trixie? Hmm...sorry about this, usually I'm quite good with names." Nuri smiled a tilted smile. "Trina, that's it! Regardless, we'll need to know each other's names if we're going to co-ordinate effeciently." Nuri turned, yoinked the paper, and slid it across the table to Diane.

"Ready for your stamp. Job's as good as done." Nuri gave the new crew an encouraging thumbs up.

"Cool, cool...cool." Sammy responded, nodding her head lazily. Sammy accepted the poptart and bit into it, licking the crumbs from her lips. Samantha didn't care much for answers or seances or ghosts or anything like that. But Romi and the others were her friends, and she just went with the flow. Magic powers and all that- whatever, right? What were you gonna do? But it was an excuse to hang out with her friends and maybe something weird would happen.

"Yeah. Sure. Latte sounds yummy." Samantha said. She looked up at the taller girl's head. Man, she was tall. Very tall person. She and Faye were both just mega tall. Tall, tall, tall.

Wasn't she just doing something? Oh, yeah. Eating this poptart. It's gone now, though. "That was a good poptart. Thanks, dude." Sammy said. Romi was on her phone. The other ladies were usually on them, texting to each other. Samantha didn't really get the appeal. It took her too long to send the texts and she'd rather just call people. Sammy hadn't used her flip phone to painstakingly send a text into the group chat in over three months. And she hadn't read it at all in two weeks.

Sammy gave everyone a wave as they entered the classroom. Alex was baking again, it seemed like. Sammy picked the closest seat and sat down in it, the chair scooting back. "Hey, man. I got out of bed this morning...just, like, the wrong morning. And then I took a nap." The blonde defended herself dismissively.

Before she realised it, Samantha had picked up and consumed her cinammon roll. "Man. That was a good cinammon roll. Thanks, dude." Sammy said. Then she crossed her arms on her desk and set her head down in them, using them as a pillow. After a moment she realised she was falling asleep again, so, she adjusted her head so her cheek was resting on her arm instead. That way her face wasn't buried in the soft fabric of her baggy clothing. Her soft, sleepy ble eyes scanned the middle-distance, occasionally making eye contact with the other members of the Book Club.

"So...yeah. Study hall. Rockin'. We're...not gonna stick around, though?" Sammy mumbled, trying to confirm the plan she knew or cared very little about. It made little difference to her. "Whatever, it's cool. Y'all got it. I'll just follow you guys's lead." She gave a thumbs up. "Go team."

Level 5: 25/50
Location: The Bottomless Sea Surface --> Shippy
Word Count: 722
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 5 : 26/50

Kasugano Sakura nodded as Geralt told her Scylla was on the Atomos. A Friend Heart would solve this situation peacefully. Sakura couldn't help but giggle at Geralt's comedic timing. He was really big and slow. It was kind of a shame since she imagined he was actually quite graceful when he fought. She hadn't actually gotten a chance to see him in action. Maybe they could spar later? Sakura slapped the sides of her head, remaining focused.

Ace Cadet also backed her up! And he sold it, made it sound really cool.

Sakura glanced to the Atomos. Nadia asked a question very loudly that made Sakura click her tongue against her teeth. "Because he's gonna give her a Friend Heart!" Sakura explained. But she gasped again as, unmistakably, the little girl monster was attacking everyone on board. "It didn't work?!" Sakura said in dismay.

At that moment, Tentalus saved the day. He swatted her right out of the Atomos! "YES!"

And then he started attacking everybody! "NO!" In particular, he targeted Geralt. To be fair, Geralt had shot him with a giant cannon. But, still! "No no no! Stop it! No! Bad giant purple monster, bad!" Sakura shouted. She went to Geralt's aid, delivering a killer elbow to one of the tentacles. She felt the organic hydrolics on the inside buckle and burst under the pressure of her strike, and the tentacle sunk beneath the waves, useless. Another one immediately took its place, and Sakura kept beating them down where she could. Or blasting them with her cannons.

"Let's get the heck out of here!" Sakura shouted. "Ace! Ace, come on!" She shouted.

"EEEHHH?!" Sakura squawked loudly in confusion. Nadia pointed out the shark, and indeed there was a big shark. A really big shark. A megalodon! It was jumping right at Tentalus to bite him, and the awesome sight drew a baffled laugh from the street fighter.

"Ruuun! Run run run!" She repeated. Sakura helped push Bella up. "Aw, man, Bella. Sorry about your new dress." Sakura wrung out some of the water from her own clothes again, but, shipgirls probably spent the majority of their day covered in water. Sakura was used to it, thanks to Arashio. Everyone got onto Shippy and sped away, leaving the kaiju battle to its fate.

Sakura walked a few steps and plopped herself down on Shippy's deck. "Phew! Is everyone okay? That was crazy! I don't even know what to think about it. I guess Friend Hearts don't make everybody your friend, after all. Poor Mister Bowser, he must be so upset." Sakura said, dropping her chin into her palm. "That sucks."

"I guess they really were just a couple of big dumb monsters after all..? I don't really feel too bad about them getting eaten or smashed. But, still. The only reason we knew that is because we tried to Friend Heart them. So I think it was worth it." Sakura surmised.

Sakura thought this last part to herself: It was also a little fun. Scary, yes. Bella almost died, and so did Ace and Nadia and Bowser and probably some other people, too. But also, it was fun. Exciting. Epic! Comparatively speaking it was much funner than the warzone of the ship girls and the Abyssals.

"I just think we need some better, uh, communication. So. Friend Hearts don't work all the time. If we see someone who we think needs our help, do we get involved? I say yes. But maybe we shouldn't resort to violence so quickly. I also think we should keep trying to use Friend Hearts just in case they turn out to be saveable. Just because something looks scary doesn't mean it's mean or stupid. Also, Bowser jumped in without telling anybody he was going to do it. I would be a massive hypocrite if I got mad at him for doing that, though. But still. We need like, codewords." Sakura said. It was a very stream of consciousness type ramble, and toward the end it sounded like she was mostly talking to herself. Overall she was in much higher spirits than the aftermath of their previous battle. But there was a puzzle infront of her, practical and ethical, that she was trying to figure out.

"E tooo...hmm...uhmm..." Sticking out her tongue slightly, she stared at the floorboards deep in thought.
I have a question- are we allowed to make up some spells that aren't in the game? Like I have a character idea that uses a magical rope/string, but that isn't in the game.

Level 1: 7/10
Word Count: 711
Location: Museum
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 1: 8/10

Jesse tilted her head the side in agreement with Joker's assessment. The guy was irresponsible, reckless, and was willing to hurt people to get his way, but at least he wasn't trying to maximize harm. It wasn't saying much, but still. When it came to paracriminals, Jesse would take what she could get.

(At least he isn't committing terrorist attacks on the off-chance the site gets haunted. Wait. Mission control?)

Jesse listened to some kind of interaction between the one who called himself Joker (a code name?) and Mission Control. "Yeah, the courtyard." The Director followed the crew out. They knew their way around this place, that's for sure, and it didn't look like they worked here. Maybe they were regulars. But regular tourists didn't have a mission control or codenames. There was still the matter of the way they carried themselves. Something beyond these minor quirks that suggested something deeper. Jesse wanted- needed- to figure out what it was.

Jesse's eyes widened and her mouth cracked into a smile as she saw a real-life UFO. (Fun.) More than that, however, she saw it going after the paracriminal. And it won- big time. The suspect was apprehended in a few seconds flat. He was useless without that thing and could be safely ignored. That alleviated some of her frustrations, but not all of them. It wasn't really about the paracriminal, it was about her ability- or lack thereof- to catch him. Even then she had gotten distracted from her real priority: the Object of Power.

It turns out Mission Control is a talking alien space ship with tentacles- who was shy. Still, it acted like an endearingly normal kid. The crew had a banter going that spoke to their familiarity with each other. (Necronomicon? That's a hell of a code name with a lot of baggage.)

Langston would be having a panic attack if he could see how flippantly they treated the Object of Power. Joker was poking and flipping it around, the barrel being pointed in every which direction.

Jesse...really wanted that Tool Gun. The Altered Item knew a parautilitarian when it saw one. Langston always said he could feel a connection with Altered Items, Object of Power in particular. He was definitely right. Everything has a history, a memory, and those memories make a personality. An object becomes an Object when we believe it so be so. Even if it still felt like there was a wool over her eyes, what she wanted was finally within her grasp. Getting this Object under control would be the victory she needed to get the ball rolling.

"Excuse me, Joker." Jesse said. "My name is Jesse Faden. And I'm specially trained in the operation of Objects of Power like that one." She points to it. "Listen: there's a one thousand gold bounty on that guys head. Since you guys captured him, you should go ahead and take him in and collect it. But I'm really after that thing. If you give it to me, I might be able to figure out how to use it and..." She looks to the cat. "...Fix your head."

If she managed to get a hold of it, she would attempt to bind the Object of Power to herself via the Astral Plane. The process might be a bit strange to behold, as the Tool Gun would float between her hands and begin to vibrate wildly and glow white. If successful, she would be able to use at least some of its abilities in a limited capacity. That was how it worked with all the other Objects of Power she linked with, anyway. There was still the potential to unlock more of its powers later, should she focus on it. Ideally, she would be able to undo the damage the labcoat clad man had done to the cat.

"I'm a bit rusty. If I can't use it..." Jesse began to reason aloud. "Then we could just threaten the suspect and get him to do it for us. Or make him tell us how." She said casually. How she would go about this was left unintentionally ominously to the imagination. "But obviously he can't be trusted. So, hopefully this works." Jesse surmised brightly.

As Nuri pushed in, she felt a sudden pull on her hoo. "Whoop!" She stumbled back a step, loosing her balance. She turned around to find the source, but to no avail. Only, perhaps, a small giggle. Nuri smiled. "I had that one coming. And more if you ask the Church." She said aloud to the perpetrator. Keeping her hood down, for now, she approached the job board.

There was one in particular that caught her eye. She flicked the paper with the back of her finger. "Speaking of the Church. Maybe this could get them to forgive me for that bar fight." She murmered to herself.

Nuri leaned forward and began to read the Second Task aloud. "A monastery lost since the war against Orodrunn, right, has been located and the church is willing to pay handsomely for any artefacts recovered. Hear that? Handsomely. Not pay beautifully, or cutely, handsomely. As the location is buried within Amalril, the risk cannot easily be quantified and novices are advised to look elsewhere pshaaa. Haha. This is right up my alley. It's like looting, but for a good cause."

Nuri backed up swaggered over to the contract table. She raised an amused eyebrow at the fairy's pose, the other upset looking fairy, and the contracters reaction. She caught a snippet of their conversation.

"Put me down as goin' on a trip to Amalril. I'm taking up the Second Task to find some artifacts. And if you're interested..." She turned to look at the two fairies. "...Then you can come with me. Experienced adventurers only, of course. But you two look like you can handle it." She turned and leaned back on the counter.

"Of course, I am going to need some taller people who are capable of carrying said valuable artifacts. I'm a Reonite, so I'll know 'em when I see 'em." She said, pulling up her hood once again and brushing some hair out of her face and smiling brightly. Nuri was radiant with casual confidence.

i am very interested. skyrim for the nords my dudes stormcloak gang rise up
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