Level 5: 26/50
Location: Shippy --> Weird Big Tower Thing
Word Count: 794
Points Gained: 2
New EXP Balance--- Level 5 : 28/50
"Wh- uh." Sakura said as Cadet and Link voiced their concerns. She was pretty quickly bamboozled, trying to think of something to say to counter them. She didn't expect push back on her thoughts. A monster's just a monster? What was that supposed to mean? How could he possibly know that?
Link in particular was in a grumpy mood. Even Nadia joined in. As many people seemed to be coming to the conclusion that monstrous things will stay monstrous, Sakura couldn't help but feel a little angry herself. Instinctively, her eyes fell upon Bella and Rika. Poor Bella. What was it like to be in her shoes? She could hardly imagine.
Fortunately, Miss Fortunate and Peach smoothed things over. In a way that made Sakura blush. Pure heart, precious heart. People said that to her and about her a lot, even before going into Galeem's world. Stuff like that put a lot of pressure on her, y'know!
"Y-yeah. Bella. You've saved our butts twice already. But even if you were no good at fighting, or chose not to fight anymore, that doesn't mean you don't deserve to be a- a person." Sakura said.
"You and Rika are also just fun to hang around with. So. I'm not sold on this 'monsters are monsters' thing. Not one bit." She was sitting on the ground, knees drawn up against her, staring out across the deck and to the horizon.
Mister Geralt put it better than she ever could. She pointed up at him and his tall stature.
"Yeah! See! I'm being- cognizant." She mouthed the word out, not exactly knowing what it meant. But it sounded smart.
"The nicest, most friendliest guy I know is a big, hairy green jungle man who screams a lot. He's one of my best friends. He loves his mother! Some people think he looks scary- I mean, he's actually pretty adorable if you ask me- but- th-the point is. The point is! Never judge a book by its cover. There." She crossed her legs and her arms, closing her eyes and throwing up her chin indignantly.
"But...yeah. We should be more careful. I don't regret jumping out the first time, though. That's for sure." She opened her eyes and scratched her head, running her fingers through the bow in her hair and her bandana.
"By the way. That green guy has big orange hair, and people call him Blanka. But his real name is Mister Jimmy. If we see him, you guys better be nice. He's not a monster. He's the king of the jungle." Sakura said earnestly, a pout in her voice. She gave a pointed look at Link and Ace Cadet. Even if it didn't work out this time, that didn't mean they should just give up.
The rest of the trip got very, very rocky. Fortunately, Sakura had a lot of experience on boats, strengthening her stomach, and...spinning. Lots and lots of spinning. Her inner ear was practicaly immune after a lifetime of Twirling Gale Kicks. When they arrived at their destination Sakura couldn't help but gape. Mouth falling open she stared up at the odd structure, almost tripping over her shoes in the process.
Nadia cleared their entrance, a couple of lousy guards in the way. Probably not even guards. They just looked like random guys. Wacky alien guys, yeah, but they didn't look like they were in uniforms or anything like. She had beaten up a lot of S.I.N's goons and they all had the same uniform on. That was probably a constant throughout the universe. Maybe they could ask them for directions, later. Bowser was doing a very good job of chastising them, in a way that would probably upset the sneaky cat girl, Miss Fortune.
"Yeah. You guys better watch out." Sakura added cheekily, backing up the big man.
At this point Sakura didn't mind the rain- her default state at this point was soaked in water. Her cat ears twitched involuntarily against the rain, her tail curling up against her back.
Once inside, Sakura looked down the massive hole and to the map.
"Echo!" She shouted, cupping the sides of her mouth. She stuck her tongue into her cheek, satisfied at the tunnels reception to her call.
The others seemed wary, but Sakura was excited.
"This is a lucky break, you guys! We can just walk the rest of the way. No more monsters, or drowning! It'll be like a visit to the aquarium." She said.
"The storms only gonna get worse the closer we get to the Guardian." She added.
"That Master of Masters lady was super wrong. There's a zillion ways to get across the Bottomless Sea!" Hands high in the air, Sakura deflated when she realised she had gotten overexcited. Kamek brought up a good point Sakura had forgotten about. Rika and Bella would probably have to be left behind.
"Well- um. I mean-" She slapped the sides of her head.
"Look at this place! There's gotta be some kind of...train...thingy...that we could use. Right? It's at least worth checking out." She looked over the edge.
"This is a lift shaft, right? Where's the lift?" Sakura hopped over to the hologram and began looking for buttons. Maybe one labelled 'lift'. Or 'elevator', if they were American.
Level 1: 8/10
Word Count: 653
Location: Museum
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 1: 9/10
"Great." Faden said simply as Joker accepted the 'deal.' It was a win win for both parties. As long as Jesse had enough money to get food and shelter, she was happy. Wouldn't be the first time she had roughed it. Jesse wasn't one for flair or theatrics. She accepted the fancily handed over Tool Gun and began her ritual. Much to her pleasure, the Object of Power was receptive to her. Exactly as she wanted.
The Tool Gun fell into her palm and she took in the options, her eyes alight with the possibilities. This thing was a utilitarian wonder. There were so many situations it could come in useful. Much more imaginative things that just stealing some random art. Not all of it was available to her yet. But it felt good in her hand. Unlike the other Object of Powers she had bonded with, this one stuck around. Probably because it was an actual tool, not just an object with its own paranatural agenda. Interesting. Maybe that would change as she grew more familiar with it and its functions.
As she read over the readout, for a moment it seemed like she forget where she was. "Hmm?" She said, looking up at Joker asking her if she could do it.
"Oh, yeah. Yeah, I can." She replied. To test it out, she pointed the Tool Gun at the ground. With a satisfiyng 'ping', a black balloon appeared on the ground, tethered by a rope. "Kick ass." Jesse said. For the first time since this whole mess started, Jesse felt like she had just gotten a major victory. Hard fought? Maybe not. But certainly welcome.
The redhead nodded. "Panther, Joker, Skull, Mona, and..." She looked to the space ship person. "Alibaba." Jesse said with a small smile.
Jesse fiddled with the options and looked down at the furry thief, pinned by the weight of his own enlarged head. It took her a moment to calibrate.
Faden levelled the Tool Gun at Mona's head and pulled the trigger. His head shrunk back down to a useable size! It shrunk...way too far. Jesse, in her unfamiliarity with the anatomy of the cartoon cat, had shrunk his head down to a proportionally correct size. It fit right between his shoulders, now.
It didn't take long for Jesse to realise the problem. "My mistake." With a moment's thought she fired again, restoring Mona's head to its original size.
"There we go. All better." Jesse opened her jacket and put the Tool Gun safely inside for further use.
Faden rubbed her chin, looking at the Phantom Thieves. If she wasn't careful, this would be the time where they departed. But she still had that itching feeling in the back of her skull. Polaris egged her on. The Director cleared her throat. How was she going to broach this topic? She wasn't even sure what exactly it was she was looking for. There was an inconsistency in the world that she needed solved. It was part of the reason so he come all this way.
"So. Joker." Faden began. "This is going to seem like a stupid question. But have you noticed anything
strange going on? Obviously this entire situation is bizarre. But more than just that." She rolled her shoulder.
"Imagine the sound of an air conditioner. You get so used to it, it becomes your new standard for quiet. So when it turns off, you're surprised by what true silence is like." Jesse said, her eyes focused on the middle distance. This was different from the poster on the wall. Bigger. There was nothing to tear down- it was all just noise.
"Sorry. But it's bugging me. Maybe I'm just getting crazier. What are you all planning to do next, if you don't mind me asking?" She made eye contact, her hazel gaze, reddened by Galeem, searching his for an answer to her problem.