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im 24 now
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Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
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back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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I'm interested!! Especially in Black-Finger, or maybe Weasel. :) Very cool idea for an RP

Level 5: 33/50
Location: The Maw
Word Count: 845
Points Gained: 2
New EXP Balance--- Level 5 : 35/50

Eventually, Sakura managed to overcome her ragdoll inducing despair. A kid who must have been young Link reassured her that they would not get eaten. And maybe she was being a bit dramatic, but this was seriously scary. Sakura pushed herself unsteadily to her feet. This felt so wrong. She barely even remember being this young. Taking a stance, she cupped her hands together.

"Hadoken!" Nothing. If anything- it actually hurt to try and draw upon the fire of her soul. Like squeezing an empty tube of toothpaste. Her body wasn't prepared to expulse Ki. She knew the technique but had none of the training. Her shoulders sagged and her head dropped. She hadn't been unable to do that since she was 15. That was only 3 years ago, but for someone her age that was a significant portion of her life time. And she had spent 2 years before that trying to learn how to do it!

She slapped herself on the head and tried to pull herself back up into higher spirits. She had just survived a battle, after all. It would be stupid if this was the thing that broke her morale. But it wasn't just that, was it? This place was capital E evil.

The little girl turned to the groups resident robot. "Blazermate...we're all kids! You're the only one who isn't! I don't know what we're gonna do. We all got KOed and now we're kidnapped. We're literally kidnapped. And now, I've got no powers, and I'm stuck in the body of a dumb kid who only wanted to eat chicken nuggets and ice cream!" She exclaimed miserably.

"Mister Geralt?" Sakura said as a foul-mouthed boy introduced himself. He looked a lot different. It kind of made her sad. He was a little kid once, too, before he lived his long and difficult life. No scars, no yellow eyes, no white hair. "Ma..." She murmered looking down at the bed beneath her. She didn't have a plan for him.

Sakura hadn't the wherewithal to re-introduce herself, but who she was was thankfully obvious enough.

Things only got worse. Soon they all re-grouped.

Nadia spotted her and Sakura pouted. "Oh, yeah. I'm adorable." That really wasn't the kind of thing she wanted to hear right now. After a moment she sighed, smiling faintly.

"...Thanks, Nadia, I guess. My mom loved to dress me up." She fondly brought a hand up to the flower and ribbon in her short brown hair. The hair style was identical to the one she had as an adult.

They had a long way to go. Nadia said there was monsters below, and Peach said there were monsters above. At this point, Sakura was starting to tremble. She tried to take a few deep, calming breathes, but it sounded closer to hyperventilating.

Backing up away from the edge of the bed, she retrieved a large pillow like the others had done. With a little toss she sent it below, landing on all the junk.

"I used to play the floor is lava. My little brother g-got mad at me because I would always cheat. Like this." Sakura whispered. She went back and grapped a second pillow, and tossed it down next to the first one. With a quiet squeak of a yelp she lowered herself off the bed and hopped down. Sakura took a moment and steadied herself. She grabbed onto the fabric of the king bed, waiting to scramble back up incase the monster came for her. It didn't, thankfully.

Then, she grapped the second, large pillow with both hands. She set it down infront of her and stepped onto it. Then she crouched down, grabbed the first pillow, and set it down infront of her. She repeated this process once more to demonstrate. Slow, steady steps. No jumping required. Which was good, because Sakura wasn't sure she could make many jumps.

"S-see? We had to ban this strategy." Little Sakura said up to the others with a weak smile.

Then she kept going, making a small one girl path forwards across the room to the exit. After a little bit she sat down, putting a hand over hear thumping heart to catch her breath. "You guys keep g-going. I'll c-catch up."

She waved the more adventurous and brave of the Seekers ahead of her. There were probably much quicker ways of going if someone wanted to take risks. Sakura did not want to take any risks. For the first time in a long time she didn't feel confident that her body could do the things she asked it too. Since she was a kid, she knew she could hold her own weight, and she had extra bones. That was it- and it wasn't a reassuring thought. If she was just a tiny version of Sakura, she would be doing all sorts of crazy cool jumps and parkour. But she was just a normal, middle class kid with all of her baby teeth still in.

Level 1: 02/20
Word Count: 775
Location: Museum of Vanity
Points Gained: 2
New EXP Balance--- Level 2: 04/20

"Err, yeah, magic." Jesse Faden had said at the time, in response to Primrose's question. "Where I'm from we call it the paranatural. Technically the term is classified, but, that's a stupid rule."

(Plus, I'm the Director and I can do as I damn well please.)

Jesse nodded as everyone agreed to the plan. The Tool Gun truly was a utility. A very useful Object of Power, one of the best she's ever discovered. It took some charges, but soon the entire gang of heisters was down to her size. Once that was done, the only thing left to do was get walking. Make slow and steady progress- would hardly be the most grueling walk across a room in her life.

Or, so she thought. Instead, the cat turned into a truck. Jesse blinked, and then nodded. "Oh, okay, I get it. You guys are just gonna play this off as no big deal to impress me. Fair." She said jokingly as she hopped inside.

Things got a little dicey, but Mona was good for it. The distraction was useful and they managed to make it through. Jesse undid everything, spamming the mental button. Even the door would become Collidable again, just to make sure no one followed them in without at least having to open the door. A brief visit through some back areas and they kept moving forward. The Thieves moved with purpose, they knew where they going. Faden just hoped this place wasn't going to pull the rug out from under their feet again.

No-Colliding doors and then peeking through was a very good strategy for safely scouting ahead.

"Phantom Thief code. I like it." Jesse said. "Although I should warn you, I'm basically a cop. But I'm pretty sure this place is outside my jurisdiction. Still, try not to commit too many felonies while I'm around." The redhead said. Jesse was clearly having fun. Her mood had brightened the more she tagged along with the Phantom Thieves.

Joker reported in from the peek-a-boo tactic. "Eldritch nightmare gallery?" Jesse asked, her interest piqued. She shook her head. Joker was right. Maybe if circumstances were different. Right now, the natural had become the new paranatural.

Once inside, she sprinted, keeping her pistol held in both hands and pointed at the ground. Past all the art no doubt born of madness, they pushed through the sickly pale green light. Their final obstacle was a lone guard. Jesse wondered if perhaps they could formulate a plan to sneak past this one, too- but Joker went ahead and got the drop on it. Not the worst call. Getting discovered was a different ball game than pulling off an ambush.

What was revealed, however, turned the tables of the Phantom Thieves + Guests quite quickly. A hideous creature formed from darkness and marred by evil. It roared and the entire room was plunged into darkness. It roared, and Jesse knew it to be the kind of noise that could worm into an untrained mind and force panic upon courageous hearts. Jesse Faden was not an untrained mind.

She steeled herself and prepared to do her job, resisting the fear effect.

"We need light!" Jesse shouted, voice steady and strong. For her part the redhead began taking steps backward. She pushed a hand out and did a melee attack. There was a burst of wind, but she was well out of range of the shambler. The true purpose was to summon a short but crucial flash of white light, the kind that accompanied her abilities in some form or another. The grisly form of the Shambler appeared for a second and a half before fading back into darkness.

Hand still reaching, she grasped one of the nearby blue-green statues in her minds eye. Wrenching it from the ground, she flung it at the giggling Shambler at speed. A crushing blow to disorient or shove bakc. Then Jesse once again lit the room up, only this time it was with her semi-automatic Service Weapon. The explosive bursts eminated from the whirring yellow cylinder in the center of the otherwise obsidian pistol. Jesse was going to put some psychic bullets into this monster.

Ideally it would focus all on her while her allies regained their composure. Give them time to push it's corruptive influence out of their heads. She wanted to create more distance by sprinting away, but she settled for doing a balanced, calm, back-pedal instead. If she ran too far, it might pursue an easier target. It was never wise to underestimate the intelligence of a monster from another dimension.

(All eyes on me, you ugly bastard.)
i'll get a post out tomorrow

Level 1: 01/20
Word Count: 696
Location: Museum of Vanity
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 2: 02/20

Jesse Faden narrowed her eyes as the Tantroni approached. It was tough, she'd give it that. Perhaps she should have slowed it down with a shot from her Tool Gun. Normally, she considered herself fairly cool-headed in combat. But for some reason, this thing really pissed her off. Not that she was immune to outbursts of temper anway, but still.

"Die!" Jesse extended her hand out and blasted the Tantroni in the face with pure kinetic energy. It reeled and Jesse backpedaled. She reached into her jacket, produced the Tool Gun, and increased srhunk it's already tiny feet to half their size with three shots. One missed and shrunk a tile on the floor. Helplessly, it toppled over. That granted Jesse the opportunity to shred it to dust with her Service Weapon. "Idiot."

As she shot it, little blue crystals scattered from the wounds. They scattered in a variety of directions. After a moment, though, they flew towards Jesse. The damage her Health had taken, her own little Resonance keeping her intact from the blows of paranatural entities, was knitted back together. After a moment the pain was gone and it was like she had never been hit at all. Even if she couldn't shake her sour mood.

The Phantom Thieves found themselves having a very annoying argument, but Panther cast some sort of spell that soothed her temper. That Tantroni must have had some kind of curse, like Joker said, because little got under her skin that easily.

(That's...a lie.)

She sheathed Service Weapon and produced the Tool Gun. Joker asked her to help with the vent, and she nodded. "Sure." She adjusted the options and made the vent No Collide. She waved her hand through it to test it, and smirked. Then she lead the way, crouching into the now open passage way.

No Collide saved the day once again. Jesse theorized she could probably just rip whatever she wanted apart with her newly refound Launch, but this was a much more elegant solution. Much quieter, too.

Now the heisters were crowded in a dark vent, observing a room full of obstacles and guards. Their goal? An employee access door. Once there, she could just No Collide everyone through it. Unfortunately, as far as she knew, she couldn't No Collide light itself. Otherwise the gun would just keep hitting light and would never work.

Four guards. Nine lasered subsections. Stealth...wasn't exactly her forte. The Tool Gun was the first quiet weapon she'd used in- well, ever.

(Let's see if I can come up with something. Even though I feel like we're not gonna get through this room undetected.)

"Might just be best to use the element of surprise, this time, and waste these guards now." She whispered. Joker gave her an interesting tidbit about the paintings. "Are you sure that's not different, too?" She asked.

Jesse rolled her shoulder again, staying crouched. Silently, she attached a thruster to a distant bench, one far from the employee access door. She kept it unactivated. "Since they're attracted to noise, I can activate that thruster and create a distraction if we need it.

"Because, I'm thinking we get small. Everyone here has paranatural abilities that shouldn't be effected by our physical size." She held up the Tool Gun. "I can shrink an entire person at once. Using a few charges, I can adjust someone to the size they like. And, if you stand still, I can make them big again." She explained.

"Since the guards don't seem to have very good eyes, we can make ourselves small and slip underneath the lasers. We get to the employee access, I'll No-Collide it, and we get inside. Then, I make us all big again."

"Or. I could use Launch to throw those portal paintings wherever we want. I could put one up against Employee Access and one right up against the grate we're in. But that has a lot of variables." Jesse pointed the Tool Gun at herself and zapped herself a few times. After a few hits, she was about nine inches tall.

She smiled. "Hey, look. I'm a mini-me." She waved up at everyone who was suddenly much larger. Her voice wasn't higher (Unfortunately), just a lot quieter.

"One problem with this plan that I only realise now. It's gonna take forever for us to run across. Any smaller and we might have to bring extra food rations and camp out." Jesse joked. She looked out across to the Employee Access door. Just to be safe, she zapped it with a preemptive No-Collide.

"Although, I do have good cardio."

Level 5: 31/50
Location: Weird Big Tower Thing --> The Maw
Word Count: 901
Points Gained: 2
New EXP Balance--- Level 5 : 33/50

Sakura surpressed a giggle at Bella's modesty. "It's okay, Bella-san! You look great." Pretty much all of the street fighters she knew liked to show some skin sometimes. Even Ryu went shirtless sometimes. Which- well- try not to get distracted, Sakura. He's not even here.

Suddenly, she was scooped up in a big hug, when got a laugh out of her. She kicked her legs a few times, her harness digging into her awkwardly. "Hahaha! Congratulations, Bella-San!" Once she was set down she readjusted her clothes and harness. "Normally, I'm the one that catches people off guard with big hugs, teehee. I don't see what everyone is complaining about."

Soon, it was time to see Shippy off. "Bye bye, Shippy-san! Sayonara! Safe travels! Thank you for everything!" She waved the ship off.

"Well- that's good. Now all we have to do is-"

And then things got very interesting, very quickly. Blue Team's day was about to get worse.

Before Sakura knew it, she was being ushered onto the Maw. There was a giant robot, the Sealab was closed, and Blazermate almost got left behind because of some kind of EMP. If no one else got to her, Sakura was strong enough to pick the robot up, even if she was a little gross looking. Fortunately, the Koopa Troop was on it! That was good. Everything was very chaotic.

Sakura didn't land very gracefully on the inside, her face briefly smeared with rain water. Once she was onboard the Maw with everyone else, Sakura looked around. "Ugh. Oooh. Aw, man. This sucks." She whined.

A very creepy lady appeared, and Sakura was held back by Peach's command. The lady looked like she was from feudal Japan. The mask, the outfit, the hair- she looked like a Yokai.
"I really think we should just- I mean- this lady is horrible!" She whispered harshly. Two monsters made their appearance, weird kite looking snake things.

Sakura tensed up, raising her fists. She studied the monsters closely as they approached, getting ready to fight. Unlike, some of the others, Sakura lacked the experience or mental defences to even begin to realse what was happening to her. In a matter of moments, her eyes crossed, her lids drooped, and she fell forward onto her knees. "Wuh-ugh..unh..." With a soft sigh she fell forward onto her belly. Almost immediately she was rendered unconscious by the hyponotic pattern. She was already out like a light by the time the scarlet blast hit her.

When she awoke, her eyes fluttered open. She was in a dark room, laying on a bed. "Uhm...moshi moshi..?" Her voice was cartoonishly high pitched, like she had inhaled helium. She brought a hand up to her neck and realised it was tiny. Tiny, and chubby. Eyes wide, she looked down at herself. She was wearing a floral printed pink dressed, two purple shoes tied with bows. No fighting gloves or bandana, no cat ears or harness. Her hair was still short and brown, and a pink fibre flower was tied within in. She was actually a very adorable child, but, that wasn't exactly what Sakura wanted to be at the moment.

"N-nani?" She squeaked. "NANDA TEEEE?!" She yelled. Then she covered her mouth as she remembered where she was. "Shimatta!"

Uncovering her mouth, Sakura glanced around, eyes wide. Taking a deep breathe, she tested something. "I...can...speak...English. I can still speak English. Oh, phew." She slapped the sides of her head, but it felt like she could barely reach the top of her head anymore! "Oh no, oh no, oh no! This place is terrible!" She looked down at her arm and flexed. No muscle. No muscle at all!

"Nooo! I worked so hard! This isn't fair!" She kicked and slammed her fists into the soft bed. Covering her mouth again, she silently chastised herself. But she seriously felt like throwing a temper tantrum. Hopefully that was just because she was a toddler, but inwardly she knew that was probably just how she was without Arashio keeping her a little bit more in check.

The little girl hopped off the bed, almost losing her balance. Was she alone? This place was so scary. And she had no strength! Nothing! "Uwah--ah! Uaah!" Sakura yelped quietly. She started to panic, tapping her fingers together. She glanced around. Everyone was much the same- everyone was a little kid! Bowser and Junior and Bella and Nadia- even that Mirage guy.

"Oh, noo! We're all little kids! Now we're gonna get eaten by monsters!" Sakura clambered to her feet, clearly panicking.

"What do we do, what do we do?! We have to- we have to fix this! I can't be a little kid again! I forgot everything I learned in school already!" She whined.

"And also- I don't wanna die! We'll never be able to beat the guardian boss like this! Chikuso!" Defeated, she fell onto her face, landing with a thud on the bed.

"We're captured. We're sooo captured." She bemoaned, her voice muffled by the bed. With all of her strength taken from her, now in the middle of a spooky room, Sakura felt totally hopeless. Normally she was something of an optimist, but this was terrible. If she couldn't fight, she couldn't do anything. It was what she had centered her entire identity around and now- it was gone! Who was Kasugano Sakura if she couldn't fight?! Nobody, that's who! Just some dumb kid with a big mouth.

"Waahh." Sakura lay motionless on the bed, limp as a sack of potatoes.

Level 5: 30/50
Location: Weird Big Tower Thing
Word Count: 594
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 5 : 31/50

Sakura scratched her head as she listened to Junior's explanation of his portal magic. "Iconic?" She offered as he struggled to find the right word. It didn't really make much sense to her, but, it was magic. It probably had a bunch of weird, bizarre limitations like that.

Both of the Abyssals didn't want to be a burden, which Sakura had forgotten to consider. Bella especially wanted to be helpful. Which, Sakura understood. When Ryu was in danger she threw herself into the fray regardless of what would happen. Now she knew how the others felt when she did stupid stuff like that. But, then again, Bella and Rika weren't being stupid. Sakura just didn't want them to get hurt because, well, they couldn't walk.

"Shrinking..? I dunno. I watched a movie about that one time, and it didn't go well. Maybe there's another way?"

Bowser offered a very interesting idea. It wasn't exactly what she had in mind, though. "Well. I guess it's not impossible, but...I mean, I don't know how to sail. Does anyone know how to sail a ship that big? What if it requires, like, human souls as coal or something? It's super duper evil." Sakura watched the Tubemen waddle up the plank. "Poor little guys..."

Kamek and Bowser had a back and forth that made Sakura giggle. "It's okay, Mister Bowser. We all get an appetite sometimes."

"And getting on the Atomos and flying over for a very long time- I know that was my idea. But I agree with Miss Nadia. If all we had to do was fly over the storm, then the Master of Masters lady would have just said so. Plus, that's putting, uh, all of our eggs in one basket. If anything goes wrong, we'll all be in a giant metal box that'll plummet into the sea like a rock." She shook her head, grimacing. "No thanks."

Bella figured out the solution to her problem. She would merge with some spirits. Over time Sakura come around on the entire concept, even if it made people look weird. That wasn't a problem for Bella though! If anything, it just made her look cooler. "Sugoi! How do you feel?" She asked Bella, jogging to her side.

Geralt offered his thoughts, and so did Link and Frog. It looked like the two plans were either taking on the lab, or taking on the Maw. Nobody wanted to ride on Shippy anymore, it seemed, which was good. The sea water was going to get ridiculous and poor Shippy would probably be capsized. "I think Shippy's earned a vacation. She should re-unite with Mister Brineybeard." Sakura said. Despite the fact that the boat could talk now, Sakura kept thinking of her as a pet. She was a vehicle, wasn't she? If she had a captain she probably often didn't want to have much of a say on where she went.

"Well. Either we go down there and beat up some mad scientist, or we go on the Maw and stop it from eating people. Both are pretty heroic things to do and also help us on our goal of getting to the area boss. We really don't know what to expect from either one. That's just how it goes, though. Wouldn't be an adventure without some risks! If all of us wanted to play it safe we would have just stayed home, huh?" Sakura said, smiling anxiously. "As long as we stick together, we'll make it work."

Level 1: 10/10
Word Count: 482
Location: Museum
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 2: 01/20

Jesse Faden didn't notice or care that she was the only one with an uncovered face, but her overall aesthetic definitely clashed with the rest of the colorful, masked group.

Skull noted it would be appropriate to cut loose, which was good. At the very least if the shooting did start, her Tool Gun would make non-lethal takedowns exceptionally easy. Just inflate their hands or their arms or whatever- it didn't matter. But the high caliber bullet-less bullets of her Service Weapon would always be more effective.

It seemed Joker wanted to take the silent approach. There were shadowy guards that were familiar in a way to Jesse, and also these weird colorful, very angry demons. The art was actually pretty nice, so it was too bad there was no one inside capable of even looking at it.

Their task remained clear- search and rescue. Joker's stealth was aided by super natural ability, which was good, because otherwise he would have gotten caught. But even that ability couldn't save him as he pulled metal against concrete. Only after making a huge noise did he pause to consider the capabilities of Jesse's Tool Gun, which she had already drawn. The Director frowned.

Bypassing the vent would be pointless, as now they were under attack by a multitude of monsters. No time to escape without getting pursued. Even the guards transformed into a pair of hostile creatures.

Instinctually, Jesse strafed to the side, drawing her sleek Service Weapon from the Astral Plane. It vanished just as quickly as she reached out with her right hand to one of the couches the oni had been sitting on. With a great amount of speed it surged towards Jesse, right through the oni, in prime position to knock their top-heavy forms to the ground. For a brief moment the Director paused as the couch floated next to her.

"Here we go." She said, a small smile on her face as her most useful power made its return. Then she pushed her hand forward and the couch slammed into the oni. Two hits for the price of one- drawing the couch in didn't take Energy, only throwing it out.

Once that was settled the Service Weapon was out. Jesse held its handle in both hands and put the Tantroni in her sights. Semi-automatic pistol fire rang out as she pulled the trigger. No casing or shells were discarded from the Service Weapon, and no physical bullets were fired. Only lethal streaks of light that carved through flesh and concrete with more effeciency than any firearm on her Earth. The noise and the recoil would certainly fool someone who wasn't looking close, though.

Jesse was a mobile gunfighter, continually moving to the left at a brisk pace away from the others. She drilled into the big, colorful targets with her effecient handgun after smacking them twice with a couch.
alright, i cant do it, lol. thanks for considering me but im going to withdraw interest from this RP

Level 1: 9/10
Word Count: 598
Location: Museum
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 1: 10/10

Jesse waited politely as Joker met up with his ally, Panther. Then he turned to her and gave her the low-down. The idea that something was once again affecting her mind was a deeply troubling one. So troubling, she didn't want to truly consider it. But all possibilities had to be considered. The idea of getting the 'curse' beat out of her wasn't exactly appealing, either. But, it tracked with her experience. The Hiss also became more vulnerable if you shot it to bits, first. That was just how Resonances worked.

"Well." Jesse said simply, digging the toes of her boot into the dirt. "Great. I'll think about it. Wouldn't be the first time I've put my health on the line for science, though." Jesse thought, remembering the time she put a bullet into her head to get promoted.

"I'd just look real stupid if you guys were trying to mug me, instead." Jesse commented. "Convince me there's some grand world conspiracy, beat the hell out of me and then make off with...my extra hair pins. And my shoes. And I guess, my pocket change." Jesse thought. She didn't actually have that much to steal, now that she thought about it. They couldn't use the Revolver or the Service Weapon. Still, they didn't know that.

"I'll think about it." Jesse concluded, but Polaris was glimmering up a storm.

(Be quiet, you. I know your a fan of just throwing me into the deep end whenever you get the chance. The amount of faith you put in me is both encouraging and annoying. But maybe I don't want to get beat up. Ever think of that?)

One last sassy glimmer from the entity bound to Jesse before going dormant again.

Primrose introduced herself. She was clearly a woman who saw value in aesthetic appeal. Jesse was always a very practical person, so they didn't match up on that front. What they did match up with was very direct and simple introductions.

"Jesse Faden." The Director said to Primrose. "I know he just said that. But still."

"As for the mission-" Jesse began. "Suspicion of kidnapping sounds like a probable cause for searching this place." Jesse glanced over her shoulder at the museum. "Plus, it's been the scene of a crime."

"Plus plus, I really want to see what's inside. Finally, I'm not finished asking about this world-covering distorition effect that..." Jesse glanced over at Primrose. Was she quiet, too? It was getting hard to tell. "Has apparently ensnared me."

"As for my abilities..." Jesse summoned forth her Service Weapon. The sleek pistol twitched idly in her grasp. "This is my gun. It's a good one. Don't try to use it." She warned. "It only likes me." With a wave of her hand she dismissed the gun, the Service Weapon disappearing.

"This is the Tool Gun." She can a sarcastic, appreciative nod toward the scientist. "It does weird stuff. A real eclectic mix. Change the size of things, stick 'em together, summon a balloon." Jesse explained. She thought about explaining her Health Element power, but decided not too. Best not give away her every little secret. Overall she'd gotten better at opening up to people, but best keep a few cards close to her chest.

"I used to be able to do more, but...well. I lost my powers whenever this event began happened. So that's one more point to the theory that there's a distortion effecting me." Jesse summed up. "So, I think we're good to go. Let's search for this missing person. I'll follow your lead, Joker."

Level 5: 28/50
Location: Weird Big Tower Thing
Word Count: 787
Points Gained: 2
New EXP Balance--- Level 5 : 30/50

Sakura looked over to Junior, who was 'helping' her interact with the map. He was playing with it, making the hologram go this way and that. "Teehee." She barely surpressed a girlish giggle. Junior was really very cute. But he probably didn't want to hear something like that, so she refocused on her task. Getting close to the console, she rubbed her chin.

"Yup. I definitely have no idea what any of these buttons do." Sakura concluded confidently. Then there was a great mechanical noise. The street fighter blinked in surprise, mouth forming into a small 'o'.

"Did you do that, Junior-kun?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. She turned and awaited whoever was coming up the lift shaft now. What came up disturbed her. These people fit right into the uncanny valley. It was rude to think it, but they looked gross to her. Short, squat, flabby, obviously unhealthy. They reminded her of the tossed out genetic experiments the bad guys back home were always creating.

They looked scared. Peach asked questions, Sakura tried to calm them down. "Uh- it, it's okay. We won't hurt you. What's wrong?" But she didn't get an answer either. It didn't look like they could understand them, or if they could, they couldn't speak any language. Or, at least, one she could recognize.

A man projected himself over a TV screen. Immediately, by the way he talked to these poor creatures, Sakura didn't like him. He cut himself off, but she guessed he was about to insult them. Princess Peach began discussing terms of passage with him. Sakura wasn't sure what to think about this Tyl Regor guy...but he had 'bad dude' written all over him. Especially when he said he wanted a favor, but didn't say what. Yeah, right. That's classic villain material. No way do they want to owe this guy a favor.

Sakura stepped aside, casting a worried glance at the so-called Tubemen. Tube? As in, test tube? She guessed he probably created them...in a tube. That, in her experience, could only mean bad news. It was true that a higher than average percentage of her friend group were genetically modified clones, but the person making the clones was always a bad guy. Only bad guys created life in tubes for their own benefit.

Sakura followed the Guests go, and saw the moving island approach. As it neared, her mouth once again fell open. "Masaka..." She whispered. Tyl Regor confirmed her suspicions- this was the Maw. The massive ship that required a sacrifice to board. The one path that the Master of Masters, the woman she had just dissed aloud, had recommended they take.

"I just had to open my big dumb mouth." Sakura bemoaned. The Maw was also, genuinely intimidating. The poor Tubemen waddled to what looked like their doom.

Tyl Regor left them and Sakura crossed her arms. "Wondrous Tubemen." She said bitterly. "Yeah right. Those are the worst people made in a tube I've ever seen. They're miserable." Now, the Blue Team were left to consider their options. Sakura still hadn't even come up with a real solution to the Bella, Rika, and Shippy problem.

"I mean, heck. What if they just, I dunno, waited here? This place seems safe enough. If those guards could just pass out drinking under a tarp, it can't be that bad. Then we can walk back. Or Junior could set up one of his portals." Sakura suggested.

"And the Maw- I really don't want to go on there. That's bad business. Infact, from what I've been told, it's downright evil. It literally requires human sacrifice as a ticket! This Tyl guy just figured out a loophole by creating things, I bet. If we could, I'd just sink that ship right now and get everyone off." She cast a suspicious look at the massive ship.

"Bella, Rika, Shippy, I think you three would be safer if you just hungout here and looked out for each other while the rest of us moved forward. We take the lift down there, don't owe this creepy scientist a favor and instead just kick his butt, and then we keep going. Through the other three bases until we reach the boss." Sakura used her palm to cut through the air, to illustrate her point, plan, and probably general philosophy in life.

"Anyway. I'd rather challenge the ocean with Shippy and the Atomos then get onboard that spooky, evil ship. The only reason we should go on there is if we want to destroy it, if you ask me." Sakura concluded, crossing her arms, her cat ears pointed straight up.
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