Avatar of Zoey Boey


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im 24 now
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Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
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back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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@Byrd Man Hey there GM!

I worked on my Harley sheet over the course of a couple days and a couple of abilities I had in mind, slipped my mind. Can I run some changes by you, if that's okay?

One of them is Resistant to Poison and Toxin: A mixture of being dunked in acid to make her skin white and also a benefit of her 'friendship' with Poison Ivy has made her immune system and skin resistant to acid and poison.

And the other is PhD in Psychology: Harley went to medical school and is a Psychologist. Not only is she crazy, but she's basically fully cognizant of how and why. And with enough time and conversation she can get a good read on other people's "major malfunctions" too.

I should also probably add something in there about playing up her Jewishness and her Brooklynlyness because I think those are very endearing and good traits about her.
I'll write a post tomorrow!


H A R L E E N Q U I N Z E L F E M A L E 2 5 B R O O K L Y N
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"We're bad guys. It's what we do!"

Harley Quinn is still in love with the Joker and cooks up villainous schemes mostly to gain his approval. When left to her own devices her schemes are more anti-hero rather than evil, but she's very easily swayed by bad influences. On the flip side, positive influences can bring out the best in her. Harley is also more practical than most people assume, not letting her scruples get in the way of achieving a goal.

In her opinion there are few things funnier than poetic justice or irony. Though she hasn't realised it, Harley Quinn definitely has a better sense of humor than the Joker. She understands that punching up is a lot funnier than punching down.

A B I L I T I E S:

All In: Harley has an uncanny ability to pull off impossible, hare brained schemes. The gambles and risks she takes pay off more often than not. Maybe luck is just preparation meeting opportunity. Harley is good at being unpredictable and utterly confident in her abilities and plans, which leads to better results.

Olympian: Harley is very flexible, agile, and acrobatic. She can always keep her balance and do very useful, evasive, or offensive feats of athleticism. Also, really good at roller skating.

Big Whack: Harley's strikes, be it with her fists and feet or with a giant hammer or baseball bat, have a considerable amount of power behind them. A limited form of super strength that only applies to quick bursts of power.

Bouncy: Harley bounces! Much in the same way she has limited super strength, she has limited super durability, too. Something about her just makes her hard to keep down.

Resistant to Poison and Toxin: A mixture of being dunked in acid as a hazing ritual and also a benefit of her 'friendship' with Poison Ivy has made her immune system and skin resistant to acid and poison.

PhD in Psychology: Harley went to medical school and is a Psychologist. Not only is she crazy, but she's basically fully cognizant of how and why. And with enough time and conversation she can get a good read on other people's "major malfunctions" too.

Pretty Decent Shot: Better than most people, anyway!

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I want to play Harley because there's a lot of freedom with her. She's comic relief, but also, has a lot of heart. She's a supervillain who is always driven by normally positive emotions like love, romance, companionship. And she isn't afraid to show it, she's very affectionate and very extroverted. She likes making friends, even if she isn't very good at it. It makes her good to be the glue of any team. The type of person who isn't judgemental and can pull all sorts of disparate, crazy folks together. I'd like her to get a taste for hero work and become more of a good guy now that she has some distance from the Joker. Especially since he's probably not coming to rescue her. Harley likes adventure, having a good time, and causing some chaos.

She's also from Brooklyn and has Jewish heritage which I've actually done a little bit of research into. Harley lived a very normal life until very recently, she has a good grasp of social convention. That way she can violate it properly. This way she can simultaneously be kooky, but also a straight man if the story calls for it. I also think she will get a lot of joy out of killing nazis.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

For signature gear, Quinn has her heavy wooden mallet and her roller skates. And her jester suit is resistant to damage. Other than that she won't pass up very useful things like guns and grenades. Prop and gag weapons are a must, as well, if that can be alloted for in the budget.

R E L A T I O N S H I P S:


Here's my submission. :)

Level 5: 37/50
Location: The Maw: The Belly
Word Count: 535
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 5 : 38/50

Sakura had been 'whisper-shouting'. Perhaps she thought that somehow made her voice harder to hear. She got lucky, though she did cringe as Nadia pointed out her obvious mistake. Sakura covered her mouth and shot up a silent peace sign towards Mirage with the other hand.

"Baka!" She chastised herself quietly, continuing onward. Big floaty hands one-eye was getting angrier. You know who else was getting a little angrier? Sakura!

"How dare you?!" Sakura whisperered harshly to herself, offended, as she watched Nadia apply for Jack Ass. "How dare you tell me to be quiet! You hypocrite!" She grabbed the sides of her head as the kitten rolled down the junk hill in a tire. Like a pokemon, Bongo Bongo hurt itself in its confusion. But now Nadia was going to get eaten by the junk monster! Only at the last second was she saved by the Koopa Troop.

Sakura breathed a sigh of relief that quickly turned into a squeak of terror. The junk pile was falling, and the monster was going crazy! She had to get away from junk mountain before she was buried. She managed to get away, but it was close. The girl stabilized both her balanec and her breathing, rolling her neck. As time went on she was getting used to being without powers and was attempting to restore some of her confidence.

"Fake it 'till ya make it." Sakura said. She tried to give everyone reassuring peace signs and thumbs up, especially poor Bella who looked exhausted. Link was with her, doing the good, smart, and reasonable thing. Since when was being smart apart of her job description?! Man, she really wanted to get back to fighting.

"Come on, Mister Link! We got it." She whispered over to him, shaking herself out of her funk. Whatever issues with the vent could wait- she was beelining for hte sofa. She had to get off this junk ocean before she drowned! Often she found herself having to stop and hide beneath her pillow or her towel. Or just get down on all fours after a particularly hard shockwave. At this point her fear was numbed, now it was just a game of survival.

Eventually, though, she made it to the red sofa. She hooked her little hands between the cushion and the base of the furniture. Leaving her trusty pillows behind she climbed up, accepting any aid people who give to her in the process. Once on the cushion itself she rolled over onto her back, huffing. She squeezed herself into a corner and caught her breath, holding a shaking hand. They were almost out. Now it was just a matter of getting through the vent. How they were going to do that, Sakura couldn't even begin to fathom. The girl was still reeling from her prolonged near-death experience. She was just glad she could lean her back against something again and rest her legs and fingers. Though adrenaline was carrying her through, her face was red and her forehead was sweaty. Breathing heavily she just kept watching Bongo Bongo slam his hands, hoping that she wouldn't see any of her friends get squished.

Level 5: 36/50
Location: The Maw
Word Count: 468
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 5 : 37/50

The washing machine was safe, fortunately. All empty. Sakura peeked her head out, and saw Link a short distance away. The others were all making their way through this horrible place in their own different crazy methods. Lots of parkour, which was something Sakura used to be really good at. Now? Not so much.

The big eyed no wristed floaty hands freak-o thing moved on. There was a particularly close call with Blazermate, but other than her plan worked. The only thing to do was to keep moving. Meet up with the others. Try not to explode. Sakura saw Bella, who was not far behind, using a bucket to keep herself shielded from the eye.

"Oh! So it's dumb. That's good!" She said. Sakura scrounged up a dirty old towel and wrapped it around her self. Not if Bongo Bongo got too close, she would just cower beneath it. Or, just crouch down and hold her spare pillow above her head.


One pillow infront of the other. Slow and steady wins the race? Sakura began to get into a rhythm. Methodical movement, occasional cowering. Her spirits began to lift. She wasn't shaking with fear. The rules were becoming more apparent. Sure, the only thing keeping her from being drowned in literal garbage was this crappy pillow. But she wasn't gonna lose her balance! All she had to do was be careful.

Some people were rowing boats around, and Sakura didn't have the strength to do that. Good for them, though, it was certainly something. Very impressive child strength.

Sakura followed Geralt until he met up with Nadia and Mirage. They were up an incline which she didn't feel like navigating. But she was pretty close to them, so she felt like she could safely communicate. sakura tossed up some reassuring air high fives. "Good job, everyone! High five, high five!" She looked across the way to their goal, the vent. The brunette held her big pillow in her hands.

"All right. I'm gonna keep going. If you guys fall in you can run and hop onto my pillow. And then we'll just starve to death, I guess, because we won't be able to do anything after that. But hey, better than nothing."

She set the pillow down infront of her, rolling her shoulders and cracking her neck and knuckles. "I'm gonna get in that vent. I got my towel, I got my two pillows, and I got a dream. Come on, Blue Team! We got this." Sakura exhaled a shaky breath, shook some energy out of her arms, and began going once again. One pillow infront of the other. "Ugh, man. My palms are so sweaty." She complained quietly, wiping her hands on her pretty pink dress.
hello. i am interested! Will probably try to apply for Harley Quinn. :) No obscureness here, lol.

Level 5: 35/50
Location: The Maw
Word Count: 581
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 5 : 36/50

One pillow at a time. Just put one foot right infront of the other. Sakura had trekked across mountains! Great distances that blended together, so very, very zen. Problem number one: This room was not zen. It was un-zen. Probably the least zen room she had ever been in, and she'd been in a room with Vega. Maybe it was the fact that she was stuck in the body of a dumb little kid! This was like asking a musician to play a concert...and making him a dumb little kid who didn't know how to play the piano! Metaphors aren't Sakura's things, all right?!

As she travelled, she realised how isolated she was getting. A bead of sweat dripped down her forehead. "No one else?" She shook her head and shot out a peace sign towards the others. Especially Bella, who looked nervous. "I got this."

Infact, Sakura quickly ended up being more worried about her teammates than herself. Blazermate, Geralt, and Nadia had cooked up some coco bananas scheme. Mirage and Link were jumping all over the place- the Koopa Troops were just a bunch of- it was loony toons. She felt a lot safer on the ground with her little trick.

That changed when the giant monster descended from the ceiling. "Shimatta." Creepy glowing eye, two floating hands, ready to squash. Survival instinct took over. There was nothing she could do except gawk at her friends. Eyes wide, breathing quickly and not very effectively, Sakura began to build her one girl path forward. Where? At some point, she had noticed an open washing machine.

Progress was painfully slow. She couldn't move too fast or she'd slip and die. Can't move too slow, though, or the thing might see her. And her arms were awful, chubby little short things that were of no use. Her head was too big. Her outfit was too cute. Her heart wasn't racing, it had tripped and was plummeting down a flight of stairs. Thump thumpthump thump, was it arrhytmic? She was going to die of a heart attack. Imagine that. Just- poof! She imagined herself vibrating and shaking and then exploding into a cloud of ash from nothing but stress.

There were two moments, exactly, that were worse than this. For slightly different reasons. At least then, though, she had the option to act courageously. Here she could only very, very slowly, methodically, repetitively, grind her way to safety.

Sakura had reached the sideways washing machine. The door was open, off its hinges. Inside was darkness, but it was a safe and welcoming darkness compared to the monstrosity stalking the Blue Team now. The little girl jumped up, wrapped her stubby fingers onto the edge, and pulled herself up. Thankfully she didn't weigh much, and she had the co-ordination a younger self might have lacked.

Gasping for air, the brunette tumbled into the washing machine and ran, hands outstretched, to the back of the steel metal box. Once she felt the cold metal at the back she pressed her back against it and slid down, hyperventilating. She clutched her knees against her chest and tried to catch her breath.

"Oh, man. Oh man oh man. I'm glad I'm hiding in a washing machine because I think I need a change of underwear." Sakura joked quietly to herself. She giggled nervously at the potty humor. If anyone asked- she could just blame it on being a four year old.
"That's right," Nuri had said alongside Leon, to assuade the fears of her companions. "Undead are no issue. I eat zombies for breakfast."

"I'll go retrieve my armor and get suited. Let's get this show on the road."

Nuri was fully decked out in her Paladin armor. Red fabric and grey steel, a crimson plume trailing behind her helm. She had pulled up the visor of her helm, so her face was fully visible. At her side was a sheathed long sword. As the group approached the sunken cathedral she had gotten ontop of it, climbed all around, kicking at loose rocks.

"Looks like we're going underground." Nuri said with a shrug. She squinted up at the sky. Distantly, an eagle circled. That was Talun, following, for now. He came and went as he pleased.

Nuri approached the entrance of the cavern as Leon told his story about the lore of this place. She glanced over at Neffy and smiled. "That's very brave. But I think it's best we stick together, for now. Come- I'll lead the way." The Reonite indicated for Corinne to stay in the middle of the pack where she'd be safest, and everyone could make use of her light. In her mind, there was no reason to be sneaky, here. They were heading into an abandoned church. Looters would be scared off, zombies could be destroyed, and beasts would probably already have smelled them coming. Sending in a couple of tiny little fairies alone, in the dark, only seemed like a bad idea.

For Nuri's part, she unsheathed her elegant, lethal longsword. She ran a hand along it, like it was tinder and her palm was flint. With a quick sparking motion, the sword began to emit a warm glow. With that the Paladin began to head inside the dark cave.

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