Avatar of Zoey Boey


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Current Cassandra Cain
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im 24 now
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Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
1 yr ago
back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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im excited to meet the characters

Level 6: 01/60
Location: The Maw: The Depths
Word Count: 632
Points Gained: +1 -2
New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 00/60 +1 -2

The robot reached out for the heart and grabbed it, which activated it, much to Sakura's surprise. "Oh, I-" But, it worked nonetheless. Sakura took a step back and smiled as the robot fixed itself right up. There was a bit of a staticky grunt, but she didn't think much of it.

"Yatta, it worked!" Sakura put her hands up into the air and waved them around. "Mister Carl, I know you're probably pretty confused right now. But basically some giant jerk ball of light kidnapped everybody and..." Sakura trailed off.

"Carl-san?" She waved her hand infront of him. "Are you okay?" She waved her hand infront of his eyes. Her face fell. Nadia knocked on his head, nothing. Nothing at all.

"A...ghost? Wh-what? What happened? I gave him the Friend Heart." Sakura said. She looked between her allies. One by one they offered their brief thoughts and moved on. Finally she focused on Rika, who asked if she was ok. "I gave him the Friend Heart. He should be fine. I don't- I don't know."

"Why would it-? Not?" She looked at her ex-Abyssal friend, eyes wide and watering. "Rika..." She wrapped her arms around her in a hug. "I don't understand. I'm sorry."

Then the little girl detached and dropped into a sitting position, looking at the lifeless, utilitarian robot. "I didn't know! I didn't know what would happen. That's never happened before! Where did he go? Was Mister Carl ever there? I don't get it!" She held the sides of her head and cried.

"No, no it's all that stupid Galeem's fault! That thing did this! It's got everything all- all scrambled up! I didn't know what would happen: I didn't want that to happen!" Sakura exclaimed, smacking her hand against the steel floor. She pushed herself to her feet and wiped her eyes.

"I guess Mister Carl was already in a pretty bad spot...He was stuck. But if he got fixed, he went away? It's so confusing." Sakura wasn't sure what to make of it. She felt guilty, angry, confused. But at the same time she wasn't sure if blaming herself too much would be wise. No one else seemed to be. But they didn't seem to care about the situation at all. That didn't exactly sit right with her, either. Maybe there really was nothing to do but move on?

"I'm gonna get that nasty Galeem." Sakura wiped her eyes again. "Thanks, Rika. Let's...let's go." She was the last person into the next couple of room sby a significant amount, only catching the tail end of the saddest man in the world falling into the water. She also wasn't involved in the conversations about loot and new weapons. She didn't feel like getting any new toys, anyway.

Sakura's mood as a whole was back to being down in the dumps, her shoulders slumped. The one good thing she thought they could do while in this terrible place backfired.

Nervously she stayed near the back of the group. "That is our submarine? It's teeny! It's a little baby submarine. Aw, man, this sucks." Sakura looked over the side into the water.

"If we lose the submarine, though, we're all d-dead. Just be careful, Mirage." Sakura approached the cjaor, resting a hand on it and looking at the brave engineer. "You've still got your smarts and if you get separated from us, I don't know how we'll get out of here. So, uh, no pressure." She gave him an apprehensive peace sign.

"We just gotta get the submarine..." The brunette trailed off, eyes on the murky water underneath the dangling vehicle, out of reach for now.
Hellooo, I am interested! I'm submitting another girl character, so...there's a chance this might be an unusual street gang. but that just makes us more special, right?

Level 5: 50/50
Location: The Maw: The Depths
Word Count: 586
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 01/60

"You are seriously a killer with that fan, Nadia-san." Sakura said as she trailed along. Nadia pushed and pulled the various walkways with her fan and used the levers to open up a path Sakura and the others could more easily follow.

Fake it till you make it- Sakura was finding her confidence bolstered. She could make these jumps! All she needed to do was believe in herself. Fear and insecurity was holding her back. Even if she was a little kid she could still be a hero. But this hunger was seriously annoying.

"Bah. Bah! I'm not hungry. I've gone weeks without food." Sakura bragged, as if to intimidate the stabbing sensation in her belly into submission. It didn't work. The catwalks shook and groaned, complaining about being used after going undisturbed for who knows how long.

"Just a little bit more, Mr. Walkway. Just bear with us." She soothed the inanimateo object as best she could, trying not to focus too hard on the death drop beneath her. Well, she might survive the fall into the water if she landed on her feet. How durable her child body was, she wasn't sure. Either way she wasn't risking it.

A few well-timed jumps later, and Sakura's confidence in herself was reward. "Yatta! We did it!" She breathed out, relieved. "Onto Phase Two."

Once they were inside, they met a creepy looking robot guy. But it wasn't the worst robot she'd ever seen, and maybe he only looked creepy because he was hurt. People also looked pretty nasty when they were scrambled like eggs. The robot seemed convinced he was a human. As far as Sakura knew, she had no reason to disbelieve him.

"Well. Maybe he comes from a planet of robots that call themselves human." Sakura said as everyone gathered up. "And he's alive, and talking, so he's basically just a metal human. And he's all Galeemified up, probably, so he's confused as to what's going on, right? From the way he's acting he's not teamed up with that awful woman and her snake demons." Sakura looked at Mirage, concerned. He still had no idea what she was talking about.

Sakura tapped her chest and summoned forth a friendly little Friend Heart. She gave a look at Mirage who was explaining the situation. If they tried to open the door, Carl would get hurt, or worse.

"We'll have to figure out another way. Carl-san is somebody in need, trapped on this boat just like us." Sakura concluded with finality. "Maybe Carl-san himself could help us! He seems to know his way around, at least this area."

With that, Friend Heart held in both hands, she began to approach Carl Semkin. "Hello, Carl-san! My name's Sakura. The reason a bunch of kids are here is because something really weird happened and everything got all scrambled up. We're actually on a big boat right now, and we need to get out. But if we try to open the door, we might hurt you. So we're working on a work-around!" Sakura had approached Carl Semkin so that she was right next to his claw hand. She held the Friend Heart out between he and her.

"Mind if I give you this? It'll fix you right up, Carl-san." She smiled. "It's magical." While she said this with utmost earnesty and sincerity, she also probably looked like a weird lost child with an over-active imagination.

Level 5: 49/50
Location: The Maw: The Depths
Word Count: 732
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 5 : 50/50 LEVEL UP PENDING

"Meowst valuable player- teehee." Sakura giggled. It was also a point of pride for her that her English was good enough to understand almost all of the puns some of her teammates were making non-stop. Mirage and Nadia in particular were the dynamic duo of puns.

They managed to clear the obstacles and Sakura was not very pleased with what she saw on the other side. "This ship is so big it has its own place for sea monsters. Great. Doesn't that defeat the entire point of a ship you use to escape sea monsters?" The brunette leaned over the railing of their platform and peered into the murky depths. Her shoes and socks were getting wet. But she didn't exactly want to take them off and risk getting impaled by a rusty nail. "Maybe your super fast swimming could still come in handy, Bella-san and Rika-chan. But let's hope no one falls in so we don't have to find out."

Peach gave everyone a low-down of what she found on a nearby map. Now, they're plan was to get to an elevator. Go over the walkways, get to the Command Center, then Submersible area, then find a Submarine. Go down, drain the depths, and then the elevator will be free to use.

Mirage lead the way, using the helpful darts to ascened to the above walkways. Mirage tried to see a silver lining in them being kids. "Eeehh...yeah, sure, okay. I mean, if we were adults like, all of us would have way more skills and abilities and magic...but, no, I see your point! Let's look at it that way." Mirage was a friendly guy. Too bad he was still Galeemified. They'd have to sort that out sooner or later, that stuff messes with a persons mind in unpredictable ways. Sakura looked over at a kid she didn't exactly recognize, who was voicing his concerns in a very weird voice. Was that old school English? When he talked before, it was kind of hard for her to understand...who else talked like that? Doing some quick mental maths, she figured this must be the Frog Knight. Guess he wasn't always a frog.

"It might be dangerous. But we have to get outta here so we can, y'know, save the world! All the worlds. We won't be kids forever. Heck. Give it ten years- I'll be super powerful again, just you wait. You've never met a 15 year old tougher than I was!" Sakura giggled, joking. She slapped the sides of her head, shaking some nervous energy out of her wrists and legs.

"Okay. I'll go next! I got this. Go Blue Team." An off-handed peace sign. Sakura was trying to feel herself out a little bit. She may be in tiny tot but surely her parkour skills were still in there somewhere? At least this time if she fell, it was only into water. Someone would be able to save her if she fell, probably. But she wasn't going to fall! So it wasn't a problem.

One jump and climb at a time, she made her way up to where Mirage was. Her progress was a bit slower than his and she felt herself be a bit embarassed by all the eyes on her. She jumped up and grabbed the edge, a sharp thrill of panic and fear travelling up her spine as she felt her little legs dangle over the large drop. But once Mirage lended her a helping hand she pulled herself up. She rolled onto her back and then clambered to her feet on the suspended railway.

"Okay, okay great!" Sakura said, nodding, slapping Mirage on the shoulder. She rubbed her finger under her nose for a moment and then clapped her hands together. "Easy. Easy as pie!" Her heart was racing but, overall, she was feeling good. "I jump around everywhere. All the time. I can jump 10 feet in the air from standing, huh! This is easy as pie."

Sakura held onto the railing and began to walk forward, psyching herself up. "I'm not nervous or scared anymore, I got this. It's just a platforming section, that's all!" She'd go until she had to start making more jumps, in which case she would wait for the more agile or capable members of the group to catch up.
Amy Rose

"Do these shoes come in Hedgehog size?" Amy asked, holding up a pair of pink and white sneakers.

"I beg your pardon?" The cashier asked after a moment. Amy frowned. "Ah, forget it. I'll just stick to the Hedgehog clothing stores. But be sure to give my thanks to the shoe maker for me! These are very pretty sneakers."

"I will, ma'am." The cashier replied not wanting to spoil the girls illusion of how shoe stores worked in the modern era.

"Do you like my bracelets?" She reached up and indicated the golden ring around her wrists.

"Sure do." The cashier responded.

"You don't think they're tacky or anything?" She asked. "What's your name?" Another question, before the previous one could be answered. "It's Jane."

"Hi, Jane! Do you want to get your fortune read?" From somewhere, the pink Hedgehog had produced a deck of fortune cards.

"Um..." She chuckled nervously.

"The Moon Reveeersed..." Amy said mystically, placing the card on the table. It was an image of a sad looking moon, looking over a blue-lit grassy field framed by two ancient twoers. "This represents stability, but stagnation. Easy times are ahead for you, Ms. Jane. You're walking down an easy path, but is it the one you want to follow?"

"I don't really-"

"For the middle card- The Knight of Cups- also reversed." An image of a Mobian knight on a horse, holding an empty gauntlet. "Hmm. Are you feeling jealous? This indicates you feel frustrated that you aren't being given the chance you deserve. That, to me, says that the easy path isn't the one you want to walk." Amy mused. Her gloved hand reached for the third and final card of the reading. Jane blinked, mouth falling open a bit.

"The end card: Patience. Seven of Pentacles." An image of a farmer, waiting for a bush full of pentacle symbols to bloom. "This symbolizes, of course, patience! Chillax, take it slow. Your opportunity will come. So, in summary, you're walking down an easy, content road, but maybe you're frustrated about it. The cards say your moment to shine will come soon, you just have to wait."

Jane blinked at Amy. "But...I'm tired of waiting. I really think I could open my own fashion line! I want to do something with my life!"

"They don't call it a test of patience for nothin'. Jane, Jane. My new friend Jane! Take it easy! You're got a good job, you've got good friends: but I and the cards think you should wait on opening up that fashion shop." Amy collected the tarot cards, shuffled them, and placed them vaguely behind her back where they vanished for view. Jane shook her head. "I- I don't know..."

"And you wanna know somethin' else? Since we're friends now I'll let you in on something." Amy placed her gloved hands on the counter and stood on her tippy toes. Her large emerald eyes stared deep into Jane's. "I've been having visions."


"Visions." Amy said with grave sincertiy. "And omens. I've seen signs in the clouds, in the shape of flowers and in the patterns of toasted bread. Something is coming. A calamity. A stopped flow of magma, ready to burst and become lava. The sun must rise, but so too must it set. And Jane, the light is getting very, very, low." Amy stood up on her tippy toes, eyes wide. Jane instinctively took a step back.

Amy rocked back on her heels. "Well! Anyway! I'll see you around, Jane! You're hair is SO pretty, by the way! I love the color! But have you tried dying it pink instead of blue?" Amy giggled, running a finger through her pink bangs. "That was a joke- blue is definitely your color, sister. Buh-bye!" Amy turned, began humming a little tune, and skipped right out the door, leaving Jane to her crisis.

Amy Rose stepped into the sun and breathed in the air of the City. They'd saved the world a year ago. And Amy knew, in her heart of hearts and heart of cards, they would have to save it again. And they would! Her destiny was already written. The City was a vibrant place, and the shoe store Amy was infront of was ontop of a hill. She looked to the left and saw a blue and a yellow blur cross across an intersection. Amy stomped her foot.

"Wha-! Why don't they ever invite me?!" Amy shouted. It wasn't just a question to the air, she made pointed eye-contact with a random passerby and asked him the question. The man flinched and tried to continue on with his phone conversation.

"Why am I always the third wheel between Sonic and Tails? I'm pretty much his girlfriend basically virtually practically! Tails is just a little kid! Shouldn't he be in school or something?!" Amy crossed her arms, tapping her shoe.

"Tails is really nice though." Amy admitted. "And Sonic is definitely allowed to hang out with his friends! Especially someone who's as positive an influence on him as Tails. I mean, without that genius kid, who knows if Eggman would have been defeated! All right, I'll say it. You were right, and I was wrong. Sonic and Tails do make a pretty good team and I don't have a right to all of his time." Amy nodded, smiling. Who was she talking too? It didn't matter.

Amy sighed. "Still...it's been awhile since I've gotten to hang out with anyone..." She mumbled, scuffing her heel on the sidewalk. A melancholic moment passed.

Amy gasped, spotting something. "Hey! You! What kind of dog is that? They're so cuuute! Can I pet it?" She zoomed across the street.

Level 5: 38/50
Location: The Maw: The Belly --> New Area
Word Count: 604
Points Gained: 1 +10!
New EXP Balance--- Level 5 : 49/50

Kasugano Sakura watched in awe as some of her tiny friends saw fit to battle this thing. They were actually managing to hold it off, too. And Blazermate cleared their exit with a "Super sick dropkick!" Sakura shouted, her voice joining the cacophany of metallic destruction that followed.

Sakura was pushed into action, pulling herself from her cozy corner and doing her best to help pull her friends up. Especially Link, the pair of them having bonded over their pillow-hopping, at least in Sakura's mind.

"We're almost out, almost out!" Sakura said both to herself and her teammates.

Nadia was going to her fan to get everybody up. "All right- just be careful, Nadia-san!" Then she jumped and was pushed to safety, tumbling unsteadily to a stop.

"The streamers! Get her up!" Sakura practically shrieked. Nadia used her agility and quickly thinking to latch onto the streamer using her fan. The little brunette held on as tight as she could, but no doubt the heavy lifting was being done by some of the others.

"We're good! Let's get the heck out of here!" And they did, running down into the vents. Her purple shoots pattered along the vents, her arms stretched out infront of her and to her sides.

Sakura came to a stop along with the others, putting her hands on her knees and panting heavily. "Phew...that was a bit close." She said, a small laugh in her voice. It quickly grew into a bigger laugh. Despite herself, she hopped up and down in victory.

"We're alive, Mirage! We did it...we did iiit! Oh, we're the best!" With some tears in her eyes and a grin on her face she gave anyone who was willing- or even just particularly vulnerable a hug. Or, a high five. Bella, Geralt, Cadet, Link, even bitty Bowser; No one was safe. High fives and consolations especially, for Nadia. "You're the MVP, Nadia. I owe you...e to, something. I'll figure it out." She smiled, closing her eyes and rubbing the back of her head. This was her own little celebration of team work and being alive.

She'd been so caught up she hadn't noticed her stomach rumbling. Sakura frowned and then listened into Kamek's helpful reminder. "...I hate this stupid ship." She complained. "Being hungry? And not being allowed to eat?" Her face fell. "Just feed me to the junk monster, are you kiddin'!" She pouted, kicking the ground.

"Let's go. You're right, Junior. That lady and her stupid cheating demon snake kites are gonna get smoked. I'm gonna smack 'em around in the runback, just you wait." She huffed, punching her fist into her palm. "Now...I guess we gotta go back to being quiet." She looked around the big room.

"No where to go but forward. At least we're on steady ground." She hopped up and down again before continuing onwards. She reached the big door and pressed her ear up against it. "Sounds like water." She whispered to the others. "Let's move these furniture and boxes and stuff out of the way." Instinctually she pushed on it with one hand. This obstacle would be no problem for 18 year old Sakura. For 4 year old Sakura? It barely moved. She leaned up against it and pushed as hard as she could for a few seconds, grunting from the effort. She only ended up pushing her own body backwards. Grumbling to herself she let what little strength she had be lent to the coordinated effort of getting through the door.

oops. i meant tomooorrow. tomorrow tomorrow. I'm gonna have Amy be in the city where Sonic and Tails were
So. It was option B. Time to smash some undead. Nuri pulled down the face plate of her helmet, concealing her facial expressions entirely. Now she was a weapon of the Goddess. The warm glow of her longsword spread to the plume of her helmet. "Let us grant them the final mercy."

With that, she flipped her longsword upside down. Now, she was holding it entirely by the blade. Her grip on it's edge was sturdy in her gauntlets. The guard and handle of the longsword had been fashioned into a piercing bludgeon, perfect for cracking open skulls. In her experience, slashing attacks like the one Neffy was sending their way weren't very effective. There was no blood to draw, no tendons to slice. Only pure bodily harm to bones could put skeletons down. But this sword technique was called the Murder Stroke, and it would do these skeletons in nicely.

"Stick together! Watch your backs!" With that she jogged forward, taking the lead. She approached the first shield skeleton and swung her blunt weapon at its head several times, pushing past its defences to crush its skull. "Hah!" Now she was in the thick of it, ready to fight.
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