Avatar of Zoey Boey


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Current Cassandra Cain
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im 24 now
1 yr ago
Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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1 yr ago
one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
1 yr ago
back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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hello again! Gonna redo some CS's and submit them in the next few days here
now its my turn to apologize for the delay. should be posting tomorrow! maybe tonight, but probably tomorrow.

Level 2: 04/20
Word Count: ??
Location: Al Mamoon
Points Gained: 1 probably + 23
New EXP Balance--- Level 3: 08/30

The plan was in motion, and people were handing out rewards. Everyone was getting upgrades and new gear, which was always fun. One of the better parts of the job was getting badass new abilities and weapons, though technically Jesse only ever used one. Back home it was incredibly versatile. Hopefully she could get that back up and running, too. That whole de-powerment fiasco really made her appreciate her abilities even more than she already did. They were the main source of her agency.

"Uh, thanks, Joker." Jesse was handed a little glass sphere (?) looking thing with the image of a Shambler on the inside. The ever curious director flipped it around in her hands and observed it from all sides, holding it up to the sunlight.

Following the others' lead, it seemed the thing to do was breaking the spirit. To get some cool kind of weapon. She had no idea what the Shambler would do. Would it be a gross looking gun? Or a sword? Or maybe some kind of magic grenade? Only one way to find out. Jesse placed it on the ground and crushed it underneath her boot heel.

Once she had her new loot, the only thing to do was keep moving forward. Follow this Mao kid and root out the rest of the resistance/cult/resonance affected persons. Jesse put away her Service Weapon and her new toy and drew the Tool Gun, ready to use it to incapacitate her enemies and protect her teammates.

"I'm with you, then, Joker." Jesse nodded to Braum and Fox and- there would be a time to get properly acquainted later, like she thought earlier. Eyes on the prize. Joker gave her and Laharl an interesting look. "Let's roll. I want one of those pink hearts. Seriously, just sucker punch me, I won't fight back. I trust you guys." She said.

"Hmm. Maybe I will fight back. That's what we're dealing with, right? People who are affected by something and become more violent? In which case, stay on the move and don't hide behind anything that weighs less than five thousand pounds. Okay, let's go."

The office building was being protected from the outside: No one in or out. Which meant they could get down to business without worrying about civvies. Jesse and the UFO girl made a good transport team, and once they were on the inside Jesse frantically re-enlarged everyone back to their full sizes.

The inside was pandemonium. Tool Gun in hand Jeses focused on the mini-gun wielding lunatic: she looked like she could cause some serious damage if left unattended. To get things started, she picked up a heavy piece of furniture and flung it at her. Halfway through it's intended arc of travel Jesse lined up a shot with her Tool Gun and enlarged the furniture so it was bigger and would do more damage. Then she took cover next to the wall, behind the architecture of the building.
Sorry, I'm not sure what happened. I was waiting for you to post for some reason. But I definitely should have been the one that posted. I'll try to get a post up today but if I don't, don't wait up for me
minato's angels
hooray! I'll put my character in the thing. I assume she's accepted because she's mentioned in the Minato story?

Level 6: 00/60
Location: The Maw: The Depths
Word Count: 442
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 01/60

Sakura had coughed a few times over the railing, a few tears dripping into the pitch black water below. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and wrapped her fingers around her wrist. Her subconscious expected the comfort of her fighting glove to be there, and it wasn't. Someone was stabbing the inside of her stomach with a hot knife. Someone else was taking a jackhammer to her skull and her heart was drowning in an itchy abyss. What would her family think of her? Or Ryu? Could she ever get over this? She felt terrible about this whole thing.

Sakura was in for an awakening as a familiar voice shook her out of her thoughts. When Nadia span her around Sakura's eyes were wide, her mouth a small, surprised circle. No interruptions from the girl with the flower in her hair, that's for sure. When it was all over Sakura certainly seemed to be more present. Her gaze was fixed on Nadia, expression more cogent. The discordant actions earlier a result of her trying to hide her grief- to be tough, and to act like nothing was wrong.

"I...I'm sorry." Sakura said, voice broken. "I'm not tough. Not like you guys are." She bowed her head, eyes closing. "I just killed someone, Nadia. And now we're using him. There's no other way out but... I just- I just need a minute. I wanted to help, but I'm just making things worse and being a burden. Sorry." Sakura concluded, miserable.

"Since everyone can't fit in the sub, it makes sense that I'm one of the people that stay behind. Be careful." One hand clutching her arm, the other over her even more pained stomach, Sakura pulled away from Nadia's grasp. Head low, she found a corner to sit in. Once again she drew her knees against her and clutched them to her chest. Now she groaned slightly, tensing as a horrible pang of hunger ripped it's way through her insides.

Between the hunger, the manslaughter, her powerlessness, a removal of her identity, and the disturbing imagery of seeing "Carl" moving again, Sakura's mental health was drained. The Maw had defeated her, a casualty of stress.

Nadia was right in that it was only going to get worse. Sakura watched in horror as Bella was given a fright by a diving suit that just came to life. It sounded exactly like Mirage. And it acted like, him, too. Almost as if there were two Mirages in the room.

"Oh, no!" Sakura cried out, hiding her face and shrinking. "He's another ghost!"
yes i am interested in this! phoenix is spelt wrong in the title btw

Level 6: -1/60
Location: The Maw: The Depths
Word Count: 455
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 00/60

Mirage was messing around with the device, trying to figure out how to get it working. Kasugano was by his side, just...in case. Something happened. Maybe she could make herself useful somehow. The boy engineer gave her some encouraging words that reflected his somewhat limited perspective.

Sakura looked at Mirage, giving him a not very encouraging thumbs up. "Oh, yeah, no, I get it. Don't worry about me. I'm focused. Just like you guys. We gotta get movin', so..." She said. "Nothin' to be done, now." It would be pretty hard to believe that after such an outburst, Sakura had gotten over what happened with Mister Carl so quickly. Because, of course, she hadn't. It was an easy deception to see through. But she was making the choice to bury it, bury it deep down; Going back, perhaps, on her advice she had given the others earlier on Shipyy. After the battle.

Maybe because it was one thing to witness someone die in a big battle- another entirely to be responsible for it. As much as she wanted to blame it all on Galeem, to focus the bad feelings inside her on the bad thing, she just couldn't get there. She offered him the Heart. Carl took it. Carl's gone. Just some random guy, and she got him killed. And Sakura was not a vengeful person. But maybe if she pretended she was, she could make it through this without being a burden.

Nadia began to climb up to get a better look at the submarine. "Careful." She called out after her friend flatly.

At that point Mirage made some kind of breakthrough in discovering what this device was for. It seemed like some kind of remote controller. Like a VR headset or something, if this was a sci-fi movie or a gimmicky arcade. There was a loud bang from the room they had just been in. "Let me check it out." She hopped down and made her way back in, peaking into the room.

The robot that had been Mister Carl was...moving? Mirage wanted to get the conveyor belt working. Sakura's eyes went wide, her brows furrowing for a moment as she considered everything. What this all meant. "It's a conveyor belt, Mister Geralt." She explained.

The brunette scratched her head. "Ooh. I get it." She said, nodding slowly. As she walked she made her way over to a railing. "Right. So it might be a good thing I did what I did after all. That way we can remote control Carl's corpse and use him as a scout or even bait for a sea monster waiting below. Perfect! All's well that ends well." And then she leaned over and retched into the water below. Not a lot came out.

Level 2: 04/20
Word Count: 570
Location: Al Mamoon
Points Gained: 1 + 23
New EXP Balance--- Level 2: 08/30

Jesse Faden ended up following the Phantom Thieves to their next destination. She still had questions. The Director needed answers about the Resonance.

(What is the metaverse? What exactly is going on? Where am I? Or rather, where is Al Mamoon?) Jesse thought to Polaris. The guardian angel could offer no response, only a shimmering sign around the group's head. The Phantom Thieves and Primrose. Both Polaris and Jesse's intution told them that these people would lead them to answers. There was a joke Jesse wasn't in on. Joker mentioned earlier the only way Jesse could escape it was by her getting beaten up?

(Wouldn't be the first time I've but my body on the line for science.) She thought. (Hmm. That's a good one. I should say that out loud at some point.)

Jesse looked at Primrose, who made her offer. "Yeah, I'm sticking around." She replied simply. Wasn't much else to say. Then the dancer gave her something of a low-down on the situation in Al Mamoon.

"I had heard a little about it, but I wasn't really paying it too much mind. I figured it wasn't my place. So far the only power struggle I've ever interfered with was the one where I violently took control over the entire place." She admitted casually. "So, y'know. I'll leave that kind of thing to other people."

Once they were in the hospital, they had to wait a bit. The teens elected to nap, but Jesse rarely slept at night, let alone in the middle of the day. It probably wasn't good for her, but...she didn't feel tired often. Hmm. Once the nurse came out, Jesse nodded appreciatively at the Phantom Thieves' little hero shtick.

"Cute," she said to Joker, once they were out of earshot of the nurse.

The living space ship, Necronomicon, returned. The Director rolled her shoulder as she listened. Grimleal versus the Resistance.

(Ugh. Politics.) If she was going to be doing anything good, she'd rather it be something cut and dry. Like going back in that Museum and blasting that painting guy to pieces and then selling him at exorbitantly marked up prices.

Fortunately it seemed things were a lot simpler. They arrived at the aftermath of a battle. Jesse could tell that one half of the engagement were like Primrose and the Thieves: something about them was different. The Director saw a demonstration, some kind of pink heart getting pulled out. Hadn't she seen something earlier with the artist, at the museum? There was mention of a curse of a false god. Sounded like a Resonance?

Jesse slapped Primrose's shoulder with the back of her hand. "There. That. What was that?" She pointed at Mao and Klee. "That was something. Those people had the stuffing kicked out of them and now they're all better. Just like Yusuke. And they get something, too. Shit. I'm so close." Jesse shook her head. Primrose had to play damage control with some weird angry kid with a name that sounded like a cat throwing up a furball. Laharl? Him and some other scrappy little guy named Mao. Jesse would keep her comments to herself, however. It was a little embarassing to admit this to herself but now at least one of them new the truth of their situation. Galeem? Did that have something to do with it?

This whole bunch the Thieves had come across was...eclectic. Jesse took them all in a few moments at a time. From the Bablyonian leader of the Grimleal to the hulking mechanical one-man band, to the floating elf looking thing to the...well, she would be here all day. She'd just have to get properly introduced to everyone over time. There was a grumpy Fox man that seemed to be in charge. He was easily annoyed by the two 'evil' kids little maniacal laughter. Personally, Jesse found it all quite endearing.

"Name's Jesse Faden, by the way." Jesse tossed out a casual introduction. She could always re-introduce herself later. "I have a gun and I can throw big rocks. Where do you want me?" After a moment of deliberation she felt she would stick with Joker, if nothing but familiarity's sake. Normally she didn't like being this relatively helpless, but until she figured out what was going on she just had to keep on chugging. It seemed like the plan was to go and squash this 'Resistance.' From what she gathered it was less of a Resistance and more of a cult of people affected both by Resonance and mind control.

"So. No killing? I'll stick to the Tool Gun, then." She patted her jacket where she kept her Tool Gun holstered. "Immobilization only."
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