Avatar of Zoey Boey


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Current Cassandra Cain
1 yr ago
im 24 now
1 yr ago
Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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1 yr ago
one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
1 yr ago
back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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I'm pretty sure you just do [youtube]url here and then [/youtube] again.

Grim intro! But I like it a lot.

But I am a bit overwhelmed with what you propose, lol. Just anywhere, however? I guess I'll try to think of someting, lol. Probably something in the south of the united states. East texas maybe, where the heat will banish the insects more often. the south is also where I imagined Lizzy lived, so.

But just anywhere? How does that work for you, lol? Is it like I post, and then you do a world update and just make up what she sees?
@BenG85 oh no i didn't lol. i found it. artist didn't leave a signature i guess, or maybe i just stole it from someone who already stole it. but i thought it fit the character i had in my head. She's afraid of Flies, you know the buzzy guys, lol.

All right I'll move her over, sounds good.
Here we go

edit: removed SSV's superpowers
edit 2: added videos

Here's my vigilante (soon to be HERO i hope)! Let me know what you think, or if I should change or add anything.

hey! I'm interested in this
Nuri grinned 'neath her helmet as her swing struck true, the undead's skull being inverted by her overhead. As it fell, she took a moment to observe the situation around her. Leon was dealing with two. As the second skeleton charged her fellow worshipper, Nuri intervened. Skeletons didn't weigh that much, even magically enchanted they were still just bones an armor.

As such, the paladin leaned down, wrapped her hand around the ankle of the twitching skeleton she had just defeated, and whipped it at the skeleton Leon was fighting. There was a brief gout of flame as her armor supported her horizontal throw, sending the skeleton into it's fellow's legs. That ought to knock it off course.

"Hahaha!" Nuri laughed. The ingvarr pummeled one with his fist, and Neffy cut one in half. "Keep up the good work!"

As the second wave approached approached, Nuri pushed on. She met the two-handed sword wielding skeleton with her own two-handed sword, now held in the conventional way by the handle. Expecting to parry the incredibly telegraphed overhead strike by the leading skeleton, she would parry the oncoming blade off to the side, letting the skeleton's blade slide off hers. Her blade angled downward she countered, by jamming the pommel of her sword directly into the skeleton's nose cavity. Then she took a step back and swiped a fearsome fiery swing at all four skeletons, right at shoulder level. "Hrrrah!"
Clara Cabello and Alejandra Jonas

"Look! Look AJ! I made headlines!" Clara slapped the newspaper down on AJ's workbench. Sparks flew and set the paper on fire, which Clara quickly put out, the smile not leaving her face. AJ tipped up her welding helmet and looked at Clara.

"Huh what now?" AJ asked.

"Lookie!" Clara frantically tapped a blurry black and white image. The fire of AJ's welding tool slowly faded.

"I can't hear you- Clara this is dangerous! Give me some room I'm working on something here!" AJ shoved Clara away and started putting things down.

"This's more important, I swear." Clara reassured her friend. An exasperated younger sister managed to stop welding together the seams of the spherical device for a few moments, and gave her best friend the attention she so desperately wanted.

"Look! It's me!" She shoved the newspaper in AJ's face. AJ leaned back and stepped away.

"...I don't see anything."

"There, right there!" Her finger zeroed in on where she knew a dark spot in the corner of a still frame was. "From when I stole that stuff from Hardtcorp. I zoomed right on by the camera!"

AJ read the entire article in a ludicriously fast amount of time, mouthing some of the words to herself. "Clara, this isn't a good thing. They're onto us."

"I'm famous." Clara peaked over the top of the newspaper to study AJ's reaction.

"This is bad. They know-"

"I ain't been caught since! I've been blocking all their camers with your new Zopper, remember?" Clara shows the blocky but undoubtedly effective red devices attached to Clara's wrist. "I've been a ghost. Only common evidence link now between all our heists have been that there is no evidence."

"...I suppose we've been doing better than the other people with superpowers." AJ remarked.

"Right? I mean, that other weird shit has to be people like me, right? Only they're going around beating the shit out of people. I haven't even had to punch one single person since getting my powers!" Clara celebrated.

AJ smiled. "You've been doing great. I suppose we are famous. That's not the worst. " AJ looked again at the photo.

"All we gotta worry about is like, Strand."


"Yeah, you know, Strand. The superhero?"

"Clara, Strand isn't real." AJ said.

"Pfft. Okay, whatever, new kid. That's how I know you ain't been livin' in New York you're whole life." Clara playfully shoved AJ on the shoulder and then chucked the newspaper in the garbage. "I wouldn't be surprised if those other freaks like me decided to put on a costume and start fightin' crime, too."

AJ smirked. "Sure."

"Don't 'sure' me. Smug." Clara clicked her tongue. "Anyway. What's this?"

"Radial adhesive explosive." AJ released the incomplete prototype from it's vice and showed it to Clara. It was a small, red plastic sphere with an orange button ontop. "Press this, wait four seconds, and it will spread adhesive over a 5 meter radius."

"Hell yeah! Like a Goo Grenade."

"...You've always been better at naming stuff than me. That's what we're calling it now, huh?"

"Because no one wants to say Adhesion Projectors and Radius Adhesive Exploder. They want to say Zopper and Goo Grenade. Thirty dollar word usin'-ass." Clara slapped AJ on the shoulder. "Anyway, great work. That'll come in handy for sure! When'll you think it'll be ready?"

"Soon. I just need to make sure it doesn't leak." AJ turned to place it back in the vice. Clara put a hand on AJ's shoulder, catching her by surprise. The redhead, her cheeks turning a shade of floral-like yellow. A few spots of the shade appeared on her arm and knuckles. AJ blinked.

"Err. I'm uh. Proud of you. Or whatever. Good job." Clara cleared her throat. "I'm gonna go- steal something. Bye." She pulled the pair of orange goggles down over her face and sped out of the garage. She quickly closed the metal door behind her and swung off into the night.

AJ smiled broadly and got back to work, pulling the welding mask down over her face.
I vote we keep it vaguely in the past so we can do whatever we want
Amy Rose

"Gimme back my dog, you freak!"

"Alright already, geez!" Amy complained as she let the unhappy dog be taken from her hands by a very frustrated owner.

"You're lucky I don't call the cops!"

"You're unlucky that you don't know true love when you see it! I'm a very compassionate person!" Amy shouted after the retreating couple.

Amy sighed. "How come the tighter I hug something, the more it wants to leave me?" She asked, voice breaking and dejected. As she turned and began to walk toward the festivities, she was surprised to see Cream, Chao, and some other mongoose lady.

"Hey! Hey, Cream. Chao." Amy greeted the little creature stoically. She looked over at Mina. "Nice to meet you! I'm Amy, Amy Rose."

Just then three crazy characters arrived. As Vector asked his question, Amy took a moment to stare at him, utterly blank.

Her face lit up. "...Oh, it's the Chaotix! Yes! Hi! Hello! I remember. Sorry, I've been on my own for a bit!" Amy nodded, hopping up and down. "I'm definitely here for the festivities. The city really comes alive at parties like this! This anniversary is a huuuge event! Plus, when it inevitably goes belly up I have to be here to stop the bad guys!" Amy struck a pose. Casually, excitedly even, predicting the downfall of the party.

"And, you know, to have fun before the end. It'll be fun! I love your outfit by the way!" Amy slapped her knees and bent over at Mina Mongoose, studying her outfit. "Super flashy! Leave some attention for the rest of us, amiright?" Amy nudged Cream on the shoulder and then wrapped her arm around the Rabbit's shoulder, hugging her in close and then leaning on her.

"Mind if I hang out with you guys? I know a great spa! The kind where they put fruits on your eyes! For some reason they never know how many slices to give me..." Amy trailed off and then snapped back into reality. "You can even eat them when they aren't looking! So it's like a snack day, too."

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