Avatar of Zoey Boey


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Current Cassandra Cain
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im 24 now
1 yr ago
Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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1 yr ago
one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
1 yr ago
back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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been meaning to get a post up! will have it soon
gosh, oops. i really was intending on getting a post out but it slipped my mind. i can still do that if you'd like.

Level 3: 13/30
Word Count: 549
Location: Al Mamoon- Rocket Inc
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 3: 14/30

Jesse listened to Midna's explanation and was placated for now. Even if this whole thing did seem stupidly dangerous. Maybe she was just biased because she almost died. Like, as in she was fatally mortally wounded. Maybe they were all used to that kind of thing or something. Jesse had come close to dying sure, but on her world if you got hit like that, you were toast. And if Jesse died, than her friends at the Bureau were toast, too. And she still was trying to process the enormity of the situation she was in.

"It was either walk into a battlefield or let people die. That's what I mean. You can't always engage in the optimal situation." Jesse said. She placed a hand on her hip and thought for a moment.

(I'm used to being in charge, or fighting alone. I'll have to get used to this, turns out.)

Jesse rubbed her chin. Considered Midna's moral plight. "All right. I'll follow along. But we need to do better. I can't die for this sidequest. I still need to know what's really going on here."

Soon, they came to a maze. While the others talked, Jesse kind of tuned out and just observed the entire area. Tempting as it was, she wasn't going to try and start ripping these conveyor belts out of the ground. What would be the point of that? Spite the designer? There would also probably be some kind of trap mechanism or other negative consequence. No, destroying the maze is a last resort. If she was getting chased by a monster or something might give it a shot.

Jesse pursed her lips and surpressed a smirk as Midna floated right over the maze to the exit. Lucky. "I used to be able to do that." Jesse commented. "Soon. I'll be able to do it again. Until then, I'll just have to solve the maze like the rest of the plebeians."

Jesse let herself get taken by the conveyor belts, being flung and spun about the place in the starting area. Just to get used to things. Smoothing out her hair (probably pointless), she rolled her shoulder and got to work on solving this puzzle.

For the first part she followed behind in the eager Mao's footsteps. As she surveyed the environment, she realised he was about to take a wrong move. "Wait up." Too late. "Calm down, Mao. You can solve it easy from there, I'm sure."

The Director looked through the blue glass around her, concocted her plan, and began being pushed a round the place. Hesitating at one part to make sure it was the right move, she continued onwards. Soon she was in the same room with Midna. "All right." Jesse huffed, flattening out her shirt. "Not the most motion sickness activity I've undertaken in my life. We're all good." The Director did look a bit unsteady for a second, blinking a few times and wobbling.

Regaining her composure she nodded at Midna and approached the elevator. Crossing her arms she leaned up against the wall nearby the elevator and waited for whoever wanted to go first to do whatever they wanted to do. Joining this mission half-way through meant she felt zero need to take the lead on this.

On the N-Train

"Mmno, no cash." Pandora responded, dealing out the cards to Marcie and Travis. Even if the quiet girl hadn't responded, the older woman was dealing her in anyway.

"The aquarium, eh? I've seen some mighty strange marine life. Once, I saw the kraken tear a ship apart in the north Atlantic ocean." Pandora said. "Terrible thing. Those poor sailors. Our ship managed to escape, but I wouldn't be surprised if that creature was still lurking beneath the depths. Twice as big as a whale."

They didn't get very far into their card game before the pirates attack.

"Oh, jolly good." The cards were removed from the hands of whoever was holding them and moved quietly back into the card box. "Well. If you were worried about being bored, tonight's guests are going to need to be entertained." She indicated the adjacent train car.

Blitz and Dhampir barelled onwards to confront the invaders who had loudly announced their presence.

"Travis. Marcie." Pandora nodded to the both of them. "You'd better not keep them waiting. I'm sure you'll do fine. Failing that, I'm sure you'll at least survive." The woman had one leg crossed over the other, and made absolutely no movements to move from her seat whatsoever.


"...What the fuck?" Penny murmered under her mask to herself, briefly breaking character. What were they doing? Why were they acting so weird?

Penny Lu might not be the smartest of the smarts, but she did have what apparently nobody planning this entire operation did: experience. Criminals didn't act like this. Sure they could be scared of her, but not like...whatever this was.

Before she could fully contemplate the situation, a little flashlight cut through some of the smoke and illuminated her silhouette. A bit of bad luck, but Shadow Scythe Vengeance turned it into an opportunity. in an impressive bit of sleight of hand she placed a smoke pellet underneath her shoe.

From her pouch she produced a Stink Bomb, or rather, a Gas Bomb. The chemicals inside, designed by a reformed supervillain, were a nasty concoction. Weaponized and re-themed not to just smell really bad, to assault and stupifiy the senses. Like modified skunk bear extract and tear gas. With the other hand, she flung a scythe attached to a chain like a grappling hook. It wrapped around the center supporting beam of the warehouse rafters.

"VILLAINS!" Shadow Scythe Vengeance declared, her voice deep and amplified. Now the light from Leo's phone wasn't a nuisance, but rather a dramatic spot light. Her shadow was enlarged, and painted upon the billowing grey smoke behind her. The beady eyes of her lenses, deep-set within her mask skull, glittered menacingly.

"For too long, you have poisoned the good people of Brookside. It ends tonight!" Truly, she was the reaper-esque visage of vengeance, staring down upon all of them with judgemental intnet.

"This is your one and only warning. Surrender now, and you will not be harmed. If you resist..." She lifted her grenade hand and raised her index finger on all of them. She indicated everyone in the room. "...then prepare for a long, dark night."

At that moment, one woman fired some kind of flaming projectile in her direction. In reaction, the put pressure on the pellet and broke it, creating another burst of smoke in her immediate area. Scythe hopped backwards off the rafter. The tension in her grappling hook kept her suspended a few feet below it. Flicking her thumb, she primed the Gas Bomb and flung it through the smoke at Beth. Someone who could both attack her at range and create consistent light would be a problem.

Should the gas bomb go off and it's particulates inhaled or come in contact with the face, the effects would be painful. Like getting pepper sprayed and suffocated at the same time. Scythe pulled herself up and hopped right back onto the rafter and once again began moving about in the smokey darkness above the warehouse.
well its not been that long.

im still working on finding time to RP today so. should happen soonish.

Level 6: 07/60
Location: The Maw: The Depths
Word Count: 355
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 08/60

The TV connected, but the monster didn't seem to be stopped by it. Instead they blundered onward in a horrific mockery of walking. Clutching the bottle tight, Sakura wondered if they could see her. He wasn't acting like he could.

Geralt and Bella ended up throwing bottles to distract him. Whenever they threw one, he blundered over to it with a terrible noise.

He locked onto Peach, though, the poor Princess being too slow and too loud to escape his wrath. But for a brief moment, Sakura thought he had detected her instead. As it charged towards Peach, Sakura squeezed her eyes shut and hunched down. Like she could do nothing except brace for impact. Nothing happened to her, however. Sakura let out a breath and watched as poor Peach was squished right up against a chain link fence and flung across the way. Horror flashed across Sakura's features. She managed to surpress any vocal reaction though, having realised what was going on.

Mirage was planning on doing something. To be honest, Sakura didn't really have any good plans. The brunette carried her bottle with her like it was the only thing connecting her to this world. As quickly and as quietly as she could, she pattered over to Peach on her tippy toes. Her purple shoes making very small, but still present, tapping noises. Hopefully the racket and schemes the others were making would protect her.

The path ended up with Sakura getting pretty close to the proxy, but some adrenaline based determination kept her moving forwards. "Flight" certainly wasn't her fear reaction. Never had been. Maybe she only froze earlier because punching wasn't an option. Now, though, someone needed her help. Standing idly by wouldn't help their situation.

Sakura gently set her bottle down and rolled Peach onto her back. Lightly, she slapped the side of the Princess' face. "Wake up, Princess Peach! Wake up!" She whispered in an attempt to rouse her. Failing that, she would hook her arms under the Princess's arms and drag her to the shadowed area under the Communications Console, to get her out of the open.
and by today or tomorrow i meant today or tomorrow


Level 6: 06/60
Location: The Maw: The Depths
Word Count: 371
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 07/60

"Oof, yuck."





Sakura rubbed her nose and set down the bottles. "This is just gross bottles of gross stuff. Magic potions don't look like this, right?" The girl coughed. Mirage was still giving updates. Could he even hear them? "Ugh. That was a waste of time. My face hurts. Sorry, Rika-chan, no dice."

How quickly would her focus shift. Bowser was looming right over the edge of the water and almost regretted for her wished for. Fish guy came to eat him right up. Sakura's little arms went up and she ran around in a circle for a moment, a burst of fear giving her energy but having nowhere to expend it. She ended up right back where he started.

"Geez! You distracted him, sure! But that was a little too close, don't you think?" Sakura said.

Another heavy dull thump. Bella called it out. Weren't they supposed to be safe? Sakura grabbed one of the closed bottle and held it by the neck like a makeshift weapon. It felt weird to be using a weapon, they normally weren't her style. But desperate times called for desperate measures.

"I don't know, Bella-san. This place is driving me crazy." Sakura complained bitterly, eyes wide as she tried to find the source of the noise.

Their uninvited guest came to them out of the floor. He, she, they...whatever they were, their form was revolting to look at. Sakura's heart dropped as soon as she saw it. From terror, and also pity. The stretched face looked like it was in horrible, horrible pain. Like many things in the Maw, the visage seared itself into her mind.

Rika panicked and threw a TV (she was strong!) and Mister Geralt threw a bottle. For her part Sakura just stood there. They couldn't run too far away. What if it got Mirage? They had to stay and distract it somehow. Could it really see them? What if they was friendly? Sakura wasn't sure where to go or what to do. So instead she just clutched her bottle, by Rika's side. Analysis paralysis? Frozen in fear? Tactical evaluation? Whatever you call it, Sakura's knuckles were white and she stared up at the proxy.

Level 3: 12/30
Word Count: 441
Location: Al Mamoon- Rocket Inc
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 3: 13/30

Her plan worked pretty damn close to perfect. Except for the part where she failed. The Dragonborn took the hit and poofed away. Maybe she had gone easy on him, after all. She could have blown his damn head off if she wanted too. Instead she aimed for his chest. Because maybe if she just mortally wounded him, Midna could have done that heart thing. And they could have captured him or something. Jesse frowned, still aiming at the spot the Skyrim guy had been.

Mao came over to her, indicating the Dragonborn was most likely dead.

"Well, if he bleeds out wherever he is now, that's not on me." Jesse concluded. The Service Weapon vanished. Her rocket launcher snarled on her shoulder.

Mao handed her the axe. She accepted it reluctantly, but quickly reconsidered. "Err, yeah, you can keep this one, kid. This kind of weapon isn't my style. You'd put it to more use then I could. Plus, I'm running out of places to put weapons." She handed the axe to him.

Midna seemed particularly upset at how this encounter went. The Director watched as Midna freed Laharl from the influence of- whatever it was that brought them here.

"Listen, Princess." Jesse began. That sounded a lot more sassy than she intended. She walked herself back with her body language, raising her hands apologetically. "Princess Midna. I know you mean well. But on my world, taking people alive when shooting starts isn't really a priority. Capturing people who want to kill you, usually means the good guys end up dead. My case in point? I was literally almost shot to death by that asshole because you and me went easy on him." Jesse said with a shrug.

"And it looks like it works the same way here, as well." Jesse concluded. "This is a warzone. People are gonna get killed. Taking folks alive is a luxury."

"Which...brings me to my next question." The Director walked over to Princess Midna. "What the hell are we doing here?" The redhead whispered harshly. "What does this little civil war have to do with anything? Shouldn't we be focused on trying to stop this thing? Whatever it is? Do you have a name for it?" Jesse glanced around.

Lots of people in this room were affected. They had red eyes. With the benefit of hindsight, that must have been what she, on some subconscious level, had been aware of. But that was only because of her prior experience, and even then it was only a tickle in the back of her mind. Someone without her background, or something similar, would be totally oblivious.

will post today or tomorrow!!
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