Avatar of Zoey Boey


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Current Cassandra Cain
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im 24 now
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Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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1 yr ago
one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
1 yr ago
back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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thanks for understanding
sorry i'm going to withdraw.

Level 6: 22/60
Location: The Maw: The Kitchen
Word Count: 649
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 23/60

"Where do we escape?! Where do we- Oh, damn." Kasugano Sakura was shut up as she saw her friends absolutely demolish the baddies. Bowser got turned into a shrimp, but that was small fry in comparison to the damage her friends did to the wizards. Larry even got turned onto their side, which was odd.

Small fry? "Small fry, hahaha, hey, that's small fry-" Sakura began, perhaps slightly delirious, when the shrimp she struggled to carry turned back into her friend Bella. "Bleh!" Sakura blurted, smushed.

Soon she was rolled around with, carried like a toddler. It was certainly better than being tied up above a roaring fire. "I'm ok." Sakura said, simply exhausted. Though not as bad as Geralt due to the fact that she hadn't done any fighting, if she had, she definitely would be in a similar situation. Mental fatigue didn't help her situation, either.

Sakura responded to Geralt's thumbs up with her peace sign, smiling.

"Thanks for saving us, you guys." Sakura said. "Glad to see you're all uh, alive. And know how to make an entrance." She said.

When she realised Geralt was going to be set down to eat with the others, and that it was okay to eat, Sakura requested she bet set down and joined Geralt in a japanese seafood meal. "Itadakimasu!" The girl shouted. Sakura scarfed it down and could barely taste it before it was gone. "Shimatta." She chuckled. "Thank you for the meal. And only being complicit with evil instead of an active participant." She wiped her mouth. "It's okay, sensei, I do it all the time."

Now that she had eaten her vegetable seafood, Sakura felt she was mentally prepared for whatever came next. It just felt so good to eat, Sakura started crying again without realising it. The flavors reminded her strongly of her home. She wiped her eyes and pushed on.

She glanced around at the carnage on the inside of the room Nadia, Ace, and Blazermate had passed through. "Uwa~!" She exclaimed, impressed.

Sakura clenched her fists as she caught a glimpse of that awful woman that did this to all of them and, assumably, everyone on board. From the children in the cafeteria to whoever they were turning into meals. It was all so terrible, she didn't even know how to process it. She just focused on trying to climb these damn stairs. Oh, it was terrible. She asked Bella for 'help' as in: "Please do it for me."

One way or the other, they made it to the top, Sakura on her own two feet again. When they saw the guests in the room, all lazy, fattened up, and oblivious, she remained stealthy with the others as everyone conspired a plan.

Sakura stayed quiet and still, not wanting to do anything else to screw up. The guilt weighed on her heavily, but she didn't want to waste anyone's time. None of them were even bringing up the fact that they were only in this situation because of Sakura's terrible decision. Not even a 'be careful next time.' So clearly, they were all keen to move on. Or maybe they were all just so nice they didn't even think of it. Therefore, there was no reason to bring it up until they were in the clear. Sakura could afford to just bundle it all up and keep it to herself.

"This place it's all...Japanese. Like where I'm from." She said quietly, frustrated. "Great. I hope this doesn't give you guys a bad impression. Now if you ever see my home, you're gonna think of that creepy noh mask wearing, geisha copying, horrible lady. She's just the worst." She pouted. But besides that idle side tangent, she was quiet and just followed whatever the group consensus would be.
Well, here she is. Let me know what you think once you get a chance @Zombiedude101

should i post again or is this RP over?
hell yeah we in business now
it's been a while since i've checked in but i still plan on posting, i've already written some of it.
if this is still on, i'm thinking about writing up a sheet :)

Level 6: 21/60
Location: The Maw: The Kitchen
Word Count: less than 750
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 22/60

As Geralt finished off the miserable butcher, Sakura averted her eyes entirely. She didn't want to see the little boy who was a witcher on the inside stab someone. But she did have to hear it, and it made her queasy. Sakura didn't like killing people because she believed that people with power should aim to do right with their power. But right now, they were powerless. And they were all being abused. Maybe even she was running low on her sympathy batteries for the day. She'd seen so much death these last couple of days, more than she'd ever seen in her life. She had managed to turn on survival mode in this instance.

Bella was in a bad way, even after rescuing Sakura and Rika it was clear something was wrong with her. Crying, sobbing, apologizing, Sakura could barely get a word as the poor girl had a mental break down right infront of her. And her body was all swollen and overweight, which could not have felt good. Having your body get changed like that was just horrible.

"It- it's okay! It's all right!" Sakura frantically tried to reassure her friend. "You- you saved us! You saved us, Bella-san! It's just the curse, it's not your fault!"

Sakura glanced around nervously. "Bella-sa~n it's okay! You saved us!" She just kept repeating it over and over like it made anything better. She tried to switch subjects. "And it's not so bad looking like that! I wanted to be a sumo wrestler when I was growing up! Crap, you don't know what that is!" Sakura held her hands against the side of her head. She was so tired! Why do bad things have to keep happening?!

The universe answered her question by granting her another bad thing to happen. Some wizards came up and fired a projectile. Sakura froze up, and Bella jumped infront of all of them. Sakura gasped in horror as Bella turned into "EBI NO TEMPURAAAA?! EEEEH?!"

Sakura shouted, baffled. "Nooo!" She ran forward as one of the wizards, with his creepy mouth-eye, went to gobble her friend up whole. "Big shrimp! She's a big shrimp! Shrimp! Shriiimp!" She wailed unhelpfully. Mirage, Peach, Bowser, several minions and some other of her friends went to go help by battling the bad guys. All Sakura could do was drag her shrimp friend away from those who wanted to eat her for lunch.

"Where are we going? Where's the escape route?" Sakura shouted. Thankfully, fried shrimp did not weigh that much. In the mean time, just getting Bella away from the Tempura Wizards was good enough for Sakura. Being eaten while in shrimp form was probably the worst way to die. And Sakura thinks that after almost being boiled alive. Being eaten while a shrimp is- is a joke death! It's humiliating! Sakura wasn't going to let that happen to her friend! Bella seemed to care about Sakura a lot, and it made Sakura's heart hurt. She wanted to do right by the Abyssals. "Be careful, Rika-chan!" She shouted, thinking of the other friend she gained during that battle that was only yesterday.

Once again helplessness and frustration racked her body like she was being struck by lightning. Her entire body trembled. Or maybe it was just her being totally exhausted and starving to death. Peach was right, this really was the worst. The worst day of Sakura's life.
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