Avatar of Zoey Boey


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Current Cassandra Cain
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im 24 now
1 yr ago
Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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1 yr ago
one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
1 yr ago
back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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believe it or not, i'm halfway through a killer croc fight

but this bastard is tough and i'm having to think about how batgirl could beat him without getting her organs bitten off
@Yam I Am hooray!

I almost gave her shape shifting but, there's enough tanks in the party already. she's a support role and well, i figured she can get pretty creative with magical plants and animals anyway.
@Yam I Am

I forgot to mention you so i'm doing it just in case- i put a cs submission on page 5, right beneath Slithers
Amy Rose

Amy froze as the two approached her, rock up against the tree. Her eyes were as wide as saucers, and her breathing was heavy. Her gloved fingers began to tap nervously against her improvised weapon. Tails and Mina were behind her, looking at her. They didn't think she was weird, did she?

"Okay..? Yeah, I'm okay!" Amy hid the rock behind her back and turned around, smiling broadly.

Behind her, the tree groaned, tipped over, and crashed, sending up a large plume of dust and shavings."Why do you ask?" Amy fluttered her eyelids innocently.

At Mina's compliment however, the pink-furred girl brightened up. "Really something, huh? You really think so? I work out. Yeah, I kinda lift. Or maybe I was just born that way. One time I'm pretty sure I hit a robot right to the moon. When it's night time next, I'll show you the crater I made."

She giggled uneasily, and then plucked a few blades of dirty grass from her lips and teeth. "Oops. Well, y'know, that's why Sonic's the fastest, and I'm not! Haha! That's why you can fly Tails, and I can't, tee hee! Okay, come on team, we're almost there! Can't keep him of all people waiting, can we?" Amy gently set the rock down on the trunk of the tree she just broke, and patted it on the 'head.'

"Can't let a little tumble slow us down, no ma'am." With that Amy began to run, keeping in conversational distance with Mina and Tails should they choose to keep pace with her.
Here's my character. Let me know what you think.

maybe, lol? I really don't know. I'm kind of getting lost in the flowery language. I like the general idea but I'm losing the specifics
hello, i am interested in this RP, but i am a little confused about the premise.

is the idea to kill the heroes invading the underworld? Or just convert them to the demon side?

Level 6: 24/60
Location: The Maw: The Kitchen
Word Count: short
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 25/60

As Sakura sat down she closed her eyes tight. It was all just too much. She felt so weak and powerless, she knew it was best that she just gave up and sat the rest of this out.

Of course, even now she wasn't thinking straight. It was inevitable that one of her teammates, especially Bella, would want to stay behind to protect her. Even now, Sakura was diverting precious time and resources away from their escape, and towards herself! She just wanted to curl up and disappear.

Mirage had come to cheer her up, and Bella had come to protect her. Meanwhile every one else was heading off to do things, things that could really use their help. Mirage's intelligence and quick shooting, and Bella's wit and strength.

"My home..? It's nice. Listen, guys... please just leave me alone. I'll be fine. If she was going to come and get us, she would have come and got us. I'll just hide here. Don't worry about me." She said, voice quiet. "I'm no good like this." She indicated her child form.

"Mister Mirage, Ms. Bella. Please just go help the others, okay?" She beseeched them earnestly. "It'll make me feel better, really." She lifted the kimono of the geisha mannequin and vanished mostly beneath it.

"See?" She peeked out from underneath. "All good. I'm just gonna- meditate. Or something."
sorry for the delay!! will be posting soon!! i've been these last couple weeks

Level 6: 23/60
Location: The Maw: The Kitchen
Word Count: 521
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 24/60

Sakura wondered if she should be embarassed being carried around like this, but she was too tired to care at this point. Plus, she looked and felt like a helpless child, so it wasn't like she was adult Sakura being carried like this. Right?

Nadia, Mirage, and of course Bella reassured her about her homeland, which made Sakura smile. "Well. All right. I h-hope you guys get to see it someday, but I don't know how." She had imagined that they would all be parting ways once this all over, if everything went back to normal. But she hoped that maybe in this big World of Light, her parents were sitting happily in their house. Once Sakura found them, she could introduce all her new friends to her family and her home. That was a nice thought.

One that wouldn't last for long, as everyone was given backrow seats to the prelude of the night's festivities. The kid from earlier was still running away. Sakura tensed up, turning around to watch with wide eyes. When the Lady picked up Runaway with her magic powers, Sakura cried and averted her eyes, burying her face in Bella's shoulder.

Fabric balled up in her little fists. That poor kid...an actual kid, probably.

"..." Silently, she indicated Bella to set her down. Once back on her own two feet, Sakura straightened out her dress with her shaking hands. A child mutated before their very eyes, and they were powerless to stop it. Once again she felt like throwing up, but she forced herself to keep what little food she had running through her system. Instead she just made an odd noise and coughed. Lower limp trembling, her knuckles were white from squeezing into fists. For a moment, it might seem like she was resolute, or angry. But she wasn't.

"I'll just..." She looked at Ace. "Stay here. I think." She admitted, frightened. Scared of screwing up again, and afraid of dying or being cooked alive or some twisted fate worse than death. Afraid of the ghoulish spectators that relaxed dumbly in the seats infront of her. After a near constant deluge of mistakes and powerlessness, Sakura's spirit had given up the ghost, it seemed. She just couldn't take it anymore.

As Bowser marched off to the store room, Sakura found a clear spot to sit down in the darkness, the geisha dolls looming high overhead. Curling up, she clutched her knees to her chest; as if she was cold. She opened her palms, stared at them for a moment, and then clenched her fists again. Stupid, useless, soft little things. Once again she returned to the question: Who was she without her strength? The answer: A pointless liability. Which, she supposed internally, was fair enough. She wasn't going to be too hard on herself for that. But she did need to stop deluding herself into thinking she could be helpful in these dire circumstances. So she sat in silence, making herself as small and as hard to see as possible in the shadows of the back row of the theater.
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