MacKensie was overjoyed to see Fenna's shoulders free of weight, even if it was only temporary. As they shared amiable conversation and fond memories, the frenchwoman was positively giggly with good vibes. They talked about things that they valued a lot; treasured times and moments of their lives. They talked about things Mytherian and magical; the best moments of their combat experience, the coolest things they could remember themselves doing. And threaded through these topics were tangeants that were so incredibley normal; favourite way to have one's eggs with toast, the woes of public transportation in European cities. These small things that were so boring and regular, no longer taken for granted, were probably where the most animated excitement exuded from the low-energy duo who were so engulfed with the heavenly comfort, that even their laughs came out in a relaxed cadence.
Fenna's story about how she met her husband had MacKensie fawning throughout. "That is so romantic," she commented at one point.
The topic of 'new love' turned MacKensie's mind onto her own potientally romantic situation. It seemed both women's minds had gone to the exact same thing because Fenna was the one to bring it up.
"I noticed how some of the members of our party act around you. You don't have to answer this, of course, but I was wondering how you feel about the members of the party and if you perhaps like a little more?"
There, it appeared - that knot in her stomach. That bright red face. And of course; Fenna was talking about Adam and Zell, she didn't have to say their names. Here, in the paradise of the hotspring and with it 'just between the girls,' it lessened the embarassment. Nonetheless, Fenna was still met with a flustered MacKensie Trydant. There was a moment of stalling from the younger woman, but then she found her words. "Sacre bleu, Fenna," was her intial response. "It is chaos in my mind to think of this question. I don't know how it has come to this, I wish it never would have happened. Before this, it was perfect, I..." Her mind was thinking a million things per second, she wasn't sure which thought to voice. "I feel so connected with everyone here, in Second Chance. So deeply connected for everything we have been through together. But with those two...? Things have become - maybe - something more and I feel like... this is a decision I must make, which rests so heavy on me. Fear to hurt someone, fear of getting hurt, fear of creating a rift in Second Chance." Fear of an adult relationship. She would not voice this one, even for the woman she trusted more than anything these days. That was too pathetic and embarassing to even say out loud whilst alone.
MacKensie laid out her mass of thoughts with such disorganisation, that it would have been understandable if Fenna struggled to keep up. Eventually, and in random pieces; she'd confided all of her specific feelings regarding Adam and Zell, conceding how difficult it was to have these very real kinds of emotions towards two men at once. It didn't comport with her sense of honour as an individual. It didn't make sense to her simplistic 'everyone has a type' narrative, when these two men were so utterly worlds apart in personality. Somewhere in the mix of sentences, she admitted that the easiest decision would be to shut down all advances, make it clear that she was firmly committed to friendship and balance with both. This would put everything right. But she would lose out on her chance for that special someone - her 'Monsieur Postma.' And she may have let slip that she already felt something stronger with one man more than the other. Even if she didn't quite understand it or want to admit it to herself, when so many thoughts come out, Fenna could likely surmise through the clues, which of the two men her heart leaned towards. Would she regret it if she just shut them both down and rid everyone of the conundrum? She could not see the answer. And; even if she did regret, did that change what was the correct decision?
"Is any of this normal?" MacKensie moaned to Fenna. "I am so frustrated that I cannot tell."
She would ask Fenna more about her husband and how it was for her, how he could make her feel, how she knew that he was the one, MacKensie seeking to understand someone who had been through this kind of thing and actually come away with the man of her destiny. This whole topic had been a moment to truly appreciate Fenna being Fenna. The conundrum of Adam and Zell was something MacKensie thought she was stuck all alone with, but Fenna was here for her. It meant a lot.