MacKensie's routine was similar to those of her recent mornings since being named a Captain of the garrison. She was up before sunrise so that she had time to go to her favourite spot by the canalside do her usual stretching exercises. Then she would head back and trade a hearty 'Good morning' with Frederick, get a shower, some breakfast and head out to the Military Centre to arrive before her block, The Rabbits. She would help out with the menial tasks around the training yard while making sure to greet all of her soldiers as they rolled in, being sure to test herself on remembering all of their names. Some required a reminder, which was not good manners, but her commitment to the men and women would hopefully mean more than etiquette, airs and graces.
Light exercise would begin while those who had missed breakfast were sent to the mess hall to grab a quick bite to eat. Then - a slight change to schedule - she would start archery practice as a morning training instead of in the afternoon.
"Permission to speak, ma'am."
MacKensie smirked as she watched The Rabbits organise at the range. She knew the voice. "Come now, Sergeant Grimes; you do not require my permission for that. You know this."
"Just teasing, ma'am," he didn't smile nor did his gruff tone indicate humour, but MacKensie understood that this was just his way and so smiled for him as she regarded him sidelong. "Just wonderin' why we're using the range early today."
"I am out for lunch and I'm not sure how long I'll be," she explained, a tinge of excitement making itself known in her heart as Alison's face came to mind. "I would rather be here for archery. I trust you to handle everything else." Her eyes went back to scanning her soldiers. "Robinson has yet to correct his posture on release, and I need to see if Sellers, Grimwold and Zu'bah in particular have taken to the lessons from days past. Others also have a few bad habits that need some extra polish while we still have time." As she looked back at Grimes, she placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder briefly. "Don't worry, I've squared our time away with The Bulls. Captain Wulrick is happy to take our afternoon slot, today."
Wulrick, leader of The Silver Arrow - MacKensie had not forgotten their helping hand when Second Chance snuck back into the city. The experience with their party Druid left a lot to be desired, but on the whole, they were good people.
Grimes nodded, satisfied, then folded his arms and watched as the arrows began flying. "Your confidence has grown in leaps since your first day, ma'am. When I first saw you, I figured you were just another hastily promoted officer. Then I realised the consolation that at least you cared and were willing to try and learn. And learn, you have. The Rabbits are in good hands."
"You are too kind, Sergeant. I will endeavour to live up to your praise. You have my word."
MacKensie ended the morning with an alarm drill, blowing the uniquely low-sounding whistle that signalled The Rabbits to stop what they were doing, arm themselves for battle and head to the rendezvous point as quickly as possible. There they formed up and, in a quick and orderly fashion, made their way up to their designated zone on the wall. As soon as the final soldier had a fully drawn bow with an arrow nocked, MacKensie stopped the timer and congratulated The Rabbits on shaving a couple of seconds off their best time.
She left The Rabbits in the capable charge of Grimes, parting ways with her block before they headed back to the Military Centre. Her own destination was The Mended Drum to meet up with her friends and Alison for introductions and she went with a spring in her step, happy to have had a productive morning, received some praise from the experienced Sergeant Grimes and would now get to what would undoubtedly be the best part of her day.
As she got onto the street where sat The Mended Drum, she saw Barracker, but the man was too far away to call after, so she simply continued on, seeing him disappear inside before she eventually got down the street and went in after him. She greeted anyone else who had already arrived, flashing a brilliant smile before going over to Frederick to make sure he was ready for the coming rush of requests for food and drink. It was after this when her keen senses picked up a noise, a thump of sorts coming through the ceiling, as if something had fallen over upstairs. Perhaps it was instinctive that her eyes would search about the tables and note that; among the missing attendees to their lunch date were Barracker and Zell. It brought her mind back to yesterday when Barracker was acting strangely and looking for the other swordsman. And then came the banging noise again.
She did go and sit down, but the nosey side of her grew more and more curious, until she eventually excused herself and went upstairs to see what, if anything, was going on. Walking down the corridor, her ears picked up voices coming from Zell's room and so she approached and knocked on the before letting herself in.
"Is everything alright? I heard... banging..." her voice trailed off as she looked around the room and saw the mess. Worringly evident by their faces, they had been fighting, but what muted and confused her horrified reaction was the fact that they seemed quite calm now. Relaxed, even. There was no hint of animosity or resentment between them, or tension in the air. It was all incredibley strange to the Ranger, who had no experience in such things as fights between friends, so she was simply frozen at the door, half in the room, half out, staring dumbly as she got her response.