Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mind of Madness
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Mind of Madness Sanity overrated

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

If the next part of the post order goes down I will get my post in after my Exercise Sim or PT or whenever it is posted.

Edit:( Basically I have a Mock Mission Simulation tonight, and I had Physical training test 15minutes ago.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VoiD
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VoiD Perpetually mediocre

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So, er, is someone going to post or...?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mind of Madness
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Mind of Madness Sanity overrated

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I would just post a new post Ethir and have hatter do a catch up post.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by River


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Mind of Madness said
I would just post a new post Ethir and have hatter do a catch up post.

Yeah, I'm really eager to get things going already! :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gargoyle


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Orshean White-Blood

Follower of Erthantis



Orshean enjoys putting his mind to the test and thinking up new inventions and enchantments, or simply combinations of the two. He tries his best to put this aspect of himself to work whenever he can, including while he fights.

Quick to Adapt

Orshean's fighting style has lead to him to be able to react to almost any situation in a variety of ways. This also leads to him being much more open minded and tolerant towards others and their ideas. He is never one to dismiss anything thoughtlessly, and listens to what others have to say (though this may lead to time being wasted.) However, being caught in one situation for too long tends to bored Orshean.


As a man who makes a living using his intuition to create new goods and haggle with impatient customers, Orshean is less likely to simply go along with something someone says, and is willing to start arguments over the flaws in others ideas or beliefs. Though he is ultimately tolerant towards others, he does like engaging in these debates, even if wouldn't take them too far. He has a sense for when something can go wrong, and actively uses it in the form of sarcasm and dry quips.


Orshean was in a state of recovering from his wife leaving him when he had received the letter from Fingar, and is thus much more pessimistic about life. While in a state of depression, however long it will continue to last, Orshean is anti-social, and isn't as willing to help others when asked.

Orshean was born in the mountainous region of Sythis facing the Whispering Woods in a small town called Granten. Here it was that he lived a normal life with his parents and younger brother, opting to work in the towns blacksmith as an apprentice (though not having a true passion for the craft.) As a child, Orshean would watch the roads leading up to and away from Granten near the base of the island, searching for any merchants that might come that way. He wished to learn all that he could about the outside, and would use what meager money he made to purchase books and various oddities from these people, always exited to bring back and show off what he would find. Unfortunately, when he was 15 his father died in hunting for food, ravaged by a pack of wolves. This left the duty of supporting his family and being the man of the house to Orshean, a duty he solemnly accepted, putting a stop to his hopes of getting out of town.

He grew to despise the town, seeing it as a cage. Had his father still been alive, he would have been out by the age of 18, but it was not so. His only hope lay in his younger brother, who he would eventually bestow the responsibility of taking care of their mother when he came of age, but that would not be until at least five more years, which was equal to their age gap. He continued to work as the towns blacksmith after the original had died, and was able to bring in a bit more money, even though he began to hate the job as much as he did the town. The man had essentially no free time, and worked long hours to provide for his family. He spent his nights lazily lying in bed, looking out the window, imagining the world outside of his despicable town.

It was in this state of misery that Orshean made a decision that would become is one shame in life. One day he was able to break free from work and take a break during a festival in Granten celebrating the Immortal Nine. Orshean did not attend, instead taking the opportunity to see if he could get a taste for the world again. Instead of heading towards the base of the mountain though, Orshean decided to head up, towards the shadow lands. He was constantly told that it was a dangerous area, but on that particular night Orshean did not particularly care for danger. In fact, he hoped something would happen, anything that may break him free from the rut he was currently living in.

His wish came true in the form of Erthantian raiders. He was captured near the top of the mountain, where the group of raiders demanded to know the location of his village. Though he refused at first, Orshean quickly realized that this was it. If he were to get out of his home town, now may be his only chance. He guided the group to Granten himself. There he watched as the raiders attacked his home, destroying building, setting fires, and killing citizens. Only a few survived, his family being among them, who ran into the whispering woods. Orshean stood in the ruins of his town when a smile crept onto his face. He began to to maniacally laugh and kicked the rubble, any guilt for what he had done fading fast.

It seems that I've slipped through the bars of my cell

Orshean was completely alone now. His family was gone into the woods, and Orshean knew little of the outside world. Luckily, the raiders forced him to make a decision: join the Erthantians or be killed. Orshean immediately agreed to join, and went with them, attacking various towns within the mountain. At the age of 23, Orshean broke off from the group and traveled alone to Kathar, where he met and married Alara. The two lived happily, though Orshean kept the beliefs forced upon him by the raiders. Orshean learned his magic during this time, and set up a shop within the town, selling goods he would craft and offered temporary enchantments for a cost. Though their first child died at infancy, they were granted one healthy daughter, whom Orshean loved. It was at the age of 26 that he confided in her his past sins.

His wife ran from him the night he had done so, taking their daughter with them, horrified that the man she had married was capable of committing such atrocities. Orshean turned to drinking for the next year, but painfully continued his existence. That is, until he received a letter from the High Priest Fingar.

Weapon of Choice
Although Orshean carries a mace, he isn't completely proficient in it's use, and thus doesn't always use it in combat, adopting a combat style in which Orshean "improvises" during each fight, using his enchantment magic on whatever he has with him and whatever he could find. This is obviously not one hundred percent effective, which is why Orshean does his best to keep out of fights whenever possible.The restult is mostly random, for example: Orshean carries around pre-enchanted, pieces of paper crumpled into a ball. The property granted to them is that of "Personification", and so he is able to toss them at people in whatever animal form he chooses.

Artifacts enchanted beforehand are much more potent than those enchanted on the spot, can have a larger variety of properties, have no time limit to them, and can be thought out better. There are many attributes that Orshean can only grant as long as he does so before hand, since it takes time to do so. Orshean must perform a ritual in which he fuses the artifact with a chunk of his own mana, which only returns upon it's destruction, which means that he can only have as many pre-enchanted artifacts as he has mana. In his current sate, Orshean is able to carry four pre-enchanted objects: The paper mentioned before, salt stuffed into a bag that is able to heal wounds, the previously mentioned mace is reinforced so thoroughly that smashing it on the ground could leave a crator, and ink, which he uses to sort of pseudo-enchant his own body, since it is impossible to do so conventionally. Only one attribute can be applied to any given artifact.

When in the heat of combat, Orshean is able to apply a few attributes to objects he finds or whatever he has on himself. Since these are done without a ritual, they have a time limit of one hour, have a limited amount of applicable attributes, are generally weaker than those done with a ritual, but take significantly less mana to create.

Powers & Abilities


Working as a merchant, Orshean is used to discussing prices with customers, and knows the best way to get a fair trade. This also leads to him being able to apply this to other situations, like dealing with contracts, negotiations, and even talking down muggers.


Orshean is a powerful mage, but only when it comes to enchantment magics. Enchantment is the art of granting new aspects to fairly ordinary objects, allowing them to became far more useful. Not only can Orshean apply this to combat, but it is very useful utility wise as he has near limitless possibilities for the world around him.


As an ambitious inventor, Orshean is able to craft various goods, such as cloth, leather, some basic armors/weapons (or repairs), and various other things.

Tavin White-Blood: Father/Deceased
Mavra White-Blood: Mother/Alive
Holden White-Blood: Younger Brother/Alive
Alexenn Hammerfall: Best Friend/Deceased
Ajara Thoughrell: Divorced/Alive
Kendrid White-Blood: Son/Deceased/8
Leandra White-Blood: Daughter/Alive/5/With Mother

As a dwarf, Orshean's hardiness and resistance to disease are above average.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Empress' body is getting cold, guys.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ethir


Member Offline since relaunch

VoiD said
So, er, is someone going to post or...?

Sorry sorry sorry! I'll get a post up today, but again not until after college....but you shall get one today, never fear!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Just thought I let you know the CS is coming along, Sorry if I am taking to long or holding anything up.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ethir


Member Offline since relaunch

Damo021 said
Just thought I let you know the CS is coming along, Sorry if I am taking to long or holding anything up.Damo.

You're not holding anything up, don't worry. I'll post later today and anyone joining or not yet posted for the first time can simply add in a catch up post
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

name: nexu
age: 25
race: vishkanya

allegiance: servant of erthantis
class: assassin
profession: assassin


He is tall 6'3 and his skin is covered in pale golden scales. His eyes are a mesmerizing golden hue and he has straight white teeth with elongated canines. He is tall and muscular due to his years of rigorous training and his arms torso are riddled with scars of all varieties and sizes. He has long black hair that he keeps tied behind him in a braid that hangs down his back. His fingers and toes have claws that he keeps neatly filed into killing points.


He is a cold hearted assassin. calculating and borderline cruel he sees his targets as nothing more than corpses. This does not make him arrogant it just makes his drive to kill even greater, and he harbors a deep hatred for human kind for they shun him due to his appearance. His only flaw as an assassin is that he refuses to kill children


Nexu was raised in service to Erthantis and raised to kill. He never knew his parents nor does he know anything of his race only that his whole purpose in life is to serve the dark one. At a young age he slipped free of his instructors and then ran to a nearby village the humans and other such races there fled from him then tried to kill him. Using his training he escaped and then returned to his mentors where he was severely beaten and then starved and dehydrated as punishment. Throughout his life he has known nothing but pain and this has turned him into a cold hearted murderer he kills without reservation or care,but somewhere deep in his heart he refuses to kill children.

As a child Nexu was kind hearted and gentle and disliked combat. However as his teachers who were also his jailors schooled him in the dark arts of assassination and torture(which was often taught when he was the one being tortured) his soul and mind were twisted into dark stains of hatred. At the age of ten they introduced Nexu to a girl who he trained alongside though it was still harsh she was kind and beautiful, and did not fear him as most humans did. This girls name was Allira and she like him had been raised in the darkness but had managed to persevere and was a ray of hope. As they matured and trained Nexu developed deep feelings for the young woman and soon came to love her, but at the age of seventeen as a test of willpower they used back magic to control Allira and make her attack Nexu. Now was the time for his choice and as he plunged his dagger into her beating heart they removed the spell so that her last moments she was returned to herself and he had to stare into the face of his beautiful lover as she died in his arms. As tears streamed from her eyes and she slowly bled to death in his arms she reached up to touch his face one last time and asking in a faint dying heartbroken voice "why........". This was to much for Nexu to bear as his lover died in his arms his sanity shattered and all that was good inside him died. He hated his captors for doing this to him, he hated the world for killing her, and he hated the nine for taking her from him. On that day Nexu lost a part of himself and gave into endless seething rage.

In the middle of the his training one day his masters sent for him and as usual he was bound in chains as he was set before them. They had received word from a contact of theirs that the queen had been murdered and now the servants of Eranthis were being called. This being said they ordered him unchained and gave him orders to go to this city and help his new master in any way he could as this was said they plunged a dagger with an ornate golden dragons head engraved into the blade into the table and merely told him to take it. The chains removed Nexu was finally able to do what he had brooded over for seven long years ripping the dagger from the table he sliced his own hand and screaming "I SERVE NONE BUT MYSELF" threw his toxic blood upon them and as they covered themselves to avoid it he leaped over the table and carved their flesh from their bones. The slaves that had once been his guards made no action to help what had once been their masters they merely stood their as this reptilian man wrought the very flesh from their corpses and broke their already dead bones in his mindless rage."Now my love I have avenged thee and I will help this dark one Eranthis until I destroy the nine and I can reclaim you as my own" as he said this Nexu cut the no longer beating heart from one of his masters and crushed it in his hand. Walking past the slaves that stood in the doorway he calmy stepped out of the doors of his prison for the first time in fifteen years and his journey for vindication began.



He has been trained to blend into the shadows and to hide his movements and breath. years of training in this since birth have made him extremely proficient.

gift of the vishkanya

Though he knows nothing of his race he has learned that his blood and his saliva are both toxic and make for a potent venom or poison.

demon with steel claws

He has been raised to use a knife since the day he could walk and he Is exceptionally talented in combat with one from throwing it to melee he is a fearsome combatant with a blade in hand.

weapon of choice

A straight dagger with the head of a dragon emblazoned with gold on the blade.


He has no relatives he knows of and killed his masters and the only woman he ever loved.He has no relations.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Mad Hatter
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The Mad Hatter ... All the best people are

Member Seen 18 days ago

Sorry, you guys, but I won't be able to get a post in as planned. In fact, it will be a few days until I have the time to do anything. You can go ahead and post normally; I'll jump in when I get the time and there is an opening for it.

I have a funeral to plan.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AliceZaru


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Mad Hatta!

I didn't know you were that Mad!

Joking im Joking ~Chucking~\

Hoope everything goes well and the family that is hosting the funeral.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ethir


Member Offline since relaunch

The Mad Hatter said
Sorry, you guys, but I won't be able to get a post in as planned. In fact, it will be a few days until I have the time to do anything. You can go ahead and post normally; I'll jump in when I get the time and there is an opening for it.I have a funeral to plan.

My condolences~

Take your time, I'll be posting later and you can feel free to jump in when you get the chance
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

so is the character I made ok? like accepted or no?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ethir


Member Offline since relaunch

drallinix said
so is the character I made ok? like accepted or no?

I sent you a PM regarding the matter
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 9 days ago

I just realized your not accepting any more supporters of the immortal nine. does this effect my CS as I already started working on one with a future plan of a second character being the follower of Erthantis.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ethir


Member Offline since relaunch

You fall under the exception of already having spoken to me before I put the notice up. Continue with your Immortal Nine Supporter

Also, posted! :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mind of Madness
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Mind of Madness Sanity overrated

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hmm I will allow others to start there posts before I go ahead and post mine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Okay thanks was just checking, I'll get back onto the character, I have enjoyed reading the posts so far! I have not seen large post like that in a while. :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ethir


Member Offline since relaunch

Damo021 said
Okay thanks was just checking, I'll get back onto the character, I have enjoyed reading the posts so far! I have not seen large post like that in a while. :D

I only put up such a large post because I'm effectively playing three characters...so it calls for a loooooong wall of text :/
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