Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

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No, I've got a post incoming for Chris. Zephy is just out of play/off screen at the moment.

I think you're still around, and and as far as I know, Boyd is still around too.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hakai
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*lurks about*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Hakai said
*lurks about*

*Pounces on lurker*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hakai
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ACK! *is pounced*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MouseKing


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So basically if Damien and Liah don't respond, I guess I'll just have my character respond to Isabel shooting guns at walkers in the asylum. For the record which room is Isabel in Fallenreaper?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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MouseKing said
So basically if Damien and Liah don't respond, I guess I'll just have my character respond to Isabel shooting guns at walkers in the asylum. For the record which room is Isabel in Fallenreaper?

Cool or else there's going to be a pile of corpses in that room when they finally get out, lol. And it's a panicked Ted who's firing, Isabel's too smart as she's going to be shouting at Ted in Spanish in a moment. Can't blame the guy after all. Being cornered in a windowless room, the door locked and in the mostly dark isn't exactly a good situation to be calm in. XD

In the part marked Hall on the map, just right of the stairway and parlour as well as behind the portico so the group should be rather close to the gunshots. They are at the door nearest the parlour you indicated and across the stairs if I read the map right.

Hakai said
ACK! *is pounced*

You enjoyed it, admit it! :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by liah


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

My bad, y'all. I'll have a response up by tomorrow. It's real late right now and I'm about to turn in for the night. But I'll have my reply up by the early afternoon. 'Round 12.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

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So...Should I declare this dead and maybe consider a reboot?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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You have a few options: either do another sound off, then figure a way to merge the those remaining or you could do a reboot. The choice is up to you really. Either way, I still aim to bring in Isabel. However if it's a reboot, I might try to have her connected to some PCs by having them part of her survivor group. Even altering her history a bit or create memories of that time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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You have a few options: either do another sound off, then figure a way to merge the those remaining or you could do a reboot. The choice is up to you really. Either way, I still aim to bring in Isabel. However if it's a reboot, I might try to have her connected to some PCs by having them part of her survivor group. Even altering her history a bit or create memories of that time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by liah


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Honestly, I think you should do a reboot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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okay, so... Walking Dead.

I'm tempted to restart this in a home-grown environment, where I can use more more variety, and throw in more elements.

If we do a reboot, I might well want to center it around an Asylum. It seems to be a favorable idea among most. Also, would we ant to do it in Miami or switch it to some other location?

Any ideas, comments, suggestions? Let me know what you guys would like to see/do.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hakai
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You know my thoughts Tear XD. *sits on her hands and behaves for now.*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Tearstone said
okay, so... Walking Dead.I'm tempted to restart this in a home-grown environment, where I can use more more variety, and throw in more elements.

Home-grown environment are always fun, namely cause not just you but everyone else can toss in their own flavor as well. Take a rp called Apocalyptica, an advance rp, that I'm in has a little bit of everything from different zombie genres like Walking Dead to Left 4 Dead, most which are all Player made mostly. We'll still have that gritty flavor which is fun.

Tearstone said If we do a reboot, I might well want to center it around an Asylum. It seems to be a favorable idea among most.

Yes it is. I can suggest to figure a way we can incorporate the boat for those still wanting that sea flavor, I liked the idea and think making it possible in some manner (even a short time) to be able to pass between the two might fun for a change of pace. Mainly it could be used for quick or semi medium trips for salvaging along nearby coasts, even an ill thought of get away plan gone wrong and making of the First plotlines an aim to get back to the Asylum.

Tearstone said Also, would we ant to do it in Miami or switch it to some other location? Any ideas, comments, suggestions? Let me know what you guys would like to see/do.

We can still do it in Miami but here's some points to keep in mind:

-Miami's a city so with the outbreak happening, it's likely most supplies like food, water, medical supplies and more are concentrated in fixed areas like schools, malls, and what not. This makes one stop markets for the end of the world if you can get to them safely. However there's likely hordes of them and this makes it rather hard and dangerous to go too deep into the city.

-Lots of twists because it's a city, due to the walls and buildings. It makes a rather fun maze of sorts when it comes to running for supplies. Also a lot of dead ends and hidden walkers. It's also near the coast so plenty of sea food if you know how to prepare and catch it.

-Florida is hot/warm during the winter making it less likely we will freeze to death. We also don't have to worry about gathering food before then and instead forge during that time. Humidity and heat stroke are our primary dangers first, which since there's no electricity then Air Condition is out of the question so we wi have to figure a way to keep cool.

If we do switch it, I personally think Maine might be fun to do as well and possibly something near a few sea cliffs.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Let's not forget that with sanitation efforts now ended, insect population like mosquitoes are going to explode. West Nile, yellow fever, and malaria are going to explode again in the south amongst the surviving population.

I'm not sure I agree with the idea of malls and stores, and emergency centers having much food or supplies. If you ever study how fast the shelves of a supermarket empty when there's an emergency coming or on-going, in a situation like a zombie outbreak, its going to go even faster. Same is true for gas stations, especially as logistics break down. Who wants to deliver a load of stuff to their local Walmart when there could be zombies trying to chew my little girl's face off -right now-? What's more important? Also, how long am I going to be stuck in this traffic?

And that's before the looting starts and people start taking matters into their own hands. The cities would be pure chaos in a very short time, as police, fire, and emergency medical services are overrun. National guard gets called in along with FEMA and the CDC,but there's very little they could do. If it was one state, sure, it might not be such a big problem. It seems that every state would be having issues, or at least the major cities in short order. Which means that their resources are spread pretty thin. Martial law would probably be declared very shortly with active military moving into the cities, coordinating with whatever services were left. They would probably start engaging in combat operations and sanitization operations, much like is depicted in Season 2 of The Walking Dead. They'd be dropping napalm and setting up combat cordons.

However, it wouldn't be terribly effective, besides White Phosphorous. Military trains to shoot center mass at long to medium distance. It's drilled into them all the time. Most of the time they use burst or automatic fire as a three round burst through the chest is pretty much a bad day for anyone, and is probably the last bad day they'll ever have. When they start to shoot and the bullets pass through with no notable effect, a good number will panic and start shooting wildly. Even when they figure out headshots work, it's only going to be disciplined shooters that make it work. Expert units like SEALs, Rangers, Delta, Green Berets, Marine RECON, CavScouts, and so on will probably fare much better, or those with combat experience will probably do alright. Which means that there will be 'civilians' who handle themselves, as well as active units that are stateside that will probably do well. The military could do a number of things to increase their effectiveness, but it is likely they will try to engage on the ground, instead of from elevated positions that have been barricaded off, which leaves them in reach of the massive groups of walkers.

Now, enterprising units who think and decide to take the high ground and take a building, put a rifleman in every window above the second or third floor could be highly combat effective. Perhaps the tactic would spread to other units. If so, there's a fighting chance, especially if choppers aren't used for medivac but resupply. Drop off beans, bullets, and water, take the ones that haven't been injured by the biters, but may have been injured in another way, rotate in fresh troops.

Sorry, off on a tangent. Anyway, I think the shelves in stores would empty out very very fast, especially since it's a SHTF situation that is WrOL (without rule of law).

Maine could be good during hte warmer months, but they have really harsh winters. Life or death stuff. Just a thought.

Still looking for more, and no, Fallen dear, my long part of this post isn't an attack on you or anything. It's just a commentary on goverment inefficiency/inadequacy in a situation like that, especially in a world with no zombie culture.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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So is nobody else going to weigh in or say anything?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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I already did, and no I didn't feel like you were attacking me. I never thought of half of that and it does make sense, though it never states (from my understanding) how quickly the event happens which might affect that as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

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Well, there's a few different ways it could progress.

First way, patient zero gets bitten or infected from something somewhere. Patient Zero wanders home, dies, turns, bites, someone else, maybe several someones before he is restrained or killed. They die and turn, and bite several someones, and so on. Typical Class 1 outbreak scenario as detailed in Max Brooks' works. The problem with this, is that with quick thinking and coordination such an event could be stopped in it's tracks.

Second way is that there's something in the water, food supply, or air that gets spread through the population. It may have hopped species from the animal kingdom, but is now among people. People start to become sick with flu-like symptoms, high fever, bad chills, severe body aches, tiredness, delirium, dehydration, nausea. After a few days to a week they begin to expire, in waves and droves. And then after a while, 10 hours or more they start to reanimate and resurrect, and that's when the real horror begins.

I could think of one or two more ways this could work, but it wouldn't be close enough to the Walking Dead to call it that anymore.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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"Call it..."
"Time of death, 3:54 AM Central time (9:54 AM GMT)."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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"Pity...well, back to the drawing back then."
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