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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

With the two mages getting closer to the farmer, and one of them calling out to him, the old man stopped his work in his field to look at them. To be honest, he was expecting a bit more. One of them was just a kid, and couldn't be older than eighteen. The other one looked a bit more qualified, as he looked older. The two of them side by side made the farmer believe that they were younger and older than they actually were, and he wasn't quite sure what to expect. "Thank you two for coming here. I don't know what happened to it, but it's my prized ox. I'll pay you more if you can bring it back to normal without hurting it too much."

As good as the deal sounded, Darren shook his head and looked forward blankly. "I don't think we can do that, sir." He told the farmer. "We don't have the slightest idea of how to bring it back, and the only real option is killing it. I'm sorry about your ox." While the farmer looked at him oddly, he understood that the best idea would be to kill it and see what happens. They weren't there when the transformation happened, and even if they were, it probably wouldn't help them at all.

The farmer sighed at the two and nodded. "Alright then. Got and kill it and see what happens. Thanks for the honesty, boy..." He looked at Darren oddly again and saw that his face was completely relaxed, and his light green eyes were only focused straight forward. "Well, best be off fighting that beast then. If you guys are anything like the old guild, and there's probably going to be some destruction along the day." He chuckled to himself. "Well, off with you two. go and put that thing to sleep."

The yell you a young woman could he heard from afar, startling a few people as a blur of silver passed through the streets. Nobody was hurt by the blur, but a few people were knocked back by the wind that followed it. Whatever it was, it seemed to be going in the direction of the guild hall. A few of them know who it was that created the blur, and weren't all that phased by it, but the few that didn't know were scared that Magnolia was being under attack.

Sasha found that using her Velocity Saber was the best for of high speed travel, and although it did use some magic, she would get it back relatively fast. She had heard of another guild member from lng ago that did something like what she was doing, but it was far more destructive, and ever required the city to move to that nobody was hurt during his entrance. She couldn't remember his name exactly, but she was sure that it had something to do with a guild. Moving her thoughts aside, the young woman began to slow down as she reached the guild. She had done this a few times before, and had a good guess about how much magic to use while doing it. Once her blade stopped propelling her forward, her legs touched the ground and she ran into the guild, trying her best to stop before the his anyone. Luckily, she stopped before that, and looked around with a smile. "Hey everyone!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


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Kage turned his head look over at Bardock and breifly looked over the elk. "I'm sure he'll able to do simething with it to say the least." he said managing a smile. He scratched the back of his head as if guilty. He was well aware of how bad of a cook the man was but at the same time he was a dear friend that Kage had known for years. When it came to this manner, Kage was spineless and the terrible chef would keep his job unless someone else told him otherwise.

"Well.. was the hunt good?" he asked in an awkward fashion. He wasn't quite liking the silence and decided to try and start up a conversation. Sadly, he wasn't sure what to say to Bardock so he went with the most obvious subject.

However his gaze strayed over to Sasha and he gave a friendly smile. "Hello!"
There was a small moment of silence after Ophelia's questioning. It appeared Eden was debating whether or not to end the conversation there but then again, it was not a touchy subject for her. Rarely anything was, she just chose not to say anything most of the time. "It isn't far... Maybe five minutes or so." she said addressing her first question.

A few steps after that, she added in her second answer. "I'm from a small town not far from here." she told her giving a small shrug. She didn't give clear details on the exact location. Eden just assumed it was unnecessary.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zathrax


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Sayto proceeded through the gates to the town of Magnolia, the guild here was the next on his list of places to check out and see if he’d like to join. He walked through the city streets calmly, acting as though he’d lived there for years. Not one of the citizens seemed to think he was anything other than a local going out for a stroll. That was good, he didn’t need them getting in his way. “Pardon me ma’am.” He asked one of the passers by in an uncharacteristically kind voice “Could you tell me where the Fairy Tail guild is?” he continued. The woman whom he’d stopped pointed up to the guild hall which was visible from even this distance as it was located on a high hill. He thanked the woman and walked a little closer to the guild hall before stopping. Here he thought, would be a good place to test the strength of this new Fairy Tail. He’d heard legends of the strength of the old guild, now he’d test them to see if the new one stood up to his standards.

He paused for a moment, narrowing his eyes at the guild hall, “Now… how to get their attention?” he asked himself as he gazed up at the hall before looking at the houses nearby. “Yes, surely that will do.” He said as he raised a hand and pointed two fingers toward five different houses, moments later five different thunder claps echoed over Magnolia and a pillar of smoke began to rise from a block of the city. Sayto sat down in the middle of the square of burning houses which he’d just ignited “Now Fairy Tail… Let’s see what you’ve got.” He said
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Wanderer

The Wanderer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A loud wall of sound roared past them, Kelvin turned his head in time to be assaulted by four more roaring waves of air. "What is that?" His voice was low and more to himself than anyone around him. His eyes caught on the black dirty smoke beginning to gush into the sky from the direction of the guild. "Oh... we gotta get back. Now." Kelvin's mind raced, and he looked back at Calla reluctantly. That didn't look or sound like an accident. It was magic. Was the city under attack? If so, how could he leave her alone? But she was armed and armored... and her magic.

"Calla, we don't have time to wait. If you can protect yourself, then follow as close as you can. If you can't, find Kage." He spoke as fast as he could and then turned, sprinting back towards the guild, and the flames. As he ran, golden magic circles erupted under his feet. To anyone other than him, his body seemed to suddenly rush forward unnaturally, bolting back the way they had come. It wasn't far at all, only a few streets. But if people were hurt, every second counted.

Magic Power: 80/100
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


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The eruption and then the sight of the black clouds made Calla's eyes widened with surprise. Who was the fool that started that? She couldn't helped but wonder. Her hand now rested on the hilt of her sword as if suddenly ready for battle.

At his words, she seemed offended. "If? I'm a member of fairy tail! I can handle myself fine!" she boasted before taking off after him. Of course she was much slower than him. Not only was he using his magic, but she also had armor on. As light as it may be, it still slowed her down some.

Of course this didn't stop her from tag along to the scene of the fire. She didn't think her magic would help much in such a situation but that didn't mean her assistance wouldn't be useful.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HeartlessNobody
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HeartlessNobody Ghost of the Mad King

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Bardock watched Kage scratch his head in a guilty manner. Everybody in the guild hated the cook's food, but we all knew that he needed the job. So we put up with it, but Bardock couldn't help but smirk when Kage asked about the hunt. He gave Kage a huge smile and said, "You know me, Kage. I'm the best damn hunter in Fiore. Of course the hunt was good." Bardock didn't vocalize himself too much in the guild, but that was because he wasn't comfortable with all the faces that come and go. Kage was the person who basically recruited Bardock to the guild. So he was a lot more comfortable with Kage than the rest of the guild.

Out of nowhere, Sasha burst into the guild and yelled her greetings. Bardock's smile quickly faded. He raised his hand and waved at Sasha. "Sup." he said in his usually nonchalant tone of voice.

Without even a warning, five loud cracks filled the guild hall, and the ground shook beneath Bardock's chair. Without even thinking, Bardock shot out of his chair with his bow in hand. That was the sound of thunder, and he was damn sure that thunder wasn't in today's forecast. "I call upon the wolf trio. Red, Fenrir, Alpha!" He yelled expending his magic energy. Three magic circles appeared on the ground, and out of these circles spawned three large, bear sized, crimson colored wolves. Each one identical in almost every way, except for the wolf in the center. He was much larger than the other two and had a visible scar running down his face. "Looks like there is trouble outside Fenrir. Ready for some action?" Bardock said too the intimidatingly large wolf.

The wolf looked Bardock in the eyes and said, "Were always ready for action, kid. Think you can keep up with us?"

Bardock smiled at the wolf, "I've been running with you guys for 3 years. I think the question should be, can you keep up with me?"

The wolf laughed, "Lets put it to the test then! Now, get off your lazy ass and come on!" Both the wolves and Bardock then ran outside the guild and onto the streets.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zathrax


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Sayto continued to sit where he had initially, he looked around at the houses which continued to burn around him, the crackling sound reminding him so very much of his own destructive powers. There hadn’t been anyone in these particular houses, he’d made sure that he’d targeted an area of abandoned houses or some that were for sale, in this case, they were abandoned, old, and frankly needed to be destroyed anyways. He thought briefly about his mother and father, would they have approved of his actions? It didn’t matter, he was doing this to test strength, perhaps if they’d had more they would still be alive to scold him.

His thoughts turned to the guild he was currently targeting, Fairy Tail. Legends told that Fairy tail used to be one of the strongest guilds in all of Fiore. However, this was not the same Fairy Tail that had existed well over a century ago. No this Fairy Tail was altogether different, different master, different members, they were trying to restore the name of days long past. If they were anything like the guild he’d read about, they would have no problem defeating him in combat, but if they weren’t, the tables may be turned against them. In any case, he was prepared to fight them.

He kept his ears attuned to the world around him during his thought process, listening for any signs of an approaching, very angry, guild. He didn’t falter though, his heart remained steadfast and determination filled his heart as he waited a breeze fluttered past him ruffling his cloak slightly and brushing his hair off to one side. He was stationed cross legged in the middle of the road watching the road that lead to the guild hall. He spoke softly to the members of Fairy Tail he knew must be on their way. “You’re coming to fight me aren’t you? Fairy Tail… And I bet you’re raging mad too… Well rest assured, I’m ready for you and whatever you’ve got to show me.” He said to the air as he sat in wait for the members he was sure were on their way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The sudden flash of light glared brightly in Victoria's eyes, but she did not blink. By now she was used to the cameras flare, and even if she had blinked it would only mean that the shot would need to be re-taken. She saw the red light of the camera begin to blip, and with a forced smile she readied herself for the next flash of light. This continued for a few more minutes until a loud, obnoxious voice echoed from behind the lenses.
“Amazing! Spectacular! Gorgeous!” Jacob Downs was a photographer for the weekly sorcerer and quite possibly the most irritating man to ever walk this earth. The magazine was fine. They featured various articles on strong, empowering wizards; a few of which Victoria had the pleasure of participating in. “Absolutely sensational, darling! The camera loves you!” Victoria shrugged, acting indifferent to it all. In truth she actually didn't mind this shoot because Jacob had given her the assignment of choosing out her own attire for the shoot.

The white button up blouse sported long sleeves with frilly material around the cuffs, gently veiling her soft hands. This same frilly material extended out from the sides of her collar and made its way down in a V-shape along her chest. Fastened tightly above her waist by a thick, leather belt were a pair of pressed black trousers that stretched down all the way to her ankles. A freshly polished pair of black leather boots were fastened tightly around her feet and reached up to her shin. The bottom of her trousers were tucked into them. Her hair was tied back into a neat, long pony tail instead of curtaining her face like it usually did in these shoots. She even wore her glasses. Everyone usually told her to take them off for shoots because they weren't appealing enough. Being able to wear what she desired for once was quite a breath of fresh air, if not for the despicable comments being made by Jacob.
“Oh Victoria! You are truly inspiring!” He fussed around her, fixing up little creases in her outfit and putting his boney hands wherever he pleased. “You are a role model to young girls everywhere that you don't need to have the best measurements to rock an outfit as bland as the one you chose.” She glared daggers at him, and in defence he quickly stepped away from her out of fear of being backhanded.

“I happen to be wearing this, believe it or not, for my own pleasure, and not for the pleasure of others.” Victoria moved away from the set, which was a small, smelly studio somewhere in Magnolia.
“If you want to dress for yourself, them modelling really isn't the profession you're after darling.” He snickered, as if he was talking to a simpleton.
“I believe I was told to wear what I pleased for this shoot. I was under the impression that seeing me in what I usually wear would make you a tad more respectful towards me and my body. I guess I was wrong.” She pulled her jacket over her shoulders, fastening it around her waist.
“I didn't mean to offend, Miss Winchester.” Jacob sounded sincere. She didn't care.
“I'm taking five.” As she was about to walk out the door, a flash of light not from a camera followed by a deafening crash erupted from outside. Jacob jumped out of his skin from shock, but Victoria didn't have the luxury to stay surprised for long. She rushed to the window, looking out to see a moderate area of Magnolia set ablaze from a thunder strike. However, there was an odd feeling about all of this. She looked up; the sky was blue. No clouds or rain. Lightning didn't just come from nowhere.

“Get away from the window Victoria! There could be another strike!” Jacob spoke just as Victoria hurled herself over the ledge of the window and descended down to the streets below. As she fell from the window, she bent her knees and tilted her feet forward to face the ground. Light cascaded around her as a beautiful magic circle of many hues spawned underneath her. When the light faded, her feet were covered in a shimmering, diamond like substance in the shape of ice skates. With a sickening scraping noise, Victoria glided down the side of the building on the skates, a trail of glittering magic being left behind her as the ground formed a thin layer of light constructs wherever she went for her to skate on. This trail arced outwards from the wall, creating a ramp for Victoria to slide down on and onto the cobblestone path of the town. With long strides, she continued to skate through the town towards the source of the blaze.

The air was thick and warm, smoke bellowing up from the houses that were set ablaze. Victoria came to a halt in front of one of them, urgently scanning through the open windows to see if anyone was inside. A lady holding her kids close to her stood on the other side of the street. They were covered in charcoal. There were many other civilians like them. It looked as though no one was caught inside. She watched as other members of Fairy Tail approached the scene, sliding over to them.
“I don't think anyone was hurt.” She spoke in between pants. She had expended a lot of energy to get here so fast, but that was just to ensure no one was stuck inside their now burning homes. She looked around to try and find the source, but there was too much smoke in the air to really see anything.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sieben listened to his companion talking to the farmer. Truth to be told he was quite glad that they were talking. Darren was longer in the guild than Sieben and since Sieben didn’t want to mess something up on his first job, Darren was doing him a favour. By talking to the farmer he gave Sieben fewer chances to mess up and an opportunity to learn from him. After the two finished talking the farmer went inside the house.
Sieben turned to Darren “so my dear friend, shall we embark on an epic quest of hunting down an ox. Which makes me think, do you know where we should start looking for it.” Just as he finished his sentence a strong howl could be heard an a loud cracking noise. The cracking was from the lightings that hit into the town behind them, but Sieben didn’t think so. Also he was getting more and more nervous what to do and when the howl stopped his nerves got the better of him. “Okay there it is let’s go” he said, shooting veins from his hands into the closest trees and then pulling himself towards them. He didn’t wait to see if Darren followed, for he was sure that his companion was right behind his ass.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"How quaint, it must have been peaceful I assume~" Ophelia's steps progressively got slower. She began to lean on Eden for support. "My fabulous feet can't handle such a long walk. Who knows what we're already missing back at the guild~," She snorted, "Probably their stupid antics. They're lucky they were blessed with my grace~" As she leaned on Eden, Ophelia placed a hand on her forehead and let out a long cry. "Such a travesty! However will we get there?"

The large house could be seen from a distance. As the two slowly made their way closer, the house appeared to grow larger in size. Honestly, Ophelia was jealous of how large and overbearing it was.
The woman stood back up and adjusted herself. It appeared as though her antics decided to cease. Ophelia cleared her throat as they walked onward towards the home.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Darren had prepared to say something about finding the ox until a loud howl filled his ears. The young man closed his mouth and followed Seiben's voice and whatever other sounds he made , having one hand on the handle of his katana and the other on the sheathe. He would have to be careful facing this demon ox, as he didn't know how they usually fought, and he wasn't sure how strong it was now that it was all possessed, as he believed to be the case for it's transformation.
Waving to Kage happily, Sasha stored her sword away using her magic and looked around to see who was there at the moment. She didn't have time to do or say anything, as loud claps of thunder invaded her ears, and forced her to turn around. She wasn't sure what was going on, but it didn't seem good at all. Recalling her Velocity Saber, the young woman made sure to get out of fairy tail before bursting into a blue blur to there the fire was, using the spell that she had used not minutes ago. With her body now being propelled through the air, she called on her Frost Saber with his other hand to make sure she had a way of bringing down the fire. As she reached the scene, another mage was already there. She was a part of Fairy Tail as well, so there was no thoughts crossing Sasha's mind about her being the one who started the fires. Her swords stabbed the ground and she slowed down to a halt, storing her sabers away once more. She sighed with a small smile. "Well that's good. Do you have any idea of who could have started it?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kibanakamura


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Azrul entered the gates of the city, looking around at the buildings around him, and using his gravity-magic as he always did to make his movements and walking practically silent. As he stepped further into the city, he looked up into the distance at the guild hall of Fairy Tail looming. Yes, he had heard stories of the heroics they had committed to centuries ago. This was one of the guilds his father had criticized most as, in his words, "Being worshiped as gods for the work of the devil!" He allowed himself to smile at the foolish memories of his father.

Suddenly, five separate buildings burst into a column of blazing light. Blinking in surprise, Azrul squinted to let his eyes adjust to the sudden change of light. "What the hell..." he whispered, trying to grasp what exactly was going on. Clearly the cause of this sudden outbreak was a Wizard, and it seemed highly unlikely that it was caused by one from Fairy Tail. With that assumption in mind, Azrul set off deeper into the city near the mayhem to locate the one responsible for this mess.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HeartlessNobody
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HeartlessNobody Ghost of the Mad King

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Bardock and the wolves ran out of the guild and began to survey the area. Two other people were already taking care of the fires and making sure nobody was hurt. He thought if he should go and help, but figured that his abilities would be better suited to catch the person responsible for this. He looked down the street and saw someone, sitting in the middle of the square, unfazed by the events around him. "He's just sitting there! It's like he is wearing a sign saying ' I like blowing up houses'" Fenrir exclaimed.

Bardock furrowed his brow and sighed. "It's because he wants us to find him. No one in their right mind would stick around after making such a scene unless they were trying to provoke us," He said with a twinge of annoyance in his words. Then an object became visible in Bardock's peripheral vision. He turned his head and saw Kelvin coming in at full speed. Bardock jumped onto Fenrir and directed him to intercept Kelvin. Fenrir began to run at full speed. It only took a second for both parties to reach each other and Fenrir made sure he was directly in Kelvins path. "Hey! No one was hurt in the blast," Bardock said with his hands in the air telling Kelvin to slow down. Bardock waited for Kelvin to slow down and said, "I know where the person who did this is, and I want your help to take him down." Bardock's mind was in hyperdrive. The attacker made the first move, and now it was up to the Fairy's to counter.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sieben was rushing through the forest faster and faster using his veins to swing forward. After a couple of minutes he slowed down. Looking around him all he could see was a dense forest. ”Crap this won’t work, if i keep searching for him like this i would grow old before i find him.” He stood in place for a couple of seconds trying to figure something out. Sieben looked around looking, trying to think a way of finding the ox faster. Then he finally looked up, and above him he could see an old tree stretching high into the sky, higher than any other. “Got it” Sieben yelled and one of his veins burst towards the first branch. AS it hit it in an instant small veins burst out of the larger one and immediately wrapped them-selves around the branch and some even grew into the branch. This kind of a connection could hold the whole tree, let alone a young man. Again Sieben began pulling himself, this time upwards. In mere moments he was standing on one of the highest branches. From up here he looked around. His view stretched far, and he could see the entire forest and magnolia. “Wow, what a view.” he said to himself. For a moment he was completely overwhelmed by the view. He got back on track with his mind as a squirrel like animal came close. Sieben immediately stretched one vein towards it and catching it. “Great i even got a snack.” he said to himself. Again a loud howl could be heard, but this time much closer. Snapping the squirrel’s neck he put it on his back, and immediately veins burst from his back into the squirrel gluing it to his body. Sieben looked into the direction of the howl and saw a gigantic black ox rampaging through the forest; its direction was towards Darren. Sieben jumped from his standing point to a branch that was at about middle height of the tree. From here he saw his friend. He quickly sent a vein in the swordsman direction. But the distance was too far for Sieben and so he sucked the blood and energy of the squirrel. It was barely enough. “Hold on and trust me!” he yelled to his friend as he pulled him up on a tree. The whole deed made him dizzy and so he leaned on a near branch. The squirrel now dried up and thin dropped from his back. “In my opinion I think you could take on the ox, it’s just I didn’t want to risk it.” Sieben said explaining to Darren. He hoped that his friend wouldn’t notice his drained of magic state.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Wanderer

The Wanderer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Everything was whipping by in a blur, in reality the only think Kelvin could see at this speed was what was directly in front of him, but people in the street were moving out of the way fast enough- barely. The smoke seemed to rise over him in a dark wave as he got closer, and suddenly there was a huge wolf in his path, a guild member above it. He shouted something at Kelvin. He couldn't really hear with the wind in his ears, but he assumed it was 'slow down' or along those lines. Kelvin ground a foot into the ground in front of him, and then the other, taking almost stomping steps- to his view. To others it would look like he plowing the street with his foot, each step leaving a ten foot streak of torn up street. Even with the braking, he seemed to close in on the wolf and guildmate instantly. Coming to a stumbling halt just a foot from the snout of the wolf had just about stopped his heart. "Be more careful! Stepping in fr-"

"I know where the person who did this is, and I want your help to take him down."
Kelvin nodded, catching his breath. "Alright, where is he?" He turned and looked around, noting the members working on the fire, and the relative lack of screaming people. When magic was being thrown around, most citizens here had the sense to stay inside. "Let's make this quick, I got a job to go on."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zathrax


Member Offline since relaunch

(Sorry if this is short guys, been writing it on my breaks from work on my phone. I just really wanted to get a post in.)

Sayto could feel them, the wizards of Fairy Tail were closing in on him, their combined magic power was easy to detect. He counted at least seven wizards in total but in spite of these overwhelming odds he held his ground, he'd taken the chance that this would happen, but couldn't be happier that it had. A brutal battle between himself and Fairy Tail in order to test their strength, it was perfect. He heard voices ring out through the acrid smoke which billowed from the burning houses which were rapidly becoming raging infernos. Some had already arrived, excellent response time, however, their situational awareness could use some work. He raised his voice to let himself be heard above the blazes and called out to the wizards now in the vicinity. "Fairy Tail!" He called "Your response time exceeds my expectations. But you'd better focus all your efforts on me if you want to take me down!" He added surely this taunt wouldn't go unanswered for long, but just so he made sure he had their full attention, he called out again. "If it'll put your minds at ease and get me you lot to focus on myself, I stationed this attack In an area of abandoned houses, also the wind isn't blowing very hard so the fire won't spread to the surrounding buildings!" He called through the black smoke. "Your dear Magnolia and it's people are safe."

Sayto stood from where he sat and crossed his arms, they were around now, no sense in giving them any more advantages. He prepared himself, gathering his magic energy and prepared for the attack he knew was to come some time soon. "But let them come" he thought silently to himself. "Let them show me exactly how powerful the new Fairy Tail is." A sinister grin spread across the wizards face as he raised the same hand with which he'd lit the houses on fire and pointed again with his first two fingers towards the sky. He was eager to get this battle underway and didn't want to wait any longer. Finally, when he felt he'd given them enough time, as we'll as gathered the necissary energy he called out again "I'm here fools!" And again the loud clap of thunder would rock Magnolia as a huge bolt of lightning, hot as fire and black as the void, was shot from the wizard's fingers and upward out of the equally black clouds of smoke and out into the heavens above the town.

At this point Sayto lowered his arm again and walked out from the smoke cloud, out into the clear air, and out into the line of sight of several of Fairy Tail's first responders. He paused just outside the dark smoke clouds and crossed his arms again. He was going to give these wizards the first move, until then Sayto had decided he wouldn't move, nor say anything more. All he did after that was raise his magic power a little more signifying he was ready for a fight, his amber eyes narrowing at the wizards.

EDIT: hell I wrote WAY more than I thought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kibanakamura


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As Azrul traveled deeper within the city, he could sense the presence of the Fairy Tail wizards hurrying around and preparing for their strike on the attacker. Preparing to draw attention to himself to give them the advantage, he followed the location they were beginning to converge on. If there was any doubt if he was heading the right direction, a large black bolt of lightning in the sky confirmed them. At the sight of the bolt, he knew he would have to act now.

Azrul kneeled down, braced himself, and lept while simultaneously lowering the pull of gravity on himself, causing him to soar through the skies of Magnolia city, directly towards Sayto. As he flew closer, he clearly saw the man waiting for somebody to make the first move. Wish granted. With a loud "THUD!" Azrul plowed into the ground in front of Sayto, allowing his body to regain the normal gravitational pull. Upon landing, he straightened himself up to look his opponent in the eye, catching the smug look on his face. Giving Sayto only a brief look of acknowledgement, he stretched his hand out to his side as a low rumbling was heard beneath the ground. A second later, his buster sword flew up out of the ground and directly into Azrul's hand. Not waiting for the man to respond, he raised it in one hand and charged. When in range, he would increase the gravitational pull on the sword and attempt to bring it down on top of Sayto.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu who was resting inside the guild listening to his music, couldn't help but sigh after another loud sound went off. "Man this guy loves to make noise. I might as well join in on the action. I was getting bored sitting around." Yu said to himself as he stood up with Yellow Petal starting to flow around him, as he went outside they started to attach to his legs and arms. His speed then increased quite significantly as he took off towards where the sound was coming from, and where the magical power was coming from. "Quite a powerful showoff we got here, maybe all of us heading towards the same spot is a wise choice after all." Yu mumbled to himself as he made his way closer and closer to the man causing the disturbance. Once in sight he slowed down to see Azrul already engaged in battle with him. Well if it looks like hes having trouble then Ill step in, besides I got to analyze my opponent first anyway. Yu thought to himself keeping the Yellow Petals on him just incase.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


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Eden's shoulders tensened as Ophelia leaned against her and in an almost natural response, Eden tended to lean herself away from Ophelia as if trying to establish any distance between. A small noise in the distance made, Eden glance back curious of it's cause. However, Ophelia didn't seem to pay it much mind so neither did she.

Turning her head back around, she looked up at the large house with a certain hint of awe in her eyes, despite the lack of emotional expression on her face. The size of the place was astonishing to Eden, who had grown up in a small home and hadn't been exposed to the rather large and luxurious homes in the world.
Kage watched as the guild hall grew quiet as the place was emptied by the sound of a threat. A solemn look rested upon his features. The guild master slowly rose to his feet and strode over to the front entrance. There, he looked out towards the damage which had been done to serval buildings.

His gaze appeared worried by the danger that possibly lied in the wreckage but soon that faded. Instead, it was replaced with a smile as he thought about how quickly those in the guild had reacted. "This guild will come back eventually.... Especially with such spirited people in it's ranks." he said with a soft chuckle and his pride swelling up.
Calla, at this point, had lost track of Kelvin. The guy had took off so fast she could no longer find him. Whatever! Not like the place is that hard to find anyways. she thought to herself with an over confident smirk. Pushing herself forward, Calla increased her pace as she charged in the direction of where the whole explosion had went off. Already she could tell the townspeople seemed a little more than simple worried.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

There was a slight pause as they walked towards the front steps of the home. Ophelia turned her head to stare back at the city of Magnolia, she felt as though she was missing something due to the far off sounds, but she decided to ignore it for the time being. She turned back around and stop at the large doors of the mansion, she extended her hand and knocked.

The door slowly creaked open, the two were greeted by a maid.
"Hello." The woman bowed her head down politely, "What business have you?"

"We are here as entertainers for the party." Ophelia replied. The maid picked her head up and stared at Ophelia and Eden for awhile, as if she were checking to make sure they weren't scammers, she then took a step back and gestured them to come inside. "Welcome." Her voice was rather cheerful as she welcomed the wizards.
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