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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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Fish of Oblivion said
Read this sentence a few times over, see if you can figure out what's wrong with it.Also, vote's with Xcom.

And again, I'm going to side with Ed Wood on this...

Either way, I have a few good plots that can work on either side. specifically:

If we go Men In Black, then one of the enemies will be a Wikileaks style group dedicated to uncovering the truth about it, forcing our characters go through the moral dilemma of "Is it alright to lie to people if it protects them? And is it totally wrong to silence the truth if it means saving lives?" If we go Xcom, then there will be a U-Men style cult, dedicated to granting humans the power of Digimon (Not like the Cyber-Newtypes/Bio-Digimon experiments, with humans turning into Digimon, but giving normal humans the same powers as Digimon.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

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Hm, Ed Wood?

Ed Reynolds: Perfect? Mr. Wood, do you know anything about the art of film production?
Edward D. Wood, Jr.: Well, I like to think so.
Ed Reynolds: That cardboard headstone tipped over. This graveyard is obviously phony.
Edward D. Wood, Jr.: Nobody will ever notice that. Filmmaking is not about the tiny details. It's about the big picture.
Ed Reynolds: The big picture?
Edward D. Wood, Jr.: Yes.
Ed Reynolds: Then how 'bout when the policemen arrived in daylight, but now it's suddenly night?
Edward D. Wood, Jr.: What do you know? Haven't you heard of suspension of disbelief?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fish of Oblivion
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Fish of Oblivion Potassium

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holy shit it's fucking uncanny
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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mattmanganon said
And again, I'm going to side with Ed Wood on this...

You're going to side with the man that was named the worst director of all time. Good call.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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Psyker Landshark said
You're going to side with the man that was named the worst director of all time. Good call.

Have you ever watched an Ed Wood film? His stuff is fucking brilliantly shite. But you respect him, and why? Because, 60 years down the line, people are still watching his work, whereas so many other, middle-of-the-road directors have faded into obscurity, without googling it, tell me who Tod Browning is? Name 1 thing William Keighley directed? Who's Victor Fleming? All of those men created Masterpieces and nobody remembers their names, now Ed Wood. You say that name and everyone goes "Oh, the guy that did Plan 9 from Outerspace?" "The Bride of the Monster guy? That film was so bad it was funny" "The guy behind Night of the Ghouls... Crap film, good popcorn flick..."

I'm not saying his stuff was good, but all in all, there are worse men you could aspire to be like. I'd rather people laughed at my name with respect, than didn't recognize it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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Psyker Landshark said
You're going to side with the man that was named the worst director of all time. Good call.

Have you ever watched an Ed Wood film? His stuff is fucking brilliantly shite. But you respect him, and why? Because, 60 years down the line, people are still watching his work, whereas so many other, great directors have faded into obscurity. Without googling it, tell me who Tod Browning is? Name 1 thing William Keighley directed? Who's Victor Fleming? All of those men created Masterpieces and nobody remembers their names. Now Ed Wood, you say that name and everyone goes "Oh, the guy that did Plan 9 from Outerspace?" "The Bride of the Monster guy? That film was so bad it was funny" "The guy behind Night of the Ghouls... Crap film, good popcorn flick..."

I'm not saying his stuff was good, but all in all, there are worse men you could aspire to be like. I'd rather people laughed at my name with respect, than didn't recognize it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

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And you know what? People also know Uwe Boll and Michael Bay. What's your point?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tobiax


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Fish of Oblivion said
New AV and Sig. Because fuck yeah Smogonbird.

Haha true...
And it's not IV related, it's Egg move related.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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RBYDark said
And you know what? People also know Uwe Boll and Michael Bay. What's your point?

My point is that Ed Woods work has stood the test of time. And Michael Bay isn't totally shite, I mean, Bad Boys was a good popcorn flick. And if you stop thinking of the Transformers films as films based on the Transformers franchise and judge them as a film about giant robots, they're also good popcorn flicks.

My point is that 41 years after he died, we are still talking about his work. I don't like what Michael Bay does, but I still respect him because he has passion.

And Uwe Boll... I don't really know what to think of him... Don't get me wrong, he has made some really enjoyably bad films, but recently, he's just been making bland films, like "In the Name of the King" and its sequel. Uwe Bolls has got better as a Director in recent years, and I respect that... But the problem is that he has graduated from "Enjoyably Bad Director" to "Middle of the Road Director"

In the end, what I really mean is that, if 41 years after I die, millions of people are talking about my works of art, I'll be a very happy man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fish of Oblivion
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Fish of Oblivion Potassium

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mattmanganon said
My point is that Ed Woods work has stood the test of time. And Michael Bay isn't totally shite, I mean, Bad Boys was a good popcorn flick. And if you stop thinking of the Transformers films as films based on the Transformers franchise and judge them as a film about giant robots, they're also good popcorn flicks.My point is that 41 years after he died, we are still talking about his work. I don't like what Michael Bay does, but I still respect him because he has passion.And Uwe Boll... I don't really know what to think of him... Don't get me wrong, he has made some really enjoyably bad films, but recently, he's just been making bland films, like "In the Name of the King" and its sequel. Uwe Bolls has got better as a Director in recent years, and I respect that... But the problem is that he has graduated from "Enjoyably Bad Director" to "Middle of the Road Director"In the end, what I really mean is that, if 41 years after I die, millions of people are talking about my works of art, I'll be a very happy man.

Except I'm pretty sure most everyone else here wants to be remembered for more than kitsch value. If you're aiming for this kind of quality, fine, and if you're happy being mediocre for the sake of creating that specific kind of value, fine, but remember that this is a group project and you're part of a whole. Play your own game as much as you want on your own terms, but the way you're wringing this drags everyone else into that ballpark and that just isn't fair to them.

Sorry if I'm sounding like a pretentious cunt for this, but frankly? This kind of attitude pisses me off outside of certain select situations and circumstances, and this isn't one of those situations and circumstances.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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Firstly: It saddens me to say that, this morning, Mr The Rik Mayall left us. He, like Roger Lloyd Pack has gone where all the great Comedy actors go. Whether you knew him as Lord Flash Heart, Rick from The Young Ones, or even a lesser known name such as General I.P. Grimly. He has touched the hearts and funny bones of millions and he will be fondly missed.

Secondly: I was trying to have a lighthearted conversation with you lot, that idea was the initial draft, which is why I came back here asking what people thought of it, and why we are voting to change it. Many things go through different drafts of things before they get to their finished state. Look at Star Wars, in the initial draft, Han Solo was supposed to be the main protagonist, with Luke as his brighteyed kid sidekick, and lightsabers were supposed to be very commonplace. And we all know that changed.

My real point that I was trying to make was that... Well, we are the writers, we are the guys that decide how this universe works. Look at Doctor Who, when William Hartnell decided to leave, the writers sat around for ages thinking up how to change his actor and for it to make sense within the context of the universe, then some clever spark said "Wait a second, guys, we make the rules. We can just say that Timelords can change their look at will." and lo, the idea of Regeneration was born.

There can be any number of ways we can get everyone to forget about the Digimon. We can say that there is a new Digimon that has the power to mindwipe peoples knowledge of Digimon, and even keep people from seeing them. We can go the Men In Black 2 route and use Tokyo Tower as a giant Flasher. We can do anything we want, because, let's face it, there have been goofier things that are Canon... Such as the fact that Digimon can get drunk on Pop. I'm not saying "WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ASININE BECAUSE WE CAN!!!" I'm saying "We can bend and remake the rules to allow plot points to make sense, because... Well, why can't we?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

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Ganon. You asked. You got a reply. People want it to be common knowledge. You want a MIB situation, write a fanfic. (And sucks to hear about that loss)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fish of Oblivion
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No-one here has a problem with doing asinine things from time to time- I mean, fuck it, I have what's essentially sapient Lovecraftian Geometry spouting snark left and right- it's just that I'm pretty sure most of us here prefer to have a relatively serious, consistent whole. Sure, we're never going to be completely consistent, since this RP isn't planned out the same way fully-fledged original works are, but we can at least try to be consistent rather than make shit up on the spot just 'cause, and at least try effectively co-ordinating stuff.

Long story short, it's not that we don't want to have asinine elements and be funny from time to time, it's just that we'd prefer the overall RP to be relatively serious and as internally consistent as possible. Shows like Doctor Who can get away with having their writers abuse author fiat, but for stuff that's less voluminous like this, internal consistency is a good thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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@RBY: Well, actually, taking your last post as a vote, that brings us up to 3 people that have actually voted. And since Voc, Vin and Tob have yet to vote, I'd like to hear their opinion on the situation, call me an asshole for wanting to hear all points of view before committing. And anyway, if I'm totally honest, I think some of the plot points I had in mind would work better with the Digimon out in the open. I was just asking what you guys thought on it.

From the looks of things, the votes to have them out in the open win, but again, I think everyone should at the very least be able to share their opinion before we go. Who knows, maybe Voc has the best fucking idea ever that hinges on Digimon being an unknown and maybe her amazing powers of persuasion will be able to swing you to vote the other way, I dunno, but I think she should at the very least be allowed to voice her opinion on the big issues, rather than us running off without her... That being said, I haven't seen her on here in a while, so if she hasn't posted by, let's say Friday, i'll make a new intro post.

Is that alright with everyone?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

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What do you mean JUST Voc? Neither Tob nor Vin have showed up either. If you're gonna drop Voc, you have to drop those two as well, in which case then congrats, the vote is unanimous.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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RBYDark said
What do you mean JUST Voc? Neither Tob nor Vin have showed up either. If you're gonna drop Voc, you have to drop those two as well, in which case then congrats, the vote is unanimous.

What do you mean? I never said anything about JUST Voc. I used her as an example. I said that I wanted EVERYONE's opinion and that if I don't get it by friday, i'll rewrite the opening anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fish of Oblivion
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Fish of Oblivion Potassium

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Anyway, Primal Groudon confirmed Ground/Fire. And considering the only reason Camerupt couldn't take advantage of this typing was because it was slow as shit, this is going to be good, especially with Drought/possible return of permanent sun making that Water weakness into less of a liability.

Also, those fucking release dates. Goddammit Nintendo, really?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vocalia
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Meep? Looks like I've missed a lot of things during my exam revision.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Vocalia said
Meep? Looks like I've missed a lot of things during my exam revision.

Not really, just the usual arguments. Anyway, what I need of you to do is Tell me what you think of the opening post of S11? Specifically, do you like the idea of Digimon being a secret in S11? Or would you prefer their existance to be public knowledge?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fish of Oblivion
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Fish of Oblivion Potassium

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Vocalia said
Meep? Looks like I've missed a lot of things during my exam revision.

Ganon's clueless and there were OR/AS leaks and information going out. Mega Sceptile and Swampert confirmed, bitches.

Also, Nintendo's being a bunch of petty motherfuckers over the X/Y leaks and delaying the worldwide releases. It's a tough time to be living in Yurop right now.
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