It saddens me to say that, this morning, Mr The Rik Mayall left us. He, like Roger Lloyd Pack has gone where all the great Comedy actors go. Whether you knew him as Lord Flash Heart, Rick from The Young Ones, or even a lesser known name such as General I.P. Grimly. He has touched the hearts and funny bones of millions and he will be fondly missed.
Secondly: I was trying to have a lighthearted conversation with you lot, that idea was the initial draft, which is why I came back here asking what people thought of it, and why we are voting to change it. Many things go through different drafts of things before they get to their finished state. Look at Star Wars, in the initial draft, Han Solo was supposed to be the main protagonist, with Luke as his brighteyed kid sidekick, and lightsabers were supposed to be very commonplace. And we all know that changed.
My real point that I was trying to make was that... Well, we are the writers, we are the guys that decide how this universe works. Look at Doctor Who, when William Hartnell decided to leave, the writers sat around for ages thinking up how to change his actor and for it to make sense within the context of the universe, then some clever spark said "Wait a second, guys, we make the rules. We can just say that Timelords can change their look at will." and lo, the idea of Regeneration was born.
There can be any number of ways we can get everyone to forget about the Digimon. We can say that there is a new Digimon that has the power to mindwipe peoples knowledge of Digimon, and even keep people from seeing them. We can go the Men In Black 2 route and use Tokyo Tower as a giant Flasher. We can do anything we want, because, let's face it, there have been goofier things that are Canon... Such as the fact that Digimon can get drunk on Pop. I'm not saying "WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ASININE BECAUSE WE CAN!!!" I'm saying "We can bend and remake the rules to allow plot points to make sense, because... Well, why can't we?"