
Name: Mianax Jianxu Viroulus
Age: 18 +,- a few extra digits.
Species: 'Ryancho' Specie name. or 'Ukanian' Folk Name.
Title: 'Minx Virus' or "Jinx" or more resently
Far away in the desert lands of Uka-Uka a great capital lay upon the sandy plains. This capital is known as Ukania, reigned by an Ukanian High Paladin known for his great but terrible powers. He reign with an Iron hand to claim as much gold and riches for himself as possible leaving many of his people starving. Jinx was raised on the streets, originally a Child of the High paladin himself, but later cast aside as a simple 'bastard' Daughter from a local 'street whore' that Jinx's mother was called after the event. It haden't really been her fault to begin with either, she had just been a farmer who had crossed the High paladin's path. He were mesmerized by her beauty and ended up in bed with her inside his Palace after more or less forcing his way on her as she had little to say to resist. Of course she just had to get pregnant after serving him for the night. And as she started getting a children belly the Paladin's interest faded with it. She was tossed out and had to raise Jinx on her own when Jinx was born.
Her mother being only a poor farmer, she and Jinx hardly had enough food for themselves after selling off most of their crops to actually manage the harsh taxes, and the rest to actually be able to buy new seeds to grow, leaving them with just about nothing for themselves. Of course Jinx's mother had barely made it on her own, and having an extra mouth to feed didn't help her much at all. But her mother knew that there would be nobody else to care for Jinx and she eventually ended up keeping her around. As Jinx grew up the demand of food increased with it, and as the land was infertile, the only solution Jinx eventually found... was theft. Jinx started stealing supplies at the age of four, and it increased as she aged. She was pretty lucky to get away with it... until the days she was caught and had to run for her life.
In the end, Jinx became known as the 'Mare-cat' or as her peple said it the 'Minx' usually referring her to her as a plauge where she struck giving birth to the title 'Minx Virus'.
Others like the higher ranked people tended to simply call her "Jinx" as she spread misfortune wherever she went according to mostly false rumors... but people needed some entertainment after all. Jinx was a name that tended to follow her even long after the paladin order drove her on the run from the city. For countless years Jinx wandered from town to town stealing and taking what she needed. Eventually thought, she failed misserably at a rather simple theft, and got caught by a strange Wizard. The Wizard gave Jinx two choices, either she yielder herself to him... kept the name "Jinx" and worked for him... or he would give her to the authorities, which probably would make her end up raped and killed. As Jinx didn't really like either options... she ended up selecting the obvious one... life.. over death. Thus she was sent on an adventure she never could imagine...
The Wizard contolled what was known as the 'Arc of time' a powerful spell that had multi dimensional effect, yet he tasked Jinx with what her talent really was... theft. He traiend Mina's skilsl even more, and turned her into what would be known as a "Lost Thief, or more simply as a "Time Bandit" meanign that he sent Jinx through ttime to steal different artifacts which unusually were things of great value. No instead she took things that were laying around... things that become 'lost' and things that people may not instantly notice to be missing. In all it could be things that eventually drew someone nuts in search for it.. but they would never find the item agian. Yet as time passed Jinx stopped aging, being at the flux of time.... she remained at a cnstant age and she would never age again.
Eventually Jinx ended up at the Academy after the Wizard simply decided to send her there, it was a location of great power... meaning it was a time he had to oversee, which meant that he needed Jinx there to do so for him. And being a Theif of great skill now, Jinx had learned some special powers in the Time flux known as the "ARC".
Shes a rather serious and cold person who dosen't liek to get bother much, she's also quite sneaky which may have to do with her way of living and she also seem to possess almost anything everyone think is missing. Most usually she's quite a loner who dislike being close to others simply because she trust nobody. She have experienced way too much and met way too many people to really trust anyone, and she also usually have an initial dislike towards everyone.Shes the type of peson who rather fight well than fair, and she dosen't fear to strike any weak spots or take any advantage she can get against a foe even if she rather flee than fight.
Notable Skills or Abilities:
-Theft: to take something without permission.
-Pickpocketing: To take things out of peoples pockets.
-Time theft: If you feel you ever lost time. all those years you lost... I took them.
-Agility and speed beyoond humanly possible.
-Blink: A Quick unseen instant movement between a starting point and twenty yards ahead.
-Gale Strike: A Quick wind infused slash.
-Sand Gale: A Quick Wind and sand infused Strike. A leveled up version of Gale strike.